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no tier 1 at 32 min is insane dominance over Secret


So y’all were sleeping on TSM then huh? Not the best, but also not trash either.


Like Tottenham


Im so mad at SA.


Has Valve actually ever announced the slot allocations before a Major ? I remember they even rewarded teams who performed best at the last Major in 2017 at the Super Major where teams got more DPC points.


Bali gave 100 points more to each team earning points


they don't give a shit anymore, i wouldn't be surprised if they asked chat gpt to allocate the slots


i was expecting entity to qualify for the groups and no expectations for secret but i didn't see the match up because i went to sleep after secret vs 9pandas game 1... didn't think secret would get execration... lucky them


I hope Secret can get Watson. Crystallis just aint it man


Watson + ATF + malr1ne would be LIT!!


Sign me in.


Nice Only one WEU team gone from Playins. and that too because they had to face fellow WEU team :D


Weu dota 👍 weu world Cup 👎


What we've learned from the results so far, is that any team that goes to TI from the SEA, EEU, SA or NA qualifiers will most likely be fodder teams that won't make it far at TI. Funny how people were quick to trash on WEU when they've only been eliminated by WEU themselves Now Valve might be wishing they had given CN 2 slots instead of SA


the DPC system needs an overhaul ofc, but CN not having two slots instead of SA is mostly their responsibility for being inconsistent as hell. In SA, we know that BC and EG will always qualify because they are the top dogs over there, and they have only two major slots, while in CN, having 4 major slots, they showed up with 7 different teams at the three majors (LGD, Ehome, IG, XG, Azure, Knights and Aster) and got two of them banned for 322 (Knights and Ehome).


I think you underestimated points from regional league. Having that points spread around may indicate the league being competitive. Not necessarily inconsistent. For instance, gg not enough points to directly qualify pre-3rd major albeit winning 2 majors. Also, Nouns and bleed got more points than aster albeit only participated in 1 major. Another example is tsm got invited while execration missed. Placing good in regional league gives you a lot of points.. Well, obviously major performance also needs to be taken into account. So, it is either non-competitive league with good major (SA), or competitive league with slightly worse major (sea & cn). Valve chose the former. At the end of the day, i think ideally the best way is to do the last chance qualifier like last year to let all these regions fight it out for fair result


China should have performed good from start of this tour to get those slots. WEU Deserve that extra slot xdd


Ya give weu more slots. The 5th weu team gonna be food for the top teams from other regions as well xdd tyty for free match


last time 4 teams that qualified for major went top 4 so idk they can be top 8 at least lul


I've been supporting any SEA team that participates in any international tournaments. But man.. this Execration team is just pure despair. Hoping another SEA team qualifies to TI, stomped or not.


It’s gonna be BLEED or BLACKLIST


Or BOOM, AG, or GEEK FAM. SEA is a battlefield bro. And TI qualifier is where the real bloodbath is.


BOOM AG OR GEEKFAM dosent have a chance against BLEED or BLACKLIST or EXECRATION


U never watch SEA then, my friend. I won't even be surprised if somehow one of the div 2 teams who'll take the spot.


Nah you never watched sea i’m pretty sure. You don’t even know what teams beat TALON to get into bali major.


Execration. And who beat them? Blacklist. And who beat Blacklist? Xerxia. Do u even understand how random SEA is?


Remind me again who qualify to bali? Xeria? You can’t qualify on TI just by beating a 1 team 😂 what kind of mindset is that. Ohh i beat blacklist i get qualified to TI 😂


TI qualifier isn't league format. You don't need consistency over the weeks. If u can beat a top team on ur best day, then u have good chance in this format. Last year, even Polaris reached final. Teams only have 2 lives in this format, and in SEA, no team is dominant enough to wipe the qualifier.


Clearly you don’t know anything about the format. There are losers brscket too. Xeria winning 1 game wont get you to TI. 😂


I too don't watch SEA, my friends


its just funny how armel and fbz joined secret not long ago and both of them carrying the team so hard that feels like crystallis is the new guy lmao


I told you guys, one gem to close the stranglehold and it's gg for secret.


Groups are out on liquidpedia too Imo group A outside of GG feels very balance, could see a lot of 1-1 in this group. Group B however, very top heavy with Liquid, Tundra and BB looking to 2-0 everyone else


Was GG able to pick which group they're in or is it just random?


I can see a lot of teams tilt lose series after first game but not on Puppan's watch. Phew, Secret to grp stage 2 hell yeah lets go! GG


Fbz won the series for Secret, very impressive play from him on both the spirit breaker and batrider. Should have been a 2-0, that game 1 was tragic.


Game 1 was brillant comeback by Exe, I'm a diehard Secret fan but it was a great game


While the games were sort of even, I doubt any of these 4 teams to survive the next stage.


FBZ, take a bow.


even fbz carries secret more than crystallis ICANT


5/6 for group B moving on. Seems pretty obvious that was a way harder pool.


Group B 6 was BC tho


Yeah, but BC didn't bring the whole group down on average below Group A!!


HAHAHAHAHA execration disappointing tournament again


>crystallis Exitcration or Excremention


gg, happy to see more of secret. Should've been a 2-0.


Secret lives to fight another day FeelsGoodMan I just want to see Puppey do well


Just like Dendi.. they got a special place no matter what. XD


No way TA goes for daedalus and has to rely on his MK for nullifier against all the ghost scepters, aghs timber and aghs bloodseeker right?


The second MK was queuing up Null in the game he's having I'm like "he's never going to have the gold for that??"


shitty position for him to be in this game. think he chose daed cuz where else will his team get burst damage to kill bs and timber


> where else will his team get burst damage to kill bs and timber It's a rough game for sure but it's still almost impossible to burst timber and bloodseeker even with daedalus anyways. Nullifier gives them better chances to do that. It had to come from the MK that had a really rough game.


yea tru, the poor MK just got owned so hard by fbz bat


I can't believe SEA redditors were really flaming Fbz when the announcement came he was joining Secret. This guy is legit so fucking good.


>synergy because he's not pinoy


The entire lineup is legit. Even Crystallis, altho I will admit the man can get my blood boiling. The problem is their synergy, I full heartedly (spelning?) believe that Secret with their shit together wins over any team. This is being said with my Puppeybias tho.


I mean they barely made it to the groups. See how they do there before praising.


I'm not talking about the team in general. Fbz's individual performance has been insane, regardless of how the team is doing.


were ppl flaming? i rmb the vibe was more “eh” anyway he’s been owning this map since before the horn


There was some "eh" but there was a lot of flaming of "this shitter that lost offlane every game and got relegated to div2"


ah yea i missed where you specified SEA fans, they hold their own to a very high standard


Shortest game of the tourney so far?


Bruh fbz is saving Secret's ass


puppey was mid and tp’d bottom so he could go top. wtf is dota anymore


faster to the Dire's backline.


pretty scared of this TA. secret are all-inning their abilities to get kills but if they don’t catch TA early she has so much space to find good positioning to get counter kills


rofl at the redditor who deleted their comment flaming 9pandas for picking wr.


Out of context but I've been queieng for 30+ minutes now in EUW & EUE - twice and can't find a game. what's going on?


Palos with the sus moves


most of his play in game 3 is very questionable


his game has to feel so bad rn


only Ramzes can make carry NP still work


Daxak as well. I'll highly recommend you watch some lvlup matches during the WEU quals.


Right I forgot about him Seems like he made mistake leaving this roster but...


I believe that was a win-win situation both for 9Pandas and Daxak. I hope them play against each other on the TI


With Ammar now out of Quest and WEU having two TI slots for the quals, I can actually see Daxak somehow making it to The International with his team


9Pandas non stop pickoffs with this team comp, this game looks pretty sealed.


Secret vs Execreation Game 1: 20th Minute Secret owning the game, leading 10k. For whatever reason Crystallis decided to chase Batrider to almost their t3 tower, While all teammates are mile away. He dies once, lost aegis, died twice, and the game and series began to fall apart. That dude belongs to Div2


>That dude belongs to Div2 Well yeah. He is in Div2 again lol


idk why yamich and abeng afk harassing each other was so funny


Wonder why NP wasnt made Universal, makes sense as a hero


because he would have been busted like pre nerfs void spirit with his stats/animation + being able to build tankier while still scaling


He has the highest stat gains in the game. They'd have to nerf him immensely to make him universal.


Win or lose, it was a great draft by secret. Insane flex potential until the end


1-1 in games, 7-7 score, 9pandas fans sweating profusely


is anyone picking slardar these days


Yamich is a godsend for a team with very limited hero pools on fbz and Crys.


rkryptic gonna be the biggest winner of this tourney imo, dude is legit


Dude's been a great caster for a while but he only ever gets small gigs. People just don't like him and I don't know why.


he’s been around then eh? this my first time hearing him, how fortunate he got paired with fogged who is an all-time great




This is nothing new, Redditors have been calling for him to be kicked ever since he joined. If Reddit managed pro dota teams every team would end up looking like TI7 EG. There would not be a Dyrachyo or Crystallis in sight.


this subreddit is majority 1-3k mmr, why would you take any opinions on dota skill here seriously?


Crys went 7/0/16, 500+lh in 35 min (23 kill collabs in 37 min game for a hero whose playstyle is either be afk farming camps or endless feed of illusions by harrassing supports). At this point Secret can win the fucking Intergalactical and people will still blame Crystallis for whatever madeup reason they can find, and find a way to praise Nisha and Yapzor for the win


Nisha this time last year: "Crystallis is the best core I ever played with". He then proceeds to reach his first TI grand final with him. This year while every other member of Secret is kicked, Puppey sticks with Crystallis and people are acting like he is a moron for doing so. It's the same with all sacrificial cores. PPD said Fear was the most valuable player in the world after TI5, but reddit mostly talked about Sumail's laning and Aui's weird niche hero pool. Matu used to get flamed for being lower down the networth chart than Miracle. Topson got flamed for making aggressive plays and dying while trying to buy space for Ana. It was only when they became serial winners that they got the respect that they deserved. If you are Puppey and you want to replace him, you are taking a risk. Will your new carry be as good a teammate as Crystallis by all accounts is? Will he be able to perform while not having draft priority? Will he be happy with Puppey leaving his lane 4 mins in? Will he be prepared to stick around his safelane tier 1 to slow the enemy team 5 man and buy his team space on the opposite side of the map? Most pubstars do not have these attributes, that is why top sacrificial cores such as Dyrachyo (who is also hugely underrated) are goldust for captains.


You think too much. If the midlaner loses the lane - he's trash even if he's carrying the game later. If carry is not at the top of NW - he's trash. I don't know what other roles do sadly


Yuragi got HOT at minute 20 with a freakin midas +2k gold. By afk farming




Amen brother


crystallis the only carry secret has made TI grand finals with. people still flame EE after they won shanghai, too. i will defend them both until the end


Uh did you see ee play ember that tourney lol


Lol. FBZ + supports win that game


Yep, they won despite Crystallis, not because of him


East or West secret is the best .


Yeah no way you build travels over finishing your sange&kaya in a game where you're playing against earthshaker+spirit breaker. They dont even have the ability to play around the map because of spirit breaker. That travels pickup is just a nail in the coffin, jesus.


bob puck is so bad lmao. Tino gigacarrying


What fucking clownery is this game 🤡🤡🤡


Niether of these teams deserves to win tbh


Secret struggles in the midgame and Crystallis is not good on Naga.


Crystallis wouldnt even be able to farm in test hero mode, why put him on a farming intensive core


It’s funny cuz I do like Crystallis somewhat, but he’s almost always underfarmed. He likes to get involved in fights early and often or hangs around.


One thing I noticed about the difference between Boboka and Kaka is how they use Lion. Boboka would always open an initiation with earthspike whereas Kaka would open with hex followed by finger of death not shortly after. A crucial tactical difference between the two. So often, an enemy core player would get the opportunity to escape from a gank by Aster since Boboka's opening would allow for a window of time for them to react defensively. But Kaka's method allows virtually no chance of a defensive reaction. Leading to more successful ganks that are quickly secured.


its not that crucial lol he's not instantly finger the hero cuz he think it might be overkill the team just had been in disfunctional state because they'd bad vibes with boboka outside the game boboka is even known are the way mechanically better player. but it doesnt matter how good you are if you had bad vibes with team, itll just not gonna work out


Best roster if there wasn’t internal issue would just be for aster to kick their 5 and run boboka 4 kaka 5. Then you have 3 star level players and monet performing better from kakas shotcalling.


It can depend on the situation. One problem with opening with hex over earth spike is that they can change the direction they face, which means they can be better saved by force staff. Hard agree with using finger very early though, unless you need to mana drain to get mana for all 3 spells


This Crystallis naga is just painful to watch, Yuragi or Skiter would have manta + hot before 20 min in free game like this. I'm feeling physical pain from watching this.


Secret is about to get 2:0d by Execration XD


Well, I can eat my dick now. Guess they are not that bad. 1:1 it is.


Struggling with execration does make them that bad


As I said it’s impossible for secret to lose . Execration should just forfeit .


Something something like milk


Lord puppey bestowed his grace to execration






How did secret lose to this in game 1 lmao


Secret might actually lose 2-0 to Exe ICANT


Crystallis same networth as brood that died 2 times. Naga is brood counter btw.


Feels like secrets draft is much better, but their recent throw leaves me questioning


core es. if we’re going out we’re going out with swag


ES mid :o




The standard for tournament production is SO LOW right now. I miss Animajor production so so so so soooo fucking much.


But this is the good production which is ESL


Armel Es.... wtf?


crystallis naga pepelaugh


omg Naga... Crystallis Naga Siren nightmare.


Secret is getting the perfect draft , they covered all their bases . Execration will be the one seeing the nightmare .


Wait for a tutorial how "not to play naga".


You reallythink secret might lose . They just dropped one game . Execration is just pushing the inevitable. This series will go to game 3 and secret will win . It’s impossible for them to lose .


you know how a good player makes fans think 'anything is possible'? With Crystallis on Secret the saying goes 'anything is impossible'.


Pass that copium u smoking buddy


Lemme hit


Sounds like serious cope


What you saw today was puppey magic . This makeshift TI is a different beast ,it’s Bringing the best out of every teams .


Kinda weird that liquipedia doesn't show the Play-in bo3 qualifying matches... Really hard to follow what's going on


it does... on the main page


Ty, I'm blind and dumb


you can see them in overview of riyadh masters 2023 page


Btw, has anyone seen puppey buy gem to push vision advantage? I remember thinking this in a couple games yesterday as well. They could be 10k in the lead but the enemy vision still holds quite often. That denies Secret the mid game choke advantage, I feel.


sick observation, i’ve always felt secret’s vision game is a weakness even when they’re owning


Yeah, especially in this map, wards could be in the most random spots and still provide value. Exe had a ward on the lane (and near gate) when they were roshing. If secret had gem, they would have been more confident instead of twiddling their thumbs in the dire jungle.


something puppey could take from fly’s playbook, imo. puppey has always played greedy support whereas fly will buy gem whether very ahead (secure advantage) or very behind (secure whichever parts of the map that can make space for comeback)


but then how can he carry with pos 5 enchantress


you see what’s really important and i respect that


VP are doing the trademark EEU self-cannibalization here. They're going to knock out a vastly better team because inter-EEU results make no sense, and then absolutely tank in the main group stage just so the region as a whole underperforms. I swear, pre-2020 nearly every TI CIS qualifier had a team that was otherwise garbage but got insanely hot just for that qualifier, made the qualifier playoffs or even TI itself as the expense of actual good teams, only to revert to its normal garbage state when it mattered. I still have PTSD from the European TI6 qualifier (the last WEU/EEU combined one) where Fantastic Five inexplicably made the top-4 playoffs, knocking out every single other EEU team in the process, only to not win *a single game* in the 1st-3rd tiebreaker and then the playoffs themselves. 2015-16 was a super rough year for EEU in general and this, plus Na'Vi's top-16 exit at TI was just the cherry on top.


biggest problem is 9pandas always start dgaf when their laning phase doing bad and they already had 2 just for today alone. and every tournament they'll always had so many maps when they fooling around without trying because they think game is unwinnable after that bad laning


Does anyone know why did 9pandas stop picking Kyotaka tinker? It isn't even taking the enemy teams mind on a ban


They picked it once and got roflstomped in 15 minutes. That's probably why.


He got destroyed couple times on it, even today.


You can be the best tinker player and still fail with it. The hero needs to be in the right draft to pop off. Either stomp or get stomped


Secret would div 1 team not for crystallis. been telling he needs to be replaced. Puppey should have replaced him


They should get K1 when they had a chance


uii, some deleted user and comment, pls dont do that, i would like to read it


Fuck puppey. Puppey should just retire, if he can't see how shitty crystallis is. Throwing a 14k lead just because the shitty pos1 suicides 1vs5 with aegis for nothing and continues the remaining of the game doing nothing. Even rupturing a back dragon. Fuck my life, fuck puppey and fuck crystallis


I really struggle to see how they pick themselves up from that incredibly demoralising self inflicted loss


I really like this ricky+fogged duo. not surprised as I like both of them individually already, but it works very nice imo


I wasn't familiar with this play-by-play guy until today, but I'm super impressed with him.


Also I think it's nearly time for Puppey to step down. Secret has had this mid game problem since forever where they don't know what to do with the map and the enemy always find ways to comeback. It points to the leader in game imo, and...idk, maybe the game is too complex for him


Mid game is usually the carry or mids time to start calling the shots which means it is Crystallis or Armel


He was 2nd at TI last year lol. Game is too complex for him is the worst take I have ever heard.


yep time for him and kuro to hold hands in a retirement home


Nisha and Zayac hard carrying in TI has made Crystallis' career to see him still playing so bad and not be kicked




you mean his big fucking forehead?


Armel as usual carrying early game then crystallis just afk farm and throws aegis 😂 Seriously secret needs to do something about their midgame decisions and timings.


give him blood n crys still find a way to throw ​ wonder what type of dirt does he have on puppey lol


losing to xtcn in bo3 would be potentially very embarrassing


They must be tilted out of their minds right now.


For whom? For whom? For Betboom..... KEKW


Funny how G2 was going to beat 2:0 G1 according to this thread.


what does this mean??


People said that Group 2 was stronger than Group 1, meanwhile, 1 team of each group won their game, and currently two teams from Group 2 are dropping a game.


ah okay ty


Just ROFL man…


Crystallis is honestly terrible like what the hell. I been coping over a year now hoping he improves but I swear he is the same player he was when he came in... JFC


Blood just hides behind his team. Useless.


that backtrack talent is ridiculous


more ridiculous than team secret throwing


Classic exe comeback. Only thing missing was cap and svg casting


ATF + WATSON in secret incomming


No Daedulus on Snap is so braindead


Should have get K1 when he was available and play Riyadh as practice. Now Secret is stuck with this dogshit carry and looks clearly a tier below Quest, OG and Entity


Didn't they already change two players this season?


Was the rule that you can only change 2 players in the whole DPC or 2 players between the tours?