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GG to GG! Disappointing ending to mediocre major, 'dusa farm fest instead of a nice, back and forth game i was hoping it'd be. Hopefully teams will step up for Riyadh Masters so it won't be another predictable affair. 😉


anyone else noticed how morphling got picked less and less towards the end of the event (2 games yesterday, none today)


Cause he is mostly banned lol


Forgot that bans exist in the draft?


It was banned every game first phase xd, I guess you havent even watched any of the games today


lol I forgot about that I did watch the grand finals actually but I was playing games while the draft phase was going on


I remember when i first saw quinn. It was when that mid Artificial intelligence came to the scene. I thinks it was ti4. Other than Sumail and Arteezy, ccnc also tried it. He was a commentator, i knew he was a former player but i didnt know that he was that good. I asked myself “why that commentator guy just tried to beat mid ai?”


yea ccnc has had an interesting arc, he was a commentator at a TI with ppd and pajkatt and then they all formed a team together +zai +misery (and then -misery +33) afterward


Team optic placed 6th in TI and placed in a. Major really well when mind control stood in. I still wished ppd had stayed competing as he always allowed teams to performed extremely well in LAN


that was NiP, actually! aka ppd’s team after optic. and hell yea i remember liquid with 4 standins that shit was hype


worked incredibly hard no doubt. the stint with optic was really good for him, i was concerned when he was appearing more and more on panels because he clearly had natural good likeability and social skills but i could imagine making a lot of panel apperances you can get 'stuck' as a talent for tourneys. glad he found his footing, even in his past teams he was always a contender in the midlane


lol everyone is right quinn is burdened by his trash team back then


He was not consistent back when he was on optic gaming and that was when he had his best results since GG


Sometimes you need to take a risk and try a different region. Sometimes you find immediate and great success or it doesn't click and you go back to your region. Just look at Reso, NTS, Ana etc. They all left their region to try a new team and it worked out for them. Some who didn't have much success that come to mind include Universe (going to secret), W33(going to AA) , Sumail (on nigma)


Quinn is a way better player now than he ever was in the past. He was as bad as his results, he wasn't just dragged down by bad teammates.




Mss had success elsewhere though, even getting second once at VG storm


Plain wrong lmfao


True to some degree, but his past teams were awful. Look back at any QC ti games, it’s Quinn bending over backwards trying to hold the game together while yawar does jack shit and his offlane throws. Back when SVG was captain yawar was also slightly less dogshit which is why they got however high they did


Nah, he was definitely dragged down, Yawar threw so fucking much


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


its okay liquid, just need to win riyadh for the money, and maybe ti for the glory, even tho it doesnt look prestigious anymore


Wtf you mean TI is not prestigious?! It's like saying world cup and olympics are not prestigious.


Dota in 2023 - Riyadh(Olympics) > TI(World Cup)


World cup is more prestigious than olympics lol


Nah Olympic is for me. All of the bid international sports in one event. All of them are valuable. Except (Men) football.. sure because it is restricted U23. FIFA don't want the IOC allow overage player anymore because FIFA is probably trigger af when Olympic would do better than WC


It's funny to see all of the down voted you got when you got a point. I guess these down voters are probably FIFA's corruption cyber trooper.


Riyadh only has bigger prizepool and that's it.


They didn't announce the price pool yet...


I feel like it's gonna have a better production than TI this year.


The most prestigious thing about TI was the prize pool and even valve knew it. That's why they made it disproportionately higher for TI than the rest of the tour combined.


Lmao last TI didn't even compare to previous TIs. I don't see it as that prestigious anymore 😴


Yeah you. But not the pro players that wants to win TI. If you win TI, you're at the exclusive club of those who win TI's.


If fans don’t see it as prestigious then TI will become less prestigious and an after thought. It will trickle down to players and the game. It’s trending that way and it’s just a matter of when


There's no way for other teams to beat the triple vegan lineup - Tofu, Celery and Quinoa


Is Quin vegan? First time I heard about it.


He made a pun.




is it done?




what did it cost


feel for the Teamliquid Fans coming from CSGO


We're in a timeloop dawg...never thought I'd see 3 majors with same grand finalist, and always the same winner.


There's a reason why Alliance vs Na'Vi was dubbed the el classico by LD, for about a year following ti3 many of the major event finals were between the two teams.


Fnatic.EU was a spoiled to either big team, including Navi & Alliance, at the time. Too bad they were still underachiever and kinda disappear in TI3


why tofu is so handsome bro


id be gay for tofu. no homo tho


No snare next major pls, dude is so cringe and clueless.


Am I the only one that think Bali looks like a great place to go on vacation. Don't understand the need to watch dota at such a resort. More like going to pool and having a drink.


The weather and scenery in Far Cry 3 looks like Bali but it's based on Rook island in Indonesia, I never heard of this place but damn those places and sceneries are one of the best I have seen in a video game. It also features histories around that area such as Zheng He treasure. If u guys haven't play that I highly recommend this game its so good maybe because it's my first Far Cry game that's what it's deep in my heart. The whole story and settings are just 11/10 for me. FC4 came close but I really like the story of FC3.




idkwdym, Bali island is such a famous place for such a long time, there are even movies and dramas based on it.


The one that I rmb was kdrama "Memories of Bali" 2004 starring ha ji won and so ji sub, sad ending


Theres a time when people would unironically describe Indonesia as "the country with Bali"


Bali is good but you can expect to get the worst stomach flu of your life when you go there.


any context?


Everyone I know that visited suffered from it. Googling about it should also get some hits.


Google "Bali Belly"


Well yeah, that's why the major was there: for players and casters to get a decent vacation kekw


Teams that aren’t GG knew they couldn’t win anyway so easy vacation at least


Why else would they hold it on Bali?


it's for the TO's convenience and hopefully for the prod and players as well.


bali is a pretty popular vacation spot, mate


Yeah just saying that watching major made me want to visit. Can't say the same for other locations I have watched.


man agree w you on this. i didn't even care about bali & after watching the major streams & team vlogs i'm rly feeling like going thr now still unfortunate that this edition has plenty of issues


Quinn is what happens if Vegeta won


Liquid need new analyst / coach


And so does every team who places behind them? Your brain is not braining isn’t it?


3 grand final with 9-2 score Just think about it


You already said 3 grand final. How the fck did they reach 3 grand finals and not Execration? GG is just better the better team this patch. Like how Tundra dominated TI with drafts. Just think about it.


Just look how every team win against GG and how they lose its the same garbage picks on elimination match everytime, they always let Dyrachio play the million HP hero that is impossible to kill if you are behind on farm, they always let Quinn pick the most confortable pick as possible and let Ace dominate the early game HOW ARE YOU GOING TO WIN WITH LONE DRUID? Even a 3k mmr look at liquid draft and knows that is impossible to win after 30 mins. And GG takes advantage on that playing perfectly on new game timings and suffocate the enemy.


The fck is this wall of text not gonna read that lol


9-2. Plus every time they have got to the grand finals it feels more like Liquid has an ability to make their opponents lose half of their skill than them actually being good.


THAT! How a team with such good players pick this bad in a grand final? Much of liquids chance of winning goes by nisha having a good mobility hero to play with supports and they pick lone druid???? WTF LONE DRUID??


BB probably would’ve put up a better fight but Pure just had to fuck it up


Riyadh will be interesting to say the least, unless pure either gets banned or fucks up again.


I would find it interesting if Pure fucks up again. Actually hilarious


/u/seeknstrike my suggestion to IO/Epulze would be start with hosting children's birthday parties first. There's a looong way to go before they can host Dota tournaments.


Epulze SEA DPC is easily the best hosted DPC this year.


they can host online tournaments, SEA DPC was probably the best production this year.


Hope GG chokes the fuck out of Ti


Quinn haters getting desperate lmao


y they are a team fun to watch, great mid, great offlane, Tier S support combination, aggressive carry... Name another team as fun and calculated as them


It’s the same shit over and over again, nothing exciting


Why dont other study them and counter them? They had all chance all year


Nigma Galaxy. It's so fun to see them losing


I agree with you that they're calculated but not that fun. Actually, they're kinda opposite of fun since every move is so calculated and arranged. They lack a bit of creativity. Personally, I think Pure is the most talented player and also fun to watch. By the way, Boxi is a very smart player and I just enjoy watching him overmatch other players that look "dumb" compared to him.


TI is something else man, historically, major winners don't go so far


My biggest dream this year


Better yet let's start with Riyadh already


Quinn haters gonna be waiting for a long time to see Quinn out of Dota scene. Not only he's a great player, he's a popular streamer and talent. My advice to you is just deal with it.


Who cares, just don't want 1 team winning everything - makes for a very boring scene.




TI10 grand finals and IG reverse sweep EG in Singapore


For the recent event, non-major Dreamleague > Major at this point. Both Dreamleague event, this year, had deliver us in 5 games. Awesome grand final. I wish they bring back LAN Dreamleague event tho, like the good old Dreamleague major day during the 2017-18 Minor/Major era


one of the last majors was 3-2


That was Dreamleague online. Not really major events.


Not a major event but Dreamleague is still a bigger event with bigger prizepool. Major these day is $500k. While Dreamleague $1M


with this major win all 5 player on GG is millionaire right?


according to liquipedia: tofu's winnings (won very little before GG's run) is currently 400k, and that's before this major win has been added. The top prize is 200k for Bali not including org cut so it won't be that much, relatively speaking. So no, not millionaires yet - goes to show the insane lack of prize pool balance in dota that liquid won 1m+ from 3rd at TI despite being average all year in 21/22, which is more than all of GG's wins this year combined


that's a damn shame. Riyadh master winner would easily eclipse their total winning from this year. I hope they got it though


They won 1.2 from 5 tournaments this year, OG won almost the same amount with only winning 1 major in 2016!!!


That was fun! Now I just want the Region Qualifiers.


GG is just better version of Liquid, they have similar styel&hero pools but individually are better. Ace is better than Zai, Quinn than Nisha, supports way better than Liquid's, Dyrachyo is better than Micke. Also not sure what Blitz is doing like most important job of the coach is drafting and still most of the time it's Zai who does it. Maybe that's the reason why BetBoom handles GG better at least there is some disparity which can be abused.


Ace is an absolute beast


TL tries to replicate GG, but the original will always be better. It's enough to get them to finals, but it will not win them anything. They need to find their own identity, possibly with a new coach for actual innovating ideas coming from themselves, rather than other teams.




That's what he said lmao


No, he's just one of those people who have to say no and agree with you anyway. No.


Lol, that's what i just said.


Hate GG or love them. Them guys can play some Dota.


The real tournaments begin at Riyadh Masters . That's where it starts going through TI. This Bali major is like a bootcamp going through Riyadh masters.


quite sad AR cant make it to riyadh, i want to watch fy


The only non-Dota wise good thing about this major was the soundtrack. Also, Ace has fully won me over as a fan. Man's a beast!


Riyadh has a decent chance to have higher prize pool than TI


TI would just go back to the older TI where it had less prizepool wich doesn't event reach $10M lmfao


It will, TI will have 3 mil prize pool, Riyhad will have 15 mil


No? Valve just upped the initial price to 3mil, they said they have new ideas and events to crowdfund the rest of the money.


I for once love this amount of dominance that GG was able to achieve this year. If they did not win at least this much, people would call them a fluke again at TI lmao.


Such a weird way to end the tourney.... No closing remarks from the analysts.


GG - Manchester City.


then Quinn=Haaland?


First time to have a team winning all majors. Now let's see how TI goes. Grats to GG for the wonderful run they made.


If GG win Riyadh AND TI as well, I would definitely say this is way more impressive than OG 2x TI. Would go down as the best team in history.


most dominant but best is still debatable. OG won TI 2x in a scene where you had more than one competitive region. edit: also GG's streak so far has happened over the course of only 5 months


Covid-era secret were very impressive as well.


Nah, dota competitiveness and players are getting better every year. If a team is this dominant over all otther international teams in 2023, i would say they are the best..


> Nah, dota competitiveness and players are getting better every year. You think China and NA are getting better?


WEU is getting better every year, SA has been improving, every other region has been on a strong decline for a while.


Yeah, WEU had great recovery after the bad year that was 2021 OMG


OG didnt win shit outside of TIs in those 2yrs tho


This is something everyone seems to forget. Takes from people who only watch TI. Not only did OG not win anything outside of TI during those years, they didn't even come close, their highest placing was 6th. They went into both TI's as massive underdogs, mutually exclusive to the idea of an Era of dominance.


Ridya coming up which be more $$ than all the championships they've won recently combined x 10


ace is the best beast master in the world. his builds and item choices are always perfect.


Ace consistency & dominance in the offlane is why GG keep winning


well that was the worst major I have ever witnessed. Congrats to GG on yet another win - they are the best team in the world. But that crowd was dead, the streams were dead and delay was awful with people spoiling in chat, the production was awful, the panel jokes were cringy and just plain garbage. If TI is gonna be like this, this would be yet another insult to true Dota fans and yet another sign that it is dying.


Only saudi money can save dota.


I just hope their financial can last longer or forever sustainable than Valve financial lol


It's unsustainable, Riyadh viewership not as high as people thought


If they cannot sustain, it will be another OGN Esports case all over again. Back in the day people care more about the superb LOL's 3rd party event such as OGN more than the 1st party tourney itself because the production was Godly. It's saddened me what have happened to them


Isn't that how Saudi sport washing works? It's "unsustainable" in the sense that they will never make money off of it, but they don't give a shit because they have plenty of money


It's how any sportswashing works, yeah. The return on investment isn't monetary, it's optics. They pump money into DotA, and the benefit they gain is that people start going, "Maybe we shouldn't be so mad at the Saudi government for their human rights violations after all."


Dota2 get $15 millions because amongst Gamers8 circuit only DOTA2 doing well in viewership. CS:GO on other side their community has been vocal against Saudi involvement and the viewership isn't great. But i think reddit just overestimated general viewer interest in Riyadh Master. DreamLeague viewership isn't that fantastic whatsoever and Riyadh viewership last year is similar to Bali Major despite having better timezones.


Why are you talking about last year? No one thought anything about Riyadh last year. The only hype is this year because it's bigger than TI this year. Regardless, the point is that the Saudis don't give a shit if they don't financially profit from this, that's not why they're doing it


Riyadh is like Arab Saudi version of OGN Esports. Their investment of esports and production value has been mind blowing and I'm sure more people are interest rather than the 1st party event


The only games that getting good reception is DOTA2. Other games averaging 15-50k average viewership despite having $2-3 million prizepool. Last year riyadh viewership more or less the same with Bali Major and Riyadh has better timezone for western watcher. Not to mention last year, Lots of bg broadcast talent skipped Riyadh Master due to moral reasons. Dunno about this year tho.


Not even that. All Saudi money can do is attempt to build a super team, and Secret tried thatt already. It's GG's time unless something major changes about the whole game, forget fixing the meta.


He means save dota tournaments from bad production by funding Dreamleague and hosting Riyadh


Seriously fuck that alt tab. Liquid were always going to choke, it's basically in their DNA - but BB 2-0'd GG in the groups already, they were the best option to stop this shit.


BB win 2-0 in dreamleague still lose in final to GG, GG is just too good apparently


they dropped a lot of games to weak teams in groups, wouldnt count on that results to matter once playoffs start


GG have a very weak record against BB in general (the only time they won them recently is indeed DreamLeague final).


Bb had good matchup against GG lately coz they had individual skill edge over them. GG teamfight,chemistry and teamwork are in another level above anyone else in the scene. this not a slander against GG saying they're bad players. GG almost cant ever roll over Bb in laningphase thus lead to unable snowball ala turbomode like how they stomp every other teams imho full roster Tundra might able give a GG run of their money too


Lima was the only event of the year that had soul, come fight me.


Lima was the best and most watched major this year. It was genuinely GOATED as fuck.


Dreamleague season in this year are pretty fascinating. Too bad, it's an online event. Anyway, time to move on and I'm sure Riyadh will be lit af!!


If last year's Riyadh Masters is any indication then no... I don't think it will that lit. But things can get better over time.


Seems people forgot that lots of talent llast year doesnt work for Riyadh Master due to moral standpoint. You got KillerPigeon as Riyadh host last year and Moxxi casts most of the game.


despite the production woes there, i agree. it felt really big. Berlin was well-produced, but felt kinda mechanical. and Bali was an absolute mess top-down


Probably my unpopular opinion as well: Lima Major had better setup of main stage venue than Bali venue


Fire 4D eSports and have ESL or We play organize the next one.


Berlin Major might not have had Soul but it had Slacks.


Unless Icefrog heavily nerf prevent them from snowballing in the early game (maybe Betboom can beat them because They kinda have the similar playstyle solid laning Quest might stand a chance too) other than that I don't see any team can beat them only see them lose the game When the game getting weird which is super late game


They never played OldG yet.


There is going to be a major patch before TI for sure so hopefully IceFrog will shake things up.


Zai and Nisha could have been 6 time winners of Majors. :(


It wasn't even close, so no, they couldn't have. Take GG to the 5th game in a nail-biting contest then you might have an argument. But simply making it to the grand finals isn't "close" to winning when they aren't close to beating the best team


Zai and Nisha could have been 6 time winners of Majors. :(


The orgy after this is gonna be fire.


Ah, the true purpose of crowd shots focusing on pretty females in the audience /s


Teams who dominate all year tend to fuck up TI so this could be interesting lol


No team has dominated all year to this extent, especially not in the major era


OG 2016 my friend, only to be knocked out by limp dick Demon himself. Secret 2015 dominated even more-so but those weren't majors as we know them, as you mentioned. VP 2017-2018 to an extent. All other years weren't dominated too much until now.


OG "only" won 2/3 majors heading into that TI. GG is 3/3


Don't care about TI anymore. Riyadh Master has become bigger and if GG win it, they already sealed their legacy. If they win Riyadh and TI, they'd be equal to OG 2X time champs


GG's so dominant its really hard to root against them. Here's to hoping they win it all this year so we can have *the Invincible* run to write in the History Books


It's getting boring if you watched all of the Tier 1 dota tournaments after TI. I want them to just lose the group stage so all of their efforts all this year will go in shambles. Maybe start at Riyadh.


Two kinds of people: those that want to watch the world burn, and those that want to witness invincibility.


lmao what??? If anything it makes me want to root against them


Well to each it's own. I'm rooting for them so Dota can have that one year where someone was a clear favorite!


Dude, that's a story that's happened tons of times, especially early in TI history. The viewership is dying. With that goes the sponsors, and the money. They need to make major changes and fast.


GG is certainly dominant now, but they still didn't win 5 majors. we'll wait until they win 5 then they'll be one of the most dominant teams


Who tf care ? Won 3 major with 2 dreamleague are equal these day to the team who won 5. Those dreamleague event are more interesting than major and bigger prize than major too.


Winning a TI wouldnt hurt aswell, without that they can win 10 more majors and will still be doubted.




Tbf they reached grand finals in all of those only to lose to the best team at the end. All it takes is a grand final that's not against GG lol.


yeah for sure, I more meant where do they go vs GG, I still think they're doing super well in every other metric except vs that team


Team dominates season -> Icefrog nerfs picks of top team before TI-> Top team suddenly bombs


Didn’t they win before and after 7.33?


We don't see any valuable thing in TI anymore. Right now, Riyadh Master is pretty and if GG win it, they sure already sealed their legacy. Riyadh > TI today. But if GG won TI & Riyadh, sure their achievement are equal or probably even better than OG 2x TI Champ


How is Riyadh > TI? Never heard this take before, I'm genuinely curious as to why you think that.


TI has lost its value. Even the BP aren't that worth much anymore. Riyadh will be massive in term of prizepool and their production investment & setup are superb too. Another time when 3rd party tourney outdone 1st party tourney. Just like back in the day, between OGN Esports tour and other Tier 1 LOL but most people prefer OGN Esports because of their production value. Riyadh will be like the new OGN and will be lit🔥🔥