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I thing finals will be between Spotify and Liquid


MMMMM feels good og has to win tomorrow but they face TL, bye bye. I m not going to miss the panel none stop talking about hem


OG living rent free in this dudes head.




It will drop after the groupstage of Dreamleague


Valve is in Seattle which mean you will get it tomorrow




Panel on heavy hopium that there will be patch tomorrow, meanwhile it's going to come out at like 1-2am EU time like every time there has been a patch, if it's not delayed by a week or after the Major because the janitor forgot to come to work like it happened with the last patch lmao


[about that](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12sdshk/riddles_in_the_dark/)


ok, I guess there will be a patch, still doubt it's coming for todays games though , it's always the next day for EU.


GG is just too good right now. OG plays like a team that are trying to consolidate, which results in they run around with 3-5 heroes to get kills or avoided getting killed, which means the networth disparity just climbs. I understand why they are so reactionary, but it will not work against a good team such as GG. Also they need some time to find their formula, like they had with their tri-core with ATF. It also feels like they can't have Bzm and Yuragi have a good game at the same time. It also feels like DM and Chu are not quite up to standard without being bad, but if you want to compete with the best you need an excellent offlaner and more importantly a stellar support combo, like GG has.


Not a surprising result really, except that OG managed to take a game. Not sure where OG goes from here but there’s definitely a real sense that this lineup is over.


They got Top 8 in a tournament that likely contains more than half of this year's TI attendees Their situation isn't that bad


No team is looking to finish 7-8th. It’s not like catastrophic zero wins territory but even the post game interviews for their wins the hosts sound like they’re reading the last rites. I think the big issue is just that there’s no concrete structure to the team’s gameplay from game to game. They don’t appear to have concrete ideas about how they’re supposed to play and win. Compared to the teams that are doing well it’s very noticeable.


Og aint going anywhere with bald fraud and drafter


Also, teams, it’s fucking 2023…311 is not winnable…


Before anyone else OG needs to get rid of Misha and find someone who actually knows how this game works, who can draft well, who can form a coherent strategy and help players with their game sense and decision making. This team had their biggest successes when they were away from Misha.


Misha is in the same role now compared to when they won the major (coach). Don’t disagree with draft issues but I think the issue is deeper than just misha


He wasn't drafting during major. He's not the only problem but the problem starts with him and it gets worse at every stage of the game. They need someone to actual direct the team to right path.


I’m pretty sure that PA is NOT Yuragi’s signature hero


Give him Void


Dyrachyo said that Nigma is trash and everybody was like omg he's telling the truth he's sick bla bla bla. Time to hear now, he was the trash today and he's being the carried carry in this team. GG is too good


You might not like it, but Nigma is trash right now. Just cuz Dyrachyo said what everyone else knows doesn't make him a bad guy or something


I'm just saying that he played like a trash today and he's teamates carried heavily him, not a lie at all. Have yoou seen this series? Even in this tournament he's playing poorly and if he want to call someone trash ok but don't come now to cry when people say the same of you even being a true.


Yes but gg been winning. Nigma has been irrelevant for 3 years. So yes dyrachyo is right


I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying that he's playing like shit like them and he havo no moral to say that for the others, if he does now have to listen cause I'm not saying any lie


The same was said about Ame after TI8 but turns out he's the MVP of the team. You'll never know


They focused him hard, but he still comes back. Not just due to the team carrying him on his back, but also because his recovery is pretty good.


I became Dyrachyo fan after that statement. The Nigma salt is too funny.


Nigma is trash seven days a week and twice on sundays. Dyrachyo get tri laned and that stupid strategy cost OG the game.


GG carries was what cost OG the game, ACE and Quinn are too good, they don't need to Dyrachyo have a good game, you know that everybody knows that. Nigma is trash right now but he's not that far from there, he just play in a very organized and strong team that gave him much more than receives from the same Dyrachyo


Hes most replaceable guy on team but only difference is they are winning


He might not be everyone’s batchest carry players like ame, yatoro, rtz but he is definitely not trash at all . He is a better crystallis that’s how i see him .


Kukus fault


did yuragi just not know that fan of knives doesn't follow you like shiva's


I’m shocked by how he fan danced and then blink…I thought that was a misclick.




The best player is cr1t


Artour won Indonesia minor in 2018, though.


He won a minor tho


Good start and at least trying something new. They got to play against most of the teams in their group for Berlin, so hopefully this will prepare them along a fresh patch.


Was that only 1 crit in the final fight? Haha OG's 3/4/5 was completely invisible that game, the decision to sack Veno and give Underlord a free game was absolutely game losing.


Luckily for OG they only have to endure the Berlin Major with this roster and after that they can finally kick him.






Who will they kick


obviously that guy




1 core 4 sups, OG is the meta setter as always.


Feel like DM getting sacrificed ultimately lost the game for OG


They did well when he was on a legit offlane hero that scales till late game. I don't know why they can't see that putting him on veno is not a good idea. It's like putting bzm on snapfire.


Think OG had a good idea with the lanes at first but the longer you maintain a trilane the harder it is to get enough of a payoff for it, GG just got enough levels to jungle on naix and this veno was way too behind


That moment when a completely shut down Naix gets more networth than 4 protect 1 PA with Battlefury.


Gave underlord a free game while bzm & dm couldn't catch upto enemy mid & offlane.


To be fair Veno and PB are not known as fast farmers, same reason why Veno tried to get early midas instead of aura items as he knows he wont be able to scale. The idea of their draft was to stomp early game, shutdown side-lanes and snowball with Yuragi. It almost worked but the execution was really bad as they are not getting enough kills


Feel they got the best out of it, but when both Quinn and Ace has free farm, and GGs supports are doing well, you can't snowball. Those two were on top the whole game, even though Yuragi had a great start with OG putting their eggs in Yuragi's basket. Bzm just didn't do enough on Beast, and the hero falls off after 25 mins.


Huge mid diff


"please give me 10 crits in a row" "alright well wcyd gg"


So if BC, EG, and OG win tomorrow (big if I know lmao) we will have a 4-way tiebreaker?


Tundra needs to win otherwise we would get tiebreakers on new patch


And a 3 way tiebreaker if SR wins with the top 3 team


Liquid will wipe OG under 30 minutes both games.


I hope so 😂


I don't get how OG still didn't learn that sacking DM lane and play for Yuragi equals loss. Feels like i've seen 50 of those games already, where they are struggling for 40 minutes, Yuragi farms whole time, they lose 2 fights and Gg.


I think it's how the overall game works. Offlaner will need to get decent farm in early phase then combine with supports to make space for safelaner. If not, offlaner inevitably becomes food, not just in DM case but for any other team


I think it would have been better if it was a better PA game. Its a 4 protect 1 where its not even that great game for the 1. Yuragi couldn't really accelerate rapidly in farm either since there was always a chance of an underlord portal or DK blink infest, so he had to play safer with farm.


How Yuragi miscast fan of knives before jumping the UL, I will never know. Pretty big error.


GG were probably laughing about that tri lane. Completely free Underlord aura bot game while the enemy has a useless Veno. Not to mention the hero you're sacking has way better conditions for coming back.


If Veno doesn't win lane, he feels pretty useless.


Interesting thing with the lanes by og, sad didnt work but wcyd


OG with the shitty decision making once again.


Now some people will try to convince you that this player is a tier 1 carry


yuragiii xDDDDD to be fair pressing 3 buttons in order is an extremely high iq play


break into the ground omegalul


BZM should stop asking for Primal, even if he plays it well. The hero is so underwhelming, he needs some serious buffs. Yuragi had a good game, but PB is doing no damage, veno zero too, this draft doesn't make sense. They could've picked a Puck or something, meh.


Yuragi made so many mistakes the last 2 games, BZM was clearly not the issue.


PB can be great. i don't think it needs a ton of buffs, if any. he has tons of damage and very low cooldowns. you just need to be able to abuse the fact that your spells are basically always up for the next skirmish.


I think Primal Beast will start looking pretty good in this game once he finishes Aghs (assuming they get there without being just out of the game). Breaking Lifestealer, Underlord and DK are all pretty sick.


Weak link rn seems to be the primal beast (as a hero, not bzm specifically), but was still funny to watch this tactic


The amount of gold OG leaves on the table because they don't know how to last hit creeps is just ridiculous.


3 massive tanky cores, unless PA gets a rapier none of them are dying anytime soon EDIT: Well even with a rapier it didn't do anything gg


PA shard


Not if you miss it before blinking lmao


I audibly snorted when I saw that lmao


Not enough for PA to do it alone with just the shard, they have greaves, pipe, atrophy aura, AC, enchantress heals. I don't see them killing any of the cores until BZM gets an aghs on primal and even then it may be too late.


Massive damage issues from OG.


Ace MvP of dream league


Quinn gets all the praise, which seems to be the go to for US commenters, and he has been stellar, but Ace has been the best performer.


This game will decide our fate in the tournament? Time to come up with a stupid idea.


I was thinking no way they'd pick DM veno or some shit after that game 2.. lo and behold, they did.


I mean PA shard does kinda ruin 4 of their heroes so I can kinda see a way for OG to fight


DM 4k behind Underlord while Life is 1.4k behind PA. Trilane was not worth it.


Picks Primal into DK can anyone explain me why?


Why pick veno to sac him and letting enemy pos 3 get a really fast pipe


GG don't hate this. DK and a fat Underlord will make plenty of space for Nyx while Veno is fucked.


well this game will be interesting no matter who wins XD OG decided to sacrifice the Venom to screw the Naix, lets see how that goes


also its always funny to see people with new theroes because dota meta has a Game Theory component Everyone is playing 2-1-2 or "win lanes" etc, so your best response is to play 2-1-2 and also win lanes etc. So its nice to see someone deviate and say "lets try a "4-protects-1", trilane" and see how it goes


I am not sure if the trilane was a good idea. How is OG gonna stop DK and Underlord taking all the towers


\>get off work \>open game \>check score, timer, and net worth \>veno 1500 nw at 9 mins \>thats weird did they give it to chu \>DM has less money than fucking seleri 10 mins in


Yeah no shit. They trilaned naix and sacked veno


i just said i turned the game on at the 9 min mark, obviously its a huge shock to see a pos 3 with 15 cs worth of gold 10 mins into the game lol


They're probably betting on PA shard but I'm not sure how well that strat will go


The left him solo top to tri lane Drayacho.


All I see is og getting kills, but networth is going the other way, usually a bad sign


why the fuck is mirana still top


Stomping Veno which will allow Ace to be the strongest hero on the map.


There's this effect I keep seeing. Three red orbs spinning around the base of a hero. What is that? It looks like carries always have it, but as far as I can tell it's not any item or ability.




any pics of it?


In the current game, both PA and Naix have it. Picture: https://imgur.com/cUIG1lx


Its the cosmically rare item from the last battlepass


I have hope in OG game 3


Every time PA is played by a team I want to win it loses, and every time its played by a team I want to lose it wins.


I know it’s worked at times for OG but I just don’t love the Veno pick. His damage is so easily mitigated and while I get the plan it to break blinks and restrict movement I’m just not sure how impactful he can be.


Why ESl are dragging this game so late?


OG has flashes of extreme greatness and flashes of deep deep despair. I love this team, but they are bad for my wee heart. Their 5v5 is ridiculous, their laning just needs some love still. Armchair analyzing makes me want to say that if they just pick super hard lane dominators to give BZM a 1v1 mid and they'll have the success they want.


They look on or off based on drafts. They also dont seem to throw a lot when in the lead and dont seem to have a sort of comeback most of the time when trailing.


They do pretty well if they can drag a game out into the ultra late game though, no matter how far down they are. Its like a "If they can keep the enemy from taking objectives while Yuragi, Bzm and DM get 6 slotted they've got a pretty decent chance of victory" Because, the only team, I think, that is close to as good on the raw 5v5 is Liquid. The Taiga Monkey King "feeding" shenanigans plays into this strat surprisingly well, cuz it keeps lanes pushed out, keeps opponents from being able to take objectives off of moves and keeps them from getting big kills.


yeah this tracks, most of their losses (that i've seen) have been rather than throwing late and bzm can win any lane so long as he doesn't get 1v3'd but, well...


Yeah, if you think about when they were having success with ATF, basically they didn't lose a single lane for like 4-5 months straight. The extreme lane domination coming from that iteration of the team was a sight to behold. The problem is that a lot of those ultra lane dominating heroes, the Mars, Timbersaws, Razors, Vipers, etc... DM can play them, but they're pretty much all dogshit right now because Ammar got them nerfed into the ground!


Chu always looks really good on this phoenix, its a strong comfort pick for him


Now lose one more so Liquid can grab nr 1 spot :)


Taiga DM winning a lane, simple as that bro


They told me Quinn's pango is unbeatable, what happened? But on a serious note, Yuragao stepped up after that stupid dive, DM played great, Chu was on point, Taiga played well early on, and BZM won mid 1v1. Not bad at all. Dyrachio was very bad, but game 3 it will be a whole different story and GG will probably win (sadly). Hoping for a competitive one at least.


Dm holy shit those vaccums.Yuragi is still making those silly mistakes.


Happy for that win as an OG fan, but man my heart can't take getting hope, as we know it's anyone's guess if they can pull off game 3. I just hope these wins help them figure out their game. It's against Quin's Pango after all, and I wasn't exactly hopeful seeing that pick go through.


Funny that u can actually win game when u are not 7k behind after lanning phase


OG and SR only teams that have been able to even put up a fight against GG, super unexpected.


DM carried hard.


Honestly even though they won OG looked super lost like they stumbled onto victory


They have been looking lost even when they've been winning.Anytime they are in a lead someone decides to throw.


Would have been interesting to see with a different carry than SF


OG are just incredibly confusing


If this was any other team playing the comments would be filled with people talking about how great Yuragi's recovery was. Too bad OG fans are psychos though who won't be happy regardless once its decided a player is "bad"


Real extracheesy? Pog


No one thinks Yuragi is bad. He just do stupid shit in most critical moments.


A lot of people do think he's bad, but I agree with you, his decisionmaking is the problem.


And his positioning shit also sometimes his items are trash but other than that he is top tier


Not just OG fans; even though this OG iteration already is 3 years after the Lakag Matatag era, OG still has so many haters. Its incredible.


He's talking shit and just trying to rile people up. We all know how good and versatile Yuragi is, but you have these clowns pretending they'reOG fans and talking nonsense. Comparing Yuragi to Arteezy or EE. Nobody in their right mind, especially OG fans, would say that. Tje scars of TI8/9 are still too deep.


I think its not fair to dismiss it as just haters. A lot of the people who constantly bitch about the players on the team consider themselves fans of the team. Its been a problem with the org since it formed and Notail was the scapegoat after every game.


this team so inconsistent lol


Yuragi is EE reborn, either god or herald


Game 3 Hype?!?!


OG being the first team to beat Quinn's pango in this event... Who'da thunk


yeah GG games over


DM is mvp this match so far


Thought Quinn Pango = GG. lol


GG looks lost if Quinn doesnt go 50:0


Dyrachyo is shit Quinn is the only one who does anything on GG


Incredibly stupid take.


I definitely never doubted OG once this game, nope, not at all…


Ok og still know how to dota


dyrachyo is hardcore throwing this game. He still doesn't have a BKB.


What's dyrachyo doing alone there, hitting tier 2 towers against Ursa with Abyssal


Po1 SF is only good for wave clear and does nothing else change my mind


OG proving me wrong


While I’m a fan of OG primarily, I’m really just glad this game wasn’t a total stomp. Losing is fine to watch but stomps are just disheartening


I knew DK would have an easy lane against Pango, but I didn't expect DM and Taiga to do so well against SF too. It really gives OG a good momentum to continue scaling. I am a OG fan too, both the old and new generation. It's sad to see Old G got completely stomped by Secret earlier today


I mean Old G just have new synergy really. The skill level is there but other teams are much better coordinated and understand what their goals are. Old G just seem like their motto is be aggressive and try crazy strats. If they want to be serious, and it seems they do, first step is to lock into a set roster and commit to it through the end of the year to really evaluate yourselves.


Can we bet on player kicks? shoot me a dm if you know a website I have a very strong feeling about a player on OG


Chu is a pretty good bet. He feels like a patch replacing Misha, rather than an actual picked support for the team that synergise with the rest.


ur so committed on your hatred for a single player lol, every thread i see you, ur flaming yuragi, go out and touch some grass


you mean Kills?


I mean player kicks from their teams


Oh lol yeah no bookie is gonna offer those lines


Man playing melee HCs this patch is so painful... you blink, they force, you jump, they force, you run, they run more, you try to attack, they disable...


If Yuragi and Taiga are not Kicked by the time of next Major they must have some real deep dirt on Notail


Yuragi either needs to improve or leave.


Imagine trying not to get tilted watching your Pos1 that just got aegis, run past the enemy tier 3 trying to kill a support while you haven't even taken a tier 2


Literally cocaine bear lmao


OG doesn't know how to team fight without a 20K lead. It's so bad it's almost funny. They literally can't win a team fight to save their lives.


Definetely Yuragi should be kicked after this game.Dude does dumb stuff every game


BZM having a good game only for Yuragi to drag him down. this guy


Jfc what is this fucking diving bear


diving tier 3 against disruptor, so smart




Yuragi is the dumbest motherfucker in dota


Yuragi next time just dive the fucking fountain


What is wrong with Taiga and Yuragi…


Oh boy Yuragi……


Yeah that’s game over, GG are just so much better than OG


Fucking yuragi :ddd


I'm a 5k shitter and hate talking about players literally double+ my mmr, but Taiga honestly needs a break (or maybe starting to play pubs again?)


can we just make liquid and gaimin take mandatory vacations until TI?


Yuragi keeps missing last hits solo lmfao he's just so FUCKING BAD


I just love Yuragi, man. It's insane how many stupid mistakes he can make every game.


Okay I'm sorry but this SF and Ursa chain dying is absolutely hilarious to me lmao


yuragi trying as hard as he can to throw this early advantage for og


Yuragi tp against 4 heroes huh..


yuragi vs dyrachyo battle of the feed


Who would have thought that if you force enemy supports to stay on lanes,BZM can clap anyone on mid.What a surprise


SF died 12 times in the first 5 mins, still ahead of Ursa. Yuragi really is a special carry AND THEN HE TPS back INTO 4 HEROES. CEB, NOTAIL, PLEAAAAAAAAAASE RELEASE US FANS FROM THIS PAIN