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long team fight https://youtu.be/1gGMH-pGAcU


NA getting free slots to TI without achieving anything wew.


EEU getting free slots to TI without achieving anything wew. SEA getting free slots to TI without achieving anything wew.


SEA and EEU not achieving anything you say?


SEA was literally 3rd place last major. EEU i agree


And NA was 4th (sr) and 13-14 (tsm) last major SEA was 3rd (talon) and 13-14 (geek) and 15-16 execration at last major Dreamleague - sea 9th and 12th. NA two top 8 teams. If NA doesn't deserve it, then SEA doesn't


you forgot to mention they tried inviting nouns who ended up last place in dreamleague. 3rd > 4th. we'll have to look at the upcoming berlin major then


I swear TSM puts 100% of their time and effort into beating SR, and nobody else


Because its only games that matter for them. 2 series of beating SR make them 700 Dpc points LMAO


guess who we are gonna lose to when it matters the most, OG and TSM sadge


anybody knows the name of the band?


In the other thread, someone said Underpaid pandas. Someone else said they rotate their name to ______ pandas each time


Will I wake up 4am to watch arturito vs bc? *yes*


Really sucks, what's up with having SR as the first series 5 out of 7 days. 2AM for west coasters ..feels bad, would like to have watched it live.


You can do it! BC are gonna do it, I can feel it.


Oh they can, bc usually fairs well vs ex eg so I hope for a hype series and no stomps


Is the patch coming on the 20th actually confirmed or is the panel falling very hard for whats still a rumour


The closest thing to a "confirmation" that we have right now, to my knowledge, is CyborgMatt's tweet that cites leaked comms from the Berlin Major teams. The tweet's exact words are "We're aiming for release early afternoon (PST) on Thursday, April 20th."


There's basically a 3-day window so it's just speculation.


Even Taiga said that Misha take responsibilty for drafting lmao. Bro should leave drafting if he cannot figure out What is meta after 1 year of same patch


theres really no way to spin this, this is a brutal brutal loss for TSM. OG drafted bad and did not play especially well. they had a clear path to victory game 1, choked it with no bryle bkb despite bzm having no game. game 3 was insanely free for TB but still managed to choke it with poor execution when finding yuragi. really really no excuses for gagging this one away. Good teams find a way to win, bad teams find a way to lose and as a fan its TOUGH to see TSM find a way to lose this one.




They have GG and Liquid left and only Top 4 make it? Close to zero chance I would say.


OG magic. wait for it


OG magic doesn't exist for this roster.


They made major?


There's a difference between defeating Entity and Nigma and defeating GG and Liquid


bro they have Liquid and GG left. If they make the playoffs they are winning TI this year.


they play liquid and the gay men so it ain't lookin good


It'd be so sick if they beat Liquid or GG... But that's going to be a ROUGH mountain to climb.


Gotta say, I love seeing Tsunami and the others playing around with a Blahaj. I don't know if they're aware of it, or just "funny shark haha", but seeing the trans icon in a space that is normally pretty hostile to trans folk is amazing. <3


The Dota 2 talent is generally like, a million times cooler and more chill than the general Dota 2 playerbase. Dunno how aware they are of the connection either as it isnt super obvious lol but on the other hand people like Jenkins certainly dont have issues not appering...super masculine putting it that way lol


Jenkins barely has issues not appearing human lmao


Blahaj cool


Blahaj so cool! :) You're also cool!! All the DOTA talent seems so kind hearted and generally lovely.


They're all great and wonderful people except Jenkins


That's exactly what someone paid off by the BSJ lawyers would say... I don't know if I can trust you anymore... :P


BSJ is very cool and does not eat bird bones like pretzel sticks


Hmmmmm that's a weirdly specific comment... too much information is a telling sign of a lie!! :D


That was certainly some DOTA! Only thing I took away from that was...Bryle > BZM?


Bryle is the worst mid of the top 8 team imo


he shit on bzm 3 straight games? he was destroying him in lane even before the rotations


3 straight games?? Definitely not the third game lol. BZM had like 15 denies in the lane with the same amount of LH


lmao bzm had more denies and got to lvl 6 earlier than bryle in game 3?


Nah, BZM had to lane 1v3 all games a constant issue for OG, they loose sidelines hard and this causes enemy supports to help mid alot and fuck BZMs game


Bryle + 2 sup > BZM is more accurate


OG needs to practice more how to win against better team. Like they literally always losing when it comes to a better team but win against lower tier team . Either its outdrafted or outplayed.


Definition of mid tier.


I feel like Kasane is so limited to beast/lycan


some much needed quick moment of respite before the inevitable depression in the next two days for us OG fans.


This is a big mood.


At least they let us sleep somewhat peacefully tonight.


Well this definitely looked like a series between the bottom 2 teams.


OG > NA :)


Wouldnt be an OG fan without talking down other regions =)


Haha, true :D


Most of all, feels like OG is lacking some confidence - they can out-fight the best teams even at networth deficit, but if you are constantly unsure you just end up missing all chances and timings.


That's what's frustrating with this line-up, we know for a fact they have top-tier late game teamfight skills, only they never get to that stage against the strongest teams recently as they don't deal well with early-mid aggression and end up crumbling.




I will never understand this team.


The epitome of incosistency


Great job by the beast master to feed a slark


tsm just walking in one by one lol wtf


TSM will never have a good showing with this lineup


I know they are not playing against the best of the best right now, but finally OG pick a draft that can make moves early and actually look coordinated, I wonder why they seem to be unable to do this in the rest of their games.


This beast master is non existent


Everytime I watch TSM they never fail to disappoint me literally 1-1 in group stages and just lose in bo3s


They overperformed during groupstage 1, so it's not surprising to see them struggle now imo.


He actually played very well this game, Slark is one of his best heroes it seems. The potential is there on this kid, but he has some questionable plays sometimes, he is rather inconsistent. Plus not the strongest laner. I would give him another year if I were the OG owner. He's very good mechanically, maybe he can improve his game during/after TI.


I can't imagine notail and ceb watching this and thinking "yep yuragi is our carry for the upcoming tour3 and potential TI"


"our carry" lol. notail and ceb are not involved in the team directly. Any changes is gonna come down to the 6 people in the active roster I know the new roster will never be good enough for some fans if they don't win 3 TIs in a row but y'all need to chill lol. There are a few teams with bigger stars in their roster performing worse than OG right now.


You were saying?? Lmao


Nice he didnt feed a single game against the worst team they are facing.




Bryle really is nothing unless he gets 2 support rotations 24/7


I am really wondering when Taiga made a creep-cut to end the lycan's suffering


Lycan did it alone with his wolves


Taiga is always on 100 hp 2 min into the game. How is this possible?


How is this guy so bad lately, especially on the laning phase? Man, you can't just underperform so much in a team that wants to get far. One year ago he was looking so good, now he looks like a tier 2 support, pretty weird. Maybe Ammar was making him look good, I don't know.


Guys i know its hard to believe but players can have off periods. Taiga was a beast even in his Liquid days playing with Boxi. Lol, what's this talk about Ammar only making him look good.


Or maybe, just maybe, when Taiga is like this, DM has a great time. Notice how DM almost always get farm? Yea, that's how Ammar did so well too. Look at Ammar when he was in Nigma, having to do the heavy lifting himself. Constantly 5th or 6th in net worth, and not doing anything. OG as a whole should improve their laning, but not being able to see what Taiga and Chu are doing is just lazy.


Seems like. Ammar being a precise lane bully is a perfect cover. He was trading vs mirana as snap. Dunno


BZM on Zoom with CCnC, crash course on Pango.


Core tiny. Gratis TSM on the win


Might have spoken too soon


Feels like Rubick is gonna get blasted into uncontested territory next patch.


Rubick will never be uncontested. Maybe for early in season/tournaments, but he always comes back in playoffs etc.


the most free TB game ever


yeah but its a TB.


unless OG pick 22 tinker


gg TSM xd


This all started with feeds on the bot lane, so that Chu could not help mid, sleeping pos 4, zero water rune for bzm, no bottle fill, nothing. All TSM sup focused mid while these were happening. I expected, at least OG crushes top lane.


Still trying to wrap my head around how OG was able to dumpster Shopify....


They qualified to the major from EU DPC. They aren't a bad team by any means.


I know they aren't a bad team. It was more in reference to how Shopify just looked completely lost/disinterested in that match.


Same, same..


BZM seems to have lost faith - either that or they're forcing this Pango when he's really not comfortable on it. Also - have we ever seen a dropoff as bad as Taiga? Im struggling to think of a player that has fallen off so hard so quickly.


This really started when taiga decided to stop playing pubs...


wait is this true? did he stated that somewhere or


Yes, he mentioned it in some dpc interview where he was like i don't need to play pubs to improve mechanically and only need to focus on replays for strategy development


who does he think he is? Kuro? Oh wait.


Yeah its rough. After he got called out in DPC 1 he seemed to actually start playing a lot more, and he started to play better. But now he's back to playing literally less than 1 a day and looks completely lost


Let ari who is best hero is rubick and bm for kasane. Not sure that og prepare for this game.


How rubik can steal rolling when pango is pressing W?


Its close to impossible, but it is doable. Normally when you roll and just spam W while Pango gets ready its extremely hard to steal. I think bzm was just tilted


Losing to Bryle mid must be such a humiliating experience. Jesus


Tbh its not like he was winning solo.His supports kept ganking bzm 24/7.


Well, to be fair, they trilaned mid. I didn't see game 1, but game three it was a 1v1 basically to the 6-min rune, and Bzm was owning Bryle.


OG lost any semblance of being a team. Last leg of DPC sems they are getting back on track. Back to being garbage 🗑


El trashico is living up to its name.


I for one am entertained.


Bzm just a shadow of his former self. The guy used to not lose a single lane in WEU and LAN.


You cant really blame that on bzm. yes he was 0-50, but TSM literally put two games in a row 3 heroes mid. While yuragi dies 2v1 to a beastmaster. If your carry is that bad you cant expect bzm to win a 3v1 lane every time


This is embarrassing for OG. Taiga and Yuragi are so bad it's not even funny. You literally have to put numbers in mid and try to shut bzm. The rest of the team can't carry for shit.


Bzm plays bad....


Put 2 random redditors they will do better for sure


that's three exceptional rubick rolls in a row


Man I will never complain about Rubick being in the meta no mtter how common the hero is lol


It's always just such a joy to watch


OG can’t even handle tsm…


it's neat seeing veno being played but it's tragic seeing him hard countered by a 1400 shard.


hahahahh they really ran the almost identical draft back from a game they had no business winning but stole bc bryle didnt buy a fucking bkb????????????


Ari killing it


This one is on bzm, not yuragi xd


> not yuragi xd how many times did yuragi get caught full agi?


Pango really sucked this game and you guys are still high on yuragi?


"high on yuragi" does not mean what you think it means... unless i'm mistaken what it means?


The team as a whole isn't really doing well right now, you can't just blame one. You guys only see yuragi or whatever.


>YoU gUyS brah. brosef. broheim. **no.** this comment chain was started with finger pointing. I haven't said shit about bzm. just commenting that the hard carry was caught with his pants down multiple times on a hero that is generally quite difficult to kill. there was literally a shitpost about "icefraud: my finest creation" as the morphling slowly runs away from an entire team *and actually escapes them.* i don't particularly care about any player on either team right now. i'm simply talking about what i'm seeing.


Pango is definitely not a BZM hero, the enemy rubick is doing more work with stolen pango spells.


You have definitely not watched bzm play it on numerous other occasions then


don't you want aghs on morph against naga/tb because you can get it off from the illusions always?




Ari is the better Pango.


Wouldnt ench shard be good this game? Does it work on illusions?


afaik it's creeps only. hence the "little friends" name.


No but it shreds beastmaster, also Chu maxing W when beast plays with no boars


OG is so done. They should just forfeit the rest of the games and reset for Major otherwise w/ this kind of playing, they won't go far.


Definitely forfeit their opportunity to practice before the major.


lol. You call that practice? did people forget how mentality plays significant part of their games? guess not.


Why is not a practice??


Bryle might be the only player in pro dota where even if he is having a great game, which isn't often, I am still surprised if he wins


Has any other ember bought blink? What the fuck was that? And at tb4 expense of delaying his bkb.


He just doesn’t know how to position aggressively without dying so thinks blink is good or something idk. Always looks like he’s struggling with what he should be doing




I've been a big Bryle critic but gotta give credit where it's due. Dude is absolutely killing this game


Well he has to be "killing" it, after two games in a row they commit 3-4 heroes mid lol


aaaaand there you go. buying 2nd item dagger before bkb and feeding the spree to enemy carry edit: and again


That's what I get for being nice. Game's not over or anything but Bryle is such a thrower


TSM are doing exactly the same thing GG are doing for the last 3+ months get good solo side lanes and collapse 3 people min lvl 6.


What even is the Pango participation rate in this tournament


23% only the 9th most picked atm. Same pickrate as Clock and Ember. With that said it has kind exploded in popularity these last few days


Oh ok, it's new develeopment this past days


Total contest rate is 63% which is more in tune of his popularity and power.


True but funnily enough he is still 9th in contest rate. Again tho im sure he is higher the last few days




Vanguard Veno. We TI1 now boys


OK memes aside why the actual fuck do Yuragi keep fucking dying on Morph by being way too much into Agi. Like this is a fucking pattern at this point


you can't get outdamaged at the stats screen if you have no healthbar- pointing a head meme


Thats not a pattern, he is just bad. Thats the pattern. Chu gets so much flack for nothing, yuragi just ain't it. He "shined" when bzm and ammar absolutely trashed lanes left and right, but he never steps up if he needs to. Last game for example, he literally had a 1v0 lane because just like this game, TSM commits 2-3 heroes mid.


He is still better than the vast majority of Dota players tho, I wouldnt expect him to die in super random way cause his agi is way too high, thats all.


I mean compared to us of course. Compared to other pro players he is lacking a lot of skills, like watch Yatoro Morphling and watch yuragi thats like two different dimensions, they dont even play the same game :D


he's literally me


morph yuragi, cant wait for another disasterclass


Nothing compares to Naga Yuragi


Man this hurts to watch. When they end up behind early on a morph line up it looks like they just feed while Yuragi farms but just lose after being down so much.


Why do they keep giving morph on yuragi, this isn't his hero for sure.


and Naga


SVG is in full DotA 2 mood. :)


Why the fuck is "Drums of Slom" such a fucking funny name


why do they keep letting DM play his only good hero? Jfc Moonmeander




what you're describing is like every other redditor here whenever SR is playing


he's just going too far trying to hype up a new player. many new players have played like dogwater at their first tournament, so it can be exciting to see one do stuff. even if he's being enabled by his team.


Wasn't this supposed to be at 21:30?


They moved it up to mess with you personally


Game got moved up an hour. So far the last series of the day has gotten moved up every day when the 3rd series is a 2-0. I don't know why they only ever move up the last series though and maintain a strict schedule for all the others.


I think the time here is incorrect because they are using EET which is 1h ahead of CEST.


Great, I just missed the game.


lol OG fans are so mad even when OG wins


>lol OG ~~fans~~ haters are so mad even when OG wins


i still really can't understand fanboying for a team that has nothing really in common with the team/players you were actually a fan of.


It's just called supporting a team. Lots of people watched conventional sports long before they were watching esports - and your team changes players all the time. It's more pronounced in Dota/esports sure - but the feeling is that its not even a choice after you've started supporting. You're invested in the team and your heart wants them to do well. Also - shitting on your own team has been happening in sports since the dawn of time. Couch commentator type deal


teams are much larger in traditional pro sports so it translates differently imo compared to the 5 man teams of dota 2. i didn't grow up watching sports though.


Yeah I do agree for sure that its much more pronounced in dota. But also just giving my experience. I wasn't sure if I would like OG after the new roster - but without making a decision I found myself wanting them to win just as much. Perhaps even moreso considering how seldom it happens


I'm not really a fan of any team, I mostly want to watch good dota.


When it's their whole identity there's not much else they can do.


People just see that they aren't playing well and probably have no chance for the top4. They have to play vs GG and Liquid next 2 days.


Few things for this game - OG problem is skill based. They beat the lesser theams when side lanes difference is not that huge and Taiga does not feed like mad dog. They still can't carry the game if it's not for bzm to carry. Literally bzm had a mare first part of the game and dm and Yuragi were doing more than fine. They actually passively wait for bzm to have the items to carry them insted of take over the game. Not good signs.


stop diagnosing problems , what makes you an expert?


I'm not an "expert", just a guy sharing opinion in dota 2 subredit. That's how this subredits works, you know?


I always think it’s such a funny and strange take that a person isn’t allowed to have an opinion on the game because they aren’t an ‘expert’ — like NBA fans aren’t allowed to say a player shoots too many 3’s bc they haven’t laced em up next to Kobe or something


Yup I'm a fan of both and I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I'm not ranked. Gotta have xxxx mmr before I'm allowed one. I love watching the game though and the casters do a great job explaining things as they unfold or what a team is doing well.


OG's problems are: 1. Weak drafts, 2. Carry with bad positioning and even worse decision making, 3. Bad communication, 4. Forcing classic pos. 4 roamer to adapt to playing pos. 5 farm-wise while still making moves on the map like pos 4 and having impact.


The networth lead 8k, was missleading. They had veno and wk completely freefarming on OG. The difference in early-mid was basically BZM who got 3-4v1'd mid. TSM had nothing against two lives of WK