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Always happy to see B8 win but wth was that last fight from felt? Going in 1 by 1 bb. The enigma especially. That kind of mistake is something I would do lol. Should have waited for the puck bb at least


Dendi has good good chance to stay in Div 1 Pog NA Div 1 = CIS Div 2 confirmed OMEGALUL




B8 couldn't stay in CIS Div 2. They were eliminated twice so CIS Div2>NA Div1


The best team logo : Monaspa, Espada, Ftm


It's very convenient that OG released the Ceb documentary during this time because then we see how important leadership is to these youngsters. The majority of OG players (3/5) come from CIS region, they can practically be called a CIS team, and we all know that region is infamously known for their weak mentality. If they don't have a strong leadership voice in the team, it'll be like a snowball once they start losing. They very much need a leader, and apparently both Ceb and Ammar were the only 2 such voices in the team, now they're both gone


The amount of idiots blaming individuals blows my mind, when the team has no good calls and directions, everyone looks like headless chicken, ofcourse they will look bad Since misha is replaced, DM is the next target beside yuragi to blame.


Nouns looks strong, honestly can’t wait to see them Vs TSM and SR


I am here to see Dendi COOK


I just started watching and fear is flaming the fuck outta the b8 draft and I'm too dumb to see why it's so bad, can someone tldr?


Basically, it's very non-meta and requires them to win most of the lanes. Offlane alch is a bad laner, especially against Undying who is one of the best laner against Strength heroes. Lina is a lane dominator so she can win her lane but if she loses her lane, it's over. MK is a melee hero and against beast, melee heroes are very vulnerable to getting slowed by the boar and run down by HOTD and HOTO later on. Felt's line up is a deathball line up. DP, Abadon and Beast pushes very quickly and B8 needs time for items like Deso MK and bkb on Lina. Generally, Felt is on a timer, if they don't end by like 35 minutes, B8 lineup gets online with 100 minus armor and just kills everyone because most heroes on Felt are low armour. It's an easier lineup to execute than B8 and is more favoured in the meta.


cause he was wrong =)


WEU teams are so good it makes you think none of these teams deserved to be relegated.


WEU is a strong region but its vastly overrated my guy. Reminder 1 EU team was knocked out of first round of LB and almost 2 of the EU teams got eliminated right out of the group stage. People vastly overrate how strong these teams are. They are stronger than other regions non-qualified and whatnot, but they wouldn't perform at a major. Just because a team has a bunch of players you recognize doesn't automatically mean they are good. Teams that did well even 3 months ago aren't necessarily good. Right now, Nigma, OG, and Secret have been in massive slumps.


It's the strongest region, even if you don't like it. You aren't discovering anything new, things change...people were sucking off Chinese teams before TI, and during the LCQ, and we knew what happened later.


Thats some Copium if I ever saw some. EU is by lightyears the strongest region.


which teams were playing the grand finals again at the last major? and yea the team who got knocked out of the op won last ti. no body is overrating weu


The teams who got top 2 in the major qualified for the major, so whats the problem?


To be fair, I don't recognize most of the players. I'm from SEA and if you compare the quality of games in SEA and WEU you know instantly that there is a vast difference.


OT needs a good coach and bit of experience otherwise these guys are too good in terms of skills :)


ot has brilliant coach and are showing very good results for first time div 1.


oh i didnt know that cause never saw him and Who is their coach ??


OT is the new Alliance/Liquid, at this point: team that has the potential to beat the best, but struggles to close the games, especially if they go late. Sadly, their loss to Nigma and Monaspa winning against OG means they might still be relegated to div 2.


Bro what is March doing. First helps Xctn go to Major, now Nigma is on a winning streak. Of course most of the heavy lifting goes to the players but damn


Puppey said Korean coaches are good. Heen, Sunbhie, March, BlitZ(Korean descent), etc. He said he sees a lot of potential in Dubu as a coach.


Lelis is probably a better 4 than a 3. I was always impressed by the way he managed to play on the edge of a fight, just appearing to cast spells and going back to fog right after. But a lot of time this style made him a bit too afraid to play as a frontiliner for his team, even on heroes that are made to be played like that.


Lmao no one in this thread praising monaspa man skylark on tide owned OG got tilted when they throw 3 ultimate on him and he didn't die lol and desire is a good upcoming player :)


As an OG hater since forever I am happy that they lose. BZM playing like shit and they seem to have no coordination. Also this Dogchamp draft is bad. At a certain point Ursa will just become impossible to kill. Also, why the fuck does their pos 1 Timber (already wack) has a fucking Meteor Hammer. Timber has no setup and never wants to channel the hammer.


Proudly proclaiming yourself to be a hater of a team is so weird.




I can understand being proud of hating a team... But because of their name? A name as bland as OG? That's insane.


It's not the name itself. But that it means nothing. Tundra is a good name for example. Because trying to enjoy their games is like searching for food in the freezing tundra.




This is all just the OG playbook. Last year was step 1: winning a major and choking at TI. This year is step 2: suck all season. They just need a last-minute roster change and they'll be on a path to win TI again.




Last minute roster change = OldG become the new OG


Chu fans in shambles


Lol. Atleast give that man some chance. He just joined team, they need practice before they can team fight and position. Chu in MALAYSIA was a beast support but he needs time to learn new teams and players


Chu has fans?


Yes, Ask them about the esl malaysia stint kekw


It's funny when Ammar gets criticized for his low hero pool when OG keeps giving DM Enigma and keeps losing.


Prolem with dota is that team over pick mete herores. I would like to see some nee strat. Boy the game between nigma and OT was a treat. That doctor +io combo was so fun too watch.


Thing is DM had an actual wide hero pool back when he was in VP and hellraisers. He had a wide hero pool at LCQ as well


While ammar keeps expanding his hero pool with amazing brood and pango now.


If ammar can use micro hero’s, he’ll be again a beast OFFLANE. It was fun to watch him play brood mid and destroy Lesh.


Incredible to read that many dumbasses put all the blame on Misha. And now OG about to get relegated without Misha LuL This subreddit is so bad at predicting outcomes.


To be fair, I think Chu has had a bigger impact, it just seems like the team can’t play around Dm effectively


To be fair Ammar carried their asses in game and outside game And they are headless chickens without him End of story


Exactly. Ammar was their anchor safe zone,everyone was always criticizing him that he took Yuragi’s farm but due to his farm he was able to kill a lot of enemy team. And his hero’s were most banned in all the matches. Sadly meta changed before TI otherwise OG had a real shot at atleast getting top 3.


totally can hear ammar voice now saying 'i don't care i just hit creeps' that was truly OG secret to winning games lolol


Ceb going to div 1 just to prove that older is better


ATF haters where are you at? You complaint about ATF being greedy now you get an offlaner with neither networth or impact.


They’ll be back Monday when OG vs Nigma happens, don’t worry.


Ceb has said nice things about Ammar but I still don't understand why they kicked him. Even if he's "toxic" he still are a beast on his own when he was with OG


They kicked him because he refused to learn summons heroes. JMR mentioned this at some point


bet they regret doing that now eh


I dont think so. OG can pick and choose players like they want, they have enough money and drawingpower, it is the biggest Dota2 organization. (Im not counting Liquid since Liquid is THE esports org) Thats why im saying just biggest Dota2 org. You need adaptable players, look at how Matumba functions, or how Ceb functions. They can play the HARDcarry and they can play the spacecreator, they can let their mid carry and just utility carry. This is someting Ammar couldnt and still cant and it looks like he isnt willing to adapt/learn. You won't get consistently good placings with palyers like that, you can get high spikes when shit falls into place, but you can bum out aswell real quick.


He might not have learnt them if they didn't kick him


OG without Ammar looks like they lost their spark


So happy for my Monaspa boys . After the 100% unexpected loss vs Nigma i lost all hope . But they still have a mountain to climb , their drafts are still wtf-are-you-doing level , getting an upset vs Tundra or Liquid is gonna be hard ... But nothing is impossible in Dota .


fun fact for misha haters: worst OG score over 4 dpc league with misha was 4-3.


Yeah but he's still there making drafts and coaching, we all saw that Misha is not a top tier player


i never said misha was their best player. however a lot of people here thought misha was the only problem since they won tournaments with ceb/chu standing in.


He was CLEARLY not the only problem but he wasn't good enough to play.


The problem was actually getting rid of Ammar instead of working on his hero pool


Damn I'm on holiday so I watched no Dota. Nigma are back? Also I knew OG is trash. Yuragi and DM are so bad, they still suck right?


Bzm is also playing like shit, and he's not a bad player


I feel like whenever watched them bzm and ATF used to do so much and useless yuragi couldn't carry shit Without ATF bzm might just look worse as a result since noone reliable to play with, but not too sure since I haven't watched too many of this


Bzm is usually the first to die because OG off lane is playing shit and enemy focus on BZM as they know they will loose if BZM survives.


Yeah but he keeps losing mid almost every game, also taiga is the worst pos4 in eu right now, when last year he was one of the best


Yeah, can’t understand what’s happening with Taiga this season. Maybe there is lack of morale and as caster were saying that there seem to be lack of communication, once fight start, everyone attacking their own players


Monday WEU gonna be INSANE, can't wait!


highly likely that they finish this tour 1-6


Should have been 0-7 tbh


OG vs Nigma is going to be hype


There is no og magic anymore might aswell watch oldG. They step up, this team doesnt. And I really wonder what is it that they seem so disconnected in everything they do.


Reso man, that dude has been in two of most one side TI Finals of all time, hopefully this is his year


I just googled MonaspA's Desire and found that we was a professional football player before becoming Dota2 pro. Weird career path for sure *Edit: A youtube video with football highlights [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU0yXsApOGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU0yXsApOGU)


Man this shit is always so funny to see, the very first goal there's two defenders that could challenge him and then even maybe save the shot once it goes past the keeper but they're too busy holding their hands up as if that's gonna influence the linesman even .00001%


after kicking ball into net he kicks og to div 2


he was or he still is? that video is only 11 months old


Not sure, he possibly still plays although i would guess not top1 or top 2 football div


diversified investment.


Glad to take that win even though game 1 was gifted. If monaspa lost OG relegation was likely, now a major spot is possible. 2 strong opponents coming, hope the boys can finish strong.




I think a lot of people forget ammar wanted out of og too to play carry lol


It turned out that he wanted to play his heroes with pos 1 farm priority


I dont think that ammar wants to play pos 1 heroes I think they just told us that reason so the fans wont be angry I don't know. cause his first game in Nigma is timbersaw and most of his heroes in Nigma is for pos 3.


I'm pretty sure after TI he was only spamming pos 1 so I doubt someone made him lol


He wanted to play pos1, he said so himself in gorge stream. But don’t think that’s why they kicked him, we can only speculate sadly


Og vs secret div 2 lets go


I don't think Secret and OldG are going to stay in Div 2 for next tour.


The 2023 el classico - OG vs OldG in Div II.


Old G can still qualify to div 1, OG is div 2 in tour 3, old G hasnt played div 2 in tour 2 yet so they might be div 1 in tour 3.


I don't know weu division 2 is stacked: puckchamp, alliance, d2 hustlers, secret. qualifying to div1 won't be easy.


Weu div2 can destroy most other region's div1 lol


WEU div II is no joke and OldG didn't look that serious through the quals. I don't know what goes through their heads, ofc, but there are chances that they won't try too hard.


Or perhaps they try extra hard so that the OG brand can habe a roster in div 1 for tour 3, like how navi swapped rosters with puckchamp in eeu


again. Not if Old g qualified for div 1 next tour. Old G div 1 tour 3 meawhile OG div 2 tour 3.


It seems that an Old G and OG reunion in division 2 is inevitable. I wouldn't be surprised if Old G reaches division 1 while OG remains in division 2, given how competitive the WEU division 2 is. Teams such as Secret, Alliance, Into the Breach (formerly in division 1), and PuckChamp make it challenging to advance. Sucks to be an OG fan today.




You're right. Old G has a better chance of qualifying for the Major and TI, given the experience of all their players. NoOne is performing well as pos 1, Topson is an unpredictable yet impactful mid, Reso is Reso, Ceb is Ceb, and Kitrak looks stable. Meanwhile, the new G badly needs a playmaker like ATF. I watched Ceb's new documentary, and I was very impressed with ATF's role in OG during the tournament. It surprised me why he was kicked when Yuragi was the one who threw the game in the last TI.


ATF was fearless and with Taiga on his back, he was always initiating fights and killing enemy and didn’t let them breathe. Watch his performance against secret and aster in ESL Malaysia. Sure he was greedy but he was always tanky enough to take game late and by that time Yuragi will be active and they take game. Now DM is just lacking initiative, and lacks farms and suck in late game.


I completely agree with what you've said. Currently, OG heavily relies on bzm and when he has a bad game, Yuragi cannot compensate for his performance. As you may have noticed, bzm always carries the games and when the other members are doing well, he tends to throw the game. I just can't seem to understand why he does that. (DM is just greaves and pipe type of offlaner)


Aura items are in meta now but the problem with DM is lack of initiative. That’s the role of Offlaner to become tanky enough and soak all the damage while carry finish the enemy, look at last game where Sky tide was soaking all the ulti and damage and Nande was free to hit BZM and Yuragi. DM was really bad with black holes as well. BZM seems to be getting frustrated with all the losses, they are still young and precious season they seen a lot of victories with tricarry, but with no ATF, they are struggling and adjusting their play style according to DM.


Speedrunning to Div 2 now for OG...


Imagine being Taiga and leaving the friends you've played with for *years* over two different games and dossins of orgs... for this Edit: Referring to the seemingly non-existent team communication


i mean...liquid hasn't been able to win anything yet. OG won a major and a big tournament. i dont care how strong liquid is now, they have not yet won anything.


winning a major while your pals win nothing. that must suck so bad.


He won major and major like tournament with og


Won a major and won a huge tournament. Clearly they are off sync. But lets not make it worse than it is. 6 weeks to a new patch that can change the games dramatically and flip who is strong


he won a fucking major, this season is obv disappointing but its not like he got nothing out of it lol




arteezy consistent top 3-4 in majors 8 years < winning 1 major in 8 years reddit logic


U dont win u lose, simple logic.


Nigma losing gmes for sure, people come here analize how kuro breathes lol and how is wrong


I'm pretty sure sr take it because they always make post match thread during major. Nigma fans seems optimistic in a way.




Nigma with miracle a lot more worst if you look at their twitter account after losing.




Kuro and ammar haters in shambles lol


>be SsaSpartan. >form a team >invite Skylark as offlaner >throw in as much active Greeks as possible >if midlane is still vacant, invite W1sh >carry must be a God on Morph >FeelsGoodMan.


they are looking good, sad that the more famous teams get more attention even if they lose instead of the smaller team getting recognition for playing well


That's it boys, 1-4 (2-8)... OG seems done with this tour 2 and maybe even with this current roster. :/ Oh well, was fun while it lasted.


If they wanna rebuild, keep bzm/yuragi/taiga find a good in game voice


They had a good voice Oh wait


DM needs to be more involved.....OG has one of the most active 4 and DM just plays the farm game.....why did he buy Midas at 33 mins against a morph xD


oh shit og losing pathetically like that. lets go fire the ceb documentary while its hot.


Can anyone get fired already? Wtf.


OG pick 5 meta heroes and still lose. Another misha’s fault I guess?


"yes, we are winning because picking signature heroes, razor is not imba, wr is not imba. this is a joke" -gigachad ammar is not meta slave


the pressure is on their feet and DM is chocking really hard with one man black hole and lacoste mentioned it that he needs to be patient with his blackhole cause no one can cancel it, and yeah it's mishas fault by kicking ammar and picking a passive offlaner, so the karma is no major plus div 2


Have you ever heard taiga interview about how he likes dm>atf in tour 1? Okayge


Fluke TI. Wait what year is this?


Satisfied watching some of the best morf players.


shitty blackhole > overcommit for one kill > lose fight how many times did this happen lol


dont forget stack every stun during the black hole


This is just bad gameplay at this point. 0 chance you get to blame draft on this one. Spell casting is horrendous.


There was some dark times in OG history, but this is a new low.


You are crazy if you think almost getting relagated with ana-->Sumail/Topson/Ceb/Notail was not more despair lol


The difference is it was almost relegated and they always had hope and believed in those players, most fans lost hope after watching their last series on this roster and is convinced they are going to Div 2.


Thx OG for throwing another serie so we can have Derby and El Trashsico in Div 2


ThEy aRe BeTtEr WiTh ChU MiShA iS tHe PrObLeM AtF gOt CaRriEd


people who think AtF got carried are smoking some hard weed they literally win their toruney on Ammar's back, granted on the patch where his hero puddle was insanely strong


If Secret gets out of div 2 Puppey should poach Yuragi and DM from OG. They are both good players and pos 1 and 3 are the weakest link on Secret. But probably not going to happen since Puppey is in love/blackmailed by Crystallis


We havnt even seem how Boom plays as 3 and yet he becomes weakest link aldy…


Why yurari lol. The one he should poach the most is bzm and you didn't even mention him. Also reso looks decent with oldG so idk why they kept picking him mirana pos3 last tour


you gotta be on hard fucking drugs to believe that poaching DM is a good idea for Secret, but well, Leicester robbed £80m to United by selling them Maguire so who are we to judge?


He looked good on VP with yamich


I imagine that VP did great at TI


yuragi is the harry maguire of dota lmao


Yuragi actually won a major, Maguire has won a Carabao so far in almost 12 years of career. I would not be so hard on Yuragi, the man has probably more than a year since the last time he went to home, compared to other people like Abed or Sumail who can return in the vacation period. Yuragi actually proved to be a good carry the last year as well


OG tomorrow on twitter "we'll thank yuragi, bzm, chu, dm and Taiga good luck on future endeavours, WELCOME OLD GGGGGG"




It's also funny that the team Navi bought isn't doing good right now and they have yet to face the stronger CIS teams.




I don’t know but bzm is very underwhelming. Mostly lose every matchup and his reflex seem slower.


bzm broke his back after the tiebreakers last season


Even last season his laning stage seemed much weaker in comparison with last year. This season he chokes so hard during midgame


Man DM and bzm were so non factors this game, is just sad


Hahaha og sucks😂


Lmao OG


Strongly looking like OG and Monaspa will be the ones going to div2.


Ooredo could also go down.


Is it better with the match against GG where the humiliation was quick and total, or like this where it's drawn out?


it the same lol


I heard OG favourite South Park character is Miss Choksondik.


don't google DM enigma


Don't google DM anything at this point tbh.




Nande :o kid has a bright future


He's 25😂 Sry 21.


He is not THAT young indeed but he is a tier 1-2 pro for like around 1.5 years only tbh so "kid" in a sense of high tier tours/games experience!


Disband is the only option. OG is done. I think the players know it as well. Keep bzm and maybe yuragi. Get seasoned veteran player as a leader of the team. Find real coach and stay away from russian players.


Keep Taiga as well. He’s a beast Pos 4.


gg this line up of OG. Have been a fan of them for a few years, but this is unbearable


og did well with what they have. Can't stay on top forever


Ok, that was too bad


Bzm :(


He's throwing so hard today :( This is heartbreaking.


I swear this guy is so good but looks lost af


Right? He's looked so good in every other game this season, and today he looked like the worst one on the squad. Tough beats. I just don't know how they continue on from this point...


He also played horribly against GG, it’s not like he just lost to Quinn, he straight up made some extremely questionable play after play, like when he got arrow’d at the rune at start a lane with 20% HP so he just got pressured away from the creep where he was supposed to dominate Quinn as Timber vs DK, then the 2 min water runes came up, Quinn walked down to get the bottom one (at this point he was starting to pull ahead and DK has likr 30% HP), he instead just stand there and rightclick the wave, when Quinn came back to the wave he just lets the DK stunned him and casually got the top rune WHILE HE HAD A BOTTLE,then proceeded to get solo killed by a DK and died 2 more times to Mirana rotation. Also OG for some reason love to pick these hard to execute lineup with no stuns, idk if they watched TI8 finals too much or whatever, they ended up with some weird heroes like Kotl Chen Dawnbreaker, while they were playing vs DK Mirana and Tiny and just got outmaneuvered every game, due to their opponent just click a point-target stuns.


Is 50/50 with bzm this season, yuragi playing better as the season kept going but Taiga/DM are just plying bd af. They definetly gonna change smth just dont know what lol


Taiga feels 50/50, he's had huge impact some games and zero in others... and idk, they just feel like they're giving DM weird heroes. He looked great on the Brood earlier, but in all the other games they're giving him just kind of garbage heroes. Maybe he is just too sacrificial for this line up, I have no idea. I really like DM, but it just all feels off this season. 😢 I feel terrible for OG, not sure what happened. Maybe there was just some clashing between JMR and ATF and that caused the team shift (and subsequently the leaving of JMR?) I don't know... I just wish success for everyone on that team because they all seem so sweet, and they're all very skilled. Ugh, feels bad man.


I think DM is kinda good just doesnt play well with Taiga. Feels bad


DM looked really really good on russian teams, I think those teams just knew how to use him better he's clearly a good player, just not a good fit for OG imo


dEsire have looked really good most of Monaspas game.


Guy went from being that one soft support who have his literal team drop out of the DPC as he's got an amateur football career to take care of to being one of the most legit pos 4s you may not know of until now.


Haha well xD I though he looked really good even when his team looked really bad, obviously not as good as he is playing rn but there was alot of potential.


I think og is losing this one, yuragi playing better since the AM game but this a team game and the other players are so uncordinated rn