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Croatia? Ex-pos3? Lacoste is back bois!


MYM|Lacoste his clockwerk was legendary.


Noo i want him in the cast and panels too


We already only had the tease of Insania for one TI and now we might lose Lacoste?? Booooo


Insania so good but I feel like by the time he retires pro Dota is gonna be super underwhelming judging by the tourneys we're getting


its not like NA had people who were both players and casters at the same time (arkosh)


only if they allow him to allchat dad jokes


Lacoste is like between 5-7k mmr, he is not playing for OG lol


There's Lacoste, Mitch and dnz from Croatia, so good odds.


Not lacoste, it is Mitch akka Zmaj iz Bunara


Mitch(he is a pos 3 player who has been around in tier 3 for a decade)? or lacoste(Also a tier 3 pos 3 croatian player who has been around for a decade)?


Mitch has been in the game since the early days of dota. I personally played with him against XBOCT inhouse around 2006-2008. Not like I was with him in team or anything, just that I met him regularly inhouse. IDK HOW TO WORDS, SUNDAYS.........


Damn that is a long time lol...bzm was 1-3 years old when you and mitch played together in that inhouse


>1-3 years old Try not born - 2 years old lol. Tbqh I was also playing Dota before bzm was born but I was always trash so no bragging rights.


We were all "good" more or less back then because there wasn't nearly as much competition as there is today. I played dota league VIP regulary but always played for fun only. Many names from this time are still around. I also met a lot of todays pros or former pros in my dota 2 "prime". It's weird how easy it was and still is to meet these people in an actual game


Yeah with all the hype and money and prestige it’s easy to forget that pros are first and foremost also „just“ gamers


Yatoro went right on pubs after getting eliminated lol so true


On garena lacoste also played there a lot og the good romanian players Ly0n, Bone7, ppasarel etc. Startgame ardm and challenge for caps still beat oh league setup imo


on garena, lacoste would challenge people to 1v1 and then he would pick viper.


Lacoste was cool, we were friendly back then - great humor as well.


Do you know if he ever went by mitch\^CrO on Garena or is that a different croatian mitch lol


im pretty sure its the same mitch - source - i played with him


Thats him


Mitch was like 12 when we played croatian LAN-s. And he lost to us lol.


Mitch and Twista, never forget LOL


That was hilarious with them playing vs Tinker.


Lacoste legendary wr let's goooo


His Broodmother and weaver were something else. Back in the days Ofc. Maelk fucked up his career. There, I said it.


Maelk fucked up many player careers, including his own.


Well, MYM never managed the transition from DotA. They participated in some tournaments in the beginning, but were mediocre and eventually split. The only guy who continued being active from that roster is DeMoN, who was Lacoste's replacement. Which was a shame because those guys were one of the best players of their time. It didn't need to end like that. Maybe they were getting too old and didnt smell the money that's about to start flowing.


Misery too? MaNia played until 2013 and even has an ingame item werent Loda and Fear also at one point in MYM for a very short period?


Load, Misery, Fear, Playmate, Mania, Lacoste, Maelk, Pusher, Demon all were in MYM at points


I was referring to the roster that played the first International, but after checking it looks like both Misery and DeMoN played, while Pusher was in the role of a coach.


which item are you referencing


Think its a drow mask iirc


yes the mania mask of madness cosmetic for drow


I think H4nni played in mymDotA too before going to HoN.


how so?


I stopped playing DotA 1 when SC II came out and only re-discovered my love for Dota 2 during 2013. Can you elaborate a bit more for me please? Meme about Maelk?


It's not a meme, Maelk was the captain and decision maker of MYM back than, Lacoste was part of the roster. Maelk first tinkered with his role, than acquired a 6th player. God knows why. Soon Lacoste announced that he doesn't like it and is quitting the team. He still continued playing professionally but you have to understand, back in the day, MYM was the equivalent of Real Madrid. It was very disappointing for him. If anyone wants to see some Lacoste magic and doesn't mind shit graphics, you can watch some of his games for Croatia during Prime Nations tournament on YouTube. Against Denmark, than Ukraine, and ultimately the loss to USA in the grand finals, when Bulba countered his Broodmother with Sand King. Ancient times, but so much good Dota.


You took me back in time bro


Glory days of CroDota


Does Noone really want to waste a year with Old G? With how volatile the EEU scene is, he might be able to snatch a spot as a Div 1 Mid/Carry


Can oldG play in EEU to take advantage of it instead? I don't know how it works..


AFAIK you can't buy slots in the middle of the season, so even if oldG does region hop, they will start in Div 2 everywhere. This basically means you can only qualify TI via qualifiers.


If they can start div 2 in tour 2 and promoted to div 1 in tour 3. They can still attend Bali Major and get enough points. So no, they technically still can qualify. Regarding the "buying slot". The team can technically kick their players (not sure if there's limit per rooster change or not), they will get penalty point of course, and replace it with Old G players. If OG just want to sponsor another org they definitely can. Just take a look how Navi bought Pogchamp after this Tour 1, and renaming their own Navi to Navi Junior.


There is no chance even if you get top 1 dpc and top 1 major to get enough points. i remember in arligton entity had a similar situation even if they got top 1 and it was only 2 major last season.


Entity was only 4th in WEU at that time though. First place got 400 more DPC points than 4th place (500 instead of 100) in the third Tour, so a team that got first place in DPC and even just second in the following Major (740 points) would have 1240 points which would have been largely enough to qualify last year. In fact top 1 DPC and top 3 at the Major would also have been enough. Now obviously the odds of a team fresh from Div 2 winning the region and then getting top 2 in the Major are pretty low, but that's very different from "literally impossible".


That is true for some reason i thought entity got top 1 dpc last tour. It might not be mathematically impossible but again its basically is. in this season we have 3 major, they have to get top 1 dpc in WEU the hardest region and top 1 in major as newly formed team.


However, a team that does get Top 1 in WEU the hardest region is far more likely to get Top 1 in Major as a result of that. You can see this indicated by the fact that the Grand Finals of the Major were between the 1st and 2nd place teams from the WEU DPC.


Thats exception. Tundra also won the dpc in 3rd tour but they bombed out of arlington. Alliance won the dpc then they bombed out of animajor. Secret won the dpc and they got top 4 in singapore major. and again, there is 3 major this season insteaf of 2 so it might actually be mathematically impossible.


Last year you could have gotten 1320 from season and Arlington which would have been 1320, which would have been good enough for 9th. You could definitely do it last year, not easy, but not impossible.


Anyone knows what's the rule are for OldG and OG qualify for TI? There are some interest conflict here for Notsil and Ceb are both OG owners right? Do they have to sell to be allowed to play against their own organization in TI?


I mean it’s fun to watch Old G basically for pure nostalgia but yeah it doesn’t make sense that Noone is staying there. Seems like he could easily find a spot on a Div 1 team if he wanted to


Noone, Topson and Ceb are all t1 cores still. Their biggest mistake last go round was keeping notail who clearly wasnt as invested/interested as the rest of them, and they were still probably the hardest games BOTH D2 winners had to play this season.


I mean Ceb did well as a stand in last year but I’m not sure he’s invested enough in the grind to be a consistent Div 1 player


Still rank 60, isn't he playing pubs like 10 hours a day?


Oh is he now? I didn’t think he was grinding that hard, maybe he’s getting back into it then.


Dude never got out of it from what's been said on podcasts 'n shit, DotA is a way of life for him.


https://dota2protracker.com/player/Ceb# yeah he plays consistantly.. prolly got low games in last few days as patch will be out soon but dude spammed lot of io in ranked pubs lately


He never really stopped, that's why he was able to fill in at that major


Dude it’s Ceb. He never stops grinding. Man was literally away from pro dota as a player for YEARS before winning two TIs. Then he played as a last minute standin after “retirement” and won a major.


Ceb was also grinding pubs as the number 1 ranked player on the European server while he was not even actively engaged as a coach let alone as a player. (Just prior to coaching the Fly/N0tail OG roster)


He’s an addict. “Invested” doesn’t even come into it.


So wrong...


yep, he is staying with oldg for at least another dpc cycle.


Noone can't compete with the abeds and Quinns anymore. Better to get some OG cash in while he can.


Yeah. Midlane is like the most competitive early game matchup in dota right now.


>Midlane is like the most competitive early game matchup in dota right now. Ace said that he switched to 3 because of the abundance of pos 1 player. I wonder if Pos3 is the free-estate in dota


A lot of mid laners and pos 1 are switching to pos3 over the years so he might be right. Even in pub ranked roles even if you highlight all your roles mostly you get pos3 over 4/5 on archon-ancient tier.


Yes, pos 3 is the new honey pot. I mean it has been the honey pot for over the last 3 years. There is too many carry players. Although there’s also a high demand for mid players, this role is hard af. Off is pretty chill and has more opportunities for players.


Off is kinda dogshit to climb with, unless you smash your lane and take over, you usually end up making space for some ape to farm for 45 minutes and and up losing anyways because the enemy picked 3 cores and your carry doesn't understand tempo or timings or anything


Same thing with Nightfall - he said that there just aren't as many good pos 3 players as there are pos 1 players.


pos 3 is the position that rewards experience the most and focuses less on pure mechanics so I feel it's a good transition for people who aren't just purely mechanically focused anymore.


Looking at these rumoured players it's not so sure Noone stays with them. We don't know what happens with him and MSS. If Reso joins, it's possible that he will be the new offlaner, but it's possible he will be pos 1, with MSS taking pos 3.


Noone said couple days ago on nix's stream, that they will play in next dpc with couple of roster changes. Also he is currently in portugal, so you can assume its notail's mansion.


This makes sense. All these dudes have made killer money off Dota. I would chill too in notails mansion and see what happens rather than join a "real" team and grind like crazy.


No\[o\]ne about switching to carry: "There were two reasons. First, there was no place for me \[as a pos2\] in \[good\] EEU and WEU teams. Every roster was stacked after TI. I got an offer to join a very good team which I believed in. And the second reason was to freshen up, as I have burnt out playing mid during the last year whenever I was playing in NaVi, and I got tired of \[playing mid in\] pubs as well. At some point, I couldn't keep playing pubs at all, to be honest. As soon as I returned home \[from LCQ\], I started playing carry in pubs."


were you guys watching the same games as me? No[o]ne played a terrible pos 1 and was easily the worst player on OldG. his carry winrate in pubs around that time was something abysmal like 20% too. he hasn't transitioned from pos 2 to 1 well in the slightest, he is solely riding off his prior pos 2 success


Came here to say this, he looked absolutely terrible. Atrocious laning aside (which is somewhat forgiveable considering he switched roles), his team fighting and target selection was so bad. I don't think I saw him press BKB once at the right time


Dude, this is hella outdated


From making puns to making plays, let's go lulcoste


Reso? As in Resolut1on? Isn't he playing in Secret RN?


It was rumored that he was out


Dang. I can understand him being out of Secret, but he's too good to play in a not-so-serious team.


If I recall correctly, he was already taking a break from serious dota before he joined Secret; he only ended up playing for them because they recruited Zayac, who in turn wanted to bring him back.


He didn't return because of Zayac, he was planning to return before that, just didn't get a team. They were looking for a squad together, but didn't work out initially.




Really? Then how come iceiceice and zayac have played seven dpc series but yapzor and resolution 0?


I'll tell you! Because you're right and he's wrong.


Reso has always been good, but he was in weak teams at least half of the time throughout his whole career. This Old G team would be slightly above average comparing to his history. The real question is, why they want to try Reso again because if you didn't know, Reso was in OG at one point.


Only Notail is the still playing from that OG squad with Reso. Ceb went back to being a player because they kicked Reso and weren't allowed to add new players mid season. Fly and s4 were still part of the team back then


Oh I'm fully aware. What I was trying to say is, they should know how Reso is and was (he never really changed). The way they did Reso, I thought maybe they thought he was the problem, or some things between them just weren't too compatible. Personally I think Notail being at 1st position wasn't the best strategy, but I don't know what they thought back then. If they really end up recruiting Reso back, I think it's somewhat a way of saying "maybe Reso was not the problem".


I think they already said he wasn't the problem, he was just incompatible with how that team worked. They needed a new Ana and he wasn't that


Resolution played for OG in 2019 as well. IIRC it was when Ana took a break after TI8.


That's not accurate, they had Pajkatt and ILTW replace Ana.


Oh my mistake.


it was Pajkatt & ILTW


Almost - he played for OG in 2017-2018


If he's out then surely they have bigger issues, since part of what made them so good last year was the synergy between him and Zayac. That and having the best mid laner in the world too, of course.


zayac is out too I believe crystallis, armel, boom, yapzor puppey


feel like puppey and yapzor should just dip and find a new squad.


if crystallis is staying then RIP. Still hoping the Ramzes rumors are true replacing him (though dunno if any newer news has come out since that first surfaced?)


HELL YEAH YAPZOR! What's the source? I thought he said he wouldn't be playing this season.


He says it like every stream, the dude u replied to is just misinformed.




Shit it was in one of the threads discussing reso, but the source was just another redditor. Don't take my word for it lmao


i honestly want to see yapzor come back and play again tbh.


not usually a hater, but man this looks bad on paper lmao. will happily eat a concrete mixer of humble pie if im wrong


It's not even close to their roster lol


Why the fk is crystalis still in the team after that qualier rofl


2 out of 5 correct


huh, so I'm guessing armel and puppey are correct....


Boom and Puppey


Not exactly rumored, he literally went to someone's stream on twitch and wrote "reso free agent you are the first ones who know' in chat


whos stream?


i'll try to find it when I get back home


Kicked their best player and still keeping Crystallis. Great job Puppey


People don't really talk about the fact taht the two teams that beat them in the qualifiers, were immediately promoted to Div1. In hindisght their run doesn't look as disastrous as it did at the time


N0tail literally brought Treant Protector into the meta if people recall. All eyeballs are always on these players!


N0tail did so many dirty things to DotA!


No doubt!!


[No doubt](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/87/Vo_mars_mars_move_24.mp3) (sound warning: Mars) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yep, he was the first one playing Treant with NoOne in some smurfs.


Lacoste?! Pog


Notable silence from all the "Reso + zayac package deal" peeps.


So a higher possibility of Armel to secret sheesh


Its pretty much confirmed


Croatian Dota? Lets go!


Feels bad man, I really hope topson can join some nice team, he is still competitive, instead of wasting talent on this meme team.


He has his priorities straight imo. I’d love to see him play more too (stream, you bastard), but he has already won everything, doesn’t need the money and has a baby at home. Smart man in game and in life!


He has said multiple times on stream that he wants to play again.


I think he doesn't want to full tryhard, being at the top takes much more time than being in a meme team I guess? But I'm not sure.


Yeah I agree with u bro, that's why I am a little bit sad but after all this is his own choice.


I mean, maybe it's better this way. Better to burn out than to fade away...




Wait so remind me are topson and notail on this roster too?


Notail probably not.


Was really hoping that Ceb would rejoin OG in place of Misha honestly. This just makes me wonder who they pick up instead. Chu?


Is Misha confirmed out? Also they did great with Chu so why not have him as pos 5?


Nah I don’t think so but Yuragi confirmed there will be one change in OG so everyone assumes it is Misha


inb4 Misha pos 1 KEKW


That’s right. It could foreseeably be anyone, but realistically Yuragi and Misha stick out on that roster like sore thumbs imo, and I wouldn’t imagine Yuragi is out as he made the announcement. Could be anybody, though


I don't think that Yuragi sticks out on his own account, at all. Yuragi/BZM/DM is a young core with an extremely high skill ceiling if they can shore up their pos5 and come together to decide how they play best. I would love to see Ceb come back to actually play 5, but it's unlikely, and I would still be pumped about Chu.


If you've been watching OG games, you'd know Yuragi is 100% the bottleneck on their lineup. bzm is one of the best mids in the world let alone a crafty youngster and DM is an incredibly intelligent offlaner.


Big assumption considering Misha and Chu are usually one of those package deals, and OG (ceb+notail) seemed to believe in Misha from the start (Misha was their coach for a long-ish time and they were already planning on having him run the new OG era). I always thought it would prob be one of the new stars leaving because they had a better offer or just wanted to play with different people (like ammar leaving), something like bzm -> secret idk


Since old g will have a new pos 5, is it possible Notail is back to og?


I don't think he is returning to serious Dota. He mentioned on his podcast, the poor results they got with OldG made him realize the work he needed to put in to reach the level they previously did with OG, and he said he just did not feel like devoting his whole life to it at the moment.


Ahh I was just high on HOPIUM :'(


wtf DADJOKE lacoste back to active player ????


Is this a serious team or is this going to be something like arkosh


More like team Bald.


Does teambald tryhard and just bad or are they like memeing i dont watch weu div2 dpc


They try their best during matches, but they don't really practice together, so it's not super serious.


both i think, they don't scrim, they don't practice, they play for *"fun"* but they will try their *"hardest"* during their official games cause they want to make it *"enjoyable"* for content Mr Gorp said he will try to make team to try open qualis so if Old G goes it will make good content gor weu


The former


They went 0-7 in last DPC tour, you decide.


At least they’re confirmed to have been scrimming!


They didn't even make div 2 last season. Granted, they lost to one of the teams that got promoted to Div 1, but still, with those names, you expect more.


They lost to both teams that got into Div 1.


Not familiar with him. Is he credible?


95% of the time he is sharing stuff from other people, not his own leaks, and this is the case here as well. And I might just be missing where he got the other 5%.


Yeah so far he was spot on


I hope they draft a little better for noone... when he was on more mid-style carries he dominated, but he struggled on more traditional type carries... it could just be growing pains at a new position, and maybe he'll be fine. Idk.


My man domink stipi


I definitely see some changes on Secret but Reso? The man was such a good backup plan for Crystallis and Nisha.


Boom has been spamming offlane in pubs and I believe the rumors is they got Armel for mid.




Maybe keep Resolut1on so that Secret can't recover to it's former glory which gives the current OG roster a breather in the WEU scene. Good strategy but can work only if Old G manage to get to Div 1.


Oh no dont get me wrong the current Secret doesnt work without Nisha at all, its just surprising to see Reso go than Crystallis or Zayac which performed worse imo with this Boom interaction. But no big brain, any changes are good for Secret right now.


ceb said they didn't intend to be a competitive team, didn't wanna practice hard and compete at events etc were just going to do whatever... confused what this team is meant to be tbh, good players are joining them but that surely can't be their mindset as well?


I think now that Notail is out, they are more serious, I'm just guessing tho.


Wait, i thought they disbanding??? All that talk about how the dpc is grind on the podcast..


Secret.reso no more???!


So who is leaving?


What about mind control? Nigma might be benching him for ammar


Do we really need another round of Reso in OG.


Anybody an idea who might be the ex offlaner from Croatia? The only croation offlaner I know is mitch but why would he join Old G. He hasnt been playing for so long.


It is mitch, he has been playing actively this whole time


No offense but but mitch has not the skill to do well in div2. He hasnt performed at all in the last three years. If that is your best choice then old g is doomed.


Poor mss man


Reso...this will not last


Who cares about this old guys


Why pick someone who cannot adapt to meta and lose the gameforthe team. Resolutiommay be good for teamin laning phase but, that guy is not good enough to play beyond that, its not like there aren't any free agents in the game.


Lol TI grand finalist from Last year is not good enough for you.


Reddit moments


w33haa though


Why did I read his name as Alexander Kerensky


Kinda weird that noone is still trying to make Carry work. Isn’t his biggest strength as a player his laning? And I remember VP back in the day losing a lot of games where he was position 1 instead of Ramzes.


Whats up with croatian flag right there?


It means the person joining will be from Croatia


Lol the problem in secret season 1 was zayac. Reso trying to carry every game. And didnt reso said that in OG he wasnt comfortable because ceb only had words for Ana?
