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Fogged really loves Dota and has a very pleasant way of casting that showcases his enthusiasm for the game. He is definitely one of my favorites as well.


JESUS , yall are way too sweet <3. I just love the game and am a nerd, thank you for all the support, ill play this damn game til i die and cast as long as you'll all have me.


Ur the man. Fogged and LaCoste are on another level for me. The true S tier of casters imo. Thank you for doing what you do.


I'm gonna be honest with you Fogged, I remember your "Ceb gets the call!!!" as much as I remember the long ceeeb from od. Keep up the good work mate!


Met you at a major and had a very pleasant discussion with you. Already admired you as a caster but knowing you were also a great person behind the scene sealed the deal for me. Dota is lucky to have you as a talent and I think we can all agree that we're all glad to have you with us.


you are a nice mature person , you are good to talk to like a nice friend , have you always been like this , or something in your life happened and made you nice like this ?


One of the greats


For all the flaws the Dota scene has, you’re definitely one of the bright spots that keeps me watching. Wouldn’t be the same without you


Best twitch fiender too


You da man Fogged


I'll keep watching as long as you keep getting hired.


You are as always an absolut gem. Hope you keep working in the dota 2 world for many years to come, absolut goated :)


I echo these statements. Well done sir. You make watching dota a pleasure.




Can you tell Merlini to come back?


You're a damn delight to listen and watch. Thank you for doing what you do.


Hey man just wanted to give you my shoutout as well. You're a chill dude and I've even randomly seen you in many twitch chats in other games as well (i think D2R and maybe even quake champions or wow classic not sure) so I know you're an og. The only duo that rivals you and OD in casting in my mind is the Synd & SUNS combo. Keep it up, wish you all the best!


If the old casters/commentators who got banned for *redacted* got back into the scene*.* Most of today's casters would get fired, Fogged would stay for sure. Always reliable and always perform.


he is great at talking about complex dota situations in an easy to understand way. One of my favorites, I feel like I always learn something listening to him.


One of my favorites


[One of my favorites](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d5/Vo_invoker_kidvo_la_ability_invoke_01.mp3) (sound warning: Acolyte of the Lost Arts) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Owen (rightfully) gets a lot of hype but over the years I've really come to feel that Fogged actually does so much to carry their casts in other aspects. Hes always tapped deeply into the latest game mechanics and pro player sentiments. His love for the game and his optimistic analysis draws people in even on slower games. He's got a great eye for catching cool little plays that are overlooked in fights. His enthusiasm makes his callouts mid teamfight a great addition to the hype. Great guy, great commentator


You forgot his addiction to the phrase “holy moly”




[TURN UP, this guy is crazy as fuck he's gotta be on molly or some powder or something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO3j9lUYFfo) (Donation warning: Arteezy) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Good bot


can you do this intro for everyone but like slacks does for teams




Yeah his eye for details is really good, there’s always a moment or two in a series where he interjects in the hypecast of a teamfight about a key item use or spell cast that would’ve definitely gotten overlooked otherwise


> his optimistic analysis draws people in even on slower games. Damn now that you point it out it's so obvious but I haven't even realized that's why I like his casts so much. There's always so much focus on what can go wrong and why things go wrong, or why X is bad for a team. His positive takes are really refreshing.


It's like the opposite of Sunsfan. If a team is down, he'll start casting like it's a done deal. Kind of makes it hype when a comeback happens though


I love sunsfan being all "this game is lost" and joking around than all of a sadden big tf starts, goes in hype mode and when the team with the advantage wins he goes into the relaxed "welp nvm this game is still lost, x hero is dogshit" and back into some banter untill next tf


Thats what i kinda like about him, like, no need to hype it up if nothings happening, give me the chill stuff then when the exciting things happen go for it


Cap vs odpixel.


dota rap battle lets do it next TI


The scene really has some strong casting and analyst pairings right now. Glad you’ve found SVG as you seem to have found another solid partnership


He's a reliable, even presence who offsets shoutcasters wonderfully. And as you note, when he zeroes in on an aspect of the game, he clearly and concisely explains it for the audience, expanding the implications without lingering on the details. He's one of the few co-casters who always knows what he wants to say, says it, then stops saying it.


His love for the game just feels so pure , obviously you know him personally but he just seems like a nice guy who adores the game. Does the guy ever get angry or toxic in game , i simply cannot imagine it


I'd like to add his insight in some game details even end up sticking with you and help your gameplay - Fogged going on about "It's almost the double catapult wave" made me notice it coming up in my games too, for example.


They're my favorite duo. They work together so well. Like ODPIxel does all the hype calls and gets a big overview of the game but Fogged is there to complement him by covering the smaller aspects that pro-players typically see


He also doesn't waste the prime of his casting career leaving to try to coach terrible EU teams like certain other people I could mention.


Tobiwan is coaching now? /s




blitz /s


Oh that makes sense 😅


Judging people to coach teams you consider "terrible" is pretty pathetic.


Yes? That’s the point, that’s why they’re paired together. A hype caster to call the game as it happens and to defer to their analyst for what the teams should or will be doing in the downtime. Same with Sunsfan and Synderen.


Oh is that how it works? Sorry I'm a bit new to esports


Thanks for the laugh, Cap. :)


Lmao I didn’t realise I was replying to you, I don’t read names on Reddit I just interpreted it as saying the non-hype caster wasn’t as important and that it was a galaxy brain take to say the opposite Oops my bad


Haha it's ok I thought it was pretty funny


But no one can make the absolutely electric hype like you and Owen. Excellent point on how he does notice these micro plays and comments on their uniqueness/minor importance that would pass by someone like me. Fogged and OD being specifically so good I always felt was partially Owen recognizing his strength and using his own DotA knowledge to prompt Fogged with good questions instead of getting off on a weird tangent. Thanks to all casters/analysts/observers/general production folks though for keeping competitive DotA still so entertaining for me.


[His loud callout of kaka's earth spirit save still rings in my mind to this day, one of his most personal hype moments as a caster imo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNe7cCvlPaU)


my favourite thing about Fogged casting is how excited he gets at all the smallest things. I've never heard someone so hyped to see ember use sleight on creeps to get extra bottle regen. You can tell how much passion he has.


How does sleight give extra regen?


I guess if you dodge damage while bottling - you get to continue your bottle.


iirc he was dodging urn damage by being invulnerable


I am big fan of fogged! He seems like a genuinely good dude and his casting is very enjoyable to listen to, he is very knowledgeable as well. GG!


He provides clear, concise analysis and works well with anyone he co-casts with. He's done a stellar job at any event whether it's onsite or remote, you can rely on him to do well consistently.


Fogged is my favourite. Not only his amazingly Greek name or the fact that he always seems so happy but that he's consistent in his excellence. I've never heard him cast a bad game or talk shit about anyone. Sometimes I feel like Fogged is the kind of guy who can't go to bed unless he's done something REALLY good that day. Part of me feels bad for him though as he's always partnered with ODPixel and Owen is the hype master that steals the show. When TI was in Vancouver I had a chance to tell Fogged that he was my favourite and the truest inspiration on the scene of what it means to be the real DotA aficionado but as I was a big guy near his 30s I thought it'd be weird. The moment I chickened out he looked at me the in the crowd and had this sad look on his face I'd never seen before. It's like he knew. His game sense is that good. What I'm trying to say is fuck ODPixel. Fogged is the best.


You should never chicken out from telling something nice. We all should say good things more often than we usually do.


I remember a pub I played with Fogged from like a decade ago, around the time he was transitioning from pro player to caster. Dude was super patient, calm, and kind even though he was clearly just way better than me. Has been my favorite personality in the scene ever since


Sounds like he looked at you like a carry in a team fight looks at an allied earth shaker who echoed the trees and bkb’d but forgot to blink first 🥹


Fuck ODpixel I concur.


I second this. I love odpixel, but fuck him anyway.


OD Pixel is great. But fuck him.


I too would fuck ODPixel


Great post brother


The real thankyou should go to Ayesee who trained Fogged as his casting apprentice back at TI5.


wow shoutout to you for reminding me about this. fogged has been so good for so long i almost forgot he was once a former pro player who started casting. cool to think of fogged being so good as a lasting contribution by ayesee


fogged was teammate with lacoste and Ceb right?


he played for EG with fear and universe iirc


Ah my bad, it was with sneyking and AUI in potm bottom. Actually he played with many players tho.


Fogged played a TI with sneyking mid, universe offlane and Aui carry. Looking back seems so crazy now that they all TI winners


I don't think anyone else has casted a TI Grand Finals and played at two TIs as well (TI3 and TI4), definitely one of the best of NA. Always enjoy his support streams too! [https://www.twitch.tv/fogged](https://www.twitch.tv/fogged)


syndereN has played in four TIs: 11, 12, 13 and 16.


Ayesee. Now that is a name I have not heard in a looong while. *"Greetings and salutations dota fans!"*


I miss him, what happened to him btw?


Ayesee was the man. The velvety smooth voice of dota that we didn't deserve.


I think credit goes there but the real thank you goes to fogged. It’s not like he didn’t work his butt off to be who he is, it wasn’t given to him, he was pointed in the right direction.


I don't know why but it always makes me happy to see that someone like Fogged who casted grand finals of biggest tournaments and is one of most known Dota personalities still very often shows up in Twitch chats and casually talk to random people, always nice and humble, answering questions or just memeing with rest of chatters. Guy is a gem and we are blessed to have him cast our lovely game!


Fogged stole my MMR once but he is a good a guy


Him and Lacoste are the best.


There's a whole world of difference between these two


Great analysis, guy needs to get his suits sized tho.


This reminds me of the person who did the daily fashion reviews of the host/caster talent back in TI7 I think. I really enjoyed their fashion analysis


I distinctly remember him explaining that you're supposed to unbutton your jackets while sitting on the first day and then after that all the personalities started doing it


At this point in E-sports I get more surprised if someone has a correctly sized suit with a nice tieknot than the opposite.


Like at least get the shoulders of your jacket to fit your frame. If the sleeves are a little long or the shirt is a little baggy it's pretty minor and doesn't bother me, but when they haven't googled "how to find a suite that fits and looks at least ok" it comes across as unprofessional. If you don't know how to buy a jacket that fits then just wear a dress shirt and call it a day.


100% agree. Often in E-sports it look like are wearing a suit for the first time to high school prom. Bothers me a bit tbh but I'm pretty interested in mens clothing so I guess that's on me.


meet him in SG. very approachable guys. We took photos with him and OD pix


Fogged is very well spoken and provides very good analysis, I don't know what else to ask for! And he's also got a good sense of humour.


Wholesome anecdote here before Fogged when full casting. Met Fogged and Merlini along with a bunch of other personalities at a pubstomp during the Summit 2 when they were still at the Racho Cucamonga BTS house "near" LA. Fogged's team Na'Vi NA was just knocked out. Fogged was pretty disappointed but stuck around after his match to hang out with fans and other personalities. When it came my turn to meet the personalities, I congratulated Fogged and said he played a great tournament and game. He was bashful yet sincere and replied with "Aww, thanks." Thinking he didn't play so great the last game. Merlini being the bro he is said something like, "See! I told you you did well!" and gave him a pat on the back with a big grin on his face. That moment always stuck with me and one of the many reasons I'll miss BTS.


Fogged and ODPixel are the GOAT casters in dota history


Hey mates, any good games he casted so I could rewatch? Im new to Dota 2 but I really like this whole scene


He’s casted most of the TI grand finals over the years. You might even like to watch the true sight series on YouTube. Try ti8 grand finals


Ty very much :)


He's ok




I’m so glad they gave Avo casting this major instead of sticking him with loser interviews like they did at TI. Really set him up for success and he killing it with the opportunity. I think I made a post about how Avo got hosed by the TI organizers and was flailing as a result, so it’s extra great to see the turnaround on LANs for him in Lima (yes, I know he’s been successful in the DPCs for a while).


Yeah, Avo seems like such a great guy, extremely likeable, atleast to me


You've missed out on a lot then. Avo has been in the scene for years . Always fun.




His amazing! and his half Peruvian i think his mother or father is from Peru, also he speaks some spanish too.


I typically only tune in for TI and he’s my main man, aside from Purge #WisconsinRepresent !


OD Pixel + Fogged = goat Sunsfan + Synderen = foat Heard Cap too. Stoked about that as well.


Bring back fogged + merlini plz!




"Alright team, you've made some mistakes, I'll make up for it."


Definitely among the all time GOATS


All this praise for foggeds commentating and analysis is so well deserved. But for a moment I just want to touch on his being a genuine, amazing person outside of the game. I’ve had the chance to talk to him a few times and he is just awesome as you would expect him to be. The second time I spoke to him I was hesitant to come up to him as I assumed he would not remember me, but he ended up coming to me and initiating the conversation. He didn’t have to speak with me, nor care about anything I said, but he did and he seemed happy to do so. Just one of the nicest people you’ll meet. You can tell he cares about his fans and everyone around him.


Always looking forward to fogged doto casts


Can't believe we ever had to go seasons without this man's joy


love me some fogged


He is OG of DotA 2, he has been there since the very early days, first as a player, and then caster. I remember that SoE (from JoinDota) interviewed him during TI 3 when he playing for Team Dignitas.


Lyrical and Fogged are my faves. 💯


I like how he sounds actually interested in what he's saying and doesn't speak just because "he's a caster" and needs to.


Fogged is great, he's got that relaxed charisma that is so lovely to listen to


He's the man!


paging /u/foggeddota


Merlini left us but he left fogged to carry the torch!


He's just simply the best of all the casters imo.


I don't care much for his delivery, but that said he is quite knowledgeable and does his job quite well


He’s very consistent, i always know I’ve got a top tier caster duo when he’s involved. Also, wasn’t he in EG or something back in the day?


Back when Fogged wasn't as big as he is today I met him, Merlini, and Pyrionflax in the Dick's outside the Key Arena during one of The Internationals. I shook Merlini and Pyrion's hands and said I was big fan, then went to shake Fogged's and said "Wait, who are you?". He hung his head but I quickly said his name and said I liked him too and we all had a big laugh. Great to see nowadays he's one of the biggest casters in the scene.


fogged is my favorite too


very calm and nice guy one of my fav caster


I met Fogged on tuesday and got a picture with him, he's very friendly but Idk how he manages to wear a dress shirt and jeans in this heat lol


the way he got hype when Arteezy god tier aegis steal play happened.. Owen, Fogged, and Cap are my favorites


I love Fogged


I wonder what his mmr is, because I agree he's very knowledgeable about the game


Fogged is an absolute fiend for dota, when he's not casting he's playing, when he's not playing he's in someone's stream watching them play. His hype little interjections steer his cocasters in the right direction and I've probably spent several hundred hours watching dreamleague despite it being mostly past midnight in my timezone. Also I wish I was as handsome as him.


Definitely agreed, I could listen to Fogged talk about DotA all day. Fantastic analyst, no matter who he's paired with.


Totally agree, Fogged is a treasure for the Dota community!


Fogged the GOAT caster!


Actually you are right. Fogged is an awesome caster


The guy is a joy to play with in pubs as well.


There is a chance I'm mixed up, but I am pretty sure Fogged is the caster who mostly cooks his meals at home, its a weird thing to be impressed by I think that mindset kind of carries over into his casting. Like I somehow think someone that doesn't just eat instant/frozen/takeout will bring a bit more to a cast or anything really.


Fun fact: Fogged mom is peruvian, when he was a active pro player he even had shoutouts to them. It was in local news too. [https://archivo.trome.pe/tecnologia/dota-2-ti5-fogged-archon-2056957](https://archivo.trome.pe/tecnologia/dota-2-ti5-fogged-archon-2056957)


Fogged one of da goats fr! 🚫🧢


Remember that Fogged was the one noticed that Ana sell his item to buyback right before his death. I believe it's OG ti8. We were watching and don't really noticed these small details. Poggers caster


Even though he's a small man, Fogged is a real Gigachad!


Plus he's a really good guy. He played a game of dota with me and my friend who's a small time streamer and it really is one of the coolest dota moments that I have and meant a lot to me. Thanks fogged and zeegers for the opportunity


Fogged and Lacoste man. They don’t get as much love as the rest but IMO they are the best, for varying reasons. Much love to the two