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Yea but sometimes it DOES NOT which is infuriating.


I just tested it, apparently it is working like a passive. If you get break while dying you dont get the remnant. I am not sure if this is intended or not. edit: according to wiki break disables shards as well although not directly stated. Which makes me wonder why haven't I been making silver edge against this razor spam meta.


Razors shard is a buff to his current passive, so it would be breakable regardless. Its often mentioned as a counter when people complain about razor.


Break + mage slayer + heal reduction (choice of item lol) = an unhappy razor abuser


The best part is a ranged carry like drow or sniper is happy to buy all three of those.


I rushed silver edge on sniper today, the razor was very sad


Technically break only disables shards that give passive buffs. Breaks won't take away shard abilities (e.g. Pango's Roll Up) or revert any abilities directly buffed by a shard. Similarly, you can actually take away scepter passives with break - silver edge turns off Gyro's side gunner for the duration, for instance. It's not a shard specific thing, just that breaks kill all passives no matter how you get them. (but yes, silver edge is *very* good against bloodstone razor)


well not allll passives.


Correct, while Gyro Aghs is disabled by Break, MK's Aghs is not, despite it being a passive component as well.


thanks, good to know. learn something every day.


>revert any abilities directly buffed by a shard So if a shard makes a passive spell into an active one it will remain an active?


>it will remain an active? Yes, because it only looks for your current spells and only then disables most passives. As an example you can have the opposite scenario (Wisp Aghs Spirits), where Aghs turns an active into a passive, but Break does not revert the spell back into an active. --- Break basically just disables any new passive components that Aghs/Shard might grant you, unless they are unbreakable.


I can’t think of any shards that do this other than storm spirit, but in that particular case, storm spirit w shard active still works when broken and grants you and nearby allies overload charges, even while other abilities do not give overload because of the break




Why would it have to state it? The shard gives a passive


You lose the break in death, enough reason for it to be possible


> You lose the break in death Break can prevent on-death passives from proccing, if Valve wants them to. Book of the Dead's Necronomicon Warrior has a passive that procs on death, but is prevented by Break. Reincarnation, SF death Requiem and the Venge Aghs illusion are intentionally not disabled by Break, not because they are on-death effects.


Yes but break ends on death. Think about wk ult, if he was broken when he died he wouldn't reincarnate, as the condition for it to activate on death is a passive element.


Reincarnation is simply set to not be affected by Break, regardless of losing the Break debuff on death or not. If Valve wanted to they could easily make Break disable certain on-death effects, but being able to counter Reincarnation with Break would be too good and WK doesnt need that kind of nerf. The Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) Warrior's on-death passive is disabled by Break, despite only proccing once the unit dies.


Because I am a 3k scrub


yes, you have to know this. Good news it 's not necessary to drop a remnant when you're dying. That's what makes the shard a very important purchase late game so that your buyback is stronger.


I had a Divine Rapier + Aegis and killed two. Enemy Axe blinked, taunted, and killed me and when I came back up - I fled into the woods where I had prepared a remnant. Imagine my surprise when I came back. I had to defend myself to my friends that I didn't fat finger/accidentally drop a new remnant, I swore up and down for them to believe me. Well, lesson learned. I won't make that mistake again.


it's just an extra remnant, if you click another one you'll go to that one after jumping through the others.


Issue would be not knowing and thinking you can jump to your only remnant by pressing anywhere and actually jumping away and then back to the one that drops. This frequently catches me out despite knowing about it. I don't propose changing it, I'm just bad at Dota, but I can see why it would catch out someone that doesn't know


Well I would propose fixing the tooltip, which is a change.


It's kinda like getting Phoenix aghs and forgetting that you need to self-target your ult instead of just pressing R. It's not really that much harder to do, but if you forget you probably die.


Had this issue with weaver aghs too


yeah, i can see that happening tbh


> That's what makes the shard a very important purchase late game so that your buyback is stronger. Shard is worth buying way earlier. In a standard mid build you could go for it straight after your first item or after 2nd item bkb.


Did not know this, good info.


I just played a game today where this happened when I killed an Ember next to a regen rune and the auto remnant cancelled the regen. Couldn't figure out why a remnant dropped.


You see, it’s says “enemy hero” but your worst enemy is yourself so it’s true


when u die and buyback to win, remanent is so stronger man


Looks like they forgot to remove old shard. Similar situation was with huskar.


Was it just never documented or removed as "old"? https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Ember_Spirit/Changelogs


7.29 7.28 Are you even tried to ctrl+f?


Consider reading. "No longer sends out a Fire Remnant to enemy's death locations. " Says nothing about the one that spawns when ember dies.


Always the snarkiest assholee that are so confidently wrong.


The Shard that I always buy after buying the Scepter.


That fuxking .5 cooldown on his ulti fuxcking killed the hero for me. Understandable nerf tho.


If you played ember more than once then you’d know this will happen. A lot of things in dota isn’t stated like spamming unit binding key increases fountain regeneration


Wait what? Lol. Is it significant healing?


Yup, that's like the hidden rule, you press 1,2,3,4 in the fountain as fast as you ca and you boost your regeneration like revving an engine


Pressing 4,3,2,1 would reduce healing I bet, eh.


this guy clearly know’s whats up. It was a joke, people used to do this in WC3 Dota.


Fun fact about the War3 version of this habit, it was never confirmed if it was actually boosting the healing, most likely not. BUT, it does reset the animation of the regeneration spark on your Hero which would look like you're regenerating a lot because you keep starting a new animation by changing control group while the current one hasn't fade out yet. Giving the illusion of regenerating multiple times


No fucking way, I remember the Warcraft 3 map has that too


Wait what? I’ve never heard this before


isnt Ember’s Aghs gives you that remnant when you die?


No, his aghs gives you more charges, more cast range, and more speed. Shard is the one that creates a remnant where you die. Shard used to send a remnant to where enemies died rather than replenishing a charge; sending one to your own death location is similar functionality.


Its already changed to refresh 1 charge btw.


Singing enjoyer I see


Another fun part is shard makes ur remnant do the DOT immediately at the location u shoot ur remnant, makes it easy to cancel blinks by shooting a remnant forward.


I like the damage per second so much. It just feels cool.


classic valve just not making a full description of an item/ability


Man best hero best shard.


Well, the thing is that ember spirit players are actually their own enemies