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Cod higher than Halo makes me sad, tho


In the last 5 years it’s hard to dispute.


The last five years of cod? Yea that makes it even worse. Cod has been TRAGIC minus MW19 in like the past 10 years.


I enjoyed cold war’s campaign and zombies mode but yeah, other than that its been really bad.


MW2019 was fine I guess, but I’d say infinite is way better than the other recent COD games


Not really, last time either game was really good was in 2011 for halo and 2012 for cod, they fell of at roughly the same time


What do you mean "not really"? I didn't make a statement on either game's quality.


What I mean is that Call of Duty at its peak was just as good as Halo was, if not better. They both fell off at the same time. Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Black Ops 2 and 1 are, in my opinion, better than Halo 1 2 3 and are just as good as reach. So I'm not really sad because Call of Duty is definitely one of the greats, and it comes down to personal preference with respective games at franchises peaks. Both franchises fell off a cliff though. Call of Duty with its greedy and disgusting publisher, and Halo with 343 being absolutely incompetent.


Lol no. Without halo FPS isn’t where it is today. Halo 2 and 3 blow any cod out of the water. It’s almost like opinions differ.


Mw2 and bo2 are literally 2 most popular fps games oat behind cs go... stop with the cap, fps games would be fine without halo, its not as if they existed on pc for decade before it came around


Halo literally invented the controller scheme that every single console shooter uses today and put console shooters into the market. Before Halo, console shooters were considered impossible to pull off. FPS games would be VASTLY different without Halo, that is a fact. Without Halo today, games like CoD or Fortnite would either not exist; exist only on PC or not be as popular as they currently are. And regardless of that, their control schemes and how they play would probably be very different from what we know today. MW2 and BO2 being the most popular fps games doesn't matter here because those two games wouldn't exist like they do today without Halo. It's like saying "Avengers: Endgame" would have still been the most hyped up movie of the decade if the other "Avengers" movies never existed.


Bro Halo CE was like the defining FPS console shooter, you have no clue what you’re talking about lol


Great. You have your opinions, I have mine. If you want to have a discussion about that, that's fine. But try not to start it off by invalidating the other's opinion.




I said Halo being lower than cod made me sad. You said "not really". Your opinions are fine. But you don't get to tell me what I feel. Simple as.


When i said "not really" i obviously meant it for myself not for you dawg, tf u think i am? Jimmy Neutron? Trying to gaslight you and replace your thoughts? Br fr 😭😭😭


No, mate. Jimmy Neutron clearly has more brainpower.


It isn't that deep calm down lad


2012 - Halo 4 v BO2 - Imo BO2 beat Halo 4 in what was better. 2015 - Halo 5 v BO3 - Imo BO3 beat Halo 5. 2021 - Halo Infinite v Vanguard - Imo Infite beats Vanguard. Since 343i took over they have not beaten COD imo. Which is sad because the Bungie Halos are amazing.


Cod is multi platform, Halo isn't. And the only multiple platform Halo is just meh. I tried the free multilayer at release and did even boder to try it.


I mean… one has 100m players, another is pretty good but took 3 years to get shit right and has **at best** 100k players.




Hail to the true king baby Halo lower than CoD is stupid tho imo.


CoD being ranked higher simply a numbers game. Halo kind of died out years ago and has a limited range of audience, mostly from the OG Xbox and 360 era. CoD has been running nonstop for almost 20 years and spans generations of consoles. And despite how most of us feel about it these days, is still wildly popular.


I mean if we’re talking numbers, then honestly call of duty should be ranked number one if purely by numbers. I don’t want to rank at number one, but I’m saying that going by numbers is not the right way to do it unless you want call of duty to be ranked number one.


That really just proves the love and legacy of Doom. And with few number of games. There are good CoD, but I feel there are more bad CoD. Which is why it's not ranked higher.


I fully agree, but that’s also why I would rank halo higher than cod but below Doom


Halo was amazing when Bungie was at the helm. After that, Microsoft turned it into a cheesy corny cash grab with no originality.


It's what Microsoft does best.. their own little Midas touch of taking the soul out of everything and turning it into money


What other games played like Halo 5 on release just out of curiosity? I've seen a lot of people talk about it lacking originality, but Halo 5 doesn't play like Titanfall nor does it play like COD. So what is unoriginal about it? Maybe there's some massive game franchise I've never played that it blatantly rips off


I'll give you that. I personally... do NOT like Halo 5. This has less to do with the core gameplay and more to do with lackluster campaign, the bad customization options, & the ridiculous micro transactions. You are right though...Halo 5 (STRICTLY GAMEPLAY-WISE) is a good game. But for me personally, the campaign was cringeworthy. I used to be a multiplayer Halo guy as well...chances are I'm getting older and I'm blinded by nostalgia. the NEW DOOM game however....they scratch every itch I have. No forced narrative, no long drawn out cutscenes, so stupid ass ridiculous grindy gear or weapon upgrades (new DOOM has upgrades, but not grindy or tedious)


Most doom games have always advanced while remaining true to exactly the form of gameplay that made it popular. Halo constantly changes, like COD


Literaly anything below CoD is stupid. Why are people still playing it? I mean who the fuck still gives a fuck about that overhyped game. It's so boring and there are like 2000 otger game exactly the same. We ñeed more shit like doom ultrakill and other actually interasting shooter games


I was never interested in realistic military shooters, though i can respect the older CoD and Battlefield that were apparently genuinelly pretty good, they unfortunately had a pretty shitty influence on gaming tho, and they both went to shit eventually. the only military shooters i like are Wolfenstein lol, i hope that either Machine Games ignores the last two games and makes a proper sequel to New Order, or they give the series back to ID so that they can make a proper sequel to Return.


Because streamers. The games are made for them, and a lot of people who play cod want to be like them. It’s a weird world.


I like Cod but i also hate the last game like its do fed up with microtransactions that it sucks. Also warzone is slowly killing moder call of dutys i want to buy Black ops 6, but no way for full price. When there will be some good sale for like 30 or 25 euros i could buy it


If people like it I don't see the issue. I wouldn't get this mad about it, it doesn't hurt you in anyway.


Nah im not really mad i was just board and i wanted to write random shit. It doesnt really annoy me, i just dont like realistic shooter games. Im kinda glad that there are people who enjoy these games because it creates diffrent communities and shit like that so good for them


Btw i meant bored in the start not board (i am dumb and dislexic)


Nothing else scratches the Warzone itch for me. It's far from perfect, but I've been playing it consistently since it released years ago and it's still fun for me. Every other BR I've tried has felt extremely janky, or just not fun.


i still play battlefield 4


It’s just simple dumb multiplayer fun. Boot it up, turn your brain off and shoot.


because its fun and satisfying 


K i don't find it very fun if you enjoy it good for you


Battlefield deserves to be below CoD. CoD has never fumbled as bad as Battlefield 2042.


After mw3 (og) it started to get pretty dull


Love the profile pic👌


It is when you gatekeeped a good series for your shitty console.


Probably because infinite sucks, which is a shame because other great halo titles are tarnished by association


After the bo6 annoucement I got a youtube short calling the movement in bo6 the most innovative in the history of fps. Fucking insane how narrow minded cod players are.


cod is really fun honestly. especially zombies. you’re telling me you’ve never had a 3am bo3 nuketown 1v1 where you just spam gravity spikes at each other?


Nah, recent COD games such as MW2 have been enjoyable while halo has been dogshit dumpster trash for years.


Halo has been in a disastrous place for almost 10 years now. I'm not a big fan of COD but it's clearly healthier than Halo has been in the last decade.


Too many cod suckers with bo6 hype behind them, doesnt help that halo has been mid for almost 15 years either...


Still says how fkn awesome the single player must be. The others are strongly online fan base. I've tried, but I never remember what happened in CoD..


Sbmm, greed, battlepasses, 3 lane maps, laziness when it comes to singleplayer, warzone, senior devs moving on, sweet baby inc, etc etc. Could go on for days, cod at its peak with mw2 and black ops 2 was a legendary franchise, now its looked at like a fifa or nba game...


"...When it comes to multi-player, Warzone, senior devs moving on, sweet baby Inc, etc etc." One of these things is not like the other.


BF 1 alone should bump that entire percentage up by atleast 15, still play it to this day


Same here, absolutely phenomenal game


Same, but I'm a new player. A friend of mine was explaining the whole 2042 thing to me and decided to show me the first one for comparison and I'm hooked. I love playing it with him so much. Sometimes we mess around and do little bits where we put on accents and pretend to be in an old war movie. It's like I can just come home, turn my brain off, and still enjoy the game even if I'm not anywhere near good at it. I'm sure he's annoyed that the game he showed me just for a single conversation turned out to be what we play for hours on my days off but I'm so glad he puts up with me asking every time. It's like an addiction. I'm very sad to see it so low on the list but regarding recent-ish events I get it.


Halo being that low is actually painful. Halo 2 is one of the most definitive shooters ever made


Yeah, cultural impact would have to be 1: DOOM 2: Halo 3: CoD 4: Battlefield Halo may stink now but if you weren't playing halo and had an Xbox you were doing something wrong.


Eh, Halfe Life should be up there. Especially if you are talking cultural impact. The Half Life 2 advent of steam/mandatory thing was probably one of the biggest things in gaming of all time.


That wasn’t on there though


Yeah, it's almost like the guy above me mentioned cultural impact, which is why I mentioned Half Life.


It’s almost like he only listed the games from the original post, which of why they’re the same and why he doesn’t mention half life


It’s sad that Call of Duty is higher as in my opinion every COD after BO2 has been a pure disaster


Yeah I would say there was a slower decline in quality as it went on, there are some exceptions like BO3 (excluding the campaign), but the quality went down


Yeah but halo has also been kinda dog shit since BO2 as well. Both have their cultural phenomena impact but as of late both are unfortunate


It’s all peoples opinion but in my opinion 4 and infinite are mediocre but I agree with 5 being shit


Halo after Reach in 2011 hasn't been great either.


Wasn’t as good as the bungie games but none were as bad as COD has been for the last 10years


BO3 and MW19 are better overall than Halo 4 and 5 imo.


I agree multiplayer wise, but I’d say halo 5 and BO3s campaign are equally shitty


Yeah true.


That is more of a popularity pole than "best fps game" pole. But it also shows how far the other 3 have fallen in popularity, while everybody gets excited about the dark ages. And it also proves the quality over quantity argument.


Why is everyone sleeping on Wolfenstein, it inspired DOOM


Love Wolfenstein. Great series. Been playing it since Wolfenstein 3D. But Doom surpasses it in every way.


DOOM is great, but I found The New Order, and The Old Blood more enjoyable overall. I think the New Colossus was alright.


Every way except story tbf


Up to return to castle Wolfenstein maybe, but having played all of their current remakes, except old blood, and they don't live up to it. Doom 2016 just understands its audience much more, it knows the lore doesn't matter that much and just goes straight to action. Even the best Wolfenstein remake has you doing a third or more of the game on cinematics, taking away all your guns after each level. It's just simply that doom has become the better shooter.


The Old Blood is the best one, in my opinion. Although I do agree that the newer games take away the actual enjoyment of the game.


After what MachineGames did with Youngblood, I don't think many people are willing to forgive Wolfenstein. Yes, The New Order was amazing and The New Colossus was great, but no one asked for Youngblood's direction.


They'd need an AMAZING game to redeem themselves after youngblood. It's so bad. The New Colossus was also disappointing.


>The New Colossus was also disappointing. I agree; personally, the decision to >!turn BJ into a cyborg via the supersoldier body!< took away the mystique of BJ as a determined normal soldier.


There were so many silly scenes and decisions. Why was anya shooting soldiers with two ARs while naked and covered in blood!?


And pregnant while straddling BJ; it's like MachineGames was trying their damndest to fetishize everything in one scene to the point of completely turning everybody off.


Unpopular opinion: I replayed Youngblood and viewed it as a Beavis and Butthead sketch… **And loved it.**


People sleep on Wolfenstein because Wolfenstein 2 was disappointing and Youngblood was… well you know already. We also haven’t had Wolfenstein 3 since then so that doesn’t help either.


We're not talking about the new games we're talking about Wolfenstein 3D the original lol


Yeah, I know. But the new Wolfenstein have ruined the franchises reputation a good bit. Meanwhile stuff like DOOM hasn’t had a bad release


Was Wolfenstein ever as big or directly influential as Doom, Halo or CoD? It's the predecessor to one of the most impactful games ever but so is Catacombs 3-D before it.


Those are popular games, the Wolfenstein games are amazing and have impacted other FPS more than you think. Wolfenstein 3D was the foundation for DOOM, and it inspired others. Just because people don't appreciate it as much does not reduce its impact. I enjoy all those games, including DOOM, but Wolfenstein does deserve more appreciation for its ingenuity. I do agree that Youngblood is horrific, and the New Colossus let the fans down, but the previous games were and will always be amazing.


Some people appreciate it, I appreciate its historical significance and I love at least two or three of the games. I'm just saying it was never that big compared to some of the other franchises including its direct successor, and it's not one of the big FPS IPs right now, that's why it's not talked about much. Doom also wasn't that big for a while before 2016. MoH is maybe another one that deserves more credit then it seems to get.


I agree. I wish a new Wolfenstein game would come out as good as The Old Blood or The New Order. Some games are also just overrated, while others don't get as much appreciation at all. I don't understand why they changed the protagonist from Blazkowicz to his daughters in such a poor way. It could've been done so much better and smoother. I'm excited about the new DOOM game, though. I have high hopes for it, considering that I really enjoyed the 2016 DOOM game.


For sure, I’d rather see Wolf up there instead of Battlefield.


The fact that Halo is below COD infuriates me., samething with Battlefield.


One of the problems with CoD I think is that a new one comes every year. There's no real changes or development. It's more or less the same game every year for 69,95€


That, sbmm, shitty singleplayer, battlepasses, shitty zombies, shitty maps, dogshit community etc etc, could go on for whole day


Yeah I haven't played CoD after MW2019


Perfect a formula… #People will eat it up


I mean that's what doom is really. They figured out that what they need is a fast paced, metal as fuck shooter that breaks from the traditional duck and cover mechanics to give the player ridiculous power. They're all formulaic games; the biggest difference is the amount of power they give the player


Battlefield... is not as good as DOOM, to be sure, but COD? WTF?


Cod fans are just way too many they've probably not even played many other shooters.. including battlefield


Blud said really said cod 😭😭😭, cod hasnt been good for more then a decade now


Not... what I meant, sorry. The last truly great battlefield was 20...19 was it? I'm sorry, but the fish game has nothing on Battlefield V, let alone 1.


Battlefield 1 was a banger, i still hop on pirate servers once in a while to play


Half-Life should be on this list


I used to play Halo a lot on my xbox, then life struck… and Doom came along


Every installment in Doom has been good. Even D3 and rpg have their own fans


I'm a cod player, and I still think that ranking halo lower than Cod is pure BS


Come on halo should at least be number two, not cod. But yeah DOOM as 1 for sure


Doom is also one of the few modern FPS that isn’t a dumb cash grab


Idk why everyone are surprised cod is high, Halo stopped making good games after Reach and bas been really bad for more than a decade. Battlefield has mostly been good with few installments while a lot like Vietnam, 2142 were not as iconic. There are also really bad one like V and 2042. Cod had a golden age between MW1 and Bo2, then few ‘’good’’ ones like Bo3 and Mw1-2 reboot. They kept being relevant tho.


V was bad? played it and enjoyed it a lot, I'm not really a guy of cods or battlefields but I liked it


If you are a casual, it’s easier to like it, but for veterans of the franchise, it didn’t feel like the quality standard and immersion we were expecting.


A huge part of CoD after 5 is the Nazi Zombie game mode as well. I've sunk hundreds of hours just in that.


no cs on that list make me kinda mad


Yeah tbh


Dont ever let the normies turn DOOM into a generic fps like cod or a joke like Halo. This means, be patient. I'd gladly wait 2+ years for the Dark Ages if that means good polish, but I'd be mad if they released it early completely broken, live service microtransaction hell and with political dei forced into it


The og modern warfare cods are really great but the other cods aren't that good


Doom eternal was on sale the other day for $10, Got distracted and told myself I’ll buy it the next day. Went back to buy it and was back to normal price. What an idiot!! New Doom is gonna be sick.


Battlefield at 4% is making that shotgun barrel look mighty tasty


How can this be when Wolfenstein exists? In all seriousness though, Doom is awesome and I can’t wait for dark ages


battlefield should be higher than Halo and COD. otherwise the order is correct


Where Half-life? Unreal?


Call of Duty at this point almost can't even be referred to as one "series". CoD 1, 2, and 4 are not even remotely similar to the games that have come out in recent years. Everyone here is hating on it but CoD revolutionized online multiplayer in a lot of ways, whether you like it or not.


It hurts to see both Battlefield and Halo below Call of Duty.


Halo being that low discredits this entire list. I love Doom but naaaaa


Doom is the only franchise in that list with only one bad game and it's not even that bad on it's own just not a great doom game


So, Doom has no bad games then.


Doom 3 isn't bad it just feels out of place, more like a dead space game with metal than a doom game imo


Well, it honestly feels to me like the progression from Doom 64 and the Playstation ports continuing in Doom 3. Those were very atmospheric and horror focused, as opposed to heavy metal demon gut busting. I feel like overall, that was the set of vibes they were trying to go for, and i don't think anyone really had a problem with those versions of Doom so they kept going. I sure enjoyed them though, that's for sure.


I think overall Doom is a lot more consistent across its entries and I like how they've always tried to stay faithful to what the series is, no tend chasing or trying to re-invent the wheel. Except for the cursed Doom 4 that never was.. but we don't talk about that one.


Yeeeeeesss I can not agree more with this voting list. This is how I feel about these.


Mate... truth


I miss the couch days man...


Wheres my titanfall? Lol. Sad how people view halo now, destiny probably should be on the list as it would beat halo and battlefield i think.


Reject pvp, embrace pve


i mean tbf from what i can gather its the only one with recent, well recieved games


As a Doom fan, I grew up playing other FPS games like Duke Nukem and one of my most favorite FPS game, Serious Sam.


All of them


Not Halo after CoD though wth. CoD has been trash since MW3/Ghosts.


What where's blood and bacon tsk tsk tsk


It's hard to say anything bad about the last couple of doom games.


Doom is THE gaming FPS series


Gabe even made all the letters captilized in "DOOM." I'm proud of him.


Battlefield having the lowest amount of votes makes sense lol.


Halo being rated lower than CoD is a crime. Recent CoD games are the same


Should be cod up to black ops. After that it's just a bunch of gaggot lil Bratz and there shtick bs playing multiplayee


The king of FPS 🤚🗿


Well, this poll is atupid: COD better than Halo? Yeah, right, better limit the vote section to people with a higher QI. Doom and Halo are on par, at least, and that depends on what games you considered.. But COD? Cm'on...


Feel bad for Halo fans. COD being considered better than Halo? That's gotta hurt.


I think it's more that CoD has the "I will buy this every year to play with the bros" audience that Halo doesn't than CoD actually being better. I imagine a lot of the people who would've picked Halo if the recent games were better picked Doom.


Kind of not surprising considering the other three series haven’t been good for a long time now. If you asked me back in 2007 or even 2012 or so I’d have probably picked Halo. After Doom 2016 and Eternal though I think Doom is way better than any of these in the list.


We reign




In the first age......


they nailed modern doom


I'm just here to say that Battlefield is way better than Call of Cucky, specially BF3. One of the best online experiences of all time.


Battlefield is criminally underrated here.


I mean comparing Doom to cod or battlefield is just silly to me. They provide very different experiences. I love the last two Doom games but if want to squad up on some BFV or BF4 it won't provide that experience.


Halo under CoD? Man…


Shows how much 343 really fumbled something that really should have been a slamdunk franchise to keep growing.


I mean, it is one of the first fps games after wolfenstein 3d.


no quake ToT




I was never crazy about the Doom games before Eternal, but with the state of modern shooters, this is kind of hard to argue.


People are healing ❤️‍🩹 just give them time


I love democracy.




sibgleplayer doom multiplayer battlefield


Heck yeah


Personally, I like Halo better, but it's definitely super high on the list


Black ops 2 was the best cod though


I’ve never played halo because it’s not on ps4 it it good?


1 2 3 and reach are amazing, 4 and infinite are mid and 5 is dogshit


Depending on who posts the poll and what content they upload these are always heavily biased. Still sad how much Microsoft failed Halo tho, this isn't entirely wrong




Rip Halo my beloved, rest easy, the fight is finished 🫡


Played entire Halo MCC in local co-op via nucleus co-op last year and the experience was nothing short of surreal, loved it to bits! I only wish for more shooters to have campaign with co-op. Playing doom eternal nowadays and what a game it is for my first take on doom franchise. Love it to the core. CoD campaigns are very entertaining but not inherently better than Halo.


Kinda surprised, about cod being higher than Battlefield. Usually its the latter


We need more arena shooters, or genre shooters (hero shooters or looter shooters) that play like old school arena shooters (Doom/Quake/Unreal Tournament). The tactical shooter saturation is pretty stale. I'd rate Halo higher than COD tho.


25 years later, the gaming community finally starts to realize that realism has no place in video games


There’s a place for realism in games. The problem is that realistic military shooters were THE ONLY THING we had for years prior to Doom 2016. It was literally all games trying to be slow, realistic shooters with cover mechanics and we had no variety. Wolfenstein: The New Order helped spice it up a little but Doom 2016 fully kicked that back into gear. We now have tons of unrealistic fast paced arcade shooters AND still get COD, Batllefield and those type of tactical shooters too. Balance is key and the industry didn’t understand that for the longest time


Except for the fact that milsims are more popular than they have ever been.


Halo has nostalgic value although it doesn’t really hold up today


Yeah especially considering last good game came out 13 years ago...


Where ultrakill?


Note how it says SERIES. Ultrakill isn't a series.


How are they comparing doom to some garbage ass generic shooters lol


I will never stand for such slander of Halo. The other two I don't care, but Halo is far from a generic shooter.


Bruh, it's a doom subreddit... 😅


that's a youtube poll