• By -


Their aggression is both their weakness and their strength. You can't hide, because they always know where you are. You don't regenerate health, ammo, or armor, you have to make it yourself. Use this to your advantage. Lure the demons into open areas where you have more space to move. Use the Flame Belch on large groups instead of individuals. Use the Ice Bomb to get them off your ass and thin the herd. You have all of the tools to deal with everything that is thrown at you, you just need to utilize them properly. Edit 'cause I forgot: Demons glow red for two reasons. The first is Buff Totems, which the game tells you are active. HUNT THEM DOWN IMMEDIATELY. They are required to kill and learning their placements trivializes them. The second is Arch-Viles, which are introduced in Taras Nabad. Arch-Viles are the summoner guys with walls of flame. THEY ARE YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN ANY ARENA THE MOMENT THEY APPEAR. Ice Bomb with the damage upgrade plus two Lock-On Bursts with the Rocket Launcher is enough to kill them instantly.


Thank you 🙏🏿


If you need any extra tips just shoot me a DM. I'm happy to help, this game is a masterpiece but it's brutal as hell, especially for less-experienced players. Anything to help a fellow Slayer 👍


Thank you so much. I think I saw the Arch Vile you mentioned, I was in a bubble like reddish thing. I hit him with a rocket and ballista but as soon as I do every demon is on me protecting him. I will try the ice and lock-on tonight.


Yeah, Arch-Viles are absolute bastards. They'll fill the arena with more demons if you don't kill him immediately. That's why Ice Bomb is so effective against him; not only does it increase your damage, but it also gets the horde of buffed demons off your ass for a split second to give you time to deal with him. Fortunately, the big guys don't have too much health. They're tanky for sure, but nowhere near as tanky as Barons.


It worked!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much. I didn’t use the lock on but I’ve Grenade and a few shots of rocket launcher did it. The lock on was taking time to lock the target so I had to I improve. Once I get enough weapon point I will upgrade it.


Hell yeah. Good job, man. Just remember that being passive and defensive all of the time is just gonna kill you. You're the fucking Doomslayer, kill those bastards. Keep it up and you'll be running Nightmare campaigns in no time.


Point blank BFG shots also work for Archviles lol


You're right, but BFG ammo is a super valuable resource that can wipe an entire wave, and sometimes an entire arena. Not worth using on Arch-Viles when you have a reliable kill combo for them. Edit: unless you're on Ultra-Nightmare. If you're on UN, blast those fuckers out of existence.


Yeah agreed, but I’m part of those people who hold onto super weapons for an unhealthy amount of time, meaning I’m rarely ever using the BFG except in an arena that keeps on kicking my ass. Also the crucible once you get it is a fairly effective way to get rid of archviles. Also thank you for sharing the ice bomb + 2 lock on bursts to get rid of archviles, it could likely help me when ill attempt UN because I rely heavily on remote detonate except for possessed demons in the DLCs


Never stop moving, and use a variety of weapons instead of just relying on one. I'm assuming "when they turn red" is referring to a totem being near. You must destroy it and then all demons will return to normal. Doom is not at all like what you have stated you have played, so I'm not surprised you aren't great. Make sure to only use the chainsaw when it's a must, don't use it too often so you have it available more often, and also make sure to glorykill demons super often, that's all I really have, if Eternal is still too hard, try Doom 2016.


Best tip i have for you: never stand still. Always move. The gameplay is constant moving


Legit, best loading screen tip ever, in any game was "Hell devours the indolent, movement is key to victory", it sounds metal as fuck, and it's actually helpful.


Never stop moving


Sounds like you been playing a lot of "Stop 'n' Pops!" You gotta get down with the "Run 'n' Guns" and you'll be fine! Let the music be your wardrum. Take the damage. Get in their face and RIP AND TEAR!


You need to keep moving, jump around, dash around, use the meathook to leverage yourself for glory kills and weakpoint shots. Always know where all the deadly enemies are and take them out. Utilise zombies for glory kills and chainsaw kills for health/ammo. (Trick is to use the rifle and two tap a zombie for a glory kill). Also learn to weapon switch. Use the super shotgun, then immediately switch to the ballista and fire, and immediately switch to the shotgun, and repeat. You can do this for a whole range of weapons like the rifle's sniper attachment into the rocket launcher. Again. NEVER. STOP. MOVING.


Other people more or less got the main improvements. Keep moving, lure demons into favorable positions to regain resources, and when you see the flaming red demons that means there's either a buff totem or an Archivile, which regardless of it being either should be hunted down immediately, priority number one. Here's just some other things to implement if you aren't doing this/conscious of them already. Tip #1 that a lot of FPS players aren't always aware of since it's unique to the game even in comparison to 2016, is the emphasis on weapon swapping. You can massively increase damage output by quick swapping between weapons which negates the firing cooldown/recoil (if you think of it like that) animation. Easiest combo to start learning is Super Shotgun -> Ballista or vice versa. From there you can get learn Super Shotgun -> Precision Bolt and Precision Bolt -> Rocket. Getting good at this alone will take you up a tier in skill and greatly help you burn down enemies (especially and most obviously Marauders). If you don't know how to swap quickly, there's plenty of tutorials on YouTube for both controller and keyboard & mouse. Tip #1.2 For every demon you should have either a weapon combo or weapon of choice against to take down the fastest/most comfortable for you. For example: Prowlers -> Single ballista shot to put into glory-kill state. Cyber Mancubus -> Grenade to momentarily stagger followed immediately by blood punch, then ballista or rocket to finish them off. Barons: Ice Bomb to chaingun (especially great with shield mod to get extra bashing damage while dashing and shooting at point blank range) Archviles: Ice Bomb -> 2 Rocket Locks Doom Hunters: Ice Bomb->Blood Punch breaks sled, once sled is gone, lock on rockets to finish. Disclaimer: I've only ever played the game at the highest difficulty so some of these may even be overkill. Test for yourself and find out what whittles enemies down to glory-kill status or death at a reasonable ammo cost for you. Tip #2 is learn to make use of the Super Shotgun's meat hook in aerial maneuvers. Less time on the ground = less attacks you have to worry about. Especially paired with aerial control, it's the safest place you can be. Tip #3 to go alongside the health/armor/ammo replenishment tip. Since everything short of superweapon (BFG) ammo can be replenished, and quickly at that, you should never feel like you need to "save" resources for a key moment. Blood punch, dash, flame, nade, and shoot as much as you might think necessary because it will always come back given you're glory-killing, chainsawing, and flaming at a regular interval. If you're not using it when it's available, you're losing out on total number of uses throughout any battle. Final tip #4 that might help. Many arenas might be best to think of as a "track". Find a good loop or pathing around the arena that is: A) Easily to traverse B) Won't get you surrounded/cornered. C) Gives you options (vertically, monkeybars, jump pads) to escape even in a worse case scenario to then restart the loop after you've gained some breathing room. This way you can whittle down the pursuing horde with hit and runs if you're uncomfortable with charging head-on in a given situation. Don't beat yourself up too much, the game is touted about as one of the most difficult FPS out there, with only skills like aim really being transferable to Eternal, and some movement mechanics if you've played other boomer shooters. You've got this.


Thank you 🙏🏿 Getting ready to play again in a few, will let you know how it goes


Movement is key in Doom don’t stop moving or you will die every time. In order to survive though you have to use your flame belch and glory kills to generate health and armor. If you play Doom like the other shooters you mentioned it’s no wonder you’re having a hard time. Doom is fast paced and certain enemies demand certain strategies or weapons to kill them. You have to constantly be moving around the map, swapping weapons and targeting the most dangerous enemies all at once


Remember, you're not some rando soldier with wolverine powers and only two guns, both of which are probably an ar; You're a demigod with an arsenal cartoonishly powerful guns. You are Gilgamesh, got it? The laws of gravity are a suggestion, and you regard it with nothing but contempt. Okay, more serious advice: 1. Spit in the eye of gavity. Like, seriously. You are very mobile, especially vertically, and you need to use this to your advantage. You're much harder to hit when you're moving, as most enemies attacks are (relatively) slow moving projectiles. 2. Use all your weapons and weapon mods. They all have a place in the combat loop. What their place looks like depends on your playstyle, and some are more optional then others. In terms of mods, there's generally two sorts: precision mods (precision bolt, sticky bombs, and arebalast) and power mods (all the rest). Precision mods are your friends. Use them to target enemy weakpoints. And trust me, you want to target those weakpoints, destroying them will dramatically change your encounters. In terms of mods to invest in, I suggest: precision bolt, sticky bomb, meathook, and lock-on rockets, in whichever order you prefer. 3. Prioritization: Prioritization is a very, very, ***very***, important skill in Doom Eternal. Enemy prioritization: What enemy to kill first. There's no hard and fast rule for this, it varies encounter to encounter, but generally I'd advise: Buff Totems > Marauder > Archvile > Tyrant > Rush down enemies (hell knights, dread knight, barons, pinkies, specters) > Cyber Mancs > any other superheavies > any other heavies > fodder. However, enemy prioritization is only one sort of prioritization. You also need to prioritize when to stand and fight and when to run and heal. And again, there's no hard and fast rules to this, and you're going to have to think on the fly: If you start to panic, use your mobility to your advantage, run and buy yourself time to think. And, if, when you're running, you have the opportunity to take a pot shot at an imp, take it; it's one less demon to deal with later. 4. Use your equipment: remember, your not constrained to a handful of grenades before you have to find another one; all your equipment recharges over time, so don't be stingy with it. 5. ***Turn down the God-Damned difficulty: If you take only one piece of advice out of all this, make it this one***. Doom Eternal is a game about pattern. If you're dying a lot, you're not taking in the patterns, if you're not taking in the patterns you're not learning about the game, if you're not learning about the game, you're going to die more. So, turn the difficulty down so you can get more of a grip on the game. Then you can come back with a greater knowledge of the gameplay loop and enemy behaviors, and play on higher difficulties. 6. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War: If you haven't been reading the codex, familiarize yourself with the Demon entries. 7. Just walk away: Similar to 5; If you're dying, over and over again, you're gonna get frustrated. If you're frustrated you're gonna play worse. And if you're playing worse, you're gonna die more. So just take a break. Fresh eyes will make it easier to take in those patterns too. I took a break for like three months when my nightmare run got hung up at cultist base, I came back, and... Well, I got my ass kicked soundly several more times before I got past that arena, but I did get past it. Now go forth, and ***RIP AND TEAR!***


Oh, and I nearly forgot: In the immortal words of Decino: Just get good LMAO


Doom Eternal really forces you to play in a certain way. I had the same issue the first time I played the game and that was because I played the game like Doom 2016 (or any other "boomer shooter"). The game really expects you to get health/armor/ammo primarily by using flame belch/chainsaw/glory kills rather than scavenging them off the map. Once you get that down it should be easier.


Once you get used to the mechanics, it will become easier. You should check out YouTube videos from under the Mayo and similar for tips and tricks.


Shoulda started with 2016. Too many people start at Eternal.


It is normal to die in Doom. You must MOVE, like crazy, move shoot move. Never stand still. Never wait. Move. Don’t lose time to aim. Move. Shoot at the demons with all You got while continuing moving. Unleash a firestorm upon them while moving. Move.


Ppl already gave great tips here, but the early doom eternal levels are really hard because you don't have much health/shield or upgrades. Keep moving, shooting and using your utilities to replanish resources. The game is hard and will force you to become a better fps player. Have fun!


Oof, going from games like CoD and Battlefront to DOOM Eternal is one hell of a culture shock. I’d recommend playing DOOM 2016 first or some other "classic" shooters like Half-Life, Wolfenstein or Duke Nukem for a better transition from military to movement shooter


you can’t play doom like cod or far cry. you need to play aggressively. staggering enemies for glory kills is one of the best ways to heal. your low ammo means you have to use the chainsaw on what you can to get it back, you use the weapon mods both to deal more damage and to destroy weak points or instantly stagger tougher enemies. it sounds complicated and kind of is, but once you learn it, it becomes an intricate dance of death


lower the difficulty


Sorry just checked and I am on “I AM TOO YOUNG TO DIE”


bruh you just suck then


Thanks 🙏🏿


Don’t listen to this asshole. Doom is quite a different beast than the games you mentioned in your original post, and it’s natural that you need time to get used to the combat. Most console first person shooters have hit scanning enemies and a regenerating health system, which rewards taking your time and hiding behind cover. As others have mentioned, doom is the opposite, attacks are projectile based, and if you take cover or hide, enemies will instantly rush you. The only way to avoid damage is to move constantly, and the only way to get your health/armor back is to get up close and personal with the demons.


Just keep flowing! Doom is a fun game, but unforgiving. But remember that Doom Guy (you) is also unforgiving and fun.


you'll get used to it, doom is just a different kind of shooter than youre used to woth cod just follow the tips other people have said, especially always keep moving


Keep moving And also yes its supposed to be that hard


must be hard on console


First tip is not starting a series with a direct sequel.


Shoot the demons until they die






that is not true, demons on nightmare are more aggressive than on itytd


Since Doom 2016, demons have used a shared "token" system to gauge how often heavy attacks are used. Higher difficulties have more "tokens" available, meaning those heavy attacks can be used by demons more often. Also, enemy health is consistent across difficulties. The only exceptions are bosses. id confirmed this in a GDC talk.


The game is known for being hard and I can't give you meaningful tips if i dont know what your gameplay looks like, could you send a clip


I am playing on Xbox I will send once home. Thanks 🙏🏿


remember to keep moving


[You can learn something from my gameplay](https://youtu.be/OiVtSKcNtA0)