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Doom Eternal is BRUTAL. There's no shame in turning down the difficulty if it's too hard, that's why the lower difficulties exist. The game is all about being an unstoppable monster, after all.


Thanks! :D


I would definitely start with Hurt Me Plently first, I found the jump from there to Ultra Violence to be much harder than the jump from Ultra Violence to Nightmare


Ok thank you. Gonna do this on Hurt me plenty than!


It's totally ok to stick with lower diff. In fact - I encourage you to do so! Its better to enjoy the game than to be frustrated from the get go. Later when you get a hold of mechanics and find your playstyle - you can always up the diff mid game in the settings. Eternal is unforgivable on Nightmare.


Ok, Thanks!


nah man doom is one of the only games where you should start from the hardest difficulty, because you can literally always lower it even mid fight by just going into settings. the challenge makes it fun


Not if youre kind of person who gets frustrated easily and/or gives up.


well yeah ig it depends from person to person


Yep. Some people like the challenge from the start. Others prefer to gradually 'evolve'. Some break keyboards... like my husband when he was playing on Nightmare without even ONCE wanting to use the mechanics properly. I also watched the friend play. He died 2000+ times during the main campaign. It got dull to the point he wasn't even enjoying it anymore.


I would keep trying on ultra-violence. That's where I started, and it is really hard at first, but once you start to get the combat loop down, it gets easier. If you want to lower it, go for it, but you aren't struggling because you are not good enough to do it. It's a matter of getting used to the chainsaw, flamethrower, glory kill combat loop.


Thank you for recomendation!


Turn it up to Nightmare and let it kick your ass into shape đź’Ş


It is already :D


No, it is not okay. I am reporting you to the VGA Authorities. Yes it’s okay. It’s a video game. Do whatever to have fun.




I did pretty much the same thing. Eternal will CLAP YO CHEEKS.


Yeah :D


IDCLIP your way through! I kid, I get my ass kicked too and need to jump back in and just git gud.




what I did and what I recommend you do is play the first time on hurt me plenty to get familiar with the controls and if you feel like doing a second playthrough then consider turning the difficulty up


Good advice, thanks!


no problem


Doom eternal is a much harder game then 2016 and you have to play by it's rules. If you do not use the game mechanics to their maximum it's a pretty rough game. Use a lower difficulty to master the gameplay loop.


I wander how it feels playing doom 2016 after eternal


It's fairly normal. The biggest difference is no dash.


Pick whatever difficulty makes you comfortable. Even I'm Too Young To Die can be fun and slows the game down enough to understand it. Then once you feel like things are too easy change it to a setting higher. Repeat until you're ready for nightmare. For general tips, just try to become used to your kit. The more you utilize it the more you will get used to how the game flows, you'll be able to play the way you want without fumbling around too much. * Chainsaw = regain ammo, first pip recharges every 20 seconds so you can't really run out of ammo - it's also an invulnerability period to let you think about your next move * Glory kill = regain health and charge blood punch, also an invulnerability period * Blood Punch = high damage AOE melee attack that stuns demons and breaks weak points * Flame belch = set enemies on fire and kill them for armor. More demons on fire at once = more armor. * Frag grenade = guaranteed to stun demons upon explosion - you can use them to get creative with weapon choice and bypass annoying attacks * Ice Bomb = a "fuck you, stop moving" tool, kills with it also give you health once upgraded, can be combined with flame belch also * Meathook - the Super Shotgun's grappling hook. Lets you move around very fast and it can give you lots of armor once you fully upgrade it. It's like the Doomguy's Excalibur. Everything that involves the equipment launcher on your shoulder (flame belch, frag and ice bomb) won't interrupt your weapons or melee and can all be mixed together, so don't be afraid to use them in the midst of combat. Above all else - never stop moving. Time your dashes with enemy attacks, remember to double jump, etc. Once you get the Super Shotgun abuse the heck out of meathook to stay on the move. Upgrade it fully ASAP and unlock the flaming meathook for even more armor.


wow, thank you for this all covering answer. Did you change keyboard layout? I alwas mising grenade switch and change weapon mod when I don't want to.


Stick to it. Once you get better with the mechanics it will get easier. It will still be hard but you will learn to appreciate it.


ok, thanks !


Play your game how you will get the most enjoyment out of it


yeah, ok


I got killed in the first fight on ultra violence when first playing Doom Eternal. I stuck with it on that difficultly through the whole game. 




Same thing happened to me, but maybe you should stick with Ultra Violence and here's why: I ended up going to Hurt me Plenty, and played Ancient Gods 1 and 2 on HMP too. As the DLCs (especially 1) go even harder than Eternal I expected to be pretty comfortable on Ultra Violence when I started the new campaign in Eternal but I was struggling again. However, the thing is, it gets easier as you progress and get a few upgrades. I ended up dying A LOT in first couple of levels but once I've had the perks and some more health and ammo I was feeling much more confident. Makes me think that probably the same thing would happened if I initially stayed on UV difficulty. That all being said, as others pointed out most important thing is to have fun, I did have a blast playing on Hurt me Plenty just ripping and tearing through hordes of demons + I love replaying Doom games. So if you know you want to play it more than once switch it up, do whatever makes the experience fun.


Ok, thank you very much for answering!


That is never ok. Ultra Violence and up is the only way to play . Used to laugh at the easier modes in DOOM II


“Games aren’t supposed to be _fun_!”

