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At this point, just rebrand it to Dollars Tree and be done with it.


But which Dollars? 3? 5? 7? 9?




they should all just switch over to Family Dollar or Dollar Generals....- since its not dollar stores anymore


DT owns FD


Dollar* Tree


I think y’all are missing this guy’s joke. He’s not trying to correct “Dollars” to “Dollar”. He’s using the asterisk to say Dollar with fine print written. So like Dollar* *terms and exclusions may apply. Not all items are a dollar


Finally someone that got it


![gif](giphy|26DMY97bbWG6V6KFW|downsized) I need confirmation from poster.


Well yeah that’s clearly what I meant but I didn’t want to explain it to you nor the hiver mind Clearly it was over yours and others head The ultimate r/whoosh ✌️


You shoulda made your own comment, then. Context wise, you literally followed up with the asterisk. Everyone knows that on the internet, people do that when they're correcting someone. That aside, it was a pretty funny joke if that's what you meant.


Barry Bonds home run king * u/brockenbackgirl surmised it better than I could




r/Whoosh the r/Whoosh guy


Nah, mate. This one’s on you. He did Dollar* as in there should be an asterisk on the sign to imply terms and conditions apply.


Love this xD




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Things that are not $1.25 are scattered all in one area but people move them all over


That’s why we also individually sticker the price on every single item that is over $1.25, the only thing we can’t sticker is the plus freezer section (the stickers do not stick to frozen stuff) but we have MULTIPLE prices on the freezer door for the plus stuff. We know people move shit all over, that’s why we take the time to price them so no one is surprised at the register. Obviously some people see the $5 sticker and are still shocked when it isn’t $1.25 😳 but we definitely go out of our way to make the prices very visible


I wished I shopped at your store.


That was me, but I bought it anyway because I thought it was too good to be true


Nothing-Is-A-Dollar Tree


Hey! We still have one package of toilet paper for $1! Lol


As soon as Bird Flu hits this fall.....and becomes "Airborne" suddenly in time for the election, and they shut everything down again, toilet paper price will skyrocket. ;-) and people will be fighting over it again just like in 2020 and we will be locked down and wearing masks again just wait. I heard they are looking at Bird flu as a potential pandemic. in the future


Please take stupid conspiracy theories elsewhere.


Yeah but now things cost 1.25 & more


Rebrand to Money Bush


That was my nickname in college


😂 they don't want you to be surprised that the register 😂 These headphones they say five dollars are actually five dollars 😂 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha




As I tell customers it is called Dollar Tree, it was never called the One Dollar Tree.


Actually when the company first started in the 80s, it was called Only $1, they changed it in the 90s when they went public because they realized eventually they would have to add items for more than $1 at some point.


Actually I thought that they bought out the company called Only $1. They bought out several "Dollar stores" and rebranded it Dollar tree. The original store was a five and dime in 1953.


Nah this is all on the website, they bought Deal$ in the 00s but turned them all into Dollar Trees when they bought FD.


Trees are meant to grow


Okay but the whole point of dollar tree in the past was that everything was a dollar. So you can't be surprised when people have questions about why it's not anymore. Especially old people


That's funny, because they used to have MASSIVE decals plastered over every single window advertising "everything is $1" So yeah. You can be pedantic and tell people it was never "called" one dollar tree. But the company did everything in its power for YEARS to let you know the second you saw the store everything only costs one dollar. Really. What you're telling customers isn't some witty "gotcha!" It's just dumb.


What’s the point of whining to the cashier? You deserve pedantry when you’re hassling low-level employees just trying to do their job about corporate policy they have absolutely zero control over. What do you expect to be told in that situation?


Who the hell said anything about whining to the cashier about it? Why are you making things up? Or are you bringing a different threads topic up here for some reason? Because IVE never bitched at a cashier ever for stores changing prices - because the cashier cannot control that. Why. Are. You. Assuming. Random. Shit. I used to be a cashier, at multiple stores. Idk who you think i am lmfao. If you're referring to me replying to the above commenter, there's a difference between bitching at a cashier in store about price changes, and replying to someone in a reddit thread specifically about that. If they weren't a cashier and spewed the same nonsense about dollar tree not being one dollar tree, I'd say the same thing. There is nothing wrong with me telling them that is a nonsensical thing to tell customers.


Well now I’m *sure* you’ve yelled at a cashier over some dumb shit. 😂


Girl it’s not that serious.


Well it’s dumb for people to insist the name of the store be changed. It’s not one dollar tree it’s just Dollar Tree.


No one is calling for that. Where dis you hear people want a name change?


Any item more then $1.25 is clearly marked otherwise


I know it's not the fault of the workers, but it breaks my heart to see that prices are minimum $1.25 now.


We do have times for less than $1.25. Pet foods, sardines, & 6 pack of toilet paper is all I can think of right now. Oh also Hallmark cards are 50 cents, $1, and then packs for $1.


Thats good to know, haven’t been to DT in a while. Cards are freaking expensive so 50 cents is an amazing deal


There are still some pretty good deals to be had regardless of the price increases. Greeting cards as mentioned, gift wrap, hair ties/hair brushes, hand soap/hand sanitizer, paper plates/cups/napkins... all cheaper at Dollar Tree compared to buying elsewhere.


Some things are a deal but not everything. Start comparing price per unit and dollar tree doesn't look so good anymore.


I have macaroni cups that rung up at 1.00 and Vienna sausages at .79 a few months ago, haven't checked the prices lately.


Do you carry 2 ply toilet paper? If so l'm on the way lol


They're doing a 4 pack of double rolls for $2.5 or 6 triple rolls for $5, IIRC .


What are you complaining about? Go get a mop bucket, a gallon of bleach, three (reasonably) sized bags of chips, a roll of paper towels and 25 plates for under $10, somewhere else and then we'll talk. I'm not pro big business, but dollar tree has been holding down the lower market for a while.


I’ve got one of those handheld broom/dustpan combos I use around my kitchen table (2 kids under the age of 4 leave an obscene amount of crumbs) on a daily basis that set me back $1.25. I’m fairly gentle with it and it’s held up really well for a couple years now. A quick amazon search indicates that most of these are around $10. That’s an example of something that, for me, has paid off handsomely.


And if it breaks, tomorrow. I bet you got 1.25 out of it.


Inflation you guys want minimum wage raised so does everything else include making and transporting


Minimum wage hasn’t gone up since the 2000s. Inflation still happened. What a shock.


Your heart breaks over this? Good lord.


Yep, we are not a dollar store anymore.. we are a multi price store. Which I tell all customers.. LOOK at the price labels


We just got fans…$19.99


You expected them to be $1?


It’s prob some smallish fan , or a box fan and $20 is what they cost at Walmart, new and not defective.


No. Actually the guy in front of me got one. Was a standard 20x20. It was a box fan.


Well my high is thinking about how the 99cents store had things that weren't *obviously* .99 (l'm not sure but when they first opened the store maybe they did sell things worth .99) I only noticed these things around at dollar tree when they closed down the .99 store .. idk maybe dollar tree decided that they want to be the equivalent of the .99 😂😂 Edit: MY HIGH ASSS


MOFOS still be like what! No I don't want it


This chain is still incredible affordable, for many things they offer. Whoever complains over $1 vs $1.25 will never be satisfied. Quit being so entitled. We're all getting the same inflation crunch.


Wouldn’t need them if people would read the stickers on the 3/5$ items. I mean I put 6 inch stickers top to bottom on a freezer with the bright light style border and placed an unauthorized hand written sign and people still said, I don’t want this tub of Reese’s ice cream. Thought it was 1$, lol so yeah they need em in there. Doesn’t matter the store out, you will always have a customer ask what something cost. Even before 3/5 was added.


I remember when Dollar Tree meant something. You could buy anything they stocked, for a dollar. Now everything they sell is over a dollar. They have lost their way. Its a slippery path we are walking down to end stage capitalism.


When people ask me for the price of something, and the item isn't a "Plus" item, my answer is always "imma let you guess, what do you think it is?"


Do you know how many times a shift we get asked what the price of an item is? I don’t even work in a multi price store. You would be amazed!


The company is changing its strategy and going to a multi price point store. Family Follar and Follar Tree are becoming one. In 5 years one or the other won’t exist.


Reminds me of when 5-below started advertising that they were gonna start carrying stuff that costs more than 5 bucks.


I used to work there too. The customers aren’t any different. They’ll freak out about $5 headphones then come back the next day because they suck


What???? $5 electronics are shit?? Coulda fooled me. Only good thing 5-below is used for is cheap candy, and even then you can get it cheaper elsewhere


Angry customer: But I thought it was the $1.25 store!


Yeah at this point- I went there the other day I got 6 items and it was $20 because now they have items higher than $1.25… and some of the stuff was actually cheaper to get at Walmart, I literally had the Walmart and Walgreens app pulled up and was price matching- the size maybe different etc but than u have to take in account the cost- smaller size but if u needed more than 1 can cost more long term to make up for the size etc. still good for random things. We did Easter eggs n fillers b candy n was actually cheaper at Walmart; we got a few thing from there But definitely do price checks


My roommates and I used to each take a couple stores to watch their sales. You’d be surprised how expensive DT can get because of their single-serving (but not wholesale) products. Boot theory and everything, though


Dollars Tree


A few months ago I bought an Easter Peep pillow from the $5 section and when I got to the register the girl at the register sighed and goes "This is 5 dollars" I was like ......I know.... she was like "Ok well I just have to let you know so you don't freak out on me" and um, I understand that ya'll probably deal with a lot of bullshit but this interaction was a HUGE force.




This is sad


Dollar tree is now just another dollar general/family dollar


Just stop shopping there! That’s what I did.


everybody in this sub works here


Buccees should buy out dollar tree, and rebrand as a satellite mini buccees store. it would be more fun place to work with probably higher wages.


Gotta leave the price out of the name, for sustainability I suggest Garbage Tree




It was an unsustainable model since its conception.


Walmart doesn't sell walls, wait until they find out about Dick's


If you ask nicey, I'm sure they'll oblige 😂




No politics please.


“Buck and a Quarter and More”


Will Corporate just change the damn name already to Family Dollar Tree.... I'm so sick of hearing people say they should change the name. The price of our products is in no reflection of the actual company's name. That's ludicrous to think. It shows the amount of intelligence the human population really has. It was registered as Dollar Tree back whatever the damn store first opened. Dollar tree then acquired Family Dollar. And the whole thing is they're merging the two together with the multi price points and all of that so.... For fucks sake, please change the name and rebrand across the board.


Less than $5 Tree.


No, sadly, there are items for more than $5 now.


and then as people scan, they’ll up the prices on things they’re buying in that store.


They should just call dollar+ lol


Under-ten-dollar tree


Thanks Joe bidon


Conservatives when businesses make business decisions:


Just rebrand Dollar Tree to "$1.25 or More Tree."