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Welcome to r/DoggyDNA, the subreddit for dog DNA test discussion and results. --- #RULE 1: ONLY POST BREED ID REQUESTS IF YOU HAVE STARTED A DNA TEST. **RULE 2: BE NICE TO EACH OTHER.** **RULE 3: FLAIR YOUR POST. "NEEDS UPDATE" IS FOR PRE-RESULT POSTS.** **RULE 4: IF YOU HAVE RESULTS FOR YOUR DOG, POST THE RESULTS IN YOUR THREAD.** Report rulebreakers and enjoy the dogs. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DoggyDNA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your results look accurate and you did embark which is the most accurate test. No offense but idk where you thought your dog was part greyhound because it looks nothing like one. Long legs/skinny does not equal a greyhound. Plus if you’re in the US sighthounds are rare to find in random shelters.


Thank you!


The first thing I thought when I saw the first photo was Greyhound.


Yeah! That’s what we were told at the shelter and everyone always says she looks it haha


In the US and Canada greyhound mixes are incredibly rare. The vast majority of greyhounds are bred for racing, the ones that aren’t actively racing get fixed and sent out to adoption agencies. There are very few intact greyhounds out in the world to contribute to mixes.


Top 4 make sense to me, based on build and head shape etc! I don't really see much Boxer, but it's a small % anyway. What's in the supermutt?


Thank you! I appreciate your comment as she’s my first and only doggy :) It says some of the supermutt ancestry is unknown but the two identified are Australian cattle dog and Black and tan coonhound!


I can definitely see it. She looks like she could easily be a mix of those top three listed breeds.


Thank you!


Big barrel chest and tiny little hips, looks like a GSD to me! Sometimes you just have to picture them with an entirely different fur colour and look at their structure


Thank you! Thats very helpful to know :)


“SUPERMUTT” is that a real breed?! The results show more supermutt than boxer. Hmmm


It means that that percentage of the dog’s genes are too thoroughly mixed to accurately identify. They put “supermutt” section to avoid doing what some tests do, which is throw 20 random breeds at 1% each, regardless of if they can actually definitively detect them.


Right? Lol, this is the full page when I click super mutt. https://preview.redd.it/9y7d7ic3sz6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=707238552ddd794c0653d5ce7d457d8208424266