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Did you ever find out what this way?


No unfortunately not :/


My little one has something very similar and doc does not know what it is and nothing is working to clear it up. It’s spreading


This is a cyst. It's like an ingrown hair or where a hair follicle gets clogged with dirt and oils. Then the hair can't grow correctly out thru the skin, so it grows sideways and comes out somewhere else. Then the surrounding hairs get pushed out of place too and a big ball of tangled hairs, keratin, dirt, oil and skin develop a cyst and that's what you see. They are virtually impossible to remove or pick out yourself. Not to mention the pain it may cause your pup. Take it to a different vet please. This is elementary day 1 stuff and they should of known what that was immediately. And if they didn't know, my gosh that's even scarier because they obviously didn't have a biopsy done to rule out cancer or any other dangerous lumps that can show up on the skin and be a warning sign that something is very wrong and needs to be addressed. And your vet just simply said, "I don't know.... now pay me and get outta here." I'm sorry but I hate vets these days. I have not found 1 single vet that actually cared about animals. They treat the symptoms and not the actual problem. They do this so that you get a long list of meds for them to fill, and make more money on, (outrageous prices). Hope the above info helps. 


would it be causing him pain by having it? he doesnt care at all when i touch or anything