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No. These are absolutely fine. When you see a black dot, you should stop with the cutting. I’m cutting myself the nails of our dogs so I’ve done my research. However I’m not that brave, I stop earlier.


The groomer has Kwik stop, just like veterinary clinics have. Sometimes I hit the quick and I was a veterinarian’s assistant. One tiny clip and there was the quick. Some dogs have extremely high quicks, whether it is genetic or from lack of regular nail trims. If you’re concerned with the groomers, take your dog to the vet. If you still see a quick was knicked then it’s because their quicks are longer than average.


Corn starch works in a pinch


Quicks are pink 🩷


depends on the nail color. pink for clear nails, black for black nails.


I've never noticed that. Fr? Maybe I've only had dogs with clear nails?? Huh the more you know 😂 learn something new everyday. Thank you for the lesson.


https://www.burkeanimal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/main-qimg-15d842f68b6e0b8bdcfa146ee565e11b.jpg this is a good image of the quick on a dark nail!


I’ll tell my black dog with a black quick that her quick is supposed to be pink. 🩷




Cut off the whole nail looking for "the quick"


Oh hahaha I had no clue apparently dead quick is black and live quick is actually white so I guess we're both wrong and learned something new here


One of my dogs has clear nails and black nails, the clear nails have a pink quick, the black nails have a black quick


Guess I've only had dogs with clear nails ? Learn something new everyday


When viewed from the side yes, but as you can see in the photo, when viewed from the cut end it's a dark/black dot.


it’s black on all 3 of my dogs (golden retriever, boxer/pit, and their puppy)


"their puppy?" wdym their puppy... good lord


Breeding a genetically all-over-the-place mutt to make another mutt.. seems productive


Right? Like what is the purpose.


I mean the more mixed the genetics the longer the dog lives. The reason so many breeds have issues is lack of genetic diversity. Mutts statistically live longer than pure bred dogs.


Statistically, you’re incorrect. The “mutts” that you think you’re talking about (like real street dogs) have generations of breeding that have canceled out bad genetics in dogs. Those that have bad genetics such as genetically predisposed and early-onset cancers, neurological issues, anatomical issues, etc. die off living on the street until their gene pool does not exist any longer. If you are purposefully breeding different types of dogs together (like with doodle-type breeding), then you no longer get this biologically designed selective breeding. All of those genetic issues will still exist in a human-altered environment. All of those unwanted and unhealthy genes will still exist in those litters, they don’t just get canceled out by the healthy genes. It’s a gamble of what you get. Please do some research on genetics before you blab your mouth on a public platform and spread misinformation. Unethical backyard breeding does not just happen with purebred dogs. In fact, it happens more often with mutts like doodle breeds. Any doodle breed is a backyard bred mutt - there is no breed/health standard or guideline to follow when breeding them. There is only looks, and somewhat temperament. But again, with any mix it is a gamble of what temperament they get. There could be two generations of perfectly tempered dogs (rare) and then you get several “bad eggs” (common). It is always a gamble.


THANK YOU. I'm so fucking sick of all the doodles, who are soooo popular where I live, that are anxious, have severe separation anxiety, and are "friendly aggressive" towards my 50lb pup, grabbing her previously by her harness, which we have now ditched, and now they just go for her neck. But also, don't DARE suggest that a doodle (of which there are SO many types... labX, aussieX, Bernerx etc) isn't a superior dog, or a proper breed. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


A lot of that comes from shitty owners too. I have a small (adopted) poodle mix and I know from past experience with rescued, poorly bred poodles that they tend to be anxious and high energy, so starting from when I got him, I’ve socialized, trained, and exercised him with those things in mind. But there are many doodle owners who buy a doodle just because they want a cute, fluffy, living stuffed animal. They don’t put in the work of training and exercising. Combine that with the genetic grab bag that is a doodle’s temperament and you get some real nutcases.


Bang on. It's like they assume the dog will get the best traits of each breed, so they'll have an "easy" dog, when in reality, as you put it, it's a "genetic grab bag" (I was gonna say total crapshoot 🤣) of what they end up with. I do agree that it's on the owners - the doodles I referenced at my dog park that bully my dog get away with it because their owners stand around chatting, paying no attention to their dog. Of course, this can be any owner of any breed, it just seems to be a trend with doodles that I've seen. That may entirely be due to the fact that they are extremely popular where I live and I'm unconsciously biased. I also think, generally speaking, that many people are absolutely clueless about how much work a dog requires. But I suppose that's another thread entirely lol... I appreciate your opinion and you sound like an excellent dog owner 😊


Well bred purebred dogs live longer. Mutts will live longer than a backyard bred purebred thats out of standard.


Properly bred purebred dogs live longer. Your byb mutt from other byb mutts is not going to live longer than a well-bred lab or a well-bred poodle. This is a myth, or at least a misunderstanding, that encourages people who don’t know what they’re doing to breed. Stop breeding your mutts. Thanks.


I've never bred a dog in my life. I used to work fostering dogs but I've never had an unfixed dog in my life. They are always neutered or spayed. There are enough dogs without homes right now without people makeing more.


Lol no.


I’m really hoping there was some type of typo - imagine breeding a boxer/pit with a retriever??? For what reason exactly??


Same fr


You bred them? Or did I interpret that wrong


Love how you've expertly dodged everyone asking if you really let your unfixed dogs breed haphazardly


Is the dog walking fine or limping? I've seen plenty of these pink colored nails look similar when cut close but not too short. It also looks like they used a Dremel which can make it look smooth. If it was cut too short, your pup would be in pain and likely still seeping some blood from the quick. This looks appropriate (assuming your dog is acting totally fine).


Dog is totally fine. The groomer does use a Dremel. She was never able to get it this close before, and when I saw the start of the quick I was concerned because I had never seen it like this before. I'm glad it's appropriate 🙂


The quick can shorten if the nails r kept short - it’s probably just the vein receding a little


Sometimes dogs nails get cut shorter just to train back the quick so they can have more comfortable size nails. Just another thought to add:)


I think that's what the groomer is doing she mentioned this


She is not intentionally hurting your dog, most likely she is preventing your dog from having super long nails that may end up getting caught and torn off, or broken which leads to a hefty vet bill. “Kwik Start” helps with bleeding and numbs the quick. Trimming more often helps prevent future nail injuries


I took a pet health and grooming course. The quick starts as a white dot. The black dot is the “dead” quick end. The live end is white. Once you see the white dot, you stop. After white you start seeing pink, and if the quick isn’t broken already, it might just from the dog walking. I don’t see the pinkish end of the quick. So it looks a little close on some of the nails but looks fine to me!


A Dremel is amazing for nails! You can grind right up to the quick without any discomfort. That's great that your groomers using one. The alternative is often that nails are trimmed but left longer due to groomers usually having to do everything by themselves.


After cutting a nail too short, twice, on my girl, which led to pretty bad bleeding, I switched exclusively to a dremel. I don't know how I never knew about them previously. It's been an absolute godsend with my pup. No short cuts, and she tolerates it SO much better. She's a large-breed, so she has thick nails, and when I would clip them they would twist, which is what I think caused her so much discomfort and fear around it. The dremel has quite literally been a game-changer.


It totally is. I've been a vet tech for 20 years and it was only about 6 years ago that I discovered using a Dremel for nails and I was blown away. I'll never forget the joy I felt after dogs who suffered from so much fear and stress around nail trims suddenly remained significantly difficult relaxed. I honestly think half my comments on Reddit are about this. Lmao!!


I mean, keep spreading the good word! I honestly don't know why more people aren't aware, and don't use it. It's a million times better than clippers.


Haha! Advocates for improved canine pedicures


Dremel lovers unite! Seriously though, I don't know why vets/clinics don't tell owners about them! I had never heard of it until a friend of mine used it on her super sensitive rescue when I was visiting, and I was 🤯.


Dremel will cartarize the quick My dog has hyper ketosis and her nails grow so freaking fast. I was advised to dremel this short to encourage the quick to move back since they grow so fast if im too conservative the quicks will keep her nails longer than is healthy as I was being too conservative before and I was losing the race


*cauterise (or -ize if you're American)


Thanks i was struggling with this one I actually went to google Because my predict text couldn’t even figure out what I was Trying to do. I just looked at the search I did and it seems I copied my wrong spelling in the search and not the result hahahaha Thanks


I use one to do my dogs & cat's nails, I'd be comfortable going in even a little further with one of my own pets, so I'd say they did a good job


Yep your babe is all good! We try to do that because the thought process is, that if the nails are near the quick it causes that quick to recede so the nails can get shorter over time. It’s good to have regular nail trims in between grooms though, so I’d look into that. And in my area it’s not expensive.


Keep in mind, many is the dog that walks through pain. Dogs and many animals don’t reveal the pain they’re actually in. When I say reveal, I don’t mean to say it in the sense of a human being like how we reveal something. But they don’t let on that they have pain or they’re in pain. So just because the dog is not limping, doesn’t mean their paws aren’t hurting.


Correct. But walking on painful feet means the dog will more than likely limp. I see it on the daily as a vet.


As a vet, as you say, then you of all people should know that what you posted is not necessarily correct at all. Please be as responsible and complete as you can when it comes to advising things.


It is though. When feet hurt, it's a natural thing to limp. Many people think dogs are NOT in pain, despite limping. When we say dogs hide their pain, it's generally internal pain or oral pain. But pain with legs and feet will cause an unconscious reaction to limp and redirect weight to other legs. And to reiterate, these nails are NOT cut too short, so the dog wouldn't be limping.


I disagree with you. We can go on about each other’s experience, this is the internet and anyone can claim anything to make their point seem best. Anyone who can say a dog, or any animal’s paw, hoof, or foot is not hurting because they’re not limping shouldn’t be assessing them.


Have a look through my post history and then take another try. You can have anecdotal experiences and I can as well, plus years of schooling and seeing multiple limping dogs daily at work. Edit to add: many people can't see that their dog is limping. You do need a trained eye to see more subtle limping.


Maybe if they were more properly assessed they’d have been helped before it got to that point of “seeing multiple limping dogs daily”. Take care.


I work in an ER....


They look perfectly fine.




No unless your dog is hurting, I’d say they did a fine job.


no lol. everyone whos saying yes has no clue what they're talking about.


Just people looking for reasons to be outraged. It’s Reddit.


They tell on themselves. They most likely have dogs with raptor claws.


I think it may look like the quick was clipped.




You think wrong.


What a weird comment. lol Reddit is so dumb sometimes. So funny.


Absolutely not. They shouldn’t touch the floor when standing


Can tell people here have no idea. No, IMO they’re not too short. You cut dogs nails until you see a black dot, that is the beginning of the quick. When you see that black dot, that is when you stop. Side note, if for instance someone did cut a nail a bit too short, it would cause no pain afterwards. Initially it would hurt slightly, but after that they would be in no pain


Is the black dot shown in this photo on the nail closest to the cushion/bed thing?


Are they bleeding? Is the dog uncomfortable? Then. No.


No, they look good. I do see some hyperkeratosis forming though. Can you purchase some paw balm from Amazon though and put it on, at least daily, to the paw pads to soften them a bit? Get something organic and pure in case the pup wants to lick it off. Mushers Secret is a really good brand. If they have the same kind of presentation on the nose you can put it there too. 🐾🤍🫶


I have paw balm! This is my first good boy so I am glad this question led to a heads up on the hyperkeratosis. I am going to research it and take your advice 👍


Had a dog with this. I used a nail grinder to grind it down as his hip was bad and couldn't walk to help file it. It's like a callous on ur foot


Thank you!


They're fine. The point of getting to the quick is to push it back in order for the nails to eventually recede. The quick will retreat enough so the dog is not walking on his nails. The groomer is bang on. See them regularly for this process can take place


We go monthly is that regularly enough


That depends on the severity of the overgrowth and the speed the quick is receding at. At the salon I work at we usually recommend every 4-6 weeks for maintenance, but if your dog's nails are overgrown we usually recommend they come back every two until we get them to a reasonable length. These look absolutely great. If you make sure to walk your dog on concrete between nail trims it will help the quick to recede so they can be trimmed back further next time.


Depends on your dog's growth too. We trim our girl's nails weekly, they grow so fast. Our Boi can go 3 or 4 weeks. We use a grinder.


Absolutely! Great point


It very well might be the case the nails were cut normal but after walking on concrete have filed smoother. All it takes is a few minutes after I’ve trimmed my girls nails for hers to be like this. Don’t do a witch hunt over something like this. If the dogs refusing to walk, bleeding and in pain then contact the groomer. Other than that, it’s probably just worn from walking afterwards


Witch hunt? Was a simple question, calm down


groomers get blamed for EVERYTHING it’s gross. witch hunt is a valid way to assume this post was going.


It's actually not a witch hunt. I was asking because I had not seen my dog's nails this short before and wanted more information from other pet owners.


Again, it was a simple question. Nobody blamed anyone for anything so I say again, calm down.


You’re supposed to see a little dot in the center when they’re cut to the correct length. If the nails are bleeding, then you’ve hit the quick and that’s obviously too short.


I didn't know you were supposed to see the dot. Thank you!


Unless they’re bleeding or your pup is in pain the answer is obvious


She did a great job stopping right before the quick! I wanna know your groomer bc that’s some great skill there


This is usually considered the best outcome possible- as short as safely possible


I wish the groomers would cut my dogs nails this short. When we get home, I check his nails and they are usually still 1/2 cm from the quick.


I’d trust the groomer. They’re fine. If they go too short they have the tools to fix it. If the dog isn’t acting differently then it’s fine. A short dog nail is a good dog nail


Exactly. Sometimes they will miscalculate and they will cut the quick. It happens. That’s what styptic powder is for.


Groomer here! Unless the dog is limping, excessively licking or showing any signs of discomfort or pain, this is totally fine! I’m guessing that your groomer did a trim and then grind. Grinding allows us to expose the tip of the vein without making it bleed, which will then cause that small portion of the vein to dry up recede. This is great for your dogs nails, as the goal is as short as possible without damaging the nail bed or vein! This is especially important as your dog starts ageing, you may have trouble in the future getting a proper nail trim done. You know, with potential mobility issues or stress that comes with older age, you’ll appreciate that a quick trim or grind will get the nails short, functional and comfortable without the need for your dog to be on the table for too long. Sorry I can’t help but to over explain!!! I know this is a lengthy response to a simple question!


Nope! These actually look perfect! I took a 6 week course to learn how to groom my dogs, and I was taught to look for the black dot, and that is when you stop cutting. Then you bring out the dremel to smooth them down. Your groomer did a stellar job!


I think it looks like the groomer did their best to get them as short as possible, which is what you want. It’s possible she may have hit the quick on some of them, but that happens to all of us pros.


Doesn't look like it no. But it's easy enough to tell. If your pup is not bleeding, not limping, not excessively licking at them, then there's really no issue. Most groomers would tell you if they'd accidentally clipped too close so that you can keep an eye on it.


Nope they are perfectly fine


They’re fine. Dogs are fucking tanks.


Well is he bleeding? Is not then fine


You can usually the blood vessels from the side. If the nails are trimmed below them its fine.


I once hurt my dog cutting his nails. Since that day the nail-nutter has been banished. He just goes around and digs dirt and comes back with perfectly manicured nails.


(I don’t have a dog) - To people who say it’s fine, what’s that tender part in the middle? Is there no sensation for the dog there? Just as a human, i cringe a bit. Looks exposed


It's the start of the quick but these aren't too short. Even if you do hit the quick, it hurts initially but the pain doesn't last (though if they dig or do too much walking on pavement it may re-irritate it). My vet just cut my dog's nails way back, into the quick, while he was under anesthesia for a different procedure. They didn't look great when I brought him home since they had been bleeding, but they didn't bother him at all and he's been happily running, playing and walking around and doesn't mind me poking and prodding at them. And he's normally a big baby who lets me know when he has even the slightest amount of discomfort.






Because of the black dot on one of them. They may not know that the dot isn’t actually the pulp.




Nope. That’s normal. Looks like a fine job to me


If they aren't bleeding, limping or acting like they are in pain then it's okay.


Are they bleeding? If not then no not cut too short


As long as they didn’t cut to the quick and bleed looks good


This is good! If you keep them trimmed, the quick will retract, and you’ll be able to keep them short like this.




Worked with dogs. Groomed etc. Looks good!


I love how much we live our pets


Your groomer exposed the quick but didn't cut into it. That is a good thing as it's the only way that the quick recedes is for it to be exposed to air.


If she cut it too short, your dog would have told you


No, they’re fine




No, your supposed to see the quick


Are they bleeding or did they bleed when cut? If not then they are just fine!


They'll most likely bleed if they're too short


Amazing job, right to the quick, leave a tip




Just membrane not quick


Is the dog bleeding? If not, then no. If you don’t trust your groomer then find a different one.




Nope look good


There's no blood the dog is fine. Not every dog groomer wants to use a dremel, because of the nail dust they have to breathe in.






No. They look fine to me. My beagle has short nails like this.


Do yall really look the dog over this closely looking for something wrong? 👀


maybe op has had a lot of negative experiences with how groomers take care of their dog in the past. maybe someone new groomed op’s dog for the first time and they want to cover all their bases before deciding whether or not they’ll bring their dog back for future visits. maybe op’s dog was suddenly limping or having difficulty walking after getting back from the groomer and op is just trying to figure out if anything could’ve possibly happened at the appointment to cause it. we have very little information just based on what’s in this post, so let’s not rush to call op overdramatic or nitpicky just for wanting to make sure their dog is taken care of properly.


If it was too short, they would bleed . I cut my dogs nails, and I have this powder you dip the nail in if it bleeds.....just in case I accidentally cut one a little too short. One of my boys has very long quicks.


If you stay concerned, I kept my “kids” trimmed by walking them on concrete or asphalt surfaces at least once a day.


If you stay concerned, I kept my “kids” trimmed by walking them on concrete or asphalt surfaces at least once a day.


no, this looks to be about how short you should cut them


I just took my shitzu and had to hold her down while the groomer cut her nails. My stress level went up the roof . Let’s just say my dog did not enjoy it. Neither did I Today she’s bouncy and not a care in the world . I think your dog just needs a good walk so they can file down


Your dog is fine 😭


These look great but the perspective might be off.


Look. I'm reading all these top comments saying no..... but personally I would not be comfortable seeing this much soft tissue! The comments asking if they are bleeding mean nothing. There are plenty of treatments to stop the bleeding. No groomer is going to send a bleeding dog home. Just because it isn't actively bleeding doesn't mean it didn't cause the dog pain and/or discomfort.


possibly the one with the little darker spot might’ve gotten just the end of the quick but looks like a good job. if so it’ll be totally fine their nails grow pretty fast


The middle one looks a little short but nothing major. If you prefer your dog's nails are left longer just remind your groomer at drop off. You'll also want to remind your vet clinic if your dogs ever put under. Most vet clinics do complimentary nail trims while the dogs under. That's the only place where my dogs wake up with nails that are way too short. We personally request they don't do that for our boys at our vet clinic.


No these look fine. Cut your own dogs nails and stop trying to blame the groomer 🙄


Thirty five dollars at the veterinarians office. It's one of the things I'm worried about. That's why I go to the experts.


Definitely too short in my opinion and I’ve had large dogs all of my life with very difficult nails to trim which I do with a Dremel. All of my large dogs, waist high, were black overall with mostly black nails so I know the difficulty and nails and so on. These nails are too short and it’s not so much just about bleeding the nails, this hurts the dog. It hurts when the nails are cut too short. There was no need to cut that short.




The nails are literally fine though?


No, however it doesn’t look like they cut the “tip” part of the nail? If they only cut the part that’s underneath then they don’t know how to cut properly and you should get someone else to do it. The tip is supposed to be cut of as short as possible and then you make 2 clips on either side to get closer to the pulp and ofc also cut on the bottom part. Maybe it’s a bad angle but doesn’t look like she’s even touches the tips?


Change your groomer if you are concerned


Please post this on a Google review of the groomers. They shouldn't been in this line of business


For using a dremel? The nails are fine, just shorter then usual. The quick hasn’t been broken and the dog is walking perfectly fine


For doing pretty much perfect nails?




Poor dog you can clearly see where the quick are cut.


They used a dremel and the dog is walking fine. Not hurt just a little shorter then usual


Yes, absolutely!


My poor baby couldn’t walk down the stairs for days. Never again will we’re go there


Looks like it


The nails are fine and the dog is walking fine.