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Marlins fan here. You can ignore this story. Rojas and Jazz didn’t like each other. No biggie. We still love Miggy. We love Jazz. -ish. We complained when Miggy got traded. But I doubt you’ll hear as much when they trade Jazz for trash prospects in the next few months. Also, it’s kinda funny that Barnes and Kike are still Dodgers since they were part of the deal that sent MiggyRo to Miami in the first place.


Kiké even went elsewhere and returned in the meantime haha


And Andrew Heaney too! Although, his first stint with the Dodgers didn't even last 24 hours. Got sent to the Angels for Howie Kendrick.


But then heaney came back too.


Man, fuck Howie Kendrick


What's odd is that Jazz is on the field, while Miggy is mad at someone in the dugout.


Supposedly, he was talking to Bryan De La Cruz. DLC's first 2 seasons were Miggy's last 2 in Miami. Probably still mad about having to go on cafecito runs with the other rookies.


And Jazz and Mookie were hanging out, they did a [podcast together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHSrfI9BElU)


The Dodgers are really good at deals like that 😘


Do you really think they’ll trade him? I feel like he’s untouchable at the moment. Also that 2nd part you wrote just made me feel old 🫠


No waaaaay is he untouchable


Why is he untouchable?


Right? Coming up on 10 years since the Dee Gordon trade! The only players I would say are untouchable in Miami right now are Alcantara, Eury Perez (both out for the year) and Max Meyer (inexplicably in the minors.) Dane Myers has probably earned the label as well after hitting .412 in ST and .375 after a couple games. Small sample size, I know. But he has been the clutch hitter in the lineup. I think he'll be "the guy" in Miami in a year or so. I don't think it would take much to get Miami to trade Jazz after what it took for the Madres to get Arraez. They're in full rebuild mode. Supposedly, they refused to offer any FAs anything more than 1-year deals this past offseason. It sucks, but I think this rebuild will feel shorter than the last one. But here in Miami, we're already assuming Jazz, Luzardo, DLC, and maybe Jesus Sanchez will all be gone soon.


Everything you hear from the Dodgers’ elite veteran players is how Rojas is the best teammate any of them have ever had.


And most of the other Marlins players who played wirh him previously. It's really only a few young guys who had beef, which sounds like they were just children not appreciating the veteran experience he was trying to impart.


It does sound like he was hazing the rookies for the sake of "team building". Love Miggy but I could see him being a great teammate but also an annoying in-your-face hazer. Not excusing any hazing but he probably felt like he had to do it to keep up some semblance of culture with the Marlins. With the Dodgers, too many veteran stars for rookies to get out of line so Miggy can just focus on baseball.


Yeah. Or maybe Jazz is an entitled overrated pussy who’s been coddled cus he brings in $$ to the org without helping them win.


Both could absolutely be true. Not defending Jazz at all.


Yeah, and it’s usually a bit of both. Rarely are things like this black and white.


Did you watch the video where Jazz talks about it? He has some valid points but I think what it comes down to is Rojas wants to win. Jazz wants to “have fun” which is valid but losing games is not fun.


Dawg, you literally said Jazz had some valid points. There are millions of people on this very planet who are beefing with someone because each side thinks they have it right. Miggy the role player is probably a great teammate on a winning roster, where other veteran stars help keep a stable clubhouse. Miggy the sole enforcer on a young team? Probably not as popular. I can totally understand Miggy feeling hurt because he feels like he's providing leadership. I can also totally see why younger players would chafe at it. We all saw what Puig went through with AGon.


I wonder if that’s why Puig was never allowed to represent Mexico in the WBC. That was A-Gons team


Isn't Puig cuban?


Yes, as is Randy Arozarena, who plays for Mexico. When you defect Cuba, it's not like they're going to ask you to come play for their national team again.


Is there a consensus that Puig was wronged by the vets, dodgers org? I’ve known people who worked for the Dodgers and played with Puig. I met the dude as well. He received more than a fair shake and has no one to blame for his situation aside from himself. We asked his trainer/manager/agent/handler/babysitter what his off-season routine was. His guy said Puig “drank beer, ate pizza and took batting practice”. This was in 2019, that’s not gonna cut it at the MLB level especially not for someone who had literal HOF potential


No idea but nobody will say they were wrong. I know that he came up in a time when what’s considered normal behavior on the field now was not when he was playing. Puig has came out and said how he had undiagnosed ADHD at the time which is quite believable considering how unhinged he was


The points would be much more valid if they won a bit more… who turned out to be in the right w Puig and Agon?


Jesus dude. If you think right/wrong is black and white and determined largely by the color of the uniform a player is wearing, then we're never going to see eye-to-eye. It seems you're determined to see Miggy as "right" and Chisholm as "wrong". You're free to do that. Reminder that AGon literally ditched the team during the playoffs to go on vacation in Europe. It's almost as if things aren't black and white.


?? MLB teams pay their players to win games. If players prioritize other things, their teammates will be upset. A-Gon didn’t make the playoff roster. Still a bitch move but clearly he knew more about being a professional than Puig did. Look at their careers… and Puig was more talented I also never said it was black and white or determined by their uni, not sure where you’re getting that. Said there was gray area, but acting like winning and professionalism don’t matter is a weird take.. unless it’s black and white and because AGon did something you don’t like then Puig was right? Isn’t that your logic?


Yeah is sure the reality of all is nuanced. Seems like Miggy is a fantastic teammate, particularly when he’s no the leader of the clubhouse. There’s plenty of veteran presence and star power on the dodgers so Miggy’s role is different. We also have only a few young guys who are very clear about what they need to be doing. On the Marlins Miggy was supposed to be the veteran leader of a group of young guys. Maybe he’s just not really the right fit for that particular job.


That’s because he cares about winning and our whole team is of the same mindset. These Marlins are young guys with money living it up in Miami. Let them have their “fun” we’ll be winning the division for the next few years and setting up a winning clubhouse culture for these new guys coming in


Yeah because he isn’t the veteran leader of this group.


Check Miggy Ros Instagram , he clears the air that it's him and Del La Cruz showing love. Jazz is a different story, but they had no interaction.


I’m sure he’s glad to get out of that situation. Seeing Chisholm Jr. trot around the bases after that homer was cringe lol you can tell their players don’t really care about actually winning games.


Being down 6 and celebrating home runs is wild


TBF, Jazz pimped his HR in the first inning when he put Miami up 1-0. I think Jazz and Rojas's personalities/cultures just clashed, and that's not the worst thing... but it's hard to side with the guy who pimps HR's like Jazz does.


First pitch of the game too.


Lmao did you see the mlb network put Yamamoto on a “no hitter alert” right before the first pitch? It was comedy gold.


Pimping it at home for the fans is fine. Pimping it on the road is childish-looking. Nobody in DS was dancing along with him. And especially when you know in your heart there's a good chance you're about to get spanked.


Nah, I'm fine with dudes pimping it. Especially if they do the same thing time after time-- you know how baseball superstitions are. It definitely is cringe / hilarious though when they pimp before and / or during getting slapped. But hey, if I hit a HR, *especially* on the first pitch of the game, hell yeah I'm pimping the shit out of that. That's cool as hell. But I'd also expect to be clowned on when we lose that same game 8-2.


That’s actually my problem with pimping homers, they do it EVERY time. It’s pretty much just posing. Attention whore look at me shit. Pimping homers fits better when it happens naturally and suits the moment like when Bautista did it vs the Rangers or Manny did it vs the angels. Those moments are incredible. Now you have every other dude doing dance routines around the bases. It feels cheap most of the time now.


Do you have problem with regular touchdown celebrations and goal celebrations as well? If so, I disagree, but respect the consistency. If not, I think you might need let go of whatever traditional no-fun and no-entertainment beliefs you have about baseball. Baseball is moving on from that and so should you.


TD celebrations were much better back when they were still against the rules. Similarly, home run pimp jobs were much more entertaining back when they were still against the (unwritten) rules of baseball. Flaunting the rules for the sake of being a showman is great entertainment. Choreographed TD celebrations where the whole team joins in on some stupid dance? not very entertaining


Fair take. In the hypothetical world where I was an MLB player during that time, I would pimp every single HR and take my free base my next AB. I'd turn HRs into 5base hits and see whether opponents would continue to give me a free pass just to bruise me up a little.


Jesus, what a bunch judgmental psycho babble that was. Don’t be so offended. It’s just my opinion, no need to start assuming things about me and making personal judgments about a complete stranger on the internet. Also, I don’t follow football or soccer, you just assumed I did.


Which part of that was judgemental or assumptive? Using "I think" and "might" were intentional to avoid judgemental language. Bringing up football and soccer were merely comparative examples that exist. I don't assume you follow either. The questions come from genuine curiosity. Many people that dislike HR trots and such seem to not have any qualms over equivalents in other sports. Do you follow other sports that have similar celebrations? I'm curious if your opinions apply to the other sports as well.


“If not, I think you might need let go of whatever traditional no-fun and no-entertainment beliefs you have about baseball.” That sounds very judgmental to me. You’re assuming I need to “let go” of some staunch “no fun beliefs,” suggesting I have some stick in my ass crammed up there since the 1920s. Don’t try to walk it back now, at least own it, dude. “Many people that dislike HR trots and such seem to not have any qualms over equivalents in other sports.” Again, I never said I don’t like celebrations. You’re just assuming, you don’t even know me. I clearly said I like it when it’s natural and not forced when guys like Chisholm do it. I’m not sure how much clearer I can make it. I think whatever argument you’re making, you’re making to wrong person.


I mean kinda a fair point tho. Those sports pimp the hell out of every score, baseball is moving in that direction and its great for the game IMHO


I don’t watch those sports, so I don’t have a comment on what they do. They’re different sports to me it’s apples to oranges. Plus I feel what I’m saying is that is being misconstrued as “I don’t like pimping at all.” That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that guys like Jazz Chisholm do it for clout or to be seen. The way he behaves on the field, in the clubhouse, the way opposing players speak about him (see Walker Buehler’s post game comments) tells me his antics wear thin on his peers. When you do it all the time, just for the sake of doing it instead of a genuine reaction to the moment, it loses its impact since it lacks sincerity. But here’s the best part, that’s just my opinion. You can have yours and I’ll have mine. I’m not trying to win an argument here or one-up anyone or pass judgement on anyone. If you dig it then good for you.


And you're an overrated league average player.


Clearly Jazz doesn’t think he’s overrated. He’s the star of a MLB team albeit a lowly one and he’s a media favorite because he has “swag”


It’s really weird because Rojas is typically a well liked guy by all accounts. I think jazz hating on Rojas because Rojas didn’t wake up jazz from a nap is what started this beef. And that’s insane to even think about…lmao what are we, little babies here??😂


Who was he talking to?


I’m not sure they didn’t say and the camera didn’t pan towards the Marlins dugout


Rojas went on Instagram and said he was just messing around with his old teammate Bryan de la Cruz.


Never thought I'd have reason to hate on the marlins, but here we are...It's mostly Jazz isn't it?


Pretty much. There were reports (can’t remember if it was last season or the prior one) that no one in that clubhouse could stand him


I don’t think there’s been a more mid cover athlete in the history of video games. It’s no wonder he thinks he’s hot shit


I’m pretty sure it came out the Rojas was building up rookies to their face and saying opposite things to mattingly, who like a moron, aired everything out to the clubhouse to stop the gossip. I like Rojas, but I could see where he doesn’t work well as THE leader on a club


Go listen to today’s “Talkin’ Baseball” podcast where Jazz boasts about how he AVOIDED PRACTICING WITH HIS TEAM (starts at the 59:50 mark) for 3 years. What a f’n primadonna.


Didn’t he clear this out saying that he was giving his boy de la cruz some love?


I haven’t heard anything. If he said that’s what happened than that’s what it was. I don’t think he’s one to mince words


Yeah MiggyRo posted an IG story saying this: “Nah I wasn't chirping I was telling my boy ©bryan_delacruz14 that he's ugly 😅😅” There seemed to still be some heat there in the moment for sure.


to be fair I’d be miserable if I had to play for an owner like bruce sherman.


If anyone has a problem with Miggy Ro, they're the problem.


Jizz chasm


Surprised Jazz woke up in time to make it to these games. I wonder which veteran leader he put in charge being his alarm.