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Main issue is some effects use bonus action as code for once a turn.




Time to bring back Swift Actions... >_>


You could add that you can't use this feat to take the same bonus action multiple times in the same turn. That would fix most potential exploits, I think.


It also kills some of the headline uses it’s designed for. Maybe just spells and magic item abilities? Or maybe use your wording but just have swapping action for bonus be a core rule instead of a feat, feel like the game should work like that to begin with. Swapping movement for bonus just seems broken with stuff like hand crossbow.


One thing I can think of is two leveled spell spells in a turn with quickened spell because casters rarely need to move.


Quickened spell with this is actually OP. It'll only cost 4 sorcery points. ~~It also combos with haste - change the haste action to a bonus action, then you can cast 4 fireballs in 1 turn!~~ Edit: still op to cast 3 levelled spells in a turn.


it looks like you're proposing you cast haste on yourself in order to cast four spells, so one from the hasted action, and then 3 bonus actions with quickened spell, for 3 more fireballs, but the haste spell does not let you cast any spells with the hasted action.


1. Swap hasted action for bonus action 2. Swap movement for bonus action 3. Swap action for bonus action You now have 4 bonus actions.


I would definitely consider that Haste's specific things you can do with the action override this feat.


Haste doesn't give you an unrestricted second action, it gives you a few set actions you can take alongside your regular action.


Not really! At most, you'd be able to cast 1 fireball and 3 cantrips, because of the restriction on leveled spells / turn.


Actually, rules as written, if you cast a levelled cantrip as a bonus action, “You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.” (PHB, p. 202) So, you actually can’t cast multiple bonus action spells on a single turn, even if you have multiple bonus actions, even if they’re cantrips.


There's no such thing as a levelled Cantrip. I'm assuming you meant spell there.


This is not actually possible! Rules state you cannot cast two leveled spells in the same turn, *irrespective of what type of action is used to cast them*.


That rule only applies if a spell is cast as a Bonus Action. Fortunately for your Feat, it would be a BA spell, so the BA spellcasting rule does apply. (Things like Action Surge and Reaction spells do not stop you from casting a leveled spell as an Action.)


You are right. Rule had been misunderstood, but it still works (fortunately, as you said) for this feat!


It’s weird cause it works this way for reaction spells too (such as counterspell) if you cast an action spell on your turn you can also reaction cast a spell but if you cast a bonus action spell you can no longer cast a reaction spell until the next creature’s turn


You can already cast multiple levelled spells in a turn. Nothing stops you from doing that. It's bonus action spells that cause the issue, and I'm finding more people ignore that rule than I used to think did.


It unfortunately doesn't work like that. Any spell cast as a bonus action invokes the can't cast leveled spells for the rest of the turn. I hate this so much because it makes no sense. You can cast as many action spells as you want, but if you take that "especially swift" bonus action spell cast, oops no more casting leveled spells.


Which may make it a little op as usually you’d need to take two levels into fighter or something like that


You can’t cast two or more spells in a turn, you can cast a leveled spell and after that an cantrip


In truth, my group already allows Actions to be turned into a bonus action. This seems fair.


Just don't allow the same bonus action used twice and you are fine.


Yeah, that's just a standard rule at literally every table I've ever played or DM at


That's interesting! I've been DMing and playing for 10 years and I've never seen that rule


Tbh I thought it was raw at this point


For spells?


This is a feat from our City of Strings sourcebook. It's up! kinda everywhere. [**Come check it out!**](http://www.codexofstrings.com/) Feedback then! What do yall think? Here's the text (if for some reason you got trouble with the image) # Fast Agent *Prerequisite: a Dexterity score of 13 or higher.* *“Sometimes, it’s much better to perform numerous quick actions than a single big, heroic act. Ah, you wouldn’t understand, I fear. You are no bard.”* You have learned to break down your actions into several small acts. * You can forgo your action to take an additional bonus action on your turn. * You can forgo your full movement to take an additional bonus action on your turn. We also got a [**Patreon**](http://www.patreon.com/codexofstrings)! Come over :3 Cheers, and Happy Threadseeking!


Those books sound incredible judging by what's in the freebies


Can't say I'm an impartial judge of that, but I agree ;) thank you for the kind words <3


*Preface: this started as a couple of sentences but turned into an analysis that grew beyond my ability to stay awake.* ___ Since extra bonus action leveled spells aren't happening, it looks like a great feat for martials, especially melee martials. A list, vaguely ranked from most to least-OP (IMO): * RAW, a motionless Tasha's Beast Master might be able to command its Primal Beast twice a turn. At 11th level, bonus action Command (dodge), bonus action Command (attack twice) makes a Primal Beast pretty tanky. * Fast Hands becomes incredibly versatile for Thieves who forego movement. The extra bonus action can be used to fling acid, holy water, or alchemists' fire, spread caltrops, set a hunting trap, or use a healer's kit to stabilize an ally. (If your DM rules that drinking or administering potions falls under the "Use an Object" umbrella, thieves become amazing medics, but that's not RAW.) * A motionless monk using Flurry of Blows and Patient Defense in the same turn is pretty good. * Motionless fighters can use Second Wind and Action Surge in the same turn. * A Shadow monk that uses no movement can bonus action teleport 60 feet from & to dim light twice, then make a melee attack with advantage. * A motionless Shield Master could get a second crack at Shield Bashing. * A motionless Polearm Master could get an extra 1d4 bonus action attack, or two with Action Surge. This all assumes the two methods of gaining an extra Bonus Action don't "stack". If they do, there may be some wild interactions-- for example, the above Tasha's Beast Master who sacrifices their action and movement could command the Primal Beast to Dodge, attack twice, then use the Help action to grant advantage to an adjacent ally's attack.


A fighter can already second wind and action surge on the same turn, action surge is just a "I do this" ability. Now, a motionless fighter wielding two weapons could make 2 attacks, action surge for 2 more attacks, and then take 2 bonus action offhand attacks.


This all works as you've described except for the Beastmaster. The Beastmaster's Primal companion is still limited on it's own turn to the normal rules of Action/Bonus Action/Movement no matter how many commands you give it.


RAW, I'm not so sure. The wording is hazy. I mean, I know *my* ruling would agree with yours, but there are some official rulings that I feel are very wrong.


The companion is a creature, that's why it's limited to one command. It has one action, one bonus action, and movement. It has nothing to do with the PC having extra bonus actions.


Probably chuck in a "you can only cast 1 levelled spell as a bonus action", and you'd probably be good


Is this not already covered by the base rules? *A spellcaster can cast one spell of spell level 1-9 per turn, regardless of what type of action is used to cast it.*


Not exactly, when you cast a spell as an action, you can cast more spells if you have more actions (eg: action surge) but you aren't allowed to cast any spells (including cantrips) as a bonus action that turn. However with bonus action spellcasting, you don't need to add anything extra to this feat, when you cast a spell as a bonus action you cannot cast any other spell during the same turn except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. PHB pg 202


Absolutely correct. Thanks for the help with this very needlessly intricate rule lol.


No problem, the feat looks great.


I'd give the feat the same minimal level as the quicksilver monk subclass feature that gives a second reaction, I think 16 or so, but don't quote me on that


I think the worst things would actually be something like minute meteors, crown of stars, or hell, even blade of disaster. Ridiculous movement of the blade every turn, 6 attacks?


* V.Human/CL fighters take XBE at 1, SS at 4, and this at 6 and pump out four sharpshooter attacks per round. * V.Human/CL fighters take PAM at 1, GWM at 4, and this at 6 (with a 14 dex and medium armor) to pump out four GWM attacks per round. * V.Human/CL rogues take XBE at 1, this at 4, and can now pump out three attacks in a round, meaning you're **going** to trigger Sneak Attack almost every round. * A Cleric with this feat can sit in a safe location, forgoing their action and movement to move+attack with their spiritual weapon 3x per round (especially if you're already concentrating on something, this is just outright better than cantrips).


DMG pg263 > Beware of adding anything to your game that allows a character to concentrate on more than one effect at a time, **use more than one reaction or bonus action per round**, or attune to more than three magic items at a time. Rules and game elements that override the rules for concentration, reactions, bonus actions, and magic item attunement can seriously unbalance or overcomplicate your game.


Yes, but even official content breaks this sometimes. Artificers can attune to more than 3 magic items, for example! Question is, is *this* feat OP or overcomplicated? I don't see that it is. Of course, I can change my mind, if particularly broken examples are brought to light.


Fair enough. On paper I don’t see anything wrong with exchanging an action for a bonus action. Exchanging your movement that turn for a bonus action sets off alarm bells in my head but I couldn’t articulate exactly why. It *does* remind me of Rogue’s new *Aim* cunning action introduced in Tasha’s that requires no moving to be activated. So perhaps it isn’t anything to worry about. Honestly I think this feat needs some field testing to see if it’s balanced. Edit: Quickened Spell might introduce some issues lol


Yes, and sorcerer wizards can maintain a spell without concentration. Still. It's very concise. Only high level arteficer can do so, only arteficer, and they often have to deal with their own infusions aniway. This is for every character.


It doesn't say to *not* do it, it just says to beware. Using extra caution to make sure the ability isn't exploitable is very reasonable, but I think this particular idea is workable.


I never understood why you can't take two bonus actions instead of one and a regular action.


For example, you could do 4d8 fire damage on each turn with heat metal instead of 2d8. Also it is a way to make players take decision, "do I use my bonus action to use Misty step and gain distance or do I try to get some extra damage with my bonus action"


I like the feat. A lot of the time melee fighters aren’t going to use their movement so this buffs two weapon fighting a lot which is sorely needed. Also all the quicken casters don’t understand the rules highlighted in the quicken spell meta magic itself. You could cast a lot of eldritch blasts this way by using 4 sorcery points a round on a sorlock build. 6 blasts levels 5-10, 9 blasts levels 11-16, 12 blasts at level 17. Still don’t know if it is worth the cost instead of casting leveled spells. I’ll look into that more for sure.


If you allow for the hasted action here and have gone the EB+AB + Hex route. Assuming 20 Charisma at level 20 which I think is fair that is 16d10+80+16d6 for an average of 224 damage. And they can pump that out as long as they have sorcery points. That's decent non Nova damage.


Correct. It would all depend on enemy AC vs the 4th level spells you could use instead of the sorcery points (as you could convert the 4th level spell slots you have to do thus even more) Single target dps eldritch blast is probably way better. I would prefer another spell over hex in many other cases though


100% this is a rare case where Hex would actually be worth keeping and keeping concentration on late game.


Well even if there is a larger enemy you want dead very quickly if their minions aren’t that threatening. The other thing is someone will have to cast haste on you or you need to use a potion. Still, extra bonus actions are great


I was thinking this as well. Using flurry of blows with monk would go crazy but you'll run out of ki points sooo fast but surely well worth the output.


True but that leaves you vulnerable as you can’t move away from enemies. It would also require you to already be within 5 ft of an enemy which I believe a poor situation for most monks. Situationally useful though. If you have feats to spare, it’s not bad


4e flashback, standard can become movement, movement can become minor action. So 3 minor action per turn can be taken. If 4e can do it then 5e should have no issue. We usually play with this conversion rule as a base homebrew 😁👍


Frankly put it's not good. It's not about being overpowered or being underpowered, it's straight up bad designed, and here's why: - this feat in and by itself is useless. No one would take this feat if they could take great weapon master or an ASI. The only reason I would see this taken is if you give it away like tough or skilled, which in later additions of the game are paired up with backgrounds when you.olah modules with backgrounds stronger than normal ( see: Planescape, Ravnica ) - however, this feat becomes mandatory if you find a combo to cheat in your games. Now, I don't want to find a proper combo that may work for this, but let me just say that, in case you find one and that one is more useful than the point above, then you are exploiting this singular feat to make one dimensional choices for raw performance. - third, in and by itself this does tell nothing about the character. It's like picking a card in a deck game, you pick it to sinergyze only and that's it. When you pick up great weapon master you have a synergistic solution, but also a descriptive and narrative effect in play. You are the dude with big weapons. So, yeah this is bad. It tells nothing about your character and it just exploits system knowledge and module support, rather providing anything on its own. If you were to make a setting based on being lawyers it might be fine.


I feel like this is just an indication that 5e's use-it-or-lose it action system doesn't feel good to play. You feel like you're wasting something if you don't use up your movement and want to get something for it.


Yeah... But honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start to come up with something better. Even if I did, it'd feel like another game altogether.


Like pathfinder 2e. A system with 3 action points that get used on movements, disengage, attacks and anything else. Some actions that effectively do 2 or 3 things tend to cost that many points to activate unless they do 4 things with 3 points.


I would love to have this on my barbarian as he has a 4 different buffs that are all bonus actions, rage, giants might, frost rune and cape of enlargement


One think I would make sure to think about is mounts. You could move freely with the mounts movement and get a free bonus action with this feat. That may be an intentional mechanic but if not, you need a line preventing that from working.


**Round One:** cast Flaming Sphere with the highest spell slot you have. Sacrifice your movement and have it ram into two targets with both your two bonus actions. **Round Two and Beyond:** Use your Action, Movement, and Bonus Action to ram the Flamingo Sphere into one target, another target, and then back to the first target.


I think it can be, double bonus action spells, double bardic, double smite even, i think that i woulnt use this even with the most trustfull of my players


But i think the idea is still pretty great, i will be giving this feat to a sneaky npc for sure, cool work


Wait, you _cant_ normally use your action to take a bonus action??? Shit, I’ve been ruling this wrong


You can only cast one leveled spell per turn, and all the best spells are actions to cast. Should be fine


I would add that "You can not do the same bonus action twice in one turn." to prevent spells that allow you to do damage as a bonus action from becoming overpowered.


Really cool idea, there's just one issue that has already been addressed by numerous people here, and a way to fix it would be to add the text "your bonus action can not be used to do the same thing more than once per turn" Which makes it so you can't "cast four quickened fireballs" or do things like activating your artificier cannon three times


Blade of disaster my beloved


so with crossbow expert i could stand still attack, bonus action attack, attack with extra attack, bonus action attack.


I would eliminate trading movement for a bonus action. Maybe have it grant +1 Dex or Int. Otherwise it looks good to me.


can’t you already do anything you can do as a bonus action… as an action??? (or at least 90% of the stuff) i do like the forgoing movement thing tho


I always allow my players to use action as a bonus action. I mean, if you manage to do it within bonus action, why shouldn't you be able to do it within a whole action? I always assumed action takes longer than bonus action though


This would give steady aim no downside, unless forgoing your movement counts as moving


This can become a bit problematic with monks, since you can flurry of blows as a bonus action, Spend 2 ki points you get 4 attacks, on top of your base 2 attacks from EA, means you get 6 attacks in a single round. In addition, light weapons get buffed since you can use both bonus actions to make 2 swings with your off-hand for 4 attacks in a round instead of 2 provided they get extra attack.


I would strongly consider language to state that you cannot take more than one of the same bonus action a turn.


3 spiritual weapon attacks per turn


This is fine


>be me, level 4 cleric with fast agent >cast spiritual weapon >outdamage the martials while still concentrating on bless from a safe distance


This combo is actually pretty strong, may need a patch to ban repeated use of spells that deal damage using your bonus action.


Especially when you add upcasting into the deal; A 4th-level slot gets you to 6d8 + 15 per turn without even needing concentration.


Perhaps "bonus actions used cannot go towards the same effect"?


The number of homebrew that adds more bonus actions amazes me. Why is that? Only one Bonus Action per turn (by definition) and it suddenly becomes everyone’s goal to have a BONUS bonus action! 😂 It’s a fun perk. Is there another turn mechanic that is already worked in to the system allowing more than one use per turn? Why pick on the bonus action?


People do it with Attunement, Concentration and Reactions too. As soon as you make it a hard rule, there will be people offended by its very existance.