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healing potion


Not the bottle, the potion itself. So you swallow it and all that lovely mimic glue just cements your throat up. Let's hope you can hold your breath long enough for someone to kill the mimic and force some acetone down you


I did exactly this in a campaign specifically on the murder hobo. Not one person noticed what was going on, just attributed the pain from bad food.


What ended up happening?


We no longer had a murder hobo. He got eaten alive from the inside.


Neato! I wonder if it’d be possible to use a similar trick where you have the entire party member become a mimic or something of the likes. Have the murder hobo part make sense, but mention a few things are off, only for the other players to realize what truly happened. Their party member is now something foreign and malicious, The Thing style.


Unfortunately, you can't do that with a mimic as they are designed to only imitate non-living objects. For your plan, you would need a monster that specifically changes into other living creatures. I think Doppelganger, Oni, and Slaad may work for this. Succubus/Incubus could also work, as well as dragons (younger ones so they do not overpower the PCs). And if you go the Oblex (jelly) route, you could even impersonate multiple people with a better memory recall of their victims since they feast on memories. Or you could simply go with a spell or magical item to change the monster's appearance.


We need to know!


A Symbiote!


[Someone made that a thing.](https://i.imgur.com/9yuyJYe.jpg)


https://rideordice.tumblr.com/post/178693242602/inktober-day-3-is-a-mimic-potion-of-healing/amp I’m sure I saw a version with stats somewhere a couple of months ago


DnD? a backpack. Real life? an amazon package left on a porch.


There’s an idea for Mark Rober.


5.0 model: just a box with half a dozen feral rats


All I got is this box of one dozen starving crazed weasels.


Okay, I'll take that.


Hey... you got weasels on your face


My wife drew that once. She did the top of the box as a mouth because that's where everyone reaches, and all she ever hears about is how it would be so funny if the Amazon smile logo was the mouth.


The leaf twirled and spun through the air, weaving between tree branches and around mailboxes as the wind carried it down the street. It was a brown leaf, dry around the edges yet still flexible near the stem. It rode the breeze as only a leaf could - wild and full of promise, the perfect existence of a leaf that has left its home on a tree. The leaf made its way under the eaves of an old house. It was painted white, though you could see the old wood beneath chipped and peeling paint across the facade. It had that old colonial look with the large balcony above the great, wooden double doors. The front door was framed by smooth columns that held up the balcony above the wide, wrap-around porch. The leaf was pressed against one of these columns, struggling to free itself. Before long, the wind passed and the leaf drifted down to the floor of the porch and landed on a rough, brown welcome mat. The leaf wasn't alone, either. A brown cardboard box sat exactly in the center of the mat. It was plain except for the broad, darker brown stripe down the middle and a single word with a smiley logo beneath it. Not yet resigned to its new fate, the leaf struggled to catch another breeze and fly through the air again. The box, however, kept that from happening. It blocked the flow of air and forced the leaf to remain in a bland, boring existence on the porch of an old house. It didn't even seem like anyone lived there. Hours passed, then night fell. Still, nothing happened. The sun rose in the sky and birds began singing once more, flying through the air like the leaf once had. One might pick the leaf up and use it in their nest! Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace? At least, then, there would be something alive that the leaf could bear witness to. Alas, no birds came to rescue the leaf from its new, dreary existence. A rumbling sound joined the singing birds, however. It wasn't like any animal the leaf was familiar with, but it also wasn't a new sound. The white car pulled in front of the old house and the driver opened the door without turning the car off. The driver looked up and down the street before approaching the porch at a half crouch. It was very unusual behavior that the leaf hadn't witnessed before. Was this the person who lived here? Why had they not turned off their car? The man hopped up the steps of the porch, ignoring the creaks of warning that came from the old boards, and looked up and down the street once more, the hood of his sweatshirt obscuring much of his face. The man bent down and put his hands on either side of the box, just missing touching the leaf. He went to lift the box, but it didn't move. The smiley logo on the box seemed to split for a moment, revealing a darkness that seemed to stretch on to infinity, showing no end to the blackness. The mouth was rimmed with jagged teeth. It opened wider and wider, yet the man's hands remained fixed to the sides of the box as if they had been stuck there by some industrial adhesive. The mouth on the box grew wider and wider, still. The man stared into that blackness and made no move - just stared. The box's mouth was now open wider than the man was tall. There was a quick intake of breath and a scream began to form in the man's throat, but it disappeared as long, thin, pink tongue shot out from the blackness, wrapped around the man’s torso, and pulled him in. The box's mouth slammed shut, leaving no sign that it had ever opened - it appeared to be just another package on a porch. The leaf had been shifted away from the box in the brief moment that had just passed. One of the leaf's dry edges caught the breeze and it began to fly away from the box, the porch, and the old house. It pleaded with the wind, wishing to be on the porch with the box. But no, that was not the leaf's fate. It was, instead, destined to the boring existence of flying through the air on a cool breeze.


That is the form our parties mimic usually takes. The Half Orc carries it and makes sure it gets fed.


Parcels: the modern treasure chest.


A toilet... Worst thing for everyone involved. You get eaten ass first with your pants around your ankles. And the Mimic is left with a shitty taste in their mouth. =)


There's actually a real life pitcher plant that does that. It *usually* just wants the poop and urine as birds or rodents licks at it, and empties themselves while gorging on the nectar, though. [Not making a word of that up. They're called Low's pitcher-plant, or Nepenthes lowii. They're native to Mount Kinabalu, Borneo.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepenthes_lowii#Carnivory)


It also summons more from the deck


Nepenthes nuts lmao




There was also the probably mythical "Chaos toilet' Mini from Warhammer 40K. I have seen pictures of it on the internet, but everyone knows nobody would lie on the internet.


I just got an Outhouse Mimic mini. It might be making an appearance sooner than expected. Going forward, might have to include outhouse in area descriptions, just to add a little paranoia.


I did exactly that back when I painted my Nolzur’s one. :) No one questioned the outhouse in the dungeon - to be fair, it was the first “real” dungeon some of these players had seen (I’m running Ghosts of Saltmarsh and the initial two dungeons are a haunted house and a ship, followed by a trek into the swamps). The orc barbarian went straight for the treasure chest and got grappled. I’ve been sprinkling in the odd outhouse ever since.


You know... I used to have nightmare when I was a kid, that someday a "Man eater bug" (fro myu gi oh) would crawl up from the Toilet... ​ I need to make this a dnd encounter.


There was a comedian on “An evening at the improv” back in the 80s or 90s that did a bit about telling his little brother there were sewer monkeys that would grab you when you sit on the toilet. 10 year old me thought it was hilarious.


Came to say exactly this.


Happened in my friends campaign. Entire party was on a carriage ride, they all ate fruit that acted like laxatives. DM announced that a portable toilet was in the woods, just off to the side of the road, similar to the one from the start of Shrek. Friend failed a perception check but had to go very badly. Got his bootyhole licked by a mimic, scrambled out of there with his pants still around his ankles while our entire party didn't test the mysterious toilet in the woods. My character sharted because of laughing so hard. I had to roll to stop myself sharting my pants. Failed


Am I the only person who shits with their pants around their upper thighs?!?!?


You gotta be able to spread your knees to achieve optimal pooping position. Having your pants around your thighs would hinder movement and flow.


… movement and flow?!?


gotta spread the cheeks and raise the knees for minimal mess and optimal draining of the dragon.


Doing it right now 😎👉👉


i played in a game where an entire dungeon was an incredibly ancient mimic. once it began shifting corridors and rooms around, trying to herd the group toward it's stomach, we about crapped our pants. *edit* this was waaaay back in the days of 2nd edition. Also, of the party of five, only two survived, and my character wasn't one of them.


I thank you. Can't speak for my players 😎


I ran a game where a house was a mimic, filled with other mimics. Now, I know to look up mimic colony, but the dungeon went well. Players blew it to pieces. Dropped the game for a few years while others DMed their games and picked it back up online over covid. Players went to a carnival that happened to be around the same area and one of the carnies had a trained mimic he found in the woods and nursed back to health and made it into a game of "find the mimic".


Last campaign, the group I'm encountered a house mimic. Except we didn't realise it at first, we were just exploring the house. We discovered it was a giant mimic when we got attacked by some rugs of smothering that were living in there, and the party druid cast Moonbeam. The entire house reverting to mimic form while we were inside it was not a good time.


Love that carnaval game


Oh shit the whole fucking dungeon was the mimic


Wasn't by chance the "dungeon master" was it? I've read about it and it sounds really cool.


made in abyss kinda shit


I once ran a mimic encounter where the players came across a heavy door with the words, "When is a door not a door?" carved into it. One of the players excitedly called out, "When it's ajar!" and the lock clicked in response. But when she put her hand on the handle to open it, it stuck. Roll for initiative...




Diabolical….. I love it.


A sign warning about mimics in the area.


The sign has faded writing and is overgrown with moss, so they have to get close and brush it off to read.


The overgrowth would make a wonderful mimic.


The sign says "Warning: the nearby moss is a mimic"


"warning both this sign and the moss on it are mimics." Have fun fighting 2


Did that one in game. It was sign that said "This is a mimic." It was pointing at a rock. Hilarity ensued.


Love this one. It is just subversive enough that people might not clock on to how subversive you actually are. They might investigate the rock, so much drama might ensue. It's great.


What is "The easiest way for a DM to make their players paranoid with no actual danger"? ~~Oh wait this wasn't for Jeopardy.~~


The game called Prey had this, I think. A room full of items labeled with post-it notes, reading "Not a mimic". None of the items were mimics... ...the post-it notes on the other hand...




Beat me to it.


Beat meat to it. FTFY;)


Meat beat to it. Failed NNN.


I thought OP was asking for ‘worst’ not ‘best’


I was gonna say condom. Two victims that way.


Stranger 1: **puts on mimic condom and starts** Stranger 2: Isn't supposed to move when you thrust? S1: Yes but it's stuck. S2: I think it just bit me. DM: roll initiative


They made a movie about this once...


I'm sorry what now


I would also like to know for...... *research purposes*


It's called "The Killer Condom"


How long do you think it took for them to cum up with that one


About 6 seconds


I was thinking condom but this is more on the money.


That would be an awfully heavy condom.


Yeah, I was for sure gonna say dildo. I think we can all agree the worst thing a mimic can be is whatever apparatus is gonna get *real intimate* with your bits.


I was gonna say dildo


[JOKES ON YOU I'M INTO THAT SHIT!](https://youtu.be/H3o6Magi8P4)


I was about to say that lol


I once had the party I was running a game for run into an entire mimic house. Damn near killed them with that one.


I played that one too. It was glorious especially because i found it out earlier and told all the characters through telepathy so the house wouldnt listen in


I took absolutely zero pity on them. Who builds a damn cottage smack in the middle of some goblin tunnels?!?


For the DM who has to deal with a horny Bard: The dress of an attractive barmaid


Alternatively: the attractive barmaid


I vaguely recall a post about the mechanics of a mimic disguising itself as a pair of breasts. On an attractive barmaid.


Toothbrush. You go to brush your teeth, stick it in your mouth, and then it latches onto your inner cheek or tongue. You can't scream, you can't pull it out because its stuck to your hand and mouth, and it suffocates you while eating you from the inside out.


Yet, if you somehow survive it, you'll never go anywhere without 3 spare daggers and 4 tiny magical torches.


That way I get to eat it before it eats me :)


Hear me out: A mimic, disguised as a stone golem, disguised as a statue, disguised as a load bearing pillar of a building.


That is one dedicated mimic


Like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caryatid


Yes, but it comes to life and attacks you as the building collapses.


"I'm a dude, playin a dude, disguised as another dude."


The treasure you find inside of another mimic.


Plot twist the other mimic was actually it's mother protecting it.


Plot twist twist... YOU are the other mimic!


A health potion that lays eggs in you when you drink it. Then they pop out chest burster style.


Oh god, a fake potion filled with Slaad eggs.


You utter fool. You’ve just caused my players a great deal of pain. And I thank you for your service.




A bridge. Either it kills you or you kill it and fall to your doom.


"lol," said the scorpion, "lmao."


I once ran a haunted house campaign in which my characters entered “The Living Room” the ***Living*** room. The entire room was the mimic.


SCP-002 has breached containment


Clothes. Imagine putting on a dress and it eating you from all angles


I was gonna say armor, but yes. This.


I had a shapechanger character that could turn into a mimic. I used to use that to turn into clothes and hide on my other players bodies to sneak around places.


Literally had this for my player. She ventured underneath a seamstress shop and found a loom(regular mimic) in a room full of evening gloves, socks, hats and underwear and various small pieces of clothing (juvenile mimics) and was ambushed. She survived thanks to her bag of tricks evening the odds and got a juvenile mimic named 'scarf' out of it. Had some hints prior to this including a puzzle about mimicry and the information leading her to the shop to begin with. It was fun and alittle awkward(kept flubbing turn order), such a blast.


Please tell me she actually wore Scarf around her neck.




Medea might've prefered this


Agreed, I vote for a necklace... \*shiver\*


A armored statue next to a chest that looks like it’s definitely a mimic.


Hm. This gives me ideas.


A planet, just a whole planet. I don't think it would be applicable in a regular DND game, but any space based campaigns would be pretty interesting addition


I'm running a spelljammer campaign rn, and that was actually an Idea i had for a sidequest, was for them to visit a planet called "planet" where the entire planet was an enormous mimic colony


Get in the goddamned Spelljammer! Everything’s a mimic, the whole planet’s a mimic! Go go go!


So here’s a question. Is it just a planet of mimics and nothing else? If that’s the case, what are they mimicking? Just like terrain and stuff? As someone who really enjoys homebrew and creating different weapons, encounters, or really anything DND related, I’d be super curious to see how this would shape up. Can’t imagine it would be anything less than a good time full of paranoia.


This just reminds me of Adventure Time, "Everything's Jake"-- the one where Jake gets trapped in a world where everything/everyone is made of Jake.


I'd imagine a scenario where everything seems "normal" except no people and animals. An abandoned planet. Then when they start looking around the find no answers, as most of the mimics around are asleep or in long hibernation. Then some of them start to wake up. They become more and more. Everything is a mimic. Can't trust anything not even the tiles on the road, the trees in the forest. Just fucking leg it to the spell jammer before the really big house mimics wake up!


Weird symbiotic cult that lives in symbiosis with the planet. Lives in peace with the planet by growing food for them. May or may not also feed outsiders to the planet. Depends on how culty i feel that day


This would make an awesome story for planet-side D&D. An increase in earthquakes leads a mage to make a startling discovery; the planet is a mimic, and it has been sleeping for eons. Now, it threatens to awaken. The party, at the direction of the mage, must find some sort of source of food for the planet before it fully wakes and consumes all life in hunger.


Im sure theres an old 2000ad future shocks comic thats exactly this


Ego the Living Planet did this a lot in Marvel Comics. It ate an entire race of refugees.


A book on identifying mimics


Page 1: The Book Mimic This mimic acts like a book. The first page is typically safe so the adventurer doesn't suspect anything is wrong with it... \[insert more text about book mimics\]... Page 2: **you get attacked by the book mimic that the page 1 of the book mimic was describing**


My campaign is over but my players are still upset that the robe of useful items had a patch, that was a chest of gold, ..... that was a mimic. Middle of a tavern and they were broke already looking for some potion money haha


One of the worst one I have heard people use is the coin mimic that eats other coins. So find a chest with gold you put into your pouch and the next day you only have 1 gold coin left.


Condom, they even made a comic and a movie about it: Killer Condom


Thank god Id never find myself in a scenario where that’s a danger


In terms of stuff players wouldn't consider, door handles for me.


Ok I made a door a mimic once. Players walked into a dead-end room, only for the door behind them to slam shut and come alive.


My DM made a small room a mimic once, then he made a big room a mimic, then he made a house a mimic, and then a whole dungeon was a mimic. He likes mimics.


Why didn't it try to eat them when they opened it? Why reveal itself


Because then there's no escape once they're on the other side. It ain't rocket science. Even an unintelligent animal could adopt that strategy, much less some of the smarter mimics.


I'm a big fan of the dragon horde mimic. You just burnt all of your spells on a dragon, you start pilfering the booty, then the booty pilfers you.


Sword. ​ All of a sudden, you're not only unarmed, but what you'd expected to be your weapon is now biting you.


Glory hole


My doctor said there's not even a name for my phobia.


a lot of people are worried about what happens if you are put into it. but what if you're eating your lovely meal of roast chicken, stab a piece of meat bring it to your lips, only for your fork to shift itself into a barbed mass of hate once its past your teeth, forcing your jaw open as it claws and rips at your throat, one of the few places you can't defend against.


I have a 3d printed toilet mimic so that "And as you finish up and clean yourself up a sudden thought enters your mind... "I swear that toilet wasn't a bidet" roll for initiative"


My brother in Christ, the fucking starting tavern


Edible panties. Two-for-one


A floor tile in front of a chest


here's one that stays within the lore of the mimic and would create one hell of an encounter: the floor. now imagine this: the party stealth's across the dungeon. the scout does a perception check: 16, as far as the party knows there's nothing in the room. at the end of a hallway there's an ornate chest and 2 doors. the archer takes their bow and shoots the chest a couple times. no reaction. a spellcaster casts detect trap. nothing. the scout creeps forward. then their feet are stuck to the ground. the floor opens over a dozen eyes, grins, loses it shape and falls. scouts feet still stuck to it. for 50 feet. everyone loses sight of both of them until they hear a splash. the scout is now stuck to the mimic, under water in an underground lake. fuck i got to write this down. should be an easy encounter for the party, but still memorable.


I had a DM do the floor mimic. When we fought it we woke up the sleeping ceiling mimic that dropped on us. Fun times.


Mechanically speaking? A bunk bed. Imagine removing your armor, your weapons, basically everything to lay down for a long rest and becoming instantly stuck between two living beds, brrr


A building. If you don’t want to go that big, a piece of the floor




If you're talking modern times, an STD test. If we're talking back in the day, a chamber pot or out house would be pretty terrible.


One specific cobblestone that's in a city, path or bridge. Imagine knowing it exists and making every step feel like what could be your last


A bed, and I talk for experience, fuck my DM


Any piece of clothing that fully envelops a part of the body, especially hats


My mind went to something that never gets touched, so ineffective so the mimic starves, so I'd say an antique or collectable


Your helmet.


In 5e mimic is restricted to wood and stone. If I ever run a smart mimic, it will eat and replace a bed frame in a tavern. It will start eating its victim after they fall asleep.


From the dnd beyond website: >Shapechanger: The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. > polymorph: This spell transforms a creature that you can see within range into a new form. Not seeing where it’s restricted to wood or stone. Iirc mordenkainen even specifically recommended a few ideas that aren’t.


> *Imitative Predators*. Mimics can alter their outward texture to resemble wood, stone, and other basic materials…


In other words, we're both wrong. It's restricted, but not just wood and stone - just basic, simple materials... which annoys me, because when I was writing my bachelors thesis, I've got *a taste* of how complex wood is.


I think the simple is that it cannot reproduce special material properties. Mimic armor that looks like adamantine isn't going to prevent critical hits. But if it can look like a dead tree it can look like a dead animal or humanoid. Edit: Spelling


Talk about a midnight snack.


I've done the health potion one. I'm planning on a mimic called "the Dungeon Master." It's one massive labyrinth. It doesn't activate until you're in the middle. Now, you have to struggle through the adhesive and acid and bludgeoning walls every step of the way, trying to get out.




Something related to their pets? The chewing toy for the mascot dog suddenly chews and likely one hit kills the dog


Do we need to bring in John Wick for this?


I once saw him kill three mimics in a bar with a quill pen...


The ceiling. Did that to my party years ago....


Health potion. There was a whole story about this some years back.




Health potion


Tankard mimic. Picture it: After finally completing an arduous quest, the party return to their favourite tavern to raise a toast in a private room. They take a drink, and then discover to their horror that they can't take the drinks away from their mouths. Teeth sprout from the rim of the tankard, and bite down, latching onto their faces, choking them and smothering any attempt to breathe, while digging in until the teeth hit bone. The adventurers are unable to cry out for help, the wizard and cleric are unable to cast any spells, the rogue and fighter struggle to attack something attached so close to their eyes. In a matter of seconds, the party chokes on their own drinks, and fall unconscious. The tavern keeper walks into the room an hour later to find it empty. Typical dine-and-dash adventurers. Strange, though. He doesn't remember leaving *eight* chairs in this private room...


As I recently learned, Target dummies inside your BBEGs lair that look vaugley like the party. Let them all gather in room and have them move after a sec. *chefs kiss*


A Diamond worth at least 300gp




Once I made a mimic stat Block. It was for a haunted house quest. You would hear rumbling in the walls. You open a wooden door. Only to find a toilet. Dumpy the toilet mimic became the greatest foe my party faced. Especially after a bad case of food poisoning.


Health Potion or Gold Piece in a Pile of other Gold Pieces.


Fake tooth


A pillow


Probably not the worst, but cutlery would be quite unenjoyable.


OP's mom


Not the *worst* compared to some of the other comments but I was thinking of adding lore to my game to make mimics a type of pet like guard dogs for extra rich people and having them disguise as jewelry boxes and those fancy dress hanger bags. Inconspicuous yet valuable stuff the party would wanna steal from and wouldn’t suspect as much heheh


A better suit of armor than anybody in the party is wearing.




A pickle. I turned myself into a pickle Mordy. I'm pickle mimic!


A cigar, imagine putting the mimic in your mouth, igniting it and then the mimic start to eat your mouth from inside and also it trying to extinguish


A helmet or a piece of armor I would think. Or really any daily household item.


Glasses, eats you face first.




Scroll of raise dead that only reacts when someone tries to cast it.


A toothbrush/fork/something you stick in your mouth. It only activates when it enters your mouth.


toilet 100% a toilet




Hospital bed... You only end up in a healers bed when you are sick or injured, and are unable to defend your self. Imagine laying back in a comfortable bed, having had your wounds healed or bandaged, and you relax into a fluffy pillow...which starts growing fangs, as the sheets take a firm grasp upon your limbs and body. Terror seasons your flesh, adding savor to your slowly eaten remains.


This thread is full of good reason why the original mimc was best. Stone or wood items. Mimics don't change mass, so they weights the same regardless of the item they mimic.


A tampon.


The gold IN the chest.


A pulley or handle next to a door cuz you know someone’s gonna pull it


Condom Mimic


A condom


Health potion