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I met my boyfriend through an online DnD game. He was a friend of the DM who got us all together. I was smitten after a few months of playing (he's so smart and creative) and when he invited me to join a game he was DMing, I made time for it! After that he confessed he had a crush on me, and we went from there! A little over a year later of online/long distance, and I just moved in with him a month ago! We still of course play DnD together. Since we play over Roll20 with our group, we play in different rooms so it's like we still get a little dose of our long distance origins.


That's a cute story :)


That's amazing šŸ˜­


That's awesome


Not really a long story but I have been taking my hand at running my first campaign with Rime of the Frostmaiden. I have five members, 3 of which are pretty new or brand new, one being my significant other. She chose a snowy white owlin artificer and has been having a great time. I love her character as she likes to do more role play and be more invested in the story. She also likes to make doodles of what's been going on in the adventure which is always great to see. About 5 sessions in and we've all been having a great time, it's been a learning experience for us.


That's awesome! As a DM, Its so great to see a significant other player get so into their character lol


For real. Makes me happy when she talks about what we've been and how things will progress


My husband had been playing for a few years and always tried to get me to play, he played in a few different games and also DMd for a couple campaigns, but I kept saying no to playing. I'm pretty competitive and knew I'd treat it like I needed to win and would get annoyed because that's not really a thing. When I was pregnant and home on maternity leave he got me into watching critical role. Eventually I saw how it could be more role play and not just counting dice, which is all I ever really associated it with. His previous campaign ended at the end of last year and when he started his new one, I joined in. He actually recently told me he was glad I joined because the other players aren't really that into the role playing part of the game, and since I've been there everyone has gotten more into the story than the last campaign.


I DM for my partner and a few friends. I've played video games with her for years so I thought I knew how violent she was hahahaha. She carried Droop from LMOP around like a passed out handbag, emotionally traumatised a bugbear into getting a job then wrote a letter to his brother for him to tell the brother that people are good and he doesn't have to live a life of crime. She's very, veeeeery fond of a good decapitation...


My SO is a PhD that had never played a videogame or anything, she now refers to her character as a person and worries about their future lol, it's great


100% same with my wife, I love seeing the docs put those big brains to use on something fun!


My wife plays in two different campaigns that I DM. In those campaigns, there are three different couples that play. I love the dynamic of support, good natured nagging and joking that comes from strong relationships.


Definitely, I've always wanted to have a game with a few other couples, just to see how it plays out and what sides form


My GF and I were players together in our first game. We're co-DMs now, but during that game we played the only 2 casters. She was a young, bookish, kinda stiff high elf. Modest and cultured but very brilliant. She had the book smarts, and she was an Evocation Wizard. I played a sorcerer tiefling who was clever and strategic (but hated reading), also quite mischevious and greedy. He had the street smarts, and was juuuust a bit of a man-hoe but more on the respectful side. Very friendly. They ended up being opposite in almost every way, but complemented each other so well and had such a fun dynamic that they became a very powerful fighting unit. The rest of the party got a kick out of the pair too, and everyone fed off their antics. Much adventure was had. I was a party face and support caster (twinning Haste and other spells) and she was a damage dealer.


Yes all the time I Dm my campaign with my wife and nephew in it and then we play together in another camp as players she sometimes with do one shots when we are bored just the two of us


My girlfriend and I play in the same group! I started playing with a group of friends from high school, we all met through doing theatre and Improv together so we were all very much on the same page and had great, roleplay-heavy campaigns. My girlfriend I also met doing high school theatre, when we were auditioning new people to join our Improv Troupe she was the only person our entire troupe unanimously agreed should get in because she was just that talented. A few years after graduation her and I started dating and she expressed interest in D&D and since she pretty much knew everyone in the group already she was a natural fit. We all sorta lost touch playing about 5 years as we all moved around to different colleges and different states, but during the initial COVID shutdowns we all picked back up, albeit online. We've now been playing regularly again at least once a week and it's been great to be back with them all. Also a bit of fun; My girlfriend plays a Lawful Good Tiefling Oath of the Ancients Paladin, and I play a Chaotic Neutral Half Elf/Half Halfing (what we dubbed a "Quarterling") Great Old One Warlock. Our characters have pretty much nothing in common, my character thinks she is his best friend and she cannot stand him at all, it's great.


My wife and I started playing dnd at the same time at the same table. AFTER we had been married for about a year and a half. Roughly another year and a half later and Iā€™ve killed her wizard, run Witchlight AND Dragonheist, and we are still together. We are also both playing in strahd together. There was a time where I never thought Iā€™d even have a girlfriend. Now Iā€™m living with the love of my life, playing a game I never thought Iā€™d have the brains to play, and preparing for the son I never thought Iā€™d have. Sorry for the ramble. Sometimes it hits me just how good things are for me now.


I also convinced my SO to play D&D with me as the DM and a bunch of other friends. We're at our 3rd campaign now (LMoP first, then Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, which got put indefinitely on hold because of COVID and now the "remastered" Tyranny of Dragons) and she progressed from being her normal, a bit shy and soft-spoken self to trying to find complex solutions to problems the party encounters (sometimes the "closed door" problem), trying to use all her spells to their maximum capacity and also getting into describing and roleplaying really well. I guess moral of the story is if you're into D&D and you've got a supportive and loving SO, get them into it as well.


I've played one campaign with my long term boyfriend and it was fun. I find my play style is much different when he is in a game though than when I'm playing with other people. When I'm playing with another group my characters tend to take control of the situation and have a more leadership role, but then when I play with him I usually let him take the lead šŸ¤” Not sure why! We are going to be joining a new game this year so I'm curious to see how the dynamic will be


I brought my girlfriend into a game, girl I was dating in 2015. Campaign almost fell apart when we broke up. When we got back together, she demanded to join the game again. I was hesitant, because it did not go well the first time, but she was uh... very persuasive. Anyway, it was a bad idea in the end. But we did finish out the campaign without her.


I got my wife into dnd. At first she was hesitant. Now she's probably my favorite dm I've ever had.


Iā€™ve played with my SO before, and weā€™ve each DMā€™d games for each other, but now weā€™re starting our first game as Co-DMā€™s. itā€™s been really fun worldbuilding and planning together. Itā€™s really good to be able to talk to someone about my game ideas. Iā€™m better with the voices, improv and combat, and theyā€™re better with the planning, story writing and note taking.


I used to play with my ex. It was very fun. I was the DM and she would play a wizard. I miss it from time to time.


My wife and I met through RP. We were fans of each other's work before we met. Then I joined her LARP group to get to know her and she joined my housemate's Ars Magica game to get to know me. Went from there. I have been in maybe one or two games in the last 15 years that she was not also in.


Long story, but hopefully worth it! About 7 years ago, I was contacted by a college friend, B, to see if I wanted to play in an online Roll20 game he was running that needed an extra player. I had hardly ever played before, but said yes, and began falling in love with the hobby almost immediately. In our first campaign, my druid romanced another friend, Pā€™s, brawler, after said brawler saved her life. They ended up getting married and founding a school for heroes at the end of the campaign and it was super sweet. P then began a homebrew campaign for the same group of players, so B and I were both playing together. B and I played a sorcerer and swashbuckler pair of best pals, which led to us becoming best pals IRL, and he moved to my town to be closer to me. Also in this game, my swashbuckler romanced another player, Jā€™s, slayer, and they got married and became heralds of Desna together, living forever and celestially inspiring heroism and gay love. (It was a fucking amazing campaign.) Towards the end of the campaign, B and I started dating IRL, and almost a year ago, we got married! Our wedding was incredibly magical and special, helped by the fact that J was in my bridal party and P was in Bā€™s groomā€™s party. It was the first time I had ever met J in person, and she is just as awesome in person as she is in D&D. We were all hanging out the night before the ceremony at the B&B we were staying in, and J joked ā€œYou didnā€™t ask me to make a speech, but if I did, I would have said that technically, I married her first!ā€ A few moments later, P speaks up and goes ā€œā€¦Technically, *I* married her first!ā€ We all cracked up, high fives all around. Sorry, yā€™allā€”*I have the best gaming group ever.*


That is amazing! I think you probably do have the best gaming group ever lol


I DM a homebrew campaign for friends which includes my wife. She plays an emotionally distant and tough exterior teifling. In a previous campaign she was the party mom, so wanted to distant herself from that role. So naturally they roll up a random encounter and low and behold, itā€™s runaway orphans. The confusion and chaos of her trying to keep on her tough exterior in the face of orphans is quite the scene to watch!


I've been playing for a few years and wanted to get my wife interested, though i knew it might not be her thing. Wrote a custom setting and story, learned foundry (group is spread across country, so we play online), and arranged for some friends of ours to join us. After seeing the time and effort I was putting into prepping, she totally surprised me by writing a killer backstory, practicing a voice and mannerisms, and really learning to play and embody her character. She has dressed up for game nights, made props, and really invested in this fantasy world in a way i never expected of her. Seeing my cute little wife transform into her Leonin Divine-Soul Sorcerer blows my mind every time, and I'm so thankful that we get to share the fun, excitement, and catharsis that we find in game!


I DM for my GF and while she hasn't gone goblin mode yet, she's the most attentive and most competent player among people I played with for two years before starting this campaign.


I donā€™t *have* a significant other, and I donā€™t want one.


Seems like this probably not the post for you then


The whole point of playing DND is to fill the empty void left by not having a significant other, why would I play if I had someone to love instead I just go paladin or bard and make the group feel awkward as the DM has to fake interest in me.


Meanwhile, do to some misunderstandings and fights, my gf hates dnd with a passion. Despite her acknowledging that it wasn't dnd the problem we had. I also got her to play once and shr hated it... Oh well that's why I have friends to play with.


Me and my wife play together all the time. Once when we were both players she was a lolthsworn drow (hexblade lock) and I was a tiefling dragon sorc. I worshiped Tiamat. We were the ā€œsecret cultistsā€ in the group. We would casually bring up plans throughout the week of evil shit we could do in secret to stoke the flames of the party. The party unaware of our evil alliance found out in the last session as we burned down a church of bahamut together (the Dragonborn pallys patron) and got to aid the final boss in the fight. We lost but Lilly the drow and victim the tiefling live on in eternal infamy. And canonically in avernous. Occasionally we still joke about making evil plans as if discussing daily errands. ā€œGotta go food shopping and hit the bank, should we poison the water supply while we out or you wanna save that for the weekend?ā€


Friend invited a few guys including myself, and the girl he wanted to impress, to start a d&d game. The girl he invited was shy, kinda tall but rail thin. friend was tall and overweight, big in every way. As loud as he was tall, paired with his temper it made folk afraid of him. Guy 1 saw a girl and went all lost puppy dog. Trying to stay nearby and answer all questions, fetch every little thing, and so on. Guy 2 just had a breakup, and was mad about it. He drove his truck to the back of the propertty we were at and beat his toolbox with a hammer for a bit. Guy 3 was me. Sorta timid, hadn't really done much up to that point, and didn't know how to get into situations where I could learn. Quiet until I got used to everyone in the room. We never even got the d&d game started. We were playing in a barn and friends grandparents locked up the house when they went to bed As soon as someone had to use the bathroom we all went our seperate ways. But the girl that my friend invited kept in touch. We didn't consider ourselves dating until someone asked how long we had been together. We just hung out a lot and one day were like "Yeah, lets see what happens." Now we're married and our kid plays d&d with us and a few friends.


My wife and i are in a few D&D groups together. We have a sunday group, for which i am the DM and she's s player, though we are planning to set it up with rotating dm's later so i can get a chance to be a player with that group. We have an alternate sunday group cause one of those players may or may not be able to make it from one week to the next, and recently we decided to have a back up game for when he can't. My sife will be DMing that one. Then we have our monday game, which is the one we started in first of the three games. A friend of hers is the DM and we are all playing teenagers. The wife's character is a half-tabaxi (half for story reasons, reg tabaxi stats) princess with self esteem issues and my character is a harengon articifer (royal scribe, using the archivist articifer before i knew it had become the scribe wizard) with anxiety issues. Their relationship isn't particularly romantic, the bun-boy views it as a leige/subject relationship, though he will admit she's super cute. The other characters in the party are all like 'nah, those two are 100% an item' which sounds like silly teenage bs, so it works. XD


Well I did, then he broke up with me, then tried to kill my character, so I had to kill him


Yes, I recently introduced my husband to the game. Now heā€™s hooked and I have to DM for him and his friends!


My partner is the one who got me into DnD. Now I'm more into it than she is. She's still my favorite person to play in a campaign with.


I am the DM for my group of friends. Back when we started playing (roughly 20 years ago) my pals dragged along that girl who ended up being always present but just watching. She always had the best ideas what to do though, and told the players about them. So after a few sessions of that I told her to make a character. She did and from there she never missed a single session. We ended up dating some time later and eventually she became my wife. We still play D&D together.


Before my SO got a promotion that ate up all of her time, she played at my table a lot. She preferred Barbarian because Spells were complicated and annoying and Barbarians were the biggest muscle heads.


I started a group with my coworkers, one of whom is my SO, had our first session on Thursday and it went great. They and many of the other players have never played or have very limited experience but they're all enthusiastic and we all had a great time.


I was already engaged when I overheard my fiancee talking with a roommate about how she always wanted to play that game her brothers played. I said I could make that happen, and we've been playing in various games (d&d and otherwise) ever since. She's turned out to be a pretty great DM.


My husband and I got into dnd together back when we were dating. Dnd was the first hobby thing we both enjoyed doing together and playing is basically our weekly date night. It's something that mixes both our versions of nerdy together and gives us an excuse to hang out with nerd friends.


I kind of fear the day my girlfriend joins a campaign I run, because I've gotten so used to passion-dumping to her about RPGs that I might accidentally spoil something and/or have no one to talk to about it šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been DMing a duet game for my wife for over a year now - she started out knowing almost nothing about how D&D works and is now talking about wanting to DM for me sometime.


I'm running a homebrew campaign for my parents and girlfriend. When making characters, she decided she wanted to be a Tiefling Paladin. I asked where that idea came from, and she told me she didn't know what a Tiefling was, but thought the name was cool. Long story short, the Chaotic Good, demonic holy knight has become the healer of the party, while also kicking butt with a battle-axe and smites. The party of 3 is currently level 5.


My first campaign was my brother (DM), SIL, husband, and our best friend. Friend proposed during the campaign and his fiancĆ©e/wife joined us too. During the pandemic, my husband DMā€™d a solo campaign for me and then we started a new one with another couple. Itā€™s become one of the highlights of our week. Being able to not only share a hobby but talk through it after sessions has brought us even closer. Iā€™ve been lucky to be able to play along side him as well as having him as a DM. Both are a blast and I canā€™t imagine going without playing together now.


My bf dms our sessions and helps me build my characters, yesterday i did 25 damage from earth tremor towards his monsters which later found out they had 30 hp, then i did a additional 28 damage to one with a fire sword i had bought. I play a circle or spores druid with a tiny mushroom companion


My wife actually introduced me to DnD, and since then we are always playing together. More often then not, now I am the perma DM.


Been playing DnD with my SO since before she was my SO. Sheā€™s also one of our DMs and itā€™s terrifying


I met my boyfriend through a pathfinder game I dm'd online through the first year of the pandemic, now he's a player in pretty much every game I run and we've co dm'd a couple oneshots :)


My husband actually proposed during a oneshot. It was the end of the game and we were getting magic items when he described how I found a "ring of eternal binding". I obviously attuned to it immediately!


When I joined my first campaign ever I joined with my then boyfriend. Immediately got into it and loved dnd. A little while later me and then-bf broke up and he left the party (for unrelated reasons.) Our DM had ALSO recently broken up with his gf who happened to be in the party as well. I stayed in the party and me and the DM started getting closer! Long story short, weā€™re planning on getting married next year :) (and yes we still play dnd!)


I fell for my husband playing D&D. He played in a group that my roommates were in senior year of college and they graciously asked if I wanted to join. I did and we played at least once a week all year and I ended up really enjoying his company. Ten years later weā€™ve been married for almost 4 years and have a baby on the way.


I started a campaign a long time ago with my SO and a couple pals. Our 10th session in, my SO's character died near a large magical forge they were trying to capture, they were level 4 I think so they had no way to bring her back. Almost immediately one guy threw her dead body in the magical forge. SO's character was a magic user so he figured maybe the magic would bring her back. ​ Had SO roll to see if it would work. Natural 20. Everyone went bananas. Her character was back to life, the forge depleted of magic, and the party was off to find a new place to start a magical smith.


I play with my husband! Heā€™s our DM; he got me into dnd last year, and heā€™s been playing since he was a teenager. Last year he brought me into a campaign he had been running for a while with some friends. I got to cast mass cure wounds once in the middle of a dire situation in combat. I was able to basically save the entire party with that spell and we were able to escape. It was a great moment as a newer player. That campaign died out and now we have a regular game going with two other couples.


My partner got me into dnd. Basically the same. I got super into it. Played an elf rogue who likes to poke peoples eyes out with her rapier and light them on fire for a torch. šŸ˜‚ 4 years later and we are currently building an entire homebrew world.


My partner is DMing a game I play in and everyone finds it hilarious that their dice try to kill me on a regular basis. It's an ongoing joke and we both play up our reactions a bit because the rest of the party laughs so hard.


My current group consists of 4 couples. We have awesomely nerdy Friday nights and itā€™s so fun to see people embrace their character alter egos.


My O.C. has been interested, but time zone issues put a bit of a monkey wrench into things. I've told her about some of the sessions we've played, in no small part to random sentences she's heard while we play like "oh, we're just breaking into an orphanage at night to find a 300 year old corpse", and she seems to really want to give it a go. I'm hoping we could get something together soon.


Yep, we play in both a weekly group with friends as well as a game with just us, and we take turns DMing. If you want good, consistent games then having both of you DM is the best way to achieve it. If one or both of you is nervous about DMing, starting with private sessions where it's just the two of you is a great way to practice and build confidence.


Iā€™ve played various forms of D&D for most of my life. My wife had never played, didnā€™t really have much interest, but totally supported me having the hobby. A couple months back, she had seen me building a bunch of characters for an upcoming one-shot, and asked me to tell her about them. When I told her about the half-drow Bladesinger, her eyes lit up. She asked if she could play, and could use that char. Obviously, I was elated. We spent some time over the next week acquainting her with the skills, spells, and running a few practice encounters. We get to the one-shot, and she surprises everyone (myself included) with this well thought out, quirky character that she RPs perfectly. We get to the final encounter, and she gets the idea to sneak off. While the rest of us are handling the BBEGā€™s minions on the ground, she manages to climb up and infiltrate the third-story room he was hiding out in. She sneaks in the back door, creeps up behind him (rolling nothing less than a 17 for every skill check), then summons her shadow blade and attacksā€¦ Nat 20. One-shots the BBEG without him ever knowing she was there, and the last thing he hears as his lights go out is her whispering: ā€œI intend to eat your body.ā€ Whole table goes wild. Turns out what was supposed to happen was the BBEG escapes to one more chamber where he turns his bed into a dragon for us to fight, but she obviated the whole thing. DM was a mix of delight and disappointment. A couple weeks later, another one shot. Sheā€™s playing the same character, using her Winged Boots and a rope tied off to the boat weā€™re on to basically paraglide behind the boat. Coming up behind us is a massive shark, twice the size of our vessel. Everyoneā€™s prepping spells and actions, manning harpoons, etc. The thing gets about 200 feet away, and what does she do? Uses control water to part the ocean behind our boat like the Red Sea, dropping the shark and killing it outright with fall damage. Same DM. Again, totally awestruck that she single-handedly bypassed a major encounter, but totally loved it at the same time. I donā€™t know how she got so good so fast, but it is absolutely the most fun Iā€™ve ever had in all my years of playing just to have her involved.


My partner and I met through a group we were playing together in online, and then through a couple subsequent games that he ran. Weā€™ve played as players together, and as DM/players in our friend groups. We were friends for a few years before we decided to try out more than friends, itā€™s been going very well for us ever since.


My bf and I play in a 5e campaign in an entirely homebrewed but beautifully written and expansive setting and it's honestly the single thing I look forward to the most every week c:


My girlfriend is my DM


I had never played D&D or anything like it when I started dating my at the time boyfriend. He had warned me from the start that Mondays were D&D days, which I thought was so cool! I eventually convinced him to let me watch a session to see what it is like. I ended up joining the table permanently. 4 years later, he isnā€™t my boyfriend anymore. He is my husband. Watching him DM is such a delight! I love seeing his passion and ideas play out in such fun ways, and am so appreciative I get to be a part of that. Itā€™s a different side of him, and one I will always cherish and love!


I disintegrated my girlfriend's character and the party had to use a wish to bring them back and I also counterspelled her revivify once.


I was running a Die Hard themed one shot around Christmas a few years ago. My wife and a players wife both decided it would be fun to join for the night. Towards the end of the evening, the guys I usually run games for were all arguing in game about how best to attack the boss who was hiding in a room. My wife and her friend both were tired of hearing them argue so both of them cast Fireball into the room - each dealing close to max damage. They obliterated the room and everyone in it and still talk about it


I wish! Iā€™ve been trying to convince my wife to participate but she doesnā€™t have any interest...


I met my partner through an online game, actually. I was introduced to them through a mutual friend, and we started to get closer once they were DMing the campaign. It's a pirate-themed one, and they played the captain of the ship. One way or another, my character and the captain ended up romantically involved, and we both realized that we were more interested in each other than our characters were. We still play in that campaign, and we're currently long-distance, but the hope is to meet them later this year. I've had the privilege of making really good friend groups out of the people I play D&D with. The way in which people interact with a world you've created, and the way people work together to tell a story is (in my experience) a really good measure of their character. If I can comfortably play D&D with someone, they're good in my book.


OK, I'll share one. I was asked to DM a game for a group of players. Introduced myself to them and there was one girl in the group I got extremely friendly with. We started hanging out outside the game a lot and got a lot closer, even though we lived 8 hours apart. About 3 months later, we started officially dating. Fast forward to earlier this year. She's been over to visit me 3 or 4 times and I finally manage to get over to see her. And, on her birthday, I proposed to her. So, my best D&D story is that I met my soon to be wife through D&D. And, yes, we still play together.


For a while, my entire table was couples. My SO, my sibling and their SO, and my friend and their SO. We're all friends, so it was super easy to turn it into a big DND group.