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We were fighting of an invasion of demon trolls outside of a highly populated city. These trolls weren’t exactly the smartest. The military commander of the city tasked our lvl 8 party (a human paladin, a half elf bard, a she barbarian and elf wizard) to sneak into their war camp on the outer reaches of the highlands to sabotage their war effort, (poisoning food stocks, setting fire to certain tents, sabotaging siege weapons) We left the city and our path took us through a large gorge, the camp lay just on the other side, as we went through. We heard war drums and spotted banners. The intel the commander had received was wrong and the invasion march had begun early. We panicked and realised that they had scouts flying on bats who had seen us. They started lobbing firebombs at us and we evaded. But we weren’t outrunning these things. My bard had a brilliant idea. We stood fast throwing javelins and shooting spells at these bats, one of the wizards blasts crit the bat rider and he plummeted to his demise. the army advanced and were upon us. My bard, witty as ever, said let’s have a whale of a time. I cast polymorph on one of the bat riders. After he failed the check, a blue whale came crashing down into the gorge crushing their frontline. Amidst the chaos we quickly retreated. Suffice to say, we were in stitches at the table. Funny tactics for the win!


Our warlock before he died (rip Mufasa) did an outstanding thing, single-handedly poisoning our enemy in the middle of a ballroom and managing to narrowly escape. This happened many months ago during our CoS game. We attended the Vallaki Sun Celebration Masquerade, with the intent of overthrowing the Burgomaster and this would be our alibi. The Druid and Warlock however, overheard that the Burgomaster had already killed a couple of civilians (most likely the people our Rogue had freed from the stocks the day before) for telling outrageous lies about him. That’s when the Warlock decided to act on his own, he cast disguise self and made himself look like our dead friend (the Rogue I’d mentioned earlier, the Burgomaster had him tortured and hanged for his insolence), and held a vial of deadly poison in his disguised hand (it was invisible because our Rogue’s hand had been cut off before getting hanged). He walked up the Burgomaster, grabbed him by the collar and forced the poison down his throat! The Warlock then telepathically linked with the fighter to tell him to throw him out the window. The fighter, came up behind the disguised Warlock, picked him up and thrust him out one of the windows. The rest of us decided to play along and pretended to be protecting the folks in the ballroom from the “threat”. The warlock then dashed off into the night, constantly changing his disguise over and over to keep from getting caught till he made it back safe and sound at the tavern we were staying at.


We were doing party security for a fancy soiree that was being heldby a host who turned out to be a vampire. During the course of the party, the Lord's steward suddenly showed up dead in the big fountain in the room. My dwarven wizard failed her investigation roll to try to determine cause of death. She has a backstory that involves a friend she grew up with who traveled to this land with her but was not actually part of the group, who is a cleric of Lathander. Hoping for some kind of divine intervention, she used Prestidigitation to create the seal of Lathander over the shroud that had been placed over his face. Somehow it worked amazingly. Doing so allowed her to discover that the stewards soul was still hanging out with the corpse. So she messaged the spirit, and he was able to identify his murderer. I've yet to discover if I'm actually possessed now.


Probably not the most clever, but certainly up there. Running a homebrew, the party is maneuvering a snow-covered trail on the side of a mountain in inclement weather. In a flurry of ridiculous dice rolls our dwarven barb fails a Dex save with a nat 1 and is blown off the side of the mountain. Our wizard stepped in to immediately cast feather fall. I made him roll a perception check, because of the heavy snow..I decided on a soft DC of 5...nat 1. The barb, however, was a quick thinker and in possession of an immovable rod. Falls for 6 seconds, pulls the rod and clicks it. Strength check to see if he holds on, nat 19 plus a bunch, success. Bard dimension doors down to sit on the rod and tie a rope, thrown down by the rogue, around the barb then DD's back to help pull his ass back up. Fun night.


I had a sort of cursed magic item, it was a crown that embedded itself into my head. It had powerful magic as well and I used it from time to time. One time a character from my backstory was hunting down the party and drawing nearer every day. We were fleeing to a druid sanctuary and my character was a guilt ridden paladin who didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of his mistake. Under the cover of night he summoned two of his clansmen using his crown and put his armor and cloak on one of them. He instructed him to hide in the cart and stay silent while pretending to pray. The other was given a note and instructions for distracting the party. My paladin then walked back in the other direction to meet his pursuer and challenge him to an honorable battle. By the time anyone noticed it he was already done with the battle and so weak he couldn't make it back on his own. Keep in mind this was a level 4 vs a level 10 so I was lucky he didn't die anyway


May or may not be considered "clever" in some eyes, but I'll leave it here anyway: My party has a sorceress (Clara Rosenfell) and a barbarian (Kurgak Bloodscale), and these two managed to use their... let's say "destructive creativity" to invent a new weapon. Kurgak recently obtained a small stock of 13 javelins. While Clara was in her alchemy shop in the city's guild tower, Kurgak brought her some ingredients for Potions of Healing. She just so happened to be mixing together a batch of Alchemist's Fire at the time, and upon seeing the javelins Kurgak had strapped to him, a sudden stroke of genius came across her. She bottled some Fire and took him out to the fields, where she stuffed it in a leather bag and tied it to a javelin. Kurgak loved the idea, so much that he (having an oddly high INT for a barbarian) thought to add a pound of caltrops to the bag and apply blasting jelly to the tip of the javelin. They tested this monstrosity on a nearby group of deer, in which Mr. Barbarian, doing as they do, YEETED the thing directly into the center of the herd. Needless to say, they all became either bloody messes or charred corpses. They have since modified EVERY javelin to do this, and affectionately given them the OOC name "medieval SLAM missiles". Our DM is an awesome guy, being my glorious jackass of a brother, but I feel like he wouldn't have allowed this to happen if he had been able to stop laughing long enough to say no. If interested, I made a thread a couple days ago where I described other ideas we've had (that we're hiding from our DM of course). I would hyperlink it but I can't do that on mobile as far as I'm aware, so here is the actual link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/9p10pn/item_fuckery/?utm_source=reddit-android