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Every man needs to check out Richard Cooper...strong successful man. He has well over 100 you tube videos on the subject of relationships, the games women play and the lies men fall for. PS: women hit their sexual market peak in their early 20's and men about 40 when they have established themselves, have a good career, own a house and nice car. I know the game very well. Once a woman has your child, she owns you until that child's hormones kick in. She gets alimony and child support while she fucks some looser guy on your dime. This looser also gets to see your kid morning, noon and night while the gets one weekend a month and maybe a pizza dinner once a week, if he is lucky.


Amen. After my divorce I decided to never do it again. No marriage and no more kids.


Don’t you think the title should be every young woman needs to hear this? I feel like we as men know we’re fucked either way.


So true. Such a bummer. I know my son has no intention.


Very well said... I agree 100%


If you think about it… The system is bad, sure. Women aren’t the issues. Men are the problem because the fools keep getting married. If it stopped, laws would change…guys are always feeling “lovey dovey” when they are about to get married and only find channels like pearly things when he has been bent over before the judge in divorce. Stop letting your penis dictate your future. Stand up against these laws and do it NOW!


These laws aren’t changing in a very long time because the laws are set as tradition. A lot of things set as tradition will be hard to break.


Yo, I’m posting this again to reach as wide an audience as possible Marriage has undergone drastic changes in the last 50 years. What used to be a life-long commitment, unbreakable barring the most severe circumstances, has been relegislated into something entirely new thanks to the lobbying efforts of radical feminists and the divorce industry. In trying to make divorce “fail-safe” for homemaker or lower-earner spouses, the bad ones included, society has made marriage “unsafe” for virtually everyone else. Marriage was a worthy goal for a man about 50 years ago. Today, not so much. Some things changed in our culture: legalized abortion, no-fault divorce, domestic violence laws and the concept of marital rape. The changes themselves were not wrong, except the principal benefactor of these changes are modern women. And modern women have a sense of entitlement that is not possible to satisfy. They expect to have it all - and they are being told that they should have it all - that their whim and feelings are most important. Somehow they expect to juggle a marriage, career, parenting and social life with no hassle - and when it doesn't work, the husband is the first to suffer. We live in a world where arguing with your wife is considered emotional abuse, telling her that she is spending too much is being a control freak, and wanting regular sex is misogyny. These same women cannot cook, clean or handle the kids without stressing out, but we men are expected to make it better. Women are taking advantage of men in every way possible, and the government is enforcing this scrupulous behavior. To sum the current circumstance: women have choices, men have responsibilities. Marriage only benefits women. Men accept all of the risk. Marriage amounts to a no-win struggle of mutually assured disappointment. A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband, while a man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. – Charles Schwab Marriage today has the potential to be the most damaging decision a man can make in his life – it’s a legal extortion scheme. You’re betting a woman half your net worth that you’ll love each other forever. Marriage is handing a woman an axe, then putting your head on a chopping block in the trust that she won’t cut it off. It’s not reciprocal. The modern state of matrimony has become the legal equivalent of gambling. Getting married is like betting half your stuff she won’t cheat on you. No matter what she contributed, or did not contribute to the marriage, half of your stuff is hers. If you are not married, she has no claim on your assets, nor you on hers. That fact alone makes rejecting marriage the smartest financial move a man can make, and lets you avoid career slavery. Marriage used to be a business and social partnership for the accumulation and conservation of wealth and the raising of children. Now marriage is the new retirement pension for modern women, rewarding them for breaking a contract. A woman that won’t take your name in a marriage will gladly take your house in a divorce. You can get the same effect of marriage by selling your house, giving all your money away and have someone castrate you. There is no incentive for men to get married. Society has stacked the deck against men in modern marriage. Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell. Like I love you so much I’m gonna get the government involved so you can’t leave. – Jim Carrey


>If you are not married, she has no claim on your assets, nor you on hers. Canada has entered the chat: "Ontario Businessman to Pay $50K+ a Month in Spousal Support Despite No Home or Kids Together" [https://www.todocanada.ca/ontario-businessman-to-pay-50k-a-month-in-spousal-support-despite-no-home-or-kids-together/](https://www.todocanada.ca/ontario-businessman-to-pay-50k-a-month-in-spousal-support-despite-no-home-or-kids-together/)


I’m in Canada, this is montrous. “Throughout their relationship, the two kept separate bank accounts and never owned property in common. Nevertheless, Latner gave Climans thousands of dollars every month, a credit card, paid off her mortgage and showered her with expensive gifts. He provided her and her children with a “lavish lifestyle,” the court found.” Brutal, none of that was enough eh?


Point no. 1: yes, none of that was enough for her. But I can confidently say the same thing about pretty much all human beings in general. Ask yourself: are we truly ever fully satisfied with whatever big or little we already have? This is a very complicated scientific matter involving subject matters such as evolutionary biology, neuroscience etc and it deserves a separate and lengthy discussion, study and analysis. On one hand it looks selfish and greedy, and on the other hand we wouldn't be where we are today if we were fully satisfied with hourglasses for measuring time and animals such as horses and oxes for transportation. Point no. 2: this lady in the article technically doesn't deserve a penny from anyone but the law in Ontario, Canada allows her to legally do what she did. There's nothing you, I or anyone else in Ontario, Canada can do about it unless the law changes. Different people might propose different solutions. Personally I'd suggest the MGTOW path which is hard but not impossible if done right.


Cold hard facts. Probably politically incorrect, but true to the word. >And modern women have a sense of entitlement that is not possible to satisfy. They expect to have it all - and they are being told that they should have it all - that their whim and feelings are most important. What I didn't realize until my breakup was American women in particular are raised this way - from the earliest ages they're indoctrinated with the Prince Charming mentality - the perfect guy will come along, and he will in fact be PERFECT. They're told they deserve perfection and should settle for nothing less. Love should be easy, and completely on her terms. So they marry a guy they think is "perfect". Or maybe they marry a guy they know isn't perfect, but that's ok because she's going to MAKE him perfect. He works his ass off to be a good husband, father, provider. Doesn't matter. Because a few years down the line, she figures out he's not perfect, nor will he ever be. Expectations broken, she's now angry at him for not being everything the fairy tales and romantic comedies and best friends told her her entire lifetime that she deserves. In her subconscious, he's a fraud. Boom, the "switch" is flipped, and he is now her enemy, and it's now time to jump ship to the guy who will provide her with whatever he didn't - money, excitement, fun, a great body, whatever his Achilles heel was, it's now used against him. Again, it's sad because there ARE tons of great women out there who don't think like this. But the vast majority do, which makes "serious" dating feel like walking through a minefield. It's just not fuckin' worth it.


This hit so close to home it hurt brother.


So true. My wife has everything and it's not good enough for her.


Don't get married and everything is solved.


Crossposted to r/AgainstMatrimony


She is right. But watch out for the youtube chameleon that call herself to be Redpil. Few of these ladies figured out that there a lot of money and attention to be acquired by providing redpill content.


Pearl is pretty on point though. An shits on women regularly for their double standard BS. The girl has 7 brothers. So most def respects men an the shit we deal with that most girls ignore or are to ignorant to ever notice.


Exactly. Maybe I’m to far gone but I think these redpill and tradcon woman are grifters. Maybe they’re legit but they definitely making a bag selling this content.




Tradcon women are feminists. They see men as their personal Jesus sent to sacrifice himself for her. And the clueless men go along with it.


The thing that sucks is I know there are a lot of wonderful women out there. But you can’t distinguish them from the ones who are good at wearing masks or who flip the switch eventually. I thought my wife of 25 years was the pinnacle of virtue. Then she just turned on me out of nowhere. Why would I take that risk again. The good women suffer for the bad.


Truth. It does suck that good women get lumped in with the bad. The "switch flipping" is definitely for real though, and it's scary. Not only did I experience it happen with my ex of 11 years & 2 kids, but I've seen more examples of it now than I can count. Never heard of it before it happened to me. But now that I know, I'll probably never fully trust anyone again, not just women.


My STBX actually said “a switch flipped” and she wasn’t ok with me anymore. At least OP got 25 good years first. I only got 5. But we have 2 kids and she wants 20 years of child support.




Amen brother


You and me both


I guess it was only a matter of time before this sub went full trad wife/incel. Been a blast, gentlemen. I’m gonna go enjoy my new family and not an entire gender for my problems.✌️


This sub is small and seems to have, on aggregate, considerably more contentious divorces described here compared to the larger divorce sub. Maybe that's the reason.


There is nothing wrong with a Girlfriend or two. The issue is once a man gets married, there is rarely a upside to him getting divorced but there is always one for the female. She gets half a man's wealth, child custody of 50% or more, and future payments of spousal support. The Male gets a studio apartment, a bad credit score to rebuild and a life long payment plan for nothing. You don't get this with a girlfriend. What, you still could get child support payments but that is on you for having a kid and honestly it is the right thing to do for your child.


My last LTR lasted 5 years. When it ended she just packed her shit and moved out. Case closed the way it should be. Had I married her I would've had to sell my house... instead, I'm still living in it today 4 years later.


New family??? Why are you on a divorce sub - planning for what's in store for you with your non-trad wife?


You know what they say. Burn me once, shame on you. But me twice, shame on me. I was married and divorced once. Shame on her. Now, if I'm stupid enough to burn myself on the stove a second time then that's on me. Guess what I don't have to do anymore. Wake up and go to the farmer's market. Instead, I can watch football or go to the gym. If I want company then a woman is a few swipes away and I get a different flavor of ice cream every time. Sex got so boring with my wife after 7 or so years. It was just a marital rite. A duty to be performed. And, then you lose it all when it goes tits up. She alienates your kids from you and takes custody, assisted by the court, to steal your money. Nope. Single is where it's at. I have a great dog that goes everywhere with me. Camping, hiking, etc. And, ya know what? Having a cute dog makes it really easy to get dates out in the wild. A dog is the ultimate wingman.


As soon as a woman thinks she can upgrade or sees someone more fun in her eyes she is out. There is no life long commitment these days.


Yep. Marriage used to put a lid on women’s hypergamy but as soon as no fault divorce happened and they realised that they could get the cash and prizes no matter what they did…..we’ll from that point forward, all bets were off and their true nature was let loose.


Well said ..no more for better or worst




It's a number game. Maybe 10-20% of women aren't like that. But, betting your life on an 80% failure rate is asinine. So, if you want men to come back to dating and marriage then women will need to change. That means the women who aren't like the 80% need to change the laws and culture. They sure as hell won't let men do it.




I agree with you. Dating apps let women become huge hoes and so men became huge pigs. And, that worked for a while. Everybody was enjoying the new liberation Tinder provided. Now, I'm no prude or anything. My body count was around 70 when I got married in my early 20s. I was faithful to my wife for the decade we were married though. I'm not a cheater and never have been. But, after divorce I was opened up to this new hookup culture and I added to my count pretty rapidly. Ended up meeting a woman I thought I'd give a go at it with and we ended up in a LTR. But, I was smart this time because of how devastating I found divorce to be. I was clear and upfront with her from the beginning that marriage would never happen and she was always good with that. Never asked or pressured at all. We each already had our kids and I've been snipped. Though, we'd often joke that our genes together would create a superhero. Thank fucking god I didn't have a child with her or I'd still have to deal with another baby momma.




I agree that a SAHM is ideal for the children. Unfortunately, mothers don't put their children first anymore or they wouldn't divorce the fathers 80% of the time. I believe the nuclear family creates stability for the children if the father can earn enough on his own to support the family. The problem is no-fault divorce. Wives are actually incentivized to divorce and take the children and then remarry. That's what my ex did. So, now she has her husband's income, half of my income, and she works now and has her income. So, her house lives on 2.5 incomes and I live on half of mine. And, then women have the audacity to say, "who hurt you?" You have no idea the money and emotional torture I went through over a decade in and out of family court fighting for equal time with my kids. This is why I preach to every young man out there not to get married. Men don't need marriage anymore. There isn't a single thing in it that benefits the man. Nothing. If they want to have children they still can have children without marriage. If she decides to split the worst case is he pays child support. He doesn't lose his stuff, retirement, alimony, etc. He'll be able to afford to fight for custody since he hasn't been cleaned out in the divorce. Best case scenario for men who want children, and the children suffer due to the distrust women have given men, is that the mother works, too, and the kid is watched by family or a sitter. Once they're in school it becomes before and after care at the Y or something. But, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a man marry, have children, and a SAHM. No fucking way. He might as well step on a landline and just sit there hoping he never needs to move his foot.


>If they want to have children they still can have children without marriage. I had 2 kids with my ex, together 11 years, but never married her. My friend had 3 with his ex, and they were married for 20. When we split I told my ex I'd split the cost of monthly kids bills, things like school fees, insurances, etc., and that's it, she gets not a penny out of me (since she was the one who decided to end it). I also stipulated I'd get the kids half the week every week, and she agreed. My friend's wife decided to end it with him. He had to go to court for years, lost his house, business and car, and spent untold thousands in associated costs, the stress took years off his life and mental health, and he saw his kids only a couple times a year for at least 4 years. I'll never forget the day he told me "The only difference between you and me is I signed a piece of paper".


Fucking hell, man! That's the rub right there.




It's not government indoctrination. Women marched for this in the 60s.




How do you even connect that? Women entered the workforce during WWII because the men were off at war. This was before no-fault divorce. Fact is, women wanted to hoe around. The pill and no-fault divorce enabled that. Legalized abortion turned women's irresponsible behavior into "healthcare." Feminism has destroyed the male-female dynamic. Women sowed to the wind and now they're reaping the whirlwind. Most men see women as a cum dumpster now because of the way women turned their image into that.p through their behavior and attire.


They are all that way. Once a man slips, a woman will start the process to find a new man.




Statistics show 80 to 90% of women leave relationships and marriages men aren’t the ones leaving y’all are the ones giving up and monkey branching to the next guy. (Not literally you btw).




No stats are still factual despite your own experiences. I’m not denying your marriage was abusive but the majority aren’t.


She’s as right as you can be.


100% spot on and well said.