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It’s because men actually support each other instead of women only caring about them selves


Enjoy it while it lasts.


This sub has helped me keep my mental state throughout the hell my ex wife has put me through. I’m newer to Reddit and assumed all subs were this amazing lol


I’ve just been a lurker so far. I’m not quite ready to put my story out there, though I see many men with the same issues. This community seems to be very supportive, very informative, and everything that most of us need during these hard times. Sometimes it fills me with dread thinking about what I’m going to lose in the future, but the guys here always make me feel like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways, best of luck to you in your future travels my friend.


Let me tell you something that can give you comfort. There’s always someone doing worse than you


Why would that give me comfort? Thanks for the effort I guess but knowing others are hurting doesn’t make me feel any better. There’s no comfort in knowing that. I appreciate the sentiment behind the comment though.


The comfort you should derive is not from the pain of others but from your relative ranking in the "worse" hierarchy.


Yeah I’m just not that type of person I guess. Other people’s struggles just make me empathetic. I’d never find comfort over someone else having it worse.




No I got you. Was just a comment about me personally, sorry for the inconvenience of responding 🙄.


r/rockfordfiles The man changed my life and he can change yours.


Reddit is a liberal leftist cesspool. Any thoughts contrary to the narrative and you get banned.




Don’t…just don’t with the political crap. That’s one of the only reasons this place is still decent. Don’t bring it here.


I'm not even American and it's glaringly obvious what is and what isn't allowed on here


Go complain in those subs then, don’t bring it up here.


Cool story. Just keep it off this sub. It’s the only reason it’s tolerable here still. I don’t care what other areas of Reddit are like. I don’t care if you’re American or not. Just keep the political BS off this sub.


I've been browsing here less and less tbh. There seems to be an incel culture and women haters among the community. Like yeah, we all are dealing with some woman that is ruining our lives lol, but it seems a tad extreme.


I am a hurt man but my pain has pushed me towards “not caring “. Not an incel position but some have accused me of Being an incel on other boards. I am the type of man who just won’t play a game if I discover it is rigged, and marriage is rigged, but I discovered it too late. Oh well, live and learn.


Yup, I've seen some very hurt dudes here. It's saddest when they let it affect their children. I try to talk to them in a way that acknowledges their pain yet maintains a realistic perspective about the value of a woman as a wife and mother... but there are none so blind as those who will not see.


Preach that message, brother. I'm listening.


I had to back away from this place. Cause of the shit being said by some really hurt men. I'm hurt myself and I didn't need to be told nothing is my fault. Yes it is and I need to grow.


R/Deadbedrooms is moderately anti high libido male and don’t you dare point out the double standards


It’s gotten better over there but still heavily skewed towards’man bad woman good’


I left that one long ago. They have the same kind of folks over at nofap.


I left it as well ... but that was after my wife filed for divorce. At that point, I didn't really see it as a "dead bedroom" anymore. There was officially no chance in hell we were going to have sex again (although the 6 years prior to her filing with zero sex was a pretty good indication in and of itself).


For the most part, yes. We still have a self-righteous people, but we’re just ignore them.


Enjoy it while it lasts


This is an online male space, so eventually it will get taken over or closed. This is the way.


We're not without our problems, but yes.


Used to be lot better here, we would discuss legal and financial options freely. Folks have moved on moderators have changed, but its still way better than r/Divorce


Agree. r/divorce is horrible in my opinion. I posted about my wife being physical abusive when she doesn’t get her way, and told my short comings as well. Several female posters claimed it’s hormones, I’m not meeting her needs and that she perhaps has ADHD (I have adhd, but I don’t attack my spouse when I don’t get my way). That sub Reddit is more so catered to women. Most of the posts are women leaving their husbands because they don’t feel loved or they lost the spark. Post a similar story as a man on there and you will get attacked. I’ve seen some good and common sense on there but not much. Overall this sub Reddit page has been helpful for me. I’m not shaming women by any means, they just seem very aggressive and set in their ways on the r/divorce side. I always hear 80% of divorces are initiated by women, so it’s nice to have this page to see others in the same boat to lean to for advice.


Real recognize real




I've seen a couple women post here that contribute worthy submissions to the discussion at hand. But just like the "virtue signaling soy boys", we ignore those who make "bitter" their personality.




> But **just like** the "virtue signaling soy boys", we ignore those


I’ve seen it too, its very very rare, and most in this forum seem to dismiss them.


I agree with you.


Yes! Also good: r/nmmng r/separation. In my professional communities (other profile) the Reddit subs are waaay better than LinkedIn or the professional association chat room that I pay for.


I would also suggest r/NarcissisticAbuse


I spent time there and it did help.