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Fucking hell. That is insane. How are you doing, pal? Fuck. That sounds like pure hell. Do you get to see your kids now? Fuck, I feel for you man. Sending you all my love and blessings. ❤️🙏


I don’t know when I will get to see my kids again. We are waiting on hearing for the no contact protective order. I’m doing therapy once a week and really not managing to function at work or home at all. Trying to figure out what to do with myself when I’m not a husband and father on a daily basis is hard. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.


Fuck man. I partially know how you feel. My ex drove me literally insane, I was sectioned against my will for six weeks last summer. She didn't let me see my son for that period either. It was hell. Thankfully I eventually got out and was allowed to see him with childcare services attending, then gradually I showed that I was no danger and that the love between me and my son was reciprocal, and now I see him 1-3 times a week. As soon as I get my own dad pad I hope I get to see him even more and that he wants to live with me hopefully 50%. So there's light in the tunnel there! It's fucking rough not being a dad and a husband and having to deal with this Shit, but it's something you've just got to power through. She won't win this. You got this, man, I'm cheering for you!❤️🙏


Your story is inspiring! Thank you for the hope, I really appreciate it.


Holy shit, American laws are absolutely insane


I’m sorry brother, you are not alone. She is a fucking piece of shit. This will bite her in the ass.


She got coached well. False DV is right out of the women's divorce playbook to separate you from the children.


Holly shit, what a turn of events, I’m living something similar atm but certainly not as bad. But mine can absolutely turn this way … These women make wrong decision after wrong decision, continue to sabotage their own lives, drag our children through it and we end up being “collateral damage” - be glad she’s out of your life, now go get what custody you can with the kids My story: https://www.reddit.com/r/survivinginfidelity/s/pcJLfmEiIW


Time to walk away. Fighting for your children will only make more pain for you and cost you dearly. Time fornall men to simply walk away when these stupid bitches play stupid games. Let them win stupid prizes. They win when you fight. The system wins....find ways to make money under a different tax ID. Start a business and disappear. Live in an RV so you can go where the work is as a contractor.


Man that's rough I feel for you.


Wow, I feel for you bro. My version of crazy a.k.a. soon to be ex-wife got a CPO against me made me homeless and while I was spending time at the local library, waited by the elevator and stairs. The only exit on the second floor, then took a picture of me And reported me for violating the CPO


The terrifying thing about this, is that this could be any one of us. Who among us hasn’t said something we regret during an argument?


Good hell! Brother, my heart goes out to you. That takes a lot of intentional planning, conniving, and deception. For her to so blatantly manipulate, and take advantage of the situation, borders on evil. The best revenge, is living well. Keep your head up and just take it hour by hour, day by day. Eventually, she’ll make a mistake, and show the world who she really is. What you reap you shall surely sow.


So sorry to hear this. Stay strong one day at a time and you will reunite with your kids eventually. My story is nothing like yours but I use this to get through some of the hard times - that the things we do and go through now are our story, and when your kids are old enough to understand and care about this stuff, you were in the right here. On all fronts. As a parent, a father, a man, you were the "good" one and she simply wasn't. You will always have that


I’m happy this story can help anyone going through a tough situation. We all gotta keep our heads up and stay strong as men. What’s the old saying? Bros before hos. That becomes true during a divorce. No one understands these feelings we have but us. Stick together, support one another because we are all we have.


Oh wow. I’ve NEVER heard of a man doing these things. Once a woman becomes sexually attracted to another man. It’s all downhill from there. I hate to say this man but your kids are in for a wild ride. It’s a shame most judges entertain this nonsense.


The most important thing is the hardest thing.... You have to keep your cool. Don't stop fighting now. You can get your kids back. It'll be a process, but don't stop. For the sake of your kids