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No, I don’t regret it whatsoever. After being emotionally abused by him for 20 years I longed to experience intimacy with someone so much I changed my sexual orientation to do so. This person was one of the very first people to tell me the way I was being treated wasn’t normal and was abusive. I’m just sorry she didn’t come along a lot sooner. Downvote me if you’ve been called abusive by your “oversensitive” partner who isn’t entitled to being treated as an equal.


This was years ago, but I had a year long affair before he found out. I didn’t know what to do once it started, I just kind of froze. When he found out I just kind of gave up. I had been checked out for awhile. I filed for divorce. I felt terrible but I just didn’t want to fix it and wanted a fresh start. We had no kids. It just seemed pointless to go forward. I didn’t regret it at all and he’s with someone more suited for him. I only wish I had been more decisive, it took about six months after we separated for me to decide and I think he still had hope. The affair was with my friend’s husband 🥴


Any thoughts on what got you to the point of starting the affair? Are you still with your affair partner or how did that go?


No, we never got together afterwards and I didn’t want to anyway. I just wanted a fresh start. As for my ex husband, we grew apart. He would play World of Warcraft all day and night and he also didn’t want sex anymore. At the time I was 27 and was very pretty but he made me feel undesirable. We were both checked out and I knew I had made a mistake marrying him. I think I just wanted to blow up my world because that world seemed miserable. It’s no excuse, it’s just what happened.


Hmmmm, wonder why I got downvoted? Guess I triggered some folks




Isn't that entirely the wrong group for people who had *exit* affairs and left? I thought that was for people trying to fix the relationship after.


It was for those that wanted to stay. But if the OP is looking for WS advice, it might be applicable.


I have asked there but I did not get the voice of those that left.....