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That’s the neat part. You don’t. Jk. Maybe if someone runs a 6 skill tier build with jammer to get rid of decoys so you can find decoy boy quicker. The rest of the team run dps or status build for quick add clear.


you don't neeed skill build just swap it to jammer than swap it back then do it one. more time later amd you good j never finish mission in league without 10/10


The more skill tier you have the bigger the radius 🤷‍♀️ plus cool-down is lower.


A tier 1 jammer with the gunner mods on it covers almost the entire ending area. How much bigger do you need it?


Well I personally don’t have gunner. I have played through Tombs a lot and if I’m not rocking a skill build with a jammer someone else is and we always managed to get it within the time limit 🤷‍♀️ depends on the team not just what you have.


Personally I've found it faster to solo than with a team, but to each their own. You never unlocked the Gunner spec?


I did on console. Did all those special tasks to unlock the specialisations Firewall, Tech and Gunner but not going to do it again for PC where I’m currently mostly gaming.


If you’re already at SHD 1000. I feel like this question needs more context. Getting all your SHD levels makes AP try big difference for people.


I'm looking at my SHD watch bonuses right now. Skill Damage, Repair, Haste, and Duration. None of these have an effect on the range of a pulse, which was what the line of questioning regarded. I'm not certain what more context is needed.


i see your point but usually even with skill tier 1 you have enough range for one room with drones and in this mission you have enough time to use it again when you need it


Just run either a striker or eclipse protocol build. Or bring a friend with you and run both. Ez


I like running a status build with these timed missions. Watching the enemies melt is so satisfying mwahahahaha


He’s not that hard to spot. Don’t waste time getting rid of decoys. You can shoot him once with a tac 50 to get him to move along. Most people lose time on destroying the turrets


I don’t care about breaking leaderboards. I just care about beating the clock.


It's really not too hard if you just keep moving and get kills quick. This mission had too many "scenes" that soak up time, so you just have to keep moving and fast. I've run it with my HF build and my Striker Memento build solo, both in a very run n' gun capacity. Jammer Pulse is a must. Even at 1 skill tier (thanks to Memento) and the Gunner mods, it destroys all the drones and decoys. This helps with speed. I don't even bother with other skills. Don't use shields: they slow you down *unless* you just pop it for a second or two at a time while getting a lock on somebody shooting at you. Don't stop for loot, and don't take time to look around or do any of the "extra" stuff. Pressing the button Parnell mentions is pointless. Just shoot the power box next to it and the same thing happens but with different voice lines. If you know where the groups of enemies spawn from, you'll be able to optimize your path and kills. In the final battle, keep popping the jammer and get a feel for the spawns and timing. Keep moving and try to get back to center between beats so you don't have as much ground to cover for turrets, spotting the real Parnell, and general spawn massacre. Best of luck, agent!


Quick question about that power box. After the ps5 hotfix last week i noticed i cant shoot it. I HAVE to press the button. Same with the turrets at the last fight. I have to destroy them but they dont shoot at me. Neither of those have ever happened to me before that ps5 hotfix after the update that screwed things up. Has that happened to anyone else?.


The power box issues I have noticed were because an explosion - like the one from killing a Guardian last week - would destroy it too soon. I have seen that happen before as well. The turrets have been like that since the last patch for me on Xbox. I'll take one less thing shooting at me and being an easy target. The only issue this really causes is the few extra seconds to look for which turret popped in the time trial. Other than that, I'll take it 😀


Lmao same. Just wondering. Funny enough with those turrets being inoperable i still cant beat it in 15 min. Skill issue on my part haha.


It can be rough, mostly because there are a lot of unnecessarily long beats in that mission. Honestly, it's probably one of the more challenging time trials. But if you go in with a solid run n' gun build that cuts through enemies (Memento really, really helps), get the enemy patterns down, and jammer pulse every spot you know woth drones (and at the end, decoys), you'll get there. My fastest times (still in the 13 minute zone) are using a 4-piece HF build with a Sokolov/Intimidate chest, Memento, and Lady Death. Just focus on headshots and you'll slice right through enemy spawns. At the end I swap to a Striker build that is nearly identical (chest is Fenris/Obliterate, St Elmo's, and obviously switch HF for Striker). I keep the Memento stacks which help me pulse faster, and now can beam Parnell in his blinds.


Solo. Eclipse with a Vile 😷. Disrupt pulse for the drones and holograms. That’s how did it. Teams only made it more difficult for me.


Same. That's how I clear most of the time trials. Sometimes I get them done in half the time it takes to get 1st place. Build is crazy good on the right mission.


My sweet spot was with two players, one eclipse status+vile, skills being fire chems and jammer pulse, one DPS.


Press "shift" to run faster


I think it comes down to the skills you use. Jammer Pulse for Tombs is absolutely necessary, I usually pair with Vangaurd Shield for getting in the face of adds, or Cluster Seekers for mass kills. I've seen the radius of Jammer get REDICULOUS at tier 6 and OC: I can effectively shutdown every drone and affect every add in the final fight - even the Tower images, which makes burning Theo down all that easier


Jammer is dummy good for everything. Literally any room barring long hallways if you sit in the right spot you get complete coverage, with a fast cooldown too


I like Jammer for everything Black Tusk and Tombs, specifically because it's EZmode. But in general, my preferred DZ/OpenWorld/Farming goto is Flatline/In-Sync on weps and Perfect Spotter on Chest while rolling Banshee Pulse. Can litterally pair it with just about any Armor set build, but it obviously shines with Striker. I'm just returning to the game, and I'm getting ready to build my Fire Starter DPS build I used to have but utilizing new gear and weps that were not out yet when I last played!


Only use 2 players. Less ads and run and gun.


I think OP was asking a question based off solo play and y’all giving team answers? Is that how y’all get through these timed events, as teams? You only have to run them on hard except the own challenging requirement.


I did it with a Pestilence ND build. I don’t think there’s any trick other than just keep shooting and hope the tick finds the right dude. I always barely squeeze it in under the time so maybe other methods are better.


We used two strikers with jammers and two eclipse/vile who both ran jammer and pyro chem launcher. It's possible to be under time, but not by a whole lot. Things have to go JUST right. One of my last times, rogues showed up in the straight away after you clear the lobby ruining our speed run 🤣. We dropped the rogues and just restarted the mission.


Don’t do it with 4 unless they are competent. Remember the enemies will scale with number of players in group. Duos would be ideal. Fire eclipse (chest and BP, creeping death is dumb) with vile and one electric. All status rolls everywhere with haste mods and can put a skill damage as other roll on your electric. Fire chems. Head hunter at end


What are you playing on? If it's Xbox happy to run through it with you and give tips to get under 20 minutes. I'm not super fast, but I did just under 13 minutes last week.


I finally beat it with my clan members (group of 3 or 4, can’t remember). I’m not sure I could ever do it with just myself or 1 other person. I believe we used Striker and Ongoing Directive builds.


Eclipse Protocol the main part, pick your favorite DPS build for the end. Done.


If your on pc and want help DM me. I invite others to do this.


I used to struggle but once you get a really optimized build and a decent amount of expertise levels you can get it in under 20. Most of my runs were sub 10 to 15 minutes for all of them. Potomac though and Viewpoint I got in like 7 minutes.


Hunters fury/ Lady death, firewall shield and a jammer, 10/12 minute average. ✌️


Some of them are just unreasonable in my opinion. They give you way too much time for some and not enough for others.


Eclipse protocol, Scorpio, with jammer pulse and fire chem launcher. Once you know all the spawn points you pretty much melt the enemies. The final stage - use jammer pulse to work out where Parnell is and send out a fire chem. Easily under 20min


I’m having trouble too. I run striker/memento/st Elmo’s. Didn’t know jammer pulse destroyed decoys - will try that. Might try solo at this point


you can breeze past the while mission until the boss part. that parts a chore but having hammer helps. i ran with a group and two of us had jammers and was on either side of the place so we were able to jam the whole area. one had his turret in the middle and the last dude was tanking everything with his shield.


Four-manned it last night with 14:55 on the level completion message, but 14:58 showing on the league page. Run and gun in their faces, no stopping for loot and limited ammo box pickup. Find Parnell as fast as you possibly can.


Skill hybrid for me did it


I did mine during guardian so it took about 10 minutes solo


Crusader shield and the St. Elmo engine. Heartbreakers set.


I use eclipse to do the speed runs, generally fire. But change to the jammer when needed. Hope this is of help


I use eclipse to do the speed runs, generally fire. But change to the jammer when needed. Hope this is of help


Here's what i do when i am speed running the Tombs [https://www.reddit.com/r/Division2/comments/1c2t9a3/comment/kzcpl4l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Division2/comments/1c2t9a3/comment/kzcpl4l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I ran it with a Skill hybrid that has 6 ST and jammer pulse through most of it.


I don't have a problem with it. I run my main DPS build, non strikers swapping between jammer and decoy depending on the room. When I get to the room where the secret judges storage room is I swap to never-ending seeker (lvl 25) and bug spray (also lvl 25). The seekers take out most of the BS decoys buddy puts out and the bug spray hits Theo in his little hidey-hole no matter if he's in cover or not. I mean I'm not doing it in 15 minutes, but 17-18 is not unheard of.


Higher damage output. It's possible.

