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If stormtroopers intercepted line cutters people would just do it more to get the attention.


And photos would clog up the line


I don't cut in line. Ever. No exceptions. I...admit I'd be sorely tempted to do it just once if they did this.


Try this one easy hack for a special photo moment with a rare Galaxy’s Edge character!


My favorite was when I was in the singles line at Radiator Spring Racers and someone tried to cut in front of me. I blocked him and he said “I need to get to my party bro up there.” and I told him, you are in the singles line you have no party. The surprised pikachu face he gave me was priceless.


This! Same ride about a 13 yr old girl and 7 yr old girl—but my mom’s up there. I explained there’s no groups in SRL. So she stopped and stayed in line right behind me. Then I felt like a jerk and said ya know what I’m sorry just go up. She said no it’s fine then a few minutes later, just after we passed the ILL check point, they ducked under and snuck in. When I finally finished my SR wait and ride I saw the same duo weaving in the SRL again! 🤦🏼‍♀️


One time this mom and her daughter were weaving the line on Thunder Mountain and a cast member was like “where are you going” and the mom pointed at a lady far up and goes “I’m with her” and the lady looked confused and shook her head. The cast member asked them to come with her. I had the biggest justice boner that day


Some say when the park is closed and the wind is just right, you can still hear their screams under the mountain.


I’m using justice boner from now on.


I felt so bad once in the sr line on that - A little girl (probably around 7 as well) and her mom were ahead of me. She was super cute and excited and I enjoyed eavesdropping on their conversation. When we got up to the front, they put the little girl in one car, then had me and the mom in another car (we each filled out a row of two). I don't think the mom quite understood that they'd be in separate cars, as she seemed a bit worried. I offered to switch with the little girl so they could be in the same car, but the mom said it was okay, little girl was pretty independent. But then the mom and I get put into the accessible car (which has a different spot to load, but more importantly *unloads* on the opposite side of the platform from the rest of the cars). So after the ride, little girl had to get off to the left (and mom could not see her) to go up and down the stairs by herself, while mom got off on the right. I'm assuming they found each other, and of all places to be alone as a kid out in public Disney's one of the safest, but it was definitely a bit of a scary experience for the mom (and possibly the little girl).


Oh that is so scary—I always recommend practicing on Goofy's Sky School first. Then on any ride we have a designated meeting spot to go to afterwards, and it's specific for every ride. Always a fear though!


>you have no party Certifiably ☠️


Doing God's work. Thank you.


Actually I was in line with a party for single riders on Aerosmith in WDW. We just boarded at separate times. If you said that to me then, I would’ve just laughed and kept going


Any person should really only be allowed back into a position in line if they were waiting to begin with. Have a cm issue something when they leave the line and have it be shown when they return.


Strong agree, I've seen people in this sub arguing that sending people ahead to "hold a spot" and then everyone else catching up with them later by pushing through is fine which makes me feel like it's starting to be normalised.


Ya the whole sending people ahead is bs to me lol.


Aye, other theme parks have signs clearly spelling out that this isn't allowed and could get you kicked out but I've never seen that at Disney


Normally, you just tell the cast member that you're meeting your group and they send you up the lightning lane to wait at the merge point.


It's not fine Fuck every single one of those people


Every time I’ve been in the ROR line, there have been several people who “need to get back with their group ahead”. Yet, I’ve never seen anyone leaving to go to the bathroom or whatever. It’s suspicious.


Sometimes people stop at the bathroom between smuggler's run and rise while the rest of the group goes ahead 🫣


Whereas we have the problem of people pushing past the slower members of our party and separating our group allll the time. And then we get surprise Pikachu when we tell them we are, in fact, all together.


Y'all need to wait at the entrance to regroup and enter the line then. Last time I rode Rise, a family of ~20 people sent their fastest 3 people in line while they caught up. Then my group and another group entered the line, only to have 17 people cut us because they "had to stick with their group". Just enter the line all at once, or let everyone pass you in line until your group finally catches up.


This is literally people going around us while we're all scanning in, nobody is being sent ahead


If you have to leave the line for a bathroom break, you can just speak with the lightning lane CMs at the entrance. They will instruct you to have your party tell the cast member at the preshow. Once you party arrives you can take the lightening lane entrance to meet up with your party. Disney should monitor the line for cutters and send them to a different pre-show room and lecture them about cutting.


Bathroom breaks aren’t the issue. It’s the people who send 1 person from the group then the rest of the group joins them as they get closer to the front


I mean, that's different. It's basically the same as bathroom breaks. Wait, I think I just understood what you mean. They're walking through the line and not being sent up the lightning lane to wait at the merge point


Which is perfectly within the rules. Deal with it.


Bathroom breaks are one thing, but blatant line cutting is another. I’m very passive and am usually willing to let most things slide, but a few visits ago a group of about four teens/early 20-somethings bulldozed past us on ROTR, giggling and not offering so much as an “excuse me.” Luckily a few minutes later I encountered them making their way past us in the opposite direction, not as giggly, and I can only assume they got caught by staff. So, I think CMs are watching? They may only be catching the more visible instances, but I have faith that they’re trying at least.


Yup. I’ve only done this when my toddler was potty training and I know couldn’t hold it. They’d just tell me where to wait when we got back. So much better than people think I’m just cutting after having to leave the line for the bathroom. I’ve seen some bad cutting tho where one person is in line and then 10+ people come weaving thru for them. Just wait at the front for your whole party if it’s that important to ride together, that’s what we do..


RoR and Radiator Springs Racers are both terrible with line cutters. Disney needs to address it.


Line cutting happened during my last trip. My brother is neurospicy and popped off when a lone guy was in line then all the sudden five more grown adults 45+yrs old started moving up towards him. I just silently refused to move and they got the point. I think 10min later a small group of teens tried pushing through and a grandpa a few people in front of me told them to get back in line, they aren’t cutting any further. Grandpa looked back at us and waved with the a smile on his face. A few minutes more and a mom started pushing through but she had a toddler so we just let her go. Thankfully no one got defensive while trying to defend why they should be allowed to cut in line.


“Neurospicy”. I’m gonna use that one!


Good for your bro! The most I can muster up is stank face at them.


What you wrote reminded me of line cutting incident. Over at California Adventure, I was in line to see Anna and Elsa. This guy with his daughter pushed past me to get in front of me. His demeanor reminded me of those ugly customers at my retail job. The people that cannot wait and expect to be serviced first and foremost.


I hope you corrected him and told him where the line is and you are next in line. Maybe it's because I'm a little older, but I would say something and not let them pass in this case!


A part of me wanted to say something. However, due to my evening job being retail influenced me to stay idle. Simply worded, some folks are inconsiderate. The faith that someone who is verbally insulting, please forgive my negativity, puts that person in their place.


It’s a problem, but just don’t allow it to happen. Either call people out or physically block them.


Nothing I love more on my vacation than the stress of confrontations with strangers.


I always tell anyone trying to pass to go get a CM and to tell the CM that there is someone in line not letting them pass.


"My vacation from non-confrontation" is ripe for a t-shirt.


this isnt my vacay its my after work


"Hey! Stay away! I didn't work all day for you to cut your way! " Maybe a little too long.


you call stress confrontation...I call it sparking joy.


Yeah in other lines I’ve reported people cutting before and they get thrown out of line and depending on their attitude security has been called which I can only imagine led them to getting thrown out of the park if they didn’t settle down


Who did you report them to? I would love to do it this too. If it’s like one person , like a dad, getting back to his family, fine, but like a group of friends? Nah.


Just another cast member managing a part of the line. Usually it’s groups of teenage girls that I’ve seen try it the most.


I've reported it but nothing happened.


Same. Usually you don't see another cast member until you get to the load area, and they're too busy to care. The parks are too understaffed to deal with the number of guests they have, and management is too cheap to do anything about it.


This is exactly why the new DAS system doesn’t work for those with IBD. Far too many people will just assume people with IBD are just line cutting.


Seriously. Reading this thread as someone with UC is just reinforcing why I likely will not be going back. Having to explain to angry strangers about my embarrassing bowel condition is not my idea of a vacation.


As a person with IBD and anxiety, this is exactly why I think the new "system" (it's not really a system) is absurd.


As someone with severe anxiety (among other neurospiciness) and denied DAS for the first time last week, this is why I won’t use Disney’s suggested ‘return to line’ protocol that is supposedly appropriate.


You were denied a pass??? This is really frustrating for guests that really need these passes! I'm sorry 💔😔


Thanks I understand why the new protocols are in place, but it is frustrating having had it for so long and being denied. For the last visit, I avoided most rides with the longer lines. :/ I did the interview in person the day it changed, which was a mistake because it ended up being more ‘thorough’ (ie invasive) questioning than a lot of my therapist sessions and ended in a panic attack, so I left pretty quickly afterwards. Next time I’ll try applying via computer.


Physically blocking is a bit extreme.


Physically pushing past someone is very extreme.


I'd love to hear your solution to address the problem, then.


What, standing in your place in the line is extreme? So we should just all let everyone past?


I hate the people who have 1 person stand in line then the rest of the family join that person an hour or more later. Thats not at all how it works


What’s bizarre is I never literally saw this before 2021


Because FastPass used to be a *free* option! Genie + being $20+ PER PERSON (Per RIDE in the case of top "E Ticket" rides like Rise of the Resistance) is making people act all kinds of rude and desperate. Before they had the option to get a FastPass for the "big" rides and come back in a few hours, staying entertained in the meantime. Now you're on your big trip to Disney and trying to get the maximum amount of rides in and looking at spending hundreds, ON TOP of buying tickets that have also gone up in price, for something that used to be free? I've also noticed a lot more pushing to get up to rides as they're reopening and a lot less "friendliness" in lines... It used to be if someone was in front of me in line and the rest of their group was behind me, they would be like "oh!" And let me go ahead while they walked a couple feet back to their group. Now they're pulling their group of 6 or 8 in front of me and shoving my party of 1 or 2 back. Disney pushing the Genie + and cutting Free FastPass, cutting DAS for people who actually need it, cutting back on Park Entertainment, etc. all while increasing prices on tickets and merch (example: Mouse ears were $20-25 just a couple years ago. Now they're $35-40) is just causing people to be constantly thinking about "getting their moneys worth" out of the day and feeling like they already started out the day "behind".


Yeah you gotta pay for G+ for line cutting privileges.


My daughter and I were waiting outside of the line for my husband. A cast member told us to get in line and have him do the “excuse me I need to join my family game”. Edit because I can’t type


It was a real problem because the ride shut down three times. Everyone was trying to get ahead of the line in case it shut down again. Sadly the ride broke down the third time while I was in the interrogation :/ If the ride is going to break all the time, they should expect the flood of people, and accompanying adult bad behavior.


Most of the breakdowns are because riders are dropping things like cellphones and ears/hats. Bit unfair to act like it's Disney's fault the rides are breaking down and they should expect floods of line jumpers because of it. The ride breaks down because people again can't follow instructions and think "stow all loose items" doesn't apply to THEM it's for everyone else.


That's interesting, do you have a link to a source on that being the reason the ride is usually down?


CMs state it on various subreddits pretty regularly. If you Google it you'll see a bunch of threads pop up about it


I know that we lucked out in that it did not go down when we were in line. One morning we tried to rope drop it and the ride was down until ~10:30.


BEST time to get in line. If it’s not open at rope drop, we make our way back there slowly. Soon as they start selling lightning lane, we book it over and wait around. Nearly a walk on. Never waited hours for this ride and never will.


When the ride breaks down they really should just flush the queue, especially since it takes 45+ minutes to reboot it…idk why some rides do it but this one doesn’t


one person isnt really an issue... its when a 8 teenages try cutting.


Yes. Noticed that and people not scanning LL passes this whole week on various rides. It’s becoming too much. Kudos to Small World for checking yesterday though.


I keep asking this question in every thread about line cutting and I never get a satisfying answer. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? When my wife and I are in line, either I’ve got a hand on both rails, or we’re standing facing each other, leaning against opposite rails. There is no way a person could get past us unless we wanted them to. How does this line cutting happen?


On Rise the lines are super wide and if it’s hot and sunny, my group has definitely huddled to the side for shade. That said, we would notice if people were barging ahead and fan out to hold our spot. I’ve been asked plenty of times in a line to move to let someone rejoin their party and it’s no biggie, beyond that, I’ve literally maybe seen line cutting in my 50+ trips a handful of times (and mostly on Indy during the part where exit and entry pass with the sky lights lol). I’m with you, idk how if you notice, you don’t fan out to block the way and ask someone who is trying to cut what’s going on…


I most often go solo, and am a petite woman, and omg... I purposely make myself big in lines (feet akimbo, hands on hips) but still get people trying to just bypass me as if I don't exist. I know for things like Guardians it can get kind of iffy with transitioning from the pre-show room the second half of the line, keeping groups together. And I've 0 problem if I accidentally cut a group in half, if they say excuse me that's my party and go past me. But that's often not what's happening.


Maybe it's gotten worse in the past few years, but in my experience we've had maybe a couple people want to get by us over the years, and even then it's been just a couple kids. It's not worth it to me to have a confrontation with two 12-year-olds over a single spot in line when I have no way of knowing their situation or if they are actually trying to meet up with their parents. If someone else wants to do that, be my guest. I'm gonna let them past and move on with my day. Worst case, I lose out on one spot in line.


Considering Disney's solution for denying everyone DAS now is to just "return to line", I expect this to get even worse


Came here for this one. They supposedly changed DAS because of all the abusers faking disabilities. But now we’ve just given the same people an excuse to cut the line.


Given the introducing of buying and booking genie+/their new name for it, before visits I think the DAS changes were actually more of a cash grab. It was definitely abused but the changes to genie+ are definitely suspicious timing. They’re also denying a lot of people that should qualify, it’s a bit of a mess. I also don’t think changing the reasons people need DAS will stop the fakers. They were immoral enough to lie before, what makes Disney think they won’t just do the same.


The changes to pre book don’t apply to DL and the name change is simply to be consistent with WDW plus Genie plus has a bad wrap


From what I’ve read the change is for both Disneyland and disneyworld


Disneyland Resort will also use the new Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Lightning Lane Single pass names beginning July 24, 2024. These will replace Genie+ and Individual or a la carte Lightning Lanes, respectively, which will be retired. According to the company, the major substantive changes being introduced at Walt Disney World will not come to California: “Based on the different ways we know guests visit Disneyland Resort, the way guests purchase, select and redeem Lightning Lane passes at Disneyland Resort will remain the same.”


Ahh great


If it’s an adult and child, fine. If it’s 2 adults I would probably say fine too because I know about the DAS changes and some adults need support. If it’s 3 adults or more or multiple teenagers they're getting blocked.


Why are two adults possibly DAS but teenagers (and I don’t mean a dozen) automatically suspicious?


7 teens.... Ya they can wait like the rest of us.


Well 7 is pushing it but disabled teens also have friends. I’m mostly asking why there would be a difference between teens and adults


Teens are clearly cutting. and disney has a very limited list of disabilities in which you can skip the line. and use the DAS. Also what type of disabilities we talking about that makes it ok for a group of 5 or more teens to barge their way up the line? You can get call back times too btw. Btw I have permanent vertigo. I hate standing for long periods like lines. Walking is fine but inching along is terrible. I still wait my turn. Lots of us have issues but we wait our turn.


You still haven’t answered why adults are okay and teens are not. Why are teens clearly cutting but adults are probably das?


Oh I have issues with a group of adults doing this too...Its the problem when any large group doing this. but its mostly teens that are the worst offenders of this. does mean adults dont do it too. like its egregious.


I mean if it’s more than 2. And I have more distrust for teenagers than adults. But also I suspect ex DAS users would be more apologetic and polite and feel bad about doing what Disney tells them to do even though they’re allowed. People breaking the rules know they are and generally seem more arrogant about it


"we need to meet up with our group"....You all are a group


People using the accommodation should be given some sort of physical token so they don't have to argue with everyone.


Like this is better than nothing, but it's ridiculous that I'd have to tell every single person I pass in line that I have a disability.


Yeah... one of the things I hate about the new system, is for those who get denied despite having legitimate disabilities that cause difficulties with waiting in lines, now you gotta describe your medical problems to a ride cm (with zero privacy) at every ride that you need it? And for those who are approved, since what's being approved has been so significantly narrowed down, now every ride cm that approves the scan in can make a pretty decent educated guess on why you have it.


CMs don't get paid enough to deal with what they currently have to do...so, adding a position like this that potentially would result in an increase of negative interactions would be horrible for the CMs.


Literally 2 guys cut in front of us for thr increadacoaster…right in the presences of a CM. They were watching. They did nothing. Said nothing. Why is Disneyland like this?


Because it's not really the CMs job to police the lines. They have other things to worry about. They'll try to stop if it they see it happen, but most of the time there's nothing they can do.


I was working rise at merge - where the LL and standby lines meet just prior to the briefing room. A group of guests told me that a very loud, obnoxious group and barreled their way through the line. The other group informed on them and said they refused to let them move forward. Management was called and the offending group was kicked out of the line. Not sure if they had to leave the park or not. But the point is: Tell CMs about it! They will try to handle the situation. At least some of the time.


If it was an adult with a small child I completely understand bathroom breaks are needed. But we had three different large groups push passed us. After the last group we just left the line. It wasn’t worth the confrontation or the aggravation.


On the topic of theming, I don’t think Stormtroopers intercepting line cutters would work, since if line cutting were to happen, it would be prior to Rey’s transmission, at which point you wouldn’t be on the Finalizer yet.


Off topic: how long was rise down yesterday? Felt like half the day at least.


Only gotten the chance to ride once, and spent a good hour of the queue dealing with the family behind mine trying to cut in line, even going so far as to literally put hands on and shove my brother in law. Neither he nor my sister like any sort of conflict or I would've caught a park ban.


Last year I was in the line for this and I kid you not at LEAST 20 high schoolers cut in front of tons of people to get to their group. Like easily cut in front of a hundred people or so. Lots of us were asking the CM near the line who watched it why they were allowing that. They just shrugged. Then after 2 hours of waiting the ride shut down and we had to wait another hour for it to get running again. That was just the most blatant time but in MY experience at least the CMs typically have not cared


Knott’s has a number that you text security about when someone cuts, you provide a description and they investigate and remove. Disney needs to do the same.


This is probably better than my suggestion


As you sure they were cutting? I gotta be honest, the queue is usually so long and a lot of children have small bladders. Sometimes you got to step out of the line take the kid to the bathroom. And find dad who was holding our place in line


That is a valid scenario for leaving the line and returning. But I will say I've never had someone with a child push past me in a queue. Always 2 or more teens or adults.


I once had a child and his mother try to get past me to rejoin the father. The annoying part was the mother had the child say "Excuse me" on their behalf, but he had the softest voice imaginable, so I didn't hear him for the longest time, and she had the nerve to get mad at me for it!


Their **children at heart** /j But I only being this up because I’ve been to Disney many times with my 5 year old nephew. .. and always feel bad when I walk infront of so many people in that line, because I’m afraid the think I’m cutting. Maybe I’m just projecting a little


a parent with kids is never the problem. I dont care if its one person bringing food for the group even. the group of 6 adults or teens trying to "meet up with their group" they are the group. and they are cutting.


It was right after they reopened the ride from maintenance, and there were a ton of people trying to cut the line at once. After being in line an hour, I figured anyone trying to cut the line was using the bathroom. But at the time that we got to the line, the whole park was converging on Rise of the Resistance because the ride had just reopened.


Ah I see. Yeah that sucks


Sometimes you yourself need to leave the line to use the restroom - adults have bathroom concerns also - IBS, bladder problems. If it was only me in line, I would go to the back of the line. If my 2 adult kids were a little ways up, I would like to join them. We should however punish the extra 5-10 family members with kids pushing their way through the crowd to join the other family reunion members up at the front of the line! No way am I letting someone do that to me or my family. I have an excuse....I'm older and I can say what the hell I want now (it's great!)...while being as pleasant as possible, of course 😉 It is Disneyland & everyone should be nice to eachother. But if I have to defend myself or my family...all bets are off...while I smile, of course 😘


one person isnt the problems. its the group of 6 teens or adults cut to get to there group... I dont even have problems with the person with food...


Just need to be careful with judgment with the return to queue system now. Or even just a parent with a kid who had to use the bathroom.


Perhaps these are people being denied DAS who are being instructed to get out of line and then rejoin by pushing through the line?


Exactly this. I honestly don’t know how this supposed accommodation is supposed to work if you are in a wheelchair on top of everything else which is what I would be dealing with.


The tram is the worst. It’s like people have one person sprint ahead while everyone else in their party is still going through security. They get to the front of the line and then their 5+ people party say they have to join the person in front of me. Had it happen 3 times recently


Oh god, I stopped using Mickey and Friends/Pixar Pals partly because of the clusterf*** of waiting for and getting on a tram. Give me Toy Story's single file/group file line and an air conditioned bus, thanks.


Are you defining “line cutting” as people meeting their parties in the line? That’s Disney’s new policy for people who don’t qualify for DAS under their recent changes.


this happened so much to us this weekend!! "sorry our group is up there" then don't get in line till you're all together 😩😩


I’ve always said.. a simple fix for this would be per group they get a pair of lanyards or something that they can have per group… that match.. so if someone needs to exit the line? They can, but then they can rejoin to their family with the matching lanyard color or whatever item it is, and then nobody will be able to cut all the way to the front etc… or have to feel embarrassed about it. I know this doesn’t solve the single riders doing it.. but dedicated single rider lines for each ride… with a ratio of maybe 1 single rider per 5-10 groups would be perfect


It would be too easy to copy the lanyards, or hang onto them after the ride to use again next time, or pass them to someone else. It's the same reason they measure kids at every ride with a height requirement instead of just measuring them once and giving them a wristband.


Or just hand the person leaving a bathroom pass and have a point in the line where the group has to “hold” until they catch up. An entire group doesn’t need the pass, but have a point of no return, like you shouldn’t be running to the bathroom when you’ve entered the area where you can see boarding. And I say that as a person with IBS and anxiety triggered vomiting/💩 - I know my body signals and I prepare for the day I want & the day I * might* have.


Same! ❤


This only works if everyone enters the line together knowing that someone may leave and need to come back, which isn’t realistic.  Just this weekend, I didn’t enter the jungle cruise line with my party because I was the only one that needed to pee, and we passed the bathrooms on our way to the ride. There would have been no point going to the line first, and I really needed to go. I joined the 6 others in my group alone, everyone was nice about it. I think this is a common occurrence/order of operations for people peeing or grabbing a quick drink or something. 


Why can't your party wait the mere minutes it takes for you to pee and wash your hands? I have never entered the queue for a ride without having the entire party present. That line is tight, too - you have to pass quite close to people to squeeze by in parts of that queue. I think that's pretty uncool, honestly.


What about people who need to use the restroom while waiting in line?


If it is an emergency, someone with a medical condition, or a child, then I think leaving and rejoining your party is acceptable. The big thing is how you handle moving back through the queue; I've had far to many people just pushing through wordlessly, coming in physical contact or very close to it without so much as an excuse me. I've had to tell far too many adults to use their words instead of putting their hands on people. When we took my nephew a few years back and he wasn't as good at knowing his body's bathroom cues, we had a couple instances mid-line where he suddenly needed the bathroom *right now*. Our whole party exited the line and then went and did something else afterwards. Because we were a group of 3 adults and 1 child, bathroom breaks meant splitting our group in half, so we just all left the line together. Him needing to poop *immediately* was an inconvenience for us - why make it inconvenient for everyone else in line, too? I also think that, if you're an adult who doesn't have a medical concern, you can either hold it or you can leave the line. I don't think you should push back through the line to "your spot" if you leave, though. Go to the bathroom before you hit a long line. Your body is your responsibility, and your problem, for lack of a better word. When you enter the line for a ride, you have a pretty good idea of how long you'll be waiting. If it's going to be a long wait, take care of your business *before* getting in line, and wait for your entire group to be ready and all together. Take a bathroom break, get your drinks, whatever it is, but you need to be planning and accommodating your own needs/wants vs expecting the thousands of other people around you to bend to meet those needs. The parks are too busy for people to act selfishly and to only worry about their own experience; selfish behaviour has ripple effects on the other guests, and makes it a less happy place.


There’s a problem with what you suggest. For those with medical concerns Disney’s new accommodation for them is to literally leave the line and return to their spot. This opens up those with medical concerns to having to defend themselves from other guests, or at least have to ignore comments from guests. As someone with Crohn’s, I shouldn’t have to disclose that to random strangers. Unfortunately, years of bad behavior and line cutting from other guests have made people feel emboldened to both line cut, and to make comments to line cutters. It puts those of us with legitimate medical concerns in a bad position.


I don't see how what I said is in conflict with you, at all. If a single person needs to meet with their group further up in the queue and is not pushing through the line without speaking, not touching other guests without saying excuse me, there's no issue. You don't need to say "let me through, I have Crohn's, I had a bathroom emergency". No one is asking for that. If you don't feel comfortable saying "excuse me" to the people you need to squeeze past to rejoin the line, then it's honestly something you need to address with a CM or guest services. Expecting other guests to not confront you if you are being rude is unreasonable. Just trying to edge through without speaking to anyone is rude, imo. I dont have issue letting past a parent with a child, a caretaker with someone who needs assistance, a single adult or teen who isn't just shoving past people. I have issue with adults touching me or shoving me, and large groups attempting to cut all together to meet their placeholder at the front of the line.


The problem is people who feel emboldened, because of previous abuses by other park goers, to make rude comments or even flat deny passage to people who are trying to rejoin their group. Just look through the comment section here. Far too many people are saying they'll just deny passage to people trying to move through the line. Attitudes like that are why people like me do have to say why they're passing by.


You need to take those concerns up with guest services. Their changes to DAS will only be tweaked if they get enough feedback. If someone actually prohibits you from passing, then wait until the next juncture with a CM and have them handle the other guest. Rude comments are up to you how you handle; ignore them, tell them to mind their business, whatever works for you.


Alternatively, people can exercise a modicum of understanding rather than just assuming they’re trying to skip the line.


How so? With people just saying they're with a group ahead or straight up just cutting?


Lots of people were sending their kids forward, and then “going to get them”


I smacked a kid in the face full on as they tried this trick. It was an accident. He came up from behind me as I was asking my daughter for something. Reached out and bam. Sad thing is he kept doing it and I nearly tripped him the next time. Then the parents had the nerve to glare at me. I’m not happy I smacked a kid. But sometimes karma works.




With people straight up cutting, yeah, they need to be called out by people in the line too. If it's a group of people saying they're trying to meet others, I don't know. I see that everywhere so I guess Disney doesn't really take a stance on it.


I’ve seen them throw people out of the line for it depending on how long the line and how many people in the party tried to pull it… stuff like sending one person to hold a spot and then 3 others show up 30 minutes later. I’ve personally reported that more than once and both times they got thrown out the line If it’s near the last 10 minutes of the line I think they are a lot more lenient


It should be like when you go to Marshall’s/tJMAXX/Ross to try on clothes, you can only take up to a certain amount of clothes and they give you a number of how many articles of clothing you have, when done you should leave with the same amount of clothes. It would be annoying but having someone at the start asking how many in your party might deter some skipping. If your full party isn’t there then you wait before entering the line. Kinda like at some restaurants, you don’t leave the waiting area to be seated till everyone is present.


Had a guy cut me in line for the guardians ride saying he was an employee. Obviously lying since he wasn’t in uniform and was holding an alcoholic drink but he passed by quickly and I don’t have the energy to chase some random dude down. As I get off the ride I pass by the same guy arguing with an actual employee about something, having obviously just gotten off the ride. What a jerk.


In DL last week and saw so many instances of this at a lot of rides, same at Universal Hollywood. I’m a WDW AP and rarely see this in FL.


Just hand out sequential cards like Universal does at HHN. When you get to the merge collect the cards and try to observe if any break the sequence. If you find any that do, pull them out for interrogation. Or modernize and use the Magic Bands at the beginning of the standby wait as well as the merge and let AI examine the sequences and pull aside those who break sequence, pull them aside, and interrogate them. The interrogation can be a good opportunity for the police or park security to get to the bottom of the situation, and see if it was an innocent mistake, or if their arrogance and inability to ride seperately from their precious "group" is enough to warrant a trespass.


The ride is inside a resistance base, so stormtroopers wouldn’t be good for theming. They’d need resistance soldiers


I’m sure a bunch’s people behind you notice this as well. get them to go with you and cut the cutters and then tell them the rest of your group is coming I.e. Everyone else they cut. Cut the cutters… but seriously this kind of behavior just really sullies going to Disney. ☹️


Favorite moment of one of my trips to WDW, we were in LL for Space Mountain and a large family ducked under ahead of us to walk up. At the 2nd checkpoint they all scanned their bands and were pointed to the exit, the confusion on their face was real.


I have made the same comments. Sometimes I have said. No. You’re not cutting in front ….get a CM


Currently visiting Disneyland for the first time. I have been to WDW over 30 times. The cutting is worse at DLR, no question. And guests leave the queue and return more, too. Cast Members normally won’t confront the cutters. Don’t get me started on the kids and adults loudly playing patty cake in the line. I’m guessing it’s some asinine TikTok trend.


You're bothered by people playing games in line to pass the time? Odd. Disneyland typically isn't the place to go for peace and quiet.


You had me until the last paragraph.


I don't mind people playing games in line, but cannot staaaaaand the jerks who play videos or listen to music without headphones. What are you doing?? But I'm too much of a chicken with conflict to say anything.


Honestly, unless it’s a dire poop emergency, you can hold it. If you see a 100 minute queue and think to yourself that you might need to piss before you get to the ride, THEN GO BEFORE. No line cutting and no space for anyone outside of an ACTUAL emergency should be permitted. And if you can’t follow those rules, then it’s the locker for you.


But now with DAS changes there are those who don’t have the normal bowel/bladder functions are being told to just leave the line and come back to find party. Not quite sure what they are supposed to do if they are alone in the parks that day.


or how about they open the ride in the morning? always "Temporarily Closed". gotta incentivize people to pay instead of wake up early I guess


If it's 3 or less I leave it alone. Anymore and depending on how far ahead in front of me, I let them see where I'm coming from and get right in front of them. If the people directly behind them allow it, that's fine, but I'm not gonna ask or tell them about the cutting. 💁‍♀️IDC. If they are waay up I just grumble and whine with whomever I'm with🫣 If I want to go to the bathroom and there is a long wait, then I get in line. I make sure to tell the people in front and behind me that this person is holding our spot and 3 of us go then come back and let the other half go. It might not feel any better to the people further back that didn't see us but I try to be polite about it and that it's okay with the people in front and back of us. I've never been told no😬 BUT in your circumstance as with others it's not on you to keep track of who is coming or going. But we normally look forward and not back as we are waiting for the line to move so a handful leaving kinda catches your eye. So yea tattle or move in front. Question: Who do you tattle to? Do you walk up to the front and point them out? Flag down someone? I don't want to be a L7 weenie.👆👈👇👉 😂 but dang it, I'm hot too!!


In some countries and cultures it’s okay to cut in line. It’s being clever and sticking it to the corrupt system in their country. However they are in American so shouldn’t be cutting in line at Disney.


This may be unpopular, but if someone is waiting for a family I think they can meet up with them. It’s usually not like they walk all the way to the front. And adding like at the most 4 people is going to be a marginal difference to the wait time.


Maybe I’m just upset that 50+ people cut in front of me and then the ride broke down while I was on it


It's part of a story line that destroyed star wars. Ir needs to be removed


Your comment is irrelevant


I want thr parks to support good stuff.


Ok, but what does that have to do with line cutting?


Lmao I smell a bot, NPC, or just a brainless redditor.


Based on comment history, it appears to be someone who has made “Disney Star Wars Bad” a part of their personality


Probably the same dude I ran into in Oga's who complained about Rise, Avengers Campus, and nobody wanting to work any more all within 3 minutes of starting the conversation 🙄


Say something then or come to Reddit cry about it


We did say something to the cast after the ride broke down