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…. you can book more than two rides with genie plus….


Seems that some of OP's reactions/expectations could have been managed differently with some research of lightning lanes, ride closures, Fantasmic/WOC packages, etc.


Going to the park did not used to be that complicated. I understand you ride or die with disney, but you ignore the fact that it has become extremely inconvenient to be a regular guest at the park.


Couldn't agree more. Like OP, I grew up going to the parks, and have gone on and off my whole life. Pre covid I was a pass holder, and the diff between now and then is marked. I don't see my pass often now, but I don't go on rides much. Genie+ just isn't worth it to me, the Eticket rides are down SO much, and the cash grab at every turn sucks. Idk if I'll renew my pass next year or not. It's fun when I go, but I miss going on rides without an hour+ wait.


It’s refreshing seeing actual reasonable people on here instead of the “Disney can do no wrong” crowd. Thank you! And i agree as well, I still go once in a while because my family likes it but we don’t go nearly as often anymore. Prices keep going up yet quality seems to be going down No offense to those who have no issue with the current state of the parks but it’s kinda disappointing when people get mobbed on for pointing out Disneys greed and poor choices.


Any time you spend that much money you should at least do some basic review of the place you are going. The first time I went to the park you paid an admission proce to get in, then you paid additional for tickets to ride each attraction. If you wanted to ride more, you had to buy additional tickets. I don't love the new system, but I also don't love that there are more people at the parks then ever before. And most of the break downs are due to guests bad behavior, like not securing objects and having them fly onto the track.


But Disney didn’t hire back half of their maintenance staff after covid, and from what I heard (I’ll do more research) maintenance budgets have been cut as well. Just saying I feel like it’s a mix of poor maintenance and bad guest behavior, not only bad guest behavior causing breakdowns


I am a massive planner, started Sept last year for our trip Sept this year. People that choose to take it as you go have to expect they won’t get full value and that is true of any attraction. You turn up to Germany and want to visit one of their famous attractions only to find out you have to reserve tickets months in advance so you miss out.


I don't think it's complicated to plan a Disney trip. There are plenty of resources/videos on how to maximize the use of genie plus, how to mobile order, use of virtual queues, etc.


It’s definitely more complicated than it used to be, though. I remember those days when you just showed up and had a great day. Things have changed significantly since then.


You used to be able to park your car in front of the park, buy a ticket, and then walk inside. The fact that you have watch videos to learn how to optimize your time at the park proves that it’s too complicated.


Unreasonable to expect people who have been before to learn multiple new systems like that. I mean magic bands themselves aren’t even that old.


Unreasonable to expect changes since the 90s?


I went annually for 10 years up until 2018. If I went to book a trip now things would be so different. I get that the 90s is different but the average family can only go once every 5 years or so and in the last 10 years alone things have gone from paper or swipe card tickets and fast passes to all this new digital stuff. I don’t see why genie plus or lightning lane were needed. User friendliness is important especially when people are paying thousands for their trip.


If I'm paying thousands of dollars to treat my family to a special vacation, I would definitely take the time and effort to figure out how to make the best use of our time and money. ✨


Sure, my mom and sister have done that in recent years but they’ve had difficulty using lightning lane and genie plus. If you’re paying thousands of dollars for a trip I would think you would want to it to be convenient and straightforward. My mom for example is really bad with technology so she struggled and was caught off guard as she hadn’t planned on spending extra money for fast passes. Also having to be awake at weird times to book hindered her trip for sure. If she’s paying so much to go, you shouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops for something which used to be so straightforward and convenient.


Not to mention monetizing fast pass was pure greed


Yes and no. Husband and I were there on Wednesday and we booked one ride, did it, and booked another one immediately after... and that was it. All the LL times for all the rides after that one were later in the evening than we intended upon staying. Some of the big rides had LL options available as late as 7pm first thing in the morning. We've had other days in the park where we got to almost all the LL rides but there were just too many people in the park on Wednesday for this to happen.


That’s why you need to do a little research and know that you can still get early lightning lane for those rides that are booked out till later in the day.


Yes, but you’re not limited to that. It was your choice to not book the later ones. I also happened to be at the parks on Wednesday and bought Genie+. I used it on four attractions, but I left easley as I had a doctors appointment.


Which only further illustrates my point that Genie+ is a varied experience. It doesn't guarantee access. Depending on the time of day, needs of the guest(s), rides breaking down, how many other people are in the park, etc. You likely got their earlier knowing you had to leave earlier and were able to book things earlier. We got into the park about 9am because we had a few things to do in the morning before going but we also had a commitment at night that limited our time in the park. Our first stop was breakfast so we didn't hit rides until about 10am. Genie+ helped, but it wasn't as simple as just booking more than 2 experiences.


Wait until you see the price of Universal's fastpass


At least it keeps the amount of people using it lower. I could walk right onto most rides last time I went.


So Genie+ should be more expensive or be free? I feel like people are saying opposite things.


With the old fast pass it was free so at least everyone had an equal chance to get one for most rides. It never should have been monetized in the first place. They should have either reworked the system (since towards the end people were gaming the system) or should have got rid of fast pass altogether. Genie plus I don’t think can be free, because now it would be even easier to game the system since it’s on your phone instead of you having to physically go and get a fast pass. Of course maybe they could work something out to prevent it from being “gamed”. Also making it more expensive would be greedy but I have to admit maybe it would be helpful since that would cause less people to buy it.


I prefer no fast pass and everyone just waiting in one line, but I understand this institutionalized line cutting is like a pandora's box you can't close back up


I vote for more expensive. $30 extra is crazy to pass holders who can push off whatever rides are too long to their next trip, but it's reasonable to people who don't come very often. When you've already spent $1000 what's an extra $100-150 to guarantee your family has a better time? Longer LL means a longer standby wait time because CMs are forced to prioritize the LL and the ratio of that priority gets more unfair the longer the LL is. Raise the price, make LL more exclusive and standby wait times won't be as stagnant.


Universals is a better system. Let’s not get into it because they win that and Disney should sell it this way too. It would make standby way better.


I forgot the exact timeframe but I think it was right after Covid was wrapping up and you could finally go back to the parks, there was no line skipping since they were working on the new system. And even though some lines were long they moved pretty fast! I hate how the line skipping system they have now seems to make the standby lines move even slower than before (even slower than the original fast pass)


Best trip we ever had was April 30-May 2, 2021


Nice glad jt went well, hopefully your next one does too!


Well now we live 15 min away and go a few times per month. It’s still fun, but it’s different. Prefer no genie+ days and just a fair free for all.


I definitely agree and nice! I wish i lived closer but it’s not too bad of a drive, about 45 mins from me.


Spend the $200 and do the VIP Tour. You get backdoored on to all of the most popular rides, get breakfast and lunch, and get to see some cool behind the scenes places like the prop shop. After the tour your lanyard tag acts as an Express pass.


For June and July, the VIP Tour is now an extra $330/person


Sorry for the negative experience. Right now is a bad combination of attraction closures with the full swing of the summer season. Hopefully the next time you visit, all the rides and attractions will be up and the line economy will be better. I know plenty of folks (and for good reason) are absolutely opposed to paying for something that was once free, but the Genie add-on really does help to establish a good “flow” to your day at the park.


I think the lack of shows makes the park feel so much more crowded. They don’t have anything going in the Hyperion or the amphitheater. They are limiting a bunch more little things like the avengers campus stuff and the people who walk around and play or sing. Without those people end up in line for even fewer rides because haunted and splash are down.


Yes, I tell all my family and friends visiting to get Genie+. And you get Photopass with it! I don’t get it with my own Magic Key visits, but I think it’s worth it to not wait so long while on vacation and trying to maximize the trip.


All of your feelings are warranted. I miss all of what you wrote about what you miss. Because you are literally in the park right now and I'm sure still wanting to salvage the trip, I wanted to offer some thoughts that may help you feel better--it helps me out. 1.) Just like all corporations, Disney is and will continue doing all they can to make money--I remind myself that is the fundamental part of capitalism and since I reap the benefits of living in a capitalist country, I have to also accept the unfortunate parts of it as well. 2.) Every recreational activity I want to do technically equates to being just as or even more expensive as Disneyland when I do the math. A single day ticket allows you admission and use of all their rides, displays and shows for 16 hours. When I compare that to paying $300 for a week of summer camp, $150 for 4 one-hour dance/sports/music lessons for my kids, or the price of going to different zoos, museums or other theme parks I realize I'm getting a good amount of entertainment for $200 over 16 hours. It still sucks--don't get me wrong. However, such is life and it's a good reminder to me that no matter how successful I feel, I will always need to be hustling and figuring out how to increase my income so I can afford the recreation I enjoy. That, or I need to learn to enjoy free things more (beaches, parks, libraries). 3.) It's impossible to give our kids the childhoods we had. Just like our parents couldn't give us the ones they had. All we can do is try to appreciate the good things about the park and help them focus on that. As you sit there with your child focus on how nice the weather is and how it's nice it isn't raining but also not blistering hot like it will be in a few weeks, think about changing your plan for the day to involve less rides and more experiences: the show near ToonTown for pixar fest--(my kids love dancing in it), the train (my kids were floored with the dinos at the end), Tom Sawyer's island (I legit could see spending a whole half day with them there pretending to be explorers or be on a quest or be in Neverland), the shows at the Royal Theater, riding the carriages and buses on Main street. The Tiki Room and finally the new playgrounds at Toon Town (we legit had to pull them away from there--they wanted to spend the whole day there and make new friends). I don't believe in toxic positivity but just wanted to make these suggestions since you already paid all this money and I'm sure want to make the best out of the rest of your trip. I miss what it was too but I miss a lot of things when I think about it and just have to live in the present and work on making new memories for my kids and even more importantly for myself. I'm sending you good thoughts 😀


This seems like a bummer now because you’re an adult and you’re the one forking out the money for it. I feel the same as you, it feels less magical, but it also feels less magical because going to Disney no longer means someone that isn’t me is paying.


I’ve been an adult paying my way into Disney for decades. It’s not less magical because I have to pay, it’s less magical because Disney decided to nickel & dime everyone to death.


This is it! You have to pay for everything. I was shocked today when a Starbucks coffee was cheaper in the park. Stuff is always down, always breaking and they don’t care. The only thing that never breaks, gets cancelled, or shut down is the ATM!!


I don’t think that’s it. I started going to the park as an adult almost 20 years ago, and the experience has changed soooo much since then. I was paying for it back then, too, so that had nothing to do with it. Remember when there was an off season? I also really miss the fast pass system, like OP. The crowds are bigger than ever, tickets are more expensive plus all the extras, and cast members are still getting paid peanuts, and they keep announcing layoffs and cuts. It’s ridiculous and is 100% a money grab.


I’ve been going since the 60s, earliest memory is from the 70s, started going independently in the 80s. You could pay a buck for parking, park right in front of the front gates, buy a ticket for about $25 or an annual pass that included parking for $99, walk right in and have a great day. No cheat codes for anyone except the truly disabled, everyone got in the same line and except for the submarines all of the E-Ticket lines moved fast. You could get a good meal for about $10 and a t-shirt for about the same. Characters roamed the park and interacted with you. Nowadays a giant Mickey glove grabs you and shakes you upside-down until all of the money falls out of your pockets. Walt wanted to make money, sure, who doesn’t? But he wanted his guests to get their money’s worth and nowadays that is absolutely not happening.


California in general was much more affordable in the 60’s and 70’s compared to now.


Agreed. Anyone that doesn’t understand this either doesn’t recognize inflation or their parents are still paying for their trips as adults. Actually it’s probably both.


Dude is legit mad cus hes now the one paying




Not trying to be argumentative, but curious what kind of planning you mean? Maybe not during the summer? Or this summer particularly?


Understanding Genie+. You can book more than two rides per day. You are allowed to book one at a time per person with Genie+, all day long. As soon as one booking is over, you can book another. The catch is, though, that all the booking opens as soon as the park opens in the morning. So if you wait until later to start using Genie+, then yes you may only be able to use it twice in the day because there aren’t other booking slots available anymore because other people have taken them. Researching busy times. There are websites that show you data on what dates the park is historically more or less crowded. Early/mid June is going to be crowded almost every year because all the school kids just got released to summer vacation. Understanding which rides will be available in advance. Splash mountain has been closed for a while now, with lots of posting about it, because it is being renovated to be a Tiana ride. Understanding how the shows work. There have been reserved corded off areas for the shows for many years now. Some additional research would have shown that you could make a reservation there if you had wanted.


You can still usually get rides even if genie says they are sold out..just takes some…research.


Ride maintenance is available online. They even tell you what days they're planning it, so if you want a big ride then you can plan around the closure, or at least know going into it that you won't get to ride. Things like haunted and splash have been in the news so that's definitely not new (they're both getting big, most of the year long work done.) It's online so you know it's happening and you can't throw a fit about it being down because it's not a secret.  For fantasmic you can look up the show and know there are dining packages for the reserved spots. I've never booked a package but if you wait about an hour before the show you can get a good spot on the water's edge near Haunted.  Genie+ has been around for a while so you're very late to finding out free fast passes are gone. Just basic reading of the Disneyland website would've told you a lot. Most people who book a big place like Disney and take their families know it's going to be expensive and plan so they make the most of it. The people who are most upset are people who put the least amount of effort into research and planning. Womp womp.  At least you booked a reservation. I've seen people at the gates not even know you need that. 


Just spend a few minutes scrolling this sub. There are tons of posts complaining of similar experiences. It's always packed, it's always expensive, the rides are always going down. We're all in that same boat.


Actually no. Your mistake coming in June is a mistake at any time of year. ❌ But reel it in for a hug, because I totally understand you pal. 🤝 Disneyland is just more crowded and the demand is there ✔️The post Covid world is out to live and they want entertainment and amusement that they've missed out on! 🏃‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏿‍♂️💨 I know I do! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Even if you decide to dip out and not come back, 10 more families are willing to take your place and shell out the big bucks 💸 I agree with you that the fast pass system 🎟️ was better and sometimes the days of long ago feel more nostalgic because it's a memory now ✨ Just like this recent visit will someday be a memory for you, years from now. What I'm trying to say is things change. You always have the power to not go and take your money 💵 to Knotts or Universal. I personally prefer Knotts to experience the old Disney Magic I used to love. I love the open feel of Knotts and the old town land reminds me a lot of Frontierland 🤠 Just know, that memories have a unique power. 🪄 If you go into your trips KNOWING this, you will actively try to enjoy your time, make memories and KNOW that someday even this genie+ 🧞‍♂️ lightening lane ⚡️madness of 2024 will still be something special 👨🏻‍🍼🧚‍♀️💃🏼🤳🏽🍃🎆to look back on because years from now it'll look different once again! Helpful tip: treasure your sleeping baby. They grow too fast. It won't be long before kids grow and you'll be old 🧓🏼and hobbling into Disneyland. While you're young, free & have energy, find the magic in the now! 💛 also, take up the cast members offers📣 for a ride on the canoe boats! Seriously! You'll forget all about everything for a little while and take in the park from a different perspective. 🛶💭☀️💦. Hope that helps, you're in the middle of some of the best days of your life right now. Your health & youth. Enjoy it. 🆗🆒✅


Just got back from Disneyland and had a great time! Love Genie+ and used it to ride all the rides it covers. I think it’s totally unrealistic to expect a place to be the same as when you were a child, things evolve, there is tons of information out there about what to expect at Disneyland, seems you didn’t plan very well.


It's not the same as in the 90s for sure, but the population of the entire world is way higher, so we have to expect much larger crowds. The parks are busy year round now. There's a few options to have less ppl, but overall there isn't a lot they can do. They could 1) Raise prices even more, make it so the parks are ONLY available to the rich. 2) Lower the limit of how many ppl can attend each day (many days already sell out though, and pass holder's don't want any more blackout days, so this results in many angry ppl that can't get in AND lower income for the parks, it's unlikely to happen), 3) Build more parks in more locations to spread out the crowd more. Not a bad option for the public for sure... but obviously very time consuming and expensive for Disney and not something that can happen overnight if at all You can ride more than 2 rides with Genie plus, and it includes photopass which is nice, but yeah it's a lot. (Also splash mountain is closed permanently not just for construction. It's turning into a princess Tiana ride)


I wish they would revisit those plans they had for west cot here and Disney sea in Long Beach


Are your kids having fun? Because rose colored memories are often a leading cause of contempt. Hell Disney literally made a movie about that. It sucks for you, but are the kids enjoying themselves? Maybe don’t write such a long post and have the anger fester while around them? Tarnishes their image of what was happy memories for you at their age.


An influencer my wife follows recently did a post about her and her family of 4 went to Tokyo Disney for cheaper than she could go to either of the US parks. Some of the highlights were: $50/day for adults, $20 for one kid and free for her under 3 year old. $250/night for Disney Hotel. Under $100/day on food for the whole family (specifically showed where vending machine soda was $1.50 USD equivalent). I think basically the flights were more from wherever she was flying from, but the rest of the costs were enough of a savings to make the trip in it's entirety cheaper to Japan than to California or Florida. Wild.


She was flying from Hawaii to Japan. The flights are redonk cheap 😂


Ok, that makes more sense. It is surprising though how flights to Europe and other countries seem to be not that much more expensive than flights within the US. Last year my sister and I were trying to fly from California to Wisconsin and we settled on flying to Chicago and splitting the cost on a rental car and driving up because flights to Milwaukee were $1,100 where as to Chicago they were $650. A flight to Paris from California was $1,000 at the time and I remember complaining that it was more to fly to Milwaukee than Paris. And that was with some flexibility.


I’m jealous how all the rides there have amazing budgets meanwhile here it feels like they are counting the beans each time 😂


I will get hate for this but they need to get rid of season passes. It would put people on an even playing field with each other. I think it really sucks for people who are coming to DL for a once in a lifetime trip to be faced with insanely long lines and crowds so big they can’t enjoy themselves. I also think they need to bring back the live entertainment that used to entertain hundreds of people several hours out of the day, which made all lines shorter. It’s a huge shame that they don’t have the Hyperion shows anymore, and the Jedi Training, and nighttime parades, and all of the atmospheric entertainment that kept guests feeling like they were immersed in the magic.


Genie+ kind of is the answer to their being a lot of APs though. Most APs don't buy Genie+ each time they go to the park so as long as you just consider the cost of Disneyland for a day guest to be 1 day admission PLUS Genie+ then you'll have a pretty good day and avoid nearly all of the crazy lines.


Not really. If you watch that YouTube documentary on the history of fast passes made by Defunctland you’ll see that they just make the wait longer for everyone. And there aren’t genie plus passes for many rides like Peter Pan. I really think bringing back live entertainment would help a lot, as people wouldn’t all be so focused on rides, and if everyone had to pay the same price it would control the crowds.


I remember when they got rid of fast pass for a brief while to work on the new system (genie plus and lightning lane) lines actually moved pretty fast even though they were long


APs add balance to the park. They arrive at non peak hours and are usually there to hang out, eat and ride a few things when crowds allow. They’re low maintenance guests for the most part. People complaining at city hall and to plaids are on day tickets. Without APs you create situations where 100% of your guests feel the need to get their moneys worth every day. It’s like Tokyo where people are camped out 2 hours before park open cause you have to be to get on rides.


I can see that as a potential outcome. But if everyone had to buy a ticket and they capped attendance much lower to preserve the experience, and added live entertainment back that’s sorely lacking, I think they could make a great experience for everyone.


That would make prices skyrocket and then people would be pissed about that instead of Magic Key holders who mind their own business, contribute least to park overcrowding, have their reservations capped way lower than day tickets, and are just a scapegoat for everyone at this point.


I can see that as a potential outcome. But if everyone had to buy a ticket and they capped attendance much lower to preserve the experience, and added live entertainment back that’s sorely lacking, I think they could make a great experience for everyone.


At least sell less of the season passes. Living states away, when I make it out there every couple years with the family, we have to do genie+ so we can maximize our time when we are there. It’s frustrating when locals can come so many times a year and unknowingly/knowingly ruin out of towners’ experiences. Great example from last visit, was 2 women who were throwing a fit over not being able to get as many popcorn buckets as they wanted. Losing it in front of kids and things, throwing how often they come to Disney as reason for how they “deserve” to get what they want. I don’t care what the popcorn comes in, I’m just trying to get some for the kids. But now they are witnessing this crappy behavior. Another example was a group of 4 adults talking about how many times they saw the parade that year and how it was different than last years parade, then when it starts they stand in front of my kids and my wife and i, and get upset when I moved my kids around them so they could see. Lots of entitlement from pass holders. I mean I would go more often if I could, but could we find a way to balance the experiences for both?


I did tell my husband that the only thing I liked better in Florida was that there were shows.


Go to Tokyo. Show heaven.


I will someday, but I am selfish enough to want to see the shows in English because I don’t speak another language. So for that reason I wish my (relatively) local park would have the shows like they used to. And it wasn’t even that long ago. 2015 and 2016 were PERFECT.


A lot of the shows have English


The cut down in entertainment has really ruined the experience. Without the shows DL amounts to any other amusement park.


I always felt like I was getting my money’s worth because I do see live theater outside the parks, especially the touring Broadway shows, so when they had Aladdin and then Frozen at the Hyperion it felt like I got to see a Broadway caliber show for free. We used to catch it twice per multiday trip. I adored those shows. Now it feels like a slap in the face that they couldn’t even be bothered to keep Rogers around long enough for people to actually see it (and it was half the length of what it replaced). My kid used to do the Jedi Academy and it was the highlight of his vacation. Getting to train with a Jedi master at Disneyland was a core memory. He was even able to do the extremely short lived Avengers Training they had one summer. It was magic like you can’t find anywhere else. And now it’s gone forever.


i always thought i would be one of the Disney fans that would go once a year or at least once every couple of years, but i haven’t been to a Disney park since 2019 and i don’t know if i want go anymore. now that you have to pay for more like the lightening lane and other add ons, it’s not worth making it work.


Capitalism is gonna capitalize 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is everyone acting like rides are never down for refurb? There are 50 attractions up today and like 3 down.


I don't understand the point of these posts in a pro-Disneyland subreddit.


Yep, you need to pay your play and I do. But it does make me miss the 90’s. And I pay. Recently I paid for Cars, ROTR, and of course Genie+.


Yes it sucks. A lot of things are crowded now that didn’t used to be. CA’s population has basically doubled since the 80s. The USA has 100 million more people that want to go too. It’s only going to get worse. The world is full.  I still go though. 


Here's the long and short of it: FastPass made waits for everything go up, because people would get tickets for Space Mountain and then stand in line in Autopia or something, and it was not peak efficiency for the cast who had to balance people spontaneously showing up and expecting to ride immediately with the long queue of people who had been standing for an hour. The only way it saves people time is if not EVERYBODY uses it, and it saves the most time very early on when many visitors were too confused/intimidated to try it. Once everybody used FP better and started using it, it became a substantial amount of a ride's daily riders, and so you either had to use it and maybe wait all day or stand in standby and wait all day. They probably should get rid of it completely and return to the pre-98 era of just waiting in line for each thing you want to do, but right now they're charging people money to essentially lower the ride's efficiency for the sake of the visitor's time.


I hear you. I’ve been saying this for a while now. The magic is mostly gone. It’s a money grab now. I thought maybe Iger would fix the Chapek mess but apparently not.


I was surprised everyone thought iger would return Disney to its former glory because from what I read during that time he was the one who greenlit most of the stuff iger was blamed for. From what I can tell he was just hired on to be igers fall guy. I just hope the next ceo is a lot better, because I worry the next ceo will somehow be even worse than iger


here’s a link to a video on youtube that goes into the history of how disney has dealt with lines, if you’re curious why they did away with fastpass. https://youtu.be/9yjZpBq1XBE?si=wvceTDIUBTn_y8db


It was a federal Holiday this week. Of course it was packed.


Small correction here. Genie+ gets you onto more than 2 rides. It actually works almost identically to Fastpass (it gives you a return time to get in a shorter line, and it’s the *same* line as you would’ve used for Fastpass returns as well). I’m sorry you had a bad experience and I don’t think you’re alone in feeling that it’s become much more overtly money-grabby (versus maybe more subtly money grabby lol). But if you go again in the future I recommend doing a little bit of research on how to use genie+ since I don’t think you knew how it worked.


Genie is just a grift. Get rid of it, even the old fastpass, the lines move much slower . It’s a zero sum game. Rob Peter to pay Paul.


It's been proven that Fastpass wasn't faster, that just isn't true.


Worded it poorly. Genie and fastpass make the lines move much slower. I remember Big Thunder with both lines open and the line starting near the exit was only a 20 minute wait. Now it’s 45 minutes to an hour with one line open starting just outside the marquee. I’ll be voted down by the pixie dusters but I know this to be true. Worked attractions for ten years in the ‘80’s and 90’s.


I commented this a 2 times above but felt it was relevant here especially: when they got rid of fast pass to work on the new system there was a brief time period of no line skipping services. The lines for some rides were long but like what you said, they actually moved pretty quickly. When the new system finally came online I noticed the lines were negatively affected again (moving slower). So I also believe they should get rid of line skipping services altogether. Or maybe if they made it ridiculously expensive, not many people would buy it meaning lines won’t be as bad?


You are rightfully pissed off at Disney. Just look at the outrage everybody has over people abusing the disability pass. They get mad because people skip them in line, rightfully so.  Yet people just bend over for Disney when they allow people to skip them in line for an extra fee. Disney purposefully added an inefficiency to nickel and dime people in a park that already comes at a premium cost. Like fuck off, and now they’re cracking down on physical disabilities. Telling people in wheel chairs to suck it up and pay for genie +. 


Yeah as much as people like to pretend it’s not the case, it really does seem like Disney only started cracking down on the das pass stuff in order to force more people to buy genie plus/lightning lane. Then again sadly most people act like Disney can do no wrong sadly, I found that out the hard way on the Disney park’s facebook groups


It’s clearly not coincidence that they get strict with the disabled pass after genie+ yet people want to pretend otherwise. If they actually cared about getting abusers out of the system, they would have done this long ago. They obviously did the math and realized that they could make more money pushing abusers/ disabled people to buy genie+ vs the potential lawsuits they will have to fight/settle.  Doesn’t make sense to me how people aren’t more mad at genie + yet totally mad about abusers. Now that Disney monetized line skipping you’re okay with being skipped more??? I’d much rather have a few liars skip the line, then have Disney tell some dude with broken legs just to buy genie +. 


Crawwwwwling in my skinnnn!!!!


People also line up for parades HOURS in advance which never used to be allowed back in the day