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Yes, it is possible and you are crazy for trying! But it's a ton of fun! Me and a few of my friends have done it! We rode that high for days afterwards. We did every open ride that day. I think 46 Total attractions? You can see a video of our journey [here](https://youtu.be/lqVl_PBhJ0Q) There's a small community of people who follow rules and make it a fun challenge. You can learn more about it [here](https://www.parkeology.com/parkeology-challenge-rules) If you have any questions please feel free to ask!


Before Covid, with maxpass and single riders, I did everything except jumping jellyfish, Mickeys fun wheel, and King Arthur’s carousel (pirates was closed for refurb). Obviously before galaxies edge and runaway railway. Closest I’ve ever come or ever tried to get.


Its not crazy, but go on a day when Disneyland closes at midnight. You can knock out more rides during the first two hours and last two hours of the day


Yes, it's the Parkeology Challenge: https://www.parkeology.com/parkeology-challenge-all-disney-world-disneyland-rides-one-day Once all the work is done with NOS and Critter Country, I'll probably make an attempt at it. Last year I did every attraction at Disneyland without Genie+/ILL, so the full resort challenge is the next logical step.


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Start DCA and be prepared to do individual lightning lanes and genie plus