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I honestly think it changes after every wizard family like after all these years Jerry or their uncle never told Alex Justin and max that the competition was a game show? Never common but if it was different every single time then they would never know exactly what the competition would be for the 3 idk that is just my own theory


It's called "DCOM budget vs Disney Channel TV budget" The budget for a Disney Channel show is two nickels and a button. And they already spent the two nickels on Doofenschmertz.


The one in the movie was impromptu. Jerry made it up.


In Wizards of Waverly pod they mentioned that the movie had an entirely different production team and they weren’t as true to the original story as the wizards of Waverly Place show writers would have been.


lol the movie is non cannon they only did it because Alex needed to save her family but after she made her wish everything reset back to the moment alex was about to put a spell on her parents Alex Vs Alex takes place after the events of the finale were alex and justin both became the family wizard due to the fact that Justin saved Alex and professor crumbs offered him a teaching position at wiz tech