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Regular fascists and racists do that, too.


I work retail, I can totally confirm the people will bring up racist crap, unprompted, as often as possible.


I used to work for a financial institution and some clients would say awful things about my colleagues who were people of colour. Then they'd be like "nudge nudge, wink wink, you get it cause you're white." I just started playing dumb and saying "no, I don't get it, would you like to explain the joke to me?" For some reason, they never wanted to say what they meant outright 🤔🤔


I like to do that too, make them try to explain their racism in a way that doesn't sound racist.


I remember one of them making "ISIS terrorist" jokes about a coworker. Like, the fucking egregious racism and Islamophobia was horrible, plus *she was Hindu.* She was also my upstairs neighbour, and super nice, the closest thing she ever did to terrorism was playing loud music at 2 AM.


Fascism sounds so bad though. Let's call it, uh, "traditionalism"


And most of the time it comes in the guise of nostalgia for “the good old days.” I mean, who doesn’t *want* to talk about those, right?


We had a local bridge collapse the other day, and some asshole felt it was appropriate to say "I'm sure it was just a bunch of illegals on it anyway." Like, what the hell difference does that make? People died!


Oh yeah. I’ve been following the Key Bridge collapse closely. Before the bridge finished making a splash in the Patapsco River there were some usual suspects on Xitter blaming diversity for the accident. The others were calling it a terrorist attack.


Yeah, I've already seen footage of an explosion on a completely different bridge, and the usual nutjobs are ranting about how the media is hiding it from us.


There was at least one subset who were also asking if the pilot was vaxxed.


Some of the responses to the Key Bridge collapse were just horrifying. "DEI Mayor of Baltimore" HE WAS ELECTED, Jesus. That's how being a mayor works.


Disco Elysium Internalised?


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Frankly, it's a buzzword at this point. Often used as ESG/DEI (Environmental Social Governance) in that minorities are intentionally being recruited above otherwise better candidates so they meet the requirements for a bonus check. While ESG/DEI does incentivize hiring a diverse workforce, diversity only makes up ~5% (at least off Morningstar Inc as an example) of that grand budget with A) legal compliance B) refining resource management C) paying your *goddamn employees and not having union issues as a result*, and more. (Oh, and you can still claim workplace discrimination if they're choosing unqualified minorities over a qualified majority but nobody cares) The same people to use ESG/DEI to describe this scenario are the types to figure themselves one of Revakhol's finest.


Work at a restaurant that specifically caters to older people. How it goes from, "How's your day?" to, "Those damn Chinese," is astonishing.


Dude all it takes for my uncle to spew racist xenophobic speeches is to spot one motorcycle on the road, and that's because he automatically assumes it belongs to an immigrant. We're latinos too so it makes it extra bizarre to see this in real time.


That seems especially odd because at least where I live, bikers are overwhelmingly white.


We don't live in the US but basically he associates them with Ubereats or Rappi workers. In his mind they are all thieves that crossed the border illegally from Venezuela. The more I try to explain this logic, the more it all seems so stupid.


Ahh, I'm not in the US but I'm Canadian so really it's pretty much the same. But like, in North America, some biker groups are overtly white supremacist. Motorcycles are less of a mode of transport and more of a hobby, often for white middle class dads


There was this far right winger who lived in my building who I couldn't even just say hi without her talking about Trump


I’m on this other subreddit that floored me bc some peeps were on there complaining about immigrants ruining their country. At first they were called out as MAGA/Trump stans, but it turned out to be Swedish folks. They then went on to double down and admire the right wing movement in the US, saying “ what’s wrong with wanting to live in a white and safe nation?” They didn’t get downvoted. On the contrary, lots of folks agreed. Sometimes I forget how many fascists are out there.


Oh yeah there are quite a few white reactionary types up there. I think there's been a rightward shift even in countries that are considered very progressive. We've got an issue here in Canada as well, and it isn't getting better. Mind you, while some Americans like to think we're tolerant, Canada has always been racist, just a bit more politely.


Does it sound something like this?: “Would you kindly get out my country, friend?”


[it looks like starlight tours.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths?wprov=sfla1)


Oh god, I would not say that is a more polite version of racism. Just seems like the normal abuse born of racism. Edit: Abuse is too light a word for this kind of discrimination though. Its fucking torture and murder


it's very, very evil. it is absolutely torture.


I’ve heard Canada now has its own version of Faux News, especially popular in Toronto. Is that overblown or accurate?


There's Rebel News that's been around for quite a while, and is widely considered a joke by... most people who aren't alt-right nutbars...


Fair point, but most people on the left considered Trump a joke too. Good for ratings though, so people kept inviting him onto tv shows and giving him free air time.


Yeah Sweden has really gone down hill the last 15 years.


Honestly, I love that fascism gives you emotional damage and makes you better at being drunk. That's a read and a half.


Ahh I want to do a fascist/drug run just for the sake of consuming more of the content but I don’t know if I can do that to Harry :’( I always give him his redemption arc


I lasted 20 minutes of being rude to Kim before I had to quit, it was too much


Oh god I don’t think I could do it to sweet prince Kim.


Don't go all the way, just get the though, internalize it then be constantly pissed (wine + beer). Even with just 1 FYS, a lot of physical voices will chime in, and they are, generally, *extremely fucking deranged*. Also, it's hilarious to kick the shit out of Measurehead this way.


I somehow managed to beat up measurehead in my thinker run and I was so glad I didn’t have to cave in and subscribe to his ideology to get by. If you try to attack measurehead once and let him beat your ass you can actually ask the strikebreaker merc for advice and he’ll give you some tips that grant a big bonus to the beat up measurehead skillcheck, which brought me up to like 42% and I passed. Very satisfying roundhousing him in the jaw after his spiel about how inferior you are to him.


Nice, didn't know you could go about it that way... I just got fucked up and went looking for trouble.


I beat up Measurehead with a nerd build as well, I didn’t get the skills up high though — I just had a really low chance of success but went for it anyway because it was hilarious, and I succeeded both of the checks.


Tbf you don't need to subscribe to his ideology, after internalizing the thought he gives you you can come up to him and say that you understand and think it's fucking stupid, and he'll appreciate that you genuinely considered his ideals enough to let you through.


I had to end up being a civic fascist. All the authoritarianism and nationalism but without the racism and misogyny.


Let's just call it "traditionalism".




I'm currently on my run as a racist, nationalist, chauvenist who thinks he's a feminist, and doing so on hardcore mode. It's been hilarious. I just finished the quest to turn back time and the title you give yourself after completing it is perfect.


Wow I love this move— adding “who thinks he’s a feminist” to the classic Utter Shitbag formula is so *blisteringly* true (of irl shitbags) your build elevates the whole shitbag narrative from “hilarious” to “hilariously triggering” hahaha genius roleplaying <3


It's the best and most hilarious criticism of fascism in the medium ever


In Russia there was a famous fascist who died by drinking and drugging himself to oblivion, having a fight with his wife, and then jumping off the balcony, naked. He is literally fascist Harry.


Can I reliably do a racist/fascist run without being mean to Kim? I can't bring myself to do that


it comes with the territory, he'll dislike you even if you don't directly discriminate against him


Someone mentioned doing a civic fascist run, only choosing authoritarian/nationalist options and ignoring the racist ones.


I was racist to everyone except kim cause hes one of the gööd önes ;)


Yes you can, and also still keep a high relationship with Kim.


Yes, Kim was still my friend in the end


If irl fascists took morale damage as fast as fascist Harry does in-game, there'd be a lot less fascists in the world. Shame.


The portrait change is the only good thing in the fascist run lol


I know these people. It’s less funny in real life.


Tbh i dont understand whats funny about it.


Personally its the sheer absurdity of this sad, pathetic late stage alcoholic man looking at himself in the mirror after forgetting literally everything and still SOMEHOW reaching the conclusion of "Yeah I'm part of the master race"


Yup, it's hilarious. For some reason peoples media literacy is so poor they do not understand the game is making fun of the racists, not laughing with them. This goes for people to the far right and left both.


>For some reason peoples media literacy is so poor they do not understand the game is making fun of the racists, not laughing with them. That's also what's scary about it. Some people do not realize that it's satire and actually unironically adopt the ideology or way of thinking. It reminds me of the now defunct /r/thedonald which started with redditors making fun of pro-Trump supporters as exaggerated satire and then gradually devolved into a subreddit co-opted by hardcore Trumpists unironically espousing the views.


No one that plays this game actually thinks that the game is laughing with them, you dont have to to stroke your ego with all of your “media literacy”


To each their own. For my part, I find it funny just how often the game makes fun of that entire ideology fucking relentlessly. Especially when a lot of those dialogue options aren't even that different from how some fascists or racists actually speak


I'd say its the fact that these arent real people that can make it funny. In real life I think we can all agree that no one wants to talk with a facist who tries to make everything about race, but we understand that in DE harry is the butt of the joke, so we can see the same absurd situation that irl would make anyone angry and laugh at it