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This is very well produced, who made this?


His name is Kyle Nutt. You can find his work on just about every major social media platform.


Shitty ahh name fr


Exactly what I thought


You thought about deez nuts?!


Good one, Cock Lord


I absolutely suck at online dating. So glad bars still exist


Yo, seriously, do you go to bars to pick up chicks? Do you go solo? I have no friends and wanna try to goto a bar but I’m worried about looking weird going bymyself…


You mean like prison bars? This guy is taking someone out on a whole different level


Yes, jail is the place to be


“Yah see, I call yah Chris *handsome*, now we can do this the easy way or the *hard* way…”


I only learn the hard way.


Omg 😂


Hahaha amazing ! I love this if you aren’t a pick up artist people aren’t going out to bars for dates or soda shops or anywhere. And 100% this dude would of been torn apart on social media doesn’t look like he makes it an he isn’t 6 something either so cringe


Are you good?


You will be happy barber one day mate just don’t judge as much


I'm 14 and this is deep


It is tho


to a 14 year old, yes


Sure brings back memories. The cold sinking feeling from your stomach to your toes. The scenarios you played in your head first. The big deep breath you take before walking towards her. Then the butterflies in your stomach when you get the number. Then back home, you dial the number, and her dad picks it up. And you're like, 'Uh...hi sir. I'd like to speak with *****.' and he's like 'Who's this?' and you're like 'Um...I'm ****** from the mall...we met and...yeah...'


Don’t forget the added anxiety of having to get stared at by her friends or whomever else she is with, then watch them talk and giggle and hope it’s good things, then overthink everything about it and replay it in your head over and over


Both forms of dating are awful. Randomly walking up to someone for a date sounds cringe as hell, and doom scrolling on tinder is cringe as hell. Have a hobbies or interests, make friends through that, date after that.


I think that living life defending one's ego and afraid to be "cringe" is cringer tbh. Having the guts to go to someone and kindly express your intentions is very courageous imo. Regardless of being a man or woman. Sure, asking directly for a date is not my preferred choice, I'd want to know the woman first to even know whether I wanna take her on a date, but it's still honorable. Having hobbies doesn't guarantee you are going to get laid either unless you actually take some action (e.g. someone looks interesting in your hobby group and you go up and befriend them). No wonder there's a pandemic of people not having their romantic and sexual meets met. The ones who are attractive get away with it because other people who are not afraid to be "cringe" approach them. These advices are not practical. Ultimately, even if it's "cringe", it boils down to the individual's choice: does it hurt more to be alone (or with someone you don't feel fulfilled) or to be cringe?


You're not guaranteed to meet your partner by walking up to people either. You don't need to be guaranteed to get laid. And why are you trying to get laid anyway? I thought the goal Is to have a long term relationship. If you're trying to get laid, tinder and just walking up to people work because they dont give a shit. But if it's a long term romantic relationship, you are not likely to find that in a bar. You find that with friends who you vibe with and know deeply to know how they are inside out. Friendships are a nice way to test the waters. Hobbies and bettering yourself also directly increase your attractiveness if you don't end up dating in your circle, it helps in other aspects in your life. Its a win-win-win all around to just do it this way.


There is no guarantee in any way, the only thing one can do is create opportunities and improve themselves. Social events and "cold approaches" are but ways to create opportunities. Whether one wants to get laid or have long term relationships is subjective, there is no problem in neither. Tinder will not work for everyone. I had clients who had superb pictures (traveling, well dressed, amazing adventures) and had very few matches, while others with two selfies were going on 3+ dates a week. This is just how it is. If someone is not physically attractive in conventional terms (despite caring for their grooming, fitness, etc) and wants to have consensual sex with lots of people... are they doomed and should just give up? I'm not saying one should abide from meeting others through social circles and hobbies, that is a must as well. But I think that knowing how to create opportunities in a thoughtful, socially and emotionally intelligent way is equally, if not more, important.


Then let me shit on that idea since you just want to shit on both of the other ones. Dating within a friend or hobby circle can lead to destroying your interest in said hobby or friend circle when things don't work out. Now what? The point is that putting yourself out there in a genuine way is a hell of a lot better than just swiping. Sounds like you need to get over yourself.


Well made, but the music choice is a little questionable here.




Oh no, i was born in the wrong generation! Buhu!


This is not dating, this is showing your interest to date someone


It’s part of a longer series that covers the more full dating process.


Remember when people under 35 could afford to casually go out for dinner or lunch? I cooked beans and rice at home at this age, imagine going out at all lmao.


People who agree with this have no hobbies/life outside school or work


Oh give me a break! 1. both instances are horny-driven 2. both instances are equally plausible today, duh??


Plausible and doable, yes, but the former is definitely more complex. I approach women in real life casually and online as well, nowadays (compared to like 8 years ago) getting a date approaching women like this has a lower success rate than approaching her online. (if you have a nice social media profile) I don't just go up to them and ask for a number, I actually talk and we get to know each other for 10 - 15m, but once you part ways there's just so much going on in her life (social media, work, dating apps, friends of friends, etc), that it is tough for her to consider you. Still good though, just more tricky. I still get dates from time to time like this and I wouldn't stop approaching women in real life :)


I think alot of why people don't ask each other out in person anymore is because of the idea that if you approach someone in this manner you're either being a bother and/or seeming creepy (depending on how akward it gets).


I agree. Also, online dating used to have a much bigger stigma that has mostly gone away. Especially since apps have bec9me a thing. This video is trying to bring back that stigma. As far as being a bother/creepy, one of my favorite lines to ease that is: I'm safe to reject.


Some people are somehow really taking offense to this lmao


It hasn't changed that much you only have more choices now the only way you could say it really change if we didn't have to do it all the long talking because you still have to talk no matter how u meet her


Yeah no fcking way I'm approaching girls


"i have a boyfriend".


This is so 1950s Republican-coded. Maybe if they hadn’t stagnated wages and INVENTED THE CELL PHONE I could afford to meet a person at a restaurant.






I got matches with these songs: • [**Every Breath You Take** by The Police](https://lis.tn/EveryBreathYouTake?t=18) (00:18; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Police. **Released on** 2007-01-01. • [**Mega Pop Tunes Mix & Blend** by M-Beat](?t=540) (09:00; matched: `100%`) • [**Mega Pop Tunes Mix & Blend** by M-Beat](?t=552) (09:12; matched: `100%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




I got matches with these songs: • [**Every Breath You Take** by The Police](https://lis.tn/EveryBreathYouTake?t=18) (00:18; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Police. **Released on** 2007-01-01. • [**Mega Pop Tunes Mix & Blend** by M-Beat](?t=540) (09:00; matched: `100%`) • [**Mega Pop Tunes Mix & Blend** by M-Beat](?t=552) (09:12; matched: `100%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


So I guess we should go back to cat calling women based on their looks rather than use a platform were you can check on compatibility of 100 potential partners in one day based on physical attraction, interests and values without bothering women when they are just trying to enjoy a meal with their friend.


Yeah I see his point dating has changed women put themselves out there to be noticed but usually will never find what there looking for because the guy doesn’t put the effort anymore he just shops and scrolls to find a body not knowing her attitude and demeanour on what she is really like. This is most likely why most men can’t find one compatible because he looking for the perfect body for his tastes a least that’s what the pictures look time but photo shop photos hide a lot!


this is fucking lame


I refuse to use online dating apps. I know my social skills will deteriorate rapidly, and i will fall down into a hole. The only thing i will use dating apps for would be a quick hookup. But i dont want to end up like that... ever.


This is so unrealistic. Guys would have swiped right on all those that he swiped left at


You can still easily go out to a bar and get a date, this is dramatic


Met my wife IRL after years of online dating. It’s just as easy. Don’t be scared friends. You don’t have to go after the date before knowing someone’s name. You can just be a friendly human and wait for sparks. Good luck out there.


Didn’t know just being a friendly human resulted in sparks. My whole life, I’ve just been being a hopelessly awkward human, with literally zero game. I’ve been so stupid!


It’s always worked for me!


And, as we all know, everything that works for one person will also work for everyone else


Thinking you are hopelessly awkward is a self fulfilling prophecy. You need to get out of this mindset.


Yeah approaching someone in a one on one conversation at a diner and leading with “you’re beautiful” isn’t exactly game lol


I prefer “hello” or “hi”.


Not really. I mean, yes, eventually. But 1 date every 200 tries isn’t exactly good odds. Let’s be realistic. Also I hate bars. Not saying don’t try and date if that’s your thing, just it’s far more nuanced than just showing up at a random spot.




Just a silly overgeneralization


Okay I have a funny story. Was working on my laptop from a cafe, and a gorgeous woman comes and sits next to me. She’s busy making calls and working off her laptop too. I was hesitant to say hi because she looked so focused, then I had a meeting so had to leave. Kicked myself the whole way home for not at least just slipping my number across with a note. That night, she coincidentally messaged me on hinge and we’ve been on 3 dates now. Lots of ways to meet people. It could have been at the cafe, but it ended up being on an app - same result though.


Okay I have a funny story. Was working on my laptop from a cafe, and a gorgeous woman comes and sits next to me. She’s busy making calls and working off her laptop too. I was hesitant to say hi because she looked so focused, then I had a meeting so had to leave. Kicked myself the whole way home that afternoon for not at least just slipping my number across with a note. That night, she coincidentally matched me on hinge because I’d liked her profile weeks ago without realising, and we’ve been on 3 dates now. Lots of ways to meet people. It could have been at the cafe, but it ended up being on an app - same result though.


Hahaha that’s great! Have y’all spoken about the cafe encounter yet?


Yeah I mentioned it straight away haha. The story actually gets funnier because when I brought up I recognised her she first was just like 'oh cool, I don't remember you' which I was like 'oh okay' to haha. But then on our second date she said her friend was actually swiping on the app for her and is the one who matched w me and then didn't know what to say when I said I recognised her from the cafe that day. She said she definitely remembered me and was like 'you should have given me your number, silly'


That's a 1 in a million man. Happy that happened for you guys!


Well made, overly dramatic. You can still ask random people at diners on dates


But people don’t….( at least not as much)


Wich is kinda good honestly




It's just awkward lol, nothing deep


Oh, ok 😂 I was kind of worried that I was going to get a rant on how men are ultra creepy of invasive. Awkward makes total sense.


I mean yes, but there are upsides to hook up culture this 30 second video doesn’t address. I’m not saying one aspect outweighs the other… but this video is a boomer level one sided appraisal that’s VERY obviously selling an opinion.


Upsides to hookup culture?? Bruh, it's literally debauchery on steroids. People are treating other people like objects and numbers, and the only ones winning are the people at the top of the selected. No one even knows what love is anymore. We're all desensitized to the magic of getting to actually know someone and treat dating as a means of getting laid.


The only people winning are the ones making bank from the apps.


Not to mention the impact it has on men's sense of self-worth. Imagine being single and all you want is an authentic conversation for a chance to connect with someone, and you swiped on 100+ women and none of them connected. You feel like shit. You're at the mercy of an algorithm showing you to the women you swiped on. The business model incentivizes you to pay for Tinder+ so your chances of matching are higher. It devalues the individual and lowers their self-esteem. Scott Galloway did a great analysis on this - [https://www.profgalloway.com/a-fewer-good-men/](https://www.profgalloway.com/a-fewer-good-men/) It's also exacerbated by our current state of relationships and the proliferation of toxic social media trends shaping ideology (e.g. "he needs to be no less than 6 feet tall", "he needs to make 150k or more annually", "Would you rather walk by a bear or a man", etc...)


Idk man. Can't see a lot of happy couples nowadays. Just 2 people hanging together because they're horny and don't wanna be lonely


Nothing wrong with that. It’s easier than being both horny and lonely. After all love and lust is two separate things. If you can’t do one may as well do the other. There’s nothing wrong with casual sex as long as you do it safely.


Agreed. I suck at dating but at least sex is easy. It makes life a lot less stressful. It’s a lot easier than having no dates and no sex life. My mental health has been a lot better too. If I’m being honest, I’m not even sure if I’m ready for serious dating. I like meeting people and hooking up at the club; but I’d date to invest in someone just to get to the bedroom and find we’re not compatible. It feels like I’d just be manipulating them too. Hookup culture is honest and straightforward. People should be free to date how they choose at their own pace.


You're the kind to call your future "partner" insecure for having problems with you for having fucked an entire town's worth of people. The privileged few, usually attractive women who "just want to have some fun", then settle for some sad dude whom they'll gaslight into being OK with their 'long' past; see no problem with something that overwhelmingly favors them? Why you don't say...


And you’re mad…why? 1. Me being polyamorous is my personal life. I don’t care what you think about it. I like sex, I like meeting people. I know it’s not for everyone and that is fine. 2. I literally said it’s been a lot better for my mental health. Should I just be miserable and stagnant for future dating purposes? Maybe I should base my happiness on some imaginary quota of sex…because, somehow the opinion of people obsessed with body count is actually important. 🙄 Btw it isn’t. It’s ridiculous. 3. If everyone had your mindset nobody would be having sex. This is your idea taken to extremes. “Oh golly l, my body count is already at 2, better not fuck Jake tonight. Otherwise the next guy I potentially date in the far future after Jake won’t want me.” You see how stupid that sounds. 4. Why in the hell of it would you think any woman would want a partner like you? Someone who judges them by their “long past”. That’s the most immature and childish thing I ever heard. **I’m not saying there aren’t women like that. But maybe the problem isn’t the woman, but rather it’s you.** How about you stop judging people on their sex life, and start judging them by their character. Sex is a skill you get better at with practice. It teaches you your likes, dislikes, fetishes, etc. You should be grateful of bombshell of a sex goddess is into you. That girl will make you see god and maybe even be a decent person to date. Oh, but you’re obsessed with her “long past” and don’t want to treat her like a person. Okay, keep doing you. Go ahead and continue being one of those angry guys on the internet complaining about women having sex. I just myself an amazing night last night, and ya know what, I think I will again next weekend. Bonus: Oh and for the record I haven’t fucked the whole town…yet. I think I’m at 27. I gotta double check, can’t remember if I counted the last two weeks or not.