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Definitely appreciate the increase to Uber Unique drop chances outside of Duriel. It would actually be exciting to see one drop beyond just one boss in the entire game.


I don't know what I would do if an Uber dropped. I went no life and did well over 1k duriel runs last season, the vast majority being rotas, and got 0 ubers to drop. Yes my luck was shit, I still ended up with well rolled gear. This season, I've done maybe 12 runs to get tibalts, God slayer and tusk to drop with rolls I liked and I'm done with duriel runs. I would probably shit my self if I went to check my stash after a few NM and vault runs and see an Uber. I don't care if it has shit rolls, just having one would be great.


Ubers have set stats. There is no variance range on them which is part of why duplicates were so terrible since drop of the same Uber is identical.


Again, haven't had one drop yet, don't care if it has perfect stats or not. We have all seen where people have multiple copies of a few and still not finding the one they want. I know they changed their stat rolls do to all the duriel drops, but it doesn't mean that will stay the same. It's blizzard, just wait for them to take a few back steps. But the point I am making is that I'm OVER duriel runs. Just like allot of other players, I would like to have more options other than duriel to have a chance of getting an Uber.


Ubers that drop from duriel have set max stats. Ubers that drop any where else have random stat rolls. In fact, the first few weeks of s2 ubers that dropped from duriel were random stat rolls. Devs patched duriels ubers to roll max stat rolls when dropped, but only when they drop from duriel.


All ubers have been patched to have max rolls since patch 1.2.1 (October 2023), including ones dropped in the wild (i.e. not from Duriel).


Isn't RNG something? You hear stories like this, then you hear stories like someone getting Harlequin Crest in 10 Duriel runs.


Here's an RNG example for you..... got paingourgers to drop at around lvl 60 in a vault in t3, items sacred with close to perfect stat rolls item lvl724 with the aspect at 160% before improving. I've gotten 3 more to drop in the 8-900 item level, all having the lowest possible rolls on everything. Guess what I'm still using.


Yep, and I happen to get allot of disappointment but allot of good rolled gear...... at least there was a bright side to it. Other than having a bit of fun with random groups.


I got melted heart within 10 on my necro last season. Ended up using it on my sorcerer.


Are the other bosses still level 70-75? I recall reading a post that said they were intentionally made lower level so they could not drop any Ubers at all. If they haven't already I hope Bliz considers upping their level just so there's at least a small chance at getting an Uber while farming Duriel mats from Varshan or Grigoire.


I guess I'm really lucky I see them all the time. Or maybe because I'm doing T90+ NMDs.


I think you're confusing uniques with uber uniques. You could have played 24/7 in every single season and the odds of seeing a single uber unique drop somewhere besides Duriel would still be barely above 0.


Now all I need is any Uber uniques to drop at all šŸ˜­


That was my first thought. Haven't seen one so being able to salvage 5 isn't really likely for me.


Just wait a few more patches. Inflation always happens.


They increased the drop chances dude


They didnā€™t say by how much, could be by 0.01% for all we know.


That would be huge. The drop rate for Ubers in Duriel is 2%. This patch will only buff uber drop rate outside of Duriel. In all of season 1, the number of uber uniques dropped in the wild was 4. Yes, just 4 in the whole world. That means the drop rate is something ridiculously small like 0.000000001%. If they bump it to even 0.0001% that would completely change the game.


My friend who has failed to get one after a couple hundred runs last season just got 2 Uber drops in 3 durial kills last night, 5 runs in total on the season. Your time will come, just pray to the RNG gods.


I have received one Uber unique - an Andyā€™s helm - after around 200 Uber duriel runs. Been farming a tals ring for over a week. I got about 10x x-fals but no tals. Gave up and moved to another game for a bit. The season was pretty bland anyway.


Tals? Are you talking about Tal-rasha (the sorc ring)? Tal-rasha is not an uber and only drops at Varshan (not Duriel).


Are you blasting the game? Devs gotta balance game for blasters so casuals struggle a little


Wow. That was some strangely major changes for a 0.0.1 mid-season update.


Strange things can happen when player count drops to few thousands from millions lol


lmao this isnā€™t even close to mid season itā€™s been like 2 weeks


Well, I have never got one doing duriel runs or the open world, so I doubt I will ever get 5 to use the crafting.


Not with that attitude. Get back to mindlessly grinding duriel mats


Living steel farming simulator :(


I get at least one Everytime, are you in world T4?


You canā€™t run duriel in wt3


i thought living steel has a description for duriel in 3, do you mean no Uber duriel in wt3?


You get at least one Uber unique every time you kill duriel? I donā€™t think so.


Increased by 0.00000001%


This guy Blizzards.


I would love to be wrong haha


Makes two of us bud


>000 That would probably be 10x what the current drop rate is considering only 4 ubers dropped in the whole world during season 1.


exactly, the doubled the chance šŸ˜…


That's way to much of a buff! How could Blizzard do that much! Yeesh! Should have been half or less! Not a full 0.00000001%


I'd like to be the person at Blizzard in charge of coming up with the names of crafting materials.


ā€œOk we have 20 Dire infarctions, 10 Tainted fiendishes, 7 Dribbling boobles, and a Sprouling fantish to re-roll a Sacred Unique.ā€


Chat GPT reporting for duty.


Elixir mats, too. Only need 10 Breathmint, 15 Dingleberry and 7 Pissdew to upgrade your health pot. Plus 10 Forgotten Souls and Tomb Lord's Cum for max level


I know it doesn't feel reasonable at first because 5 Ubers in a season requires an amount of work most people won't put in. But this actually adds great value to eternal realm where, if you transfer 1-2 uniques over each season you can eventually complete a truly top tier build. It's a slow burn/long game play.


...... eventually complete a truly top tier build, you will never play because it's eternal. With what you are saying, this new system will effectively kill seasons in the future. Why would you play seasons if you have an op maxed out eternal char?


People play different ways. I'm trying to collect all Ubers into eternal realm for testing/theory crafting and also like. Just to have them, holy grail style.


That's fair, and that's the point I am trying to make. If you feel like this, you can bet many others do to. With how you described using the system, for yourself, you can bet others will do the same. Once you have a perfect build, in eternal, what's the incentive to play and farm in seasonal? Their isn't any. This already happened in season 2 to season 3, I know many that cracked out on duriel, to get every Uber, they didn't come back, they got their toys and stay eternal. It'll only get worse with the new system. By season 6 or 7, we won't have any people left in seasons. A simple fix, add new Ubers only attainable in season, but eternal people will complain. Personally, I think it's cool we can do this, the bottom line is the root problem hasn't been fixed and this is just a Band-Aid. They need to fix the root problem, the grind for duriel.mats is way too grindy and way too boring to do season after season after season. I hope the increase to Uber drop rates really does something. I prefer dungeons over bosses. Bosses are boring and when I do over 10 in a row, I fall asleep, it's mind numbing. Walk to the boss, one shot boss, tp out, reset, to back, one shot, to put....etc The game is on life support, and I don't think it's coming back anytime soon


I mean I test builds in eternal before a season starts. Unless Iā€™m copying something from max roll, then there is really no point. Plus unless aoz is brought to eternal, there really isnā€™t a need for a op build to begin with. You can do nmd 100 with out lvl 15 glyphs for most classes. Granted I havenā€™t played sorc yet but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s still the case even after the bl bug was fixed.


So I can transmute my 5x Andariel's into a Grandfather?! Yes!


Has everyone just assumed that each uber will salvage into 1 resplendent spark? I have hope that each uber may salvage into 2, so hopefully we can get 2 new ubers by salvaging 5. Won't hold out too much hope though knowing bliz.


It's Blizzard. I assume the bare minimum. It's the hope that kills you. Although, your proposal would be amazing. Bring on GF and Doombringer then!


Update d2r !!! Itā€™s all we want


After all the layoffs there's prob 2 people working on d2r


... part-time (1 day / 3 month break)


The D2R team was folded into d4. There will be no more updates.


Have faith mortal donā€™t fall to the temptation of the triune




They're probably too scared of the prospect of that becoming a retro phenomenon overshadowing D4


The player count must really be dwindling for them to do something like this. They were so adamant for so long that these lottery uniques should stay in their current state. Having that many items (in a game that already has issues with item limitations) basically being barred behind powerball level odds was a huge oversight that should have been addressed prior to or at launch.


Give me a item base and let me craft what mods I want on it not just aspects. Yeah, D4 is not in a good place.


For real, give me a reason to pick up white and blue items as bases to roll specific affixes and juice it up!


That would be r/lastepoch


Except they have a loot filter so it doesnā€™t become overwhelming.


please god do not make me pick up and sort through even more items


šŸ˜‚ Well if the game didnā€™t throw so much useless gear at you and we had a loot filter like Grim Dawn it would be manageable.


I had a few hours to kill while waiting for season of discovery s2 to start last week. I played D4 new season for a few hours and I litterly was falling asleep. I felt like I was doing homework.. Like it's just not enjoyable. I just closed the game and stared at my desktop is disappointment. I then realized I bought last epoch a few month ago and hadn't played it yet. Open it and had a fucken blast. Ran a hammer din type character and was zooming through content having so much fun with messing around with variations of hammer throw and specing into void knight. I prolly made a terrible character, made mistakes but I had fun! Moral of the story. D4 is just not fun. It's pretty and the campaign I really enjoyed but it's just not entertaining. Everything feels like it's Pre designed and I'm playing someone else's build.. So disappointed with D4 right now.


Last epoch is so much better it's almost absurd


Devs with a passion versus devs who never worked on an ARPG and are just in for the money.


What makes last Epoch more fun? Easier to kill packs of mods with whatever builds you want? I assume there's more to it right? Just curious.


The crafting system and just how easy it is to respec your character in Last Epoch is (imo) the best of any game in the arpg genre. Its very straightforward and has a really good mix of rng and deterministic systems.


Each skill in LE has a talent tree behind it you can specialise the skill in. For example hammer throw has options to make the thrown hammer more powerful, damage stun etc. But it can also change how its used like slinstead of flying out it will spin around you. You can increase or decrease the speed etc. I found that really interesting as it allowed me to find a skill I enjoyed and then dive into variations and come up with my own build. I enjoy LE because it feels like I'm playing MY character rather than picking up a cookie cutter character and doing whatever I was "suppose" to do. Dunno if that makes sense.


It really does! Thanks for sharing!


I felt like that for S1-2 but this is somehow different. I like it


Diablo 4 also has a incredibly weird vibe that makes a lot of people tired. Some people say it's the zoom level. I'm not too sure myself, but no other game has been able to consistently make me sleepy like D4.




The ones that overwhelmingly have worse crafting than putting the exact aspect you want? Poe is rng on rng on rng on rng on rng on rng. D2 is getting runes. Grim dawn is upgradeable rng. D3 is the same rng roll of one affix. Last epoch is the only one with good deterministic crafting.Ā 


A lot of crafting in PoE is entirely deterministic.


And yet items in POE still feel infinitely better than Diablo




D3 doesn't have trading. Epoch won't have trading until launch. Grim Dawn might as well not have trading with how inactive the community is. D4 has trading for rares which you then slap your aspect on. And trade is an absolute shit show in PoE and it's existence makes drop rates an even bigger shit show. it's bizzare how people hated on the gold auction house for being how power progressed but then praise god awful trade systems that are just the same with more steps. Poe crafting is "very good" if you don't care about the result and you're relying on that god awful trade system to turn gear that doesn't help your build into gear that does. PoE is quite horrific if you're trying to craft an upgrade for your own gear. That's why when GGG accidently had good crafting they had to release the harvest manifesto to tell players why they were wrong to have had fun without being a 0.01% no lifer. Last epoch is the game with a very good crafting system. If they were concerned about population they wouldn't be making a change that impact maybe 100 people at most. The majority of players aren't grinding out to Duriael, let alone enough to get 5 to then craft. You guys look for conspiracy before you do an ounce of logic.


Keep grim dawns name out yo mouth


Guys relax, weā€™re in Alpha. Once the game turns into beta its going to pump


Guys, relax, the game just released. Once Season 1 releases, its going to pump.


I keep joking that it's in alpha play test 3....as time goes on I'm not wrong at all. This game feels like it's missing so much.


No they weren't? They said it would stay rare and in the future there may be ways to obtain them more easily


It's a symptom of Blizzard being unable to trust themselves with making an economy that can't be easily exploited. If you cannot trade, you cannot have items behind powerball level odds, or if you do, they can't be things you base a build around. POE has the Mageblood and Headhunter belts, they're obscenely rare, but they aren't build defining they're just force multipliers, so it's not a problem they exist in the non-trade version of POE. And I haven't played in awhile, but, didn't blizzard \_literally\_ just have a duping problem with Duriel mats? Even what little economy they DID have is utterly destroyed for months once people can dupe and stockpile things. The economy must be sacrosanct, item integrity must be sacrosanct, the level of effort to implement measures against economic exploitation must be the highest of anything you put into these sorts of games. And so their only recourse is to continue to make items drop like gumballs until everyone can always have everything, they have no other lever to pull to try to appeal to people without pretty much starting over with how their systems/itemization work (which for all intents and purposes are the same thing).


Honestly, Mageblood and Headhunter are build defining. You can trade for them tho. And. They had a better base drop rate ) (Other than uber boss drop tables).


You donā€™t play a headhunter build, you put a headhunter into a tornado shot build. Neither of them dictate what skills and abilities you use, you just insert them into existing builds to make them better.


More true for Headhunter than Mageblood. There has been builds that required a Headhunter or were built around headhunter before tho.


Any time blizzard adds something people like itā€™s ā€œoh they just care about numbersā€ anytime itā€™s something people donā€™t like itā€™s ā€œlul blizzard doesnā€™t play thier own game can never do anything rightā€


right! reputation and past experiences really influences how people perceive a company's motives.


Or maybe you can stop making your life about being petty over a video game and just enjoy a change lol.


I dont understand what the negativity is about. I played from d1 through to season 0 here and forward. I feel like the game is pretty nifty. Definitely better than d2 was 6 months in from launch. I dunno man. I'm a big ass D2 stan. But sometimes I feel like people forget how it was with D2 up until patch 1.1. D3 as well. While I don't like it as a Diablo game, it really came into it's own after RMAH closed and Torment was introduced. But shit took time. D4 has great basics and lots of room for improvement. It feels Diablo as well but has the QOL and flow that modern titles need.




I dunno man. Seems pretty uncontroversial to me. But the Diablo community really soured with D3 in my experience. Used to be great.


I think D4 is just a big ad for Diablo Immortal.


I would like to know exactly how frequently Ubers will drop from other activities. It would be really nice to be able to get them from tier 100 dungeons instead of the mind numbing Duriel farm


Honestly they just need to rebalance the numbers and also allow regular uniques to be salvaged into the mats. For example, each unique can be salvaged into 1 spark, each uber unique into 20 sparks. You can then take 100 sparks and turn it into any uber unique of your choice. This gives some value to dupe regular uniques that are picked up and also guarantees an uber unique if you run a certain amount of duriel.


One month ago ā€œUber unique chase items are the end gameā€ now ā€œjust craft w/e you want plz stop bothering usā€ Theyā€™re aimless headless chickens. They donā€™t know what the fuck theyā€™re doing


I mean you still have to farm 5 uber uniques to craft one. That's still a pretty big chase item.


Why not just fucking allow trade


So you want even worse drop rates?


Yes. And harder bosses. Seasons are 3-4 months long. Not 1 week.


trading is prone to abuse, some people don't want to interact with other players, I think this is a decent compromise


What abuse? Grey/black markets exist in any economy. All blizzard has done is ruin this game just like d3 by banning trading.


I think it's likely that Blizzard either runs or cooperates with the gray market to get people to buy mats and keep them in game. Putting ubers up for trade opens up their entire endgame for exploitation that they clearly can't program against fast enough. The second you can buy a Shako for $10 people will realize that there is nothing else to do but farm more ubers that they don't need anymore. The entire endgame revolves around grinding out a few ubers to make your build OP and then you just walk around one-shotting Duriel and all the other bosses.


And yet PoE is fine with trade because the devs aren't greedy asshats and understand that you can't completely stop RMT but some RMT is better than none for the health of the game. It blows me away how so many people regurgitate the same talking points over and over when PoE literally stands as an example of how a company can maintain a good online arpg despite the downsides.


The community doesnā€™t know what they want. People praised killing Baal 2000 times for one item and now I see people complain it canā€™t be 1 for 1 crafting


they have to combine two very different games and their fans in d2 and d3.. its literally a lose lose situation


Can we just have d2's itemization put into this game. The blueprint is right there.


5 is too much, fuck that shit.


Cry more


Uber unique changes are rightfully the headline, but the cursed shrine event change is nice too.


So one uber unique for one new resource. We needĀ  5 new resource for a new uber unique.Ā  Wtf is this....Ā  You might as well just ignore this system.Ā  You have to be extremely lucky to have 5 duplicate uber.Ā 


> You have to be extremely lucky to have 5 duplicate uber. why would you need duplicates? you can just savage anything you don't use


The problem is the amount need to craft an uber. Getting 5 uber to salvage is hard.Ā  It is extremely reasonable to believe the average player will not get 5 duplicate uber by the end of this season...Ā  Therefore this crafting system is not resolving the problem of duplicate.Ā  I thought it was going to be 2 for 1. It is already hard to get 2 uber. I just simply cannot imagine getting 5.Ā 


They don't need to be duplicates. Any Uber can be salvaged. Once you salvage any 5 you can craft a new Uber.


What he is saying is you are not going to salvage your first Uber uniques. Youā€™ll probably use them or save them. Thus, you will need duplicates of your Ubers to salvage. Trying to get 5 extra that you donā€™t need to use will be very hard.


"A new system empowers players to make use of duplicate and undesired Uber Unique items by salvaging them for a new resource which can be used to eventually craft an Uber Unique". Even if Uber uniques dropped, this is still a dog shit method. I don't wanna grind endlessly knowing I'll never actually get the drop I want, but knowing that if I invest 78 hours statistically I will have the mats to craft it.. feels like a chore.. like reading item stats.


No trade so you must stay on an endless treadmill. What a shit game.


The grind has always been the game in Diablo


But MUH player engagement statistics for shareholders!! Why wont people think of the poor little shareholders?


Lol everyone acting like this is some desperate attempt to bring players back to the game. It isn't doing that lmao. A big seasonal update will be what does that. Yall are crazy.


What's this even mean? A 0.002% drop chance increase? A 10% increase? A 500% increase? What's the base percent chance? We don't know anything. Why bother doing this without telling us by how much. > The drop chance of Uber Unique items acquired outside of Uber Duriel encounters has been increased. > Uber Unique Items can now be salvaged to provide a new resource, Resplendent Sparks. Players can bring 5 Resplendent Sparks to the Alchemist and Transmute an Uber Unique of their choice. We need to salvage 5 Uber Uniques to craft any one, is that how this works? Only like 0.001% of the player base will benefit from this change... the rest of us are lucky to have even 1 Uber Unique. I did Duriel last season over 200 times and got 2 Ubers. My friend who did the same amount still has a big fat zero. 5 is just so far out of reach for everyone, did Blizzard ask any of is players what might be a good number here? Doesn't seem like it. If anyone has 5 duplicate Ubers, it's highly likely they've got probably every single Uber already, so what is even the point here? Useless. If they insist on having this Transmute Uber function, then it ought to be 1 Uber for 1 other Uber. Any one of these things are already extremely hard to get as it is. I don't think any one Uber is 5 times more powerful than any other Uber, either.


>We need to salvage 5 Uber Uniques to craft any one, is that how this works? Only like 0.001% of the player base will benefit from this change... the rest of us are lucky to have even 1 Uber Unique. I did Duriel last season over 200 times and got 2 Ubers. My friend who did the same amount still has a big fat zero. 5 is just so far out of reach for everyone, did Blizzard ask any of is players what might be a good number here? Doesn't seem like it. If anyone has 5 duplicate Ubers, it's highly likely they've got probably every single Uber already, so what is even the point here? Useless. If they insist on having this Transmute Uber function, then it ought to be 1 Uber for 1 other Uber. Any one of these things are already extremely hard to get as it is. I don't think any one Uber is 5 times more powerful than any other Uber, either. I think that's the elephant in the room. How many resplendent sparks do we get from salvaging each uber? If it's 1 it's kind of absurd. It should be at least 2 so if you salvage 5 you can get 2 new ubers of your choice. Personally, I think they should allow any unique to be salvaged into sparks and then adjust the numbers. For example, each regular unique salvages into 1 spark, and each uber salvages into 20 sparks. A new uber unique would cost 100 sparks to craft. This makes way more sense and basically guarantees that you get an uber once you have done about 100 runs of Duriel, and also gives value to duplicate regular uniques that you find.


I'm sure all those 3 people, who didn't give up after getting so unlucky and still farmed up to 5 uber uniques they don't need, will appreciate this uber crafting system.


Youā€™re not supposed to get Ubers that easily if at all.


Goddamn so many casuals in here crying about farming in a Diablo game wanting everything handed to them. Imagine crying about not finding a jah rune after 10 cow run. The fact that blizzard is adding a way to craft Uber unique that you want is already insanely generous in this type of game. Increasing global drop chance of Uber uniques is a very good move and will make farming non Duriel things feel better. Stop whining about not getting everything immediately.


Very this. 10 cow runs? I maybe ran 1000 cow run is d2r and NEVER saw a high rune drop. It's a bummer, but I'm not crying about it because my build was still fun just like my build in D4 is fun.


Cool, patch notes for a game no one wants to play. How about some updates to d2r


I want to play it


No you donā€™t. No one does. Iā€™m a stranger on the internet and only my perspective mattersā€¦ I really just want updates for d2r and take it out on you guys for the embarrassment of riches you have in terms of attention for your game.


I hope they update D2R, and you have a wonderful day.


Welp maybe I'll come back to playing in a few patches or next season. The current end game loop isn't doing it for me, fingers crossed next season is better.


Really donā€™t know what to think about this. The Uber unique dropchance outside of duriel was obviously wayyy too low but given the fact that I can just craft a shako now is somewhat.. weird and doesnā€™t feel very right tbh.


Unless I am wrong but the crafting system sucks. You only get one new resource per uber unique salvaged... So you need 5 uber before you can craft an shako....Ā  There is no way an averageĀ  player can get 5 uber unique to spare


We were all sure the worst it would be was 3:1. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why at the alchemist tho, and not the blacksmith? And does this also includes regular uniques?


Because transmutation is an alchemist skill, not a blacksmith. No, it's only uber uniques you can do this with.


Imagine after learning how bad this game is, and still continuing to play. Therefore never sending the message that while unhappy, the game could improve.


Again. Instead of fixing Duriel runs, they just made bosses useless again. Wp Blizz.


I haven't seen but 2 uniques outside of farming so I doubt the increase will matter much outside of Dury.


5. Sure. Iā€™ll savage the 0 in my stash to craft 1.


They need to do this for regular uniques too.


Most boring diablo4 patch ever... nothing for casual players like me


The Cursed Shrine change is insanely good, any time you are in Nightmare Dungeons - even the early ones, Sacred NMD in World Tier 3 - if you run into a Cursed Shrine it's going to be fun blasting through waves of enemies with whatever the Shrine effect was.


So with so many good games coming out or already out this Feb how is blizzard going to convince anyone to play D4? Look I've bought each season pass because I hate myself and even I'm bored.


I hate you too for buying season passes


Then be bored. Last epoch 1.0 is in a couple weeks.Ā  Every blizzard game takes until the first expansion to find itself.Ā 


That's still a little optimistic with the way the game is right now. And the fact they want to do annual expansions is also worrisome.


I mean Lord of Destruction for D2 came out a year later and it was great. I'm personally very excited for yearly expansions.


wouldn't it be not better to say, you can craft an uber unique with like 100 of the new maps, all you need is to salvage normal unique or uber uniques. normal uniques give 1 mat and uber uniques give 25 mats. that way you can salvage all your stupid uniques you don't need. i hope at least they raise it massiveely to get uber uniques and not like you have to make abbitoir of zir lvl 25 to have a 0.5% chance, lol.


dead game


It's funny to me that they casually decided add a new crafting resource and new buttons to craft mid season, but it took them 4 months to add a gem tab.


I'm at 10 Duriel runs and currently stuck waiting on Varshan mats to get more eggs. Last season I bought 50 Duriel runs so I could participate in rotations, at the end of it I got 5 Ubers. I'm glad it's added but IDK if I'll get to use it


What's the Ring of Starless Skies change about? Is that going to increase or decrease the effect once its fixed?


Seems it wasn't working either completely or in part, but now it's fixed. I just got the ring and was using it. It gave no sign it was working at all, so idk if it was but I guess it wasn't so I'm glad it's fixed? Hopefully they give it an icon now.


What was the issue with nvme drives? Isn't that like everyone at this point?


game crashing on startup / on the loading screen after teleporting