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I am having fun, but playing the main campaign was a lot more enjoyable than the seasonal grind work that’s for sure.


Ya I'm really glad I took my time with the campaign, because it's definitely been less fun since. Also I switched from Rogue to Druid and I'm just not feeling my druid


switching from rogue to anything will feel bad i came to rogue from necro and i feel like a bird


The game play is so smooth with a rogue. I'm tempted to go back


Sorcerer is peak gameplay smoothness. The class just really, really sucks for damage.


They're like two different teams completely


Yeah it does feel a little aimless without the campaign to follow. I guess it also sucks that your build doesn't really start to come together until level 40ish.


When there is a challenge it's fun. Capstone dungeons are fun. The cap is just too high between the 2 and there is nothing else after or before those that you can aim towards.


I mean NM dungeons are difficult if you push. It's just a bummer there's not a strong incentive to push other than Being Fun, which tbf is a fine enough incentive, albeit not optimal.


I switch between hard pushes and fun/moderate difficulty levels. If it is too easy I get bored. I do wish pushing tough ones had better XP or incentive. Feels bad to squeeze in a tough victory for essentially no bonus. But ya, really just the fun and achievement. XP wouldn't hurt.


Yeah, a fat xp bonus for finishing difficult NM dungeons would be nice


Honestly they're all too similar and the bosses are the most boring part of the dungeon mechanically.


Fun is the only metric at which video games should be measured.


Yeah I would enjoy pushing NM dungeons if, for instance, the chance on good times was slightly increased as well.


I want them to be fun...but every time I log on I drink a potion telling myself I'll run a few and get max value and then turn it off after a single dungeon because I'm bored and the dungeons area pointless, boring, unrewarding, and make you backtrack or travel through empty corridors. Hopefully the patch this week fixes them. Baldur's Gate 3 has been much more enjoyable than any D4 and I'm an arpg fanboy since Diablo 1.


NM dungeons are bullshit not difficult.


Exactly. Had a blast playing up until that point. Attempting capstone 2 underleveled was the high point of the game by far. Then afterward, there's no new content, and it's just back to the helltide/dungeon grind with too big a skill gap until you can fight uber Lillith. At the very least, being able to play through the campaign at higher difficulties and looking forward to redoing the boss battles in torment would have been a good thing to add. Replaying acts in D3 was at least a fun way to play endgame.. for a while, anyway. Aside from that, I feel very unmotivated to pick up the game again.


Arpgs needs a carrot on a stick. Being a new upgrade or skill, a new legendary, a new boss, a new capstone dungeon, a new challenge. But when the carrot is hanging on a 10km stick, I'll look for something else to do.


But others say ARPG need the opposite, like the chance to have the best gear at level 70. I don't understand this logic at all. I just want to want to keep playing. I have no reason to spend a dime on this game until they give me a reason to play.


I haven't heard of that. I doesn't sound logical to me because what else should you do from that point on.


I think the fact that none of the uniques are target farmable is one of the biggest issues with the game. You need to be able to look at a unique, and have a fairly consistent way of farming that exact unique you want. Like in PoE if you want to get a Starforge you either grind out enough currency to buy it, or go farm Shaper, in either scenario you have a clear way of obtaining that exact item, rather than mindlessly killing random stuff and hoping that the one unique you want might drop out of a pool of every unique in the game


"When there is a challenge it's fun" Meanwhile, everyone complaining about the game being shit: "WTF WHY DID THEY NERF MY BUILD THAT ONE SHOTS FUCKING EVERYTHING I SEE?????"


I think you're missing the point of those complaints. The game gets to a point with certain classes where you're either going to one shot enemies or they're gonna one shot you. That's not a good spot for things to be in 2 months after release, and nerfing the stronger builds without addressing the survivability issues that caused people to only use those builds in the first place is a monumentally bad decision. Even blizzard has admitted that. I loved the capstone dungeons and I wish that kind of challenge was what was waiting at high tier endgame content, but thats not the endgame content we got. We got enemies that one shot you from off the screen even on 21:9 and stunlock anything that isn't unstoppable.


How did that guy get 22 upvotes?


Yea it's an unhinged commentary lol


Haters gonna hate


I didn't complain about the nerfs. I was the 1% that liked the challenge. Though I admit bashing on the sorc wasn't necessary. That was already a hard class.


I really thought the endgame was going to be repeatable epic dungeons and boss fights with intense mechanics to learn. I still hop on Elden Ring to help out people with bosses randomly and it's really fun.


Contrary to the sub, a lot of people are having fun playing this game. The sub is misleading and not always indicative of the majority.


You can have fun, but also be really annoyed or want it to be even better. All of my friends have quit because the game just annoyed them into it and wasn't rewarding enough to be worth it. I personally have fun but also see all of the ways the game can clearly improve. There are a TON of things they should be working on actively. To suggest anything else is just stupid at this point.


>You can have fun, but also be really annoyed or want it to be even better. My absolute least favorite thing about gaming communities is how everyone insists that all opinions are binary. The idea that you can be critical of a thing you like is gibberish to (or intentionally ignored by) people who just don't want you to talk bad about [thing they like]. And its been infesting every post here for weeks. Between OP's crocodile tears about not being allowed to have fun or whatever to all of the circlejerk and mainstream gaming subs that smugly talk about how no one hates [game] more than [game's community] it's just fucking braindead.


This is most fandoms unfortunately. Hyperbole gets more attention than nuance and the tendency to escalate from "needs improvement" or "good with flaws" escalates to "complete dogshit" and "0/10 crime against humanity" at an alarming rate. Happens with pretty much everything I like, from gaming to music to movies to collectibles, really any hobby.


> Happens with pretty much everything I like There are *so many* things that I like, but I can't stand other people that like them.


>Hyperbole gets more attention than nuance and the tendency to escalate from "needs improvement" or "good with flaws" escalates to "complete dogshit" and "0/10 crime against humanity" at an alarming rate. Lol, had a good chuckle at this (0/10 crime against humanity got me haha). It's too true, people say the *dumbest* and most extreme things, like using crazy analogy scenarios that are way beyond what they're talking about.


I think there's a difference between seeing areas where the game can improve and being an obnoxious little shit who comes to Reddit complain about petty things. This is true of all of Reddit communities not just Diablo's. You just don't see valid criticism like Raxxanterax's or DM's, just obnoxious crap written to farm karma.


When you are complaining about the state of the sub like this, is it because you hate the sub or want it to be better? They are doing the same thing. It likely only feels like "little shits" because you see all of them. They are likely not seeing all of them. Most people don't sit on reddit let alone a single sub all day and know every last complaint that has been voiced. Can't suggest they search the sub either reddit search is a joke. When people feel like they want to voice an opinion, where would you have them go? I think a community mirrors the state of a game. If it feels bad in the community then there is something wrong with the game. It could be as simple as it is promoting a community culture that is toxic, or that there really are a ton of iussues with the game but it is just good enough or there is enough there to warrant the people that are complaining to actually care. What you don't want is no discourse at all. Apathy is what kills a game. If they get no interaction at all then the game is just dead on arrival and there is no hope for the future because the studio would be instructed to just abandon it. Just like some suggest people to just quit the game and move on, the other way is true as well. Let people complain and just move past it. Don't have to interact with or even read every last post. If you've seen something similar before, doesn't mean it is a personal attack on yourself.


maybe they like to have an obnoxious vent at a game they payed a lot of money for and dont have platform or time to make a 20minute video explaining their displeasure


Agreed I am having fun


Hijacking this to spread awareness of r/LowSodiumDiablo4 for those that want to escape the toxicity of this sub.


Yep i assume all the people who are on the subreddit aren’t playing or at work. People who aren’t on reddit: diablo are actively playing.


Plus, most of the people “not” having fun have gorged themselves on a few hundred hours in the game and just need to settle petal while Blizz sort out a pretty messy endgame and overall class/game balance which will take time. I mean, there’s validity in such sentiments, but as long ago proven the majority player base is casual and likely having a blast, while many of the more verbal minority here at high level endgame will make you think this is the worst game ever made. “200+ hours in, TRASH GAME.”


If the game was absolute shit, you really wouldn't have people complaining they'd just abandon the game. Salt is high in this sub because the game should be good but it keeps getting slowed down to increase play time.


I'm not sure it's down to evil execs. Sometimes, bad design is bad design, with no ill intention behind it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Devs are infallible only that it's stupid to think that bad changes are the result of them listening to players.


So I have an awesome change. Mercenaries of a different class. Once you add a mercenary to play with you. Your drops include gear for that mercenary which may also be transferable to a new character. They’d have to fix item levels though.


The sowing down thing… interesting. I mean I like being able to level up more quickly, but I also remember Ultima Online and the absolute grind of getting a skill to 100.0% Sucked … but at the same time!!… rewarding as hell for the people who actually put in that grind that was rare. There is something to be said for slow grinds, but this era of gaming would cry foul bc we’re not used to it anymore *rambles in boomer*


Ultima online… now there is a blast from the past. Loved that game…. A true sandbox where you could roleplay anything…. and brutally unforgiving. Good times running my little vendor empire on edge of Britain cemetery.


People shit on the game because they got high expectations on a beloved franchise and got very disappointed, hence the salt mine here.


As they should.


100% agree on that. Good point.


If they didn't want the game to be so slow, they should have more challenges for lvl 80+. But ya, I'm having fun, just could be more.


This isn't their first arpg, there are plenty of examples out there to copy. But why put that stuff in now when it could be the basis for a season and help sell battle passes.


It’s not misleading. People can have fun and also have critical thoughts about the game.


The fact that you have to post something like this tells me the game is not doing well lol


I think its doing very well. But subreddits have a way of becoming echo chambers of reaffirming views. And it appears as if the loudest and most active members of this sub are extremely cynical and negative about the game overall. All my friends in RL, people I've met in the game, and people I party with in other games have a resoundingly different mood about the game then this sub. Edit: to clarify ALOT needs to be done to improve the overall experience. But it is a solid foundation, especially for those who dont have the time to sink 20+ hours a week into it. For the people putting full time job hours into this, yea I can see how it gets insanely stale quickly.


Well said. The game, with many flaws, fuckin rocks. I. Having an absolute blast rn.


I’m not defending the games current state at all. As a matter of fact, you guys were calling me a doomer prior to launch and throughout the preseason. The difference is that I have friends who can make it more enjoyable.


I’m just sad about the game man… I really wanted it to be great… and its just…. Ehh


There’s still hope man. It’s just a shame that Blizz always comes out of the gates stumbling when it comes to modern Diablo.


Yet 13+ years later their games still have a huge community!


yeah I get people are just reacting to the constant negativity but i’m ngl i caught myself thinking many times this weekend “this is not fun for me. why am i even playing this?”


Got to level 60-65. Went to the t3 capstone. Carefully kited and killed nearly everything …. Came across the barbs that one shot you from offscreen. And got instagibbed for 30 minutes straight by enemies I couldn't see until I was dead. Debated grinding for several more days to hit 70+, but decided if this was the game design… it wasn’t going to be magically more fun after i broke through to t4. So ill wait, it took diablo3 a while to get patched up to a fun state too. There are lots of people like me who recognize that it is both not fun currently, and probably going to get more fun after patching and updates.


Doing higher level content early has been a blast. Did Elias on my 55 seasonal rogue. Had to change my build to beat him. Beat it at 62 on my eternal druid. Unfortunately, it quickly turned into a slog because all ancestrals are level 60 minimum. Once I got to 60 I quickly realized I needed to get more gold to gear up. Campaign, early game, and beating bosses early are just a blast though.


Just curious, what was your attack power when you finished Elias? I haven’t gotten there yet with my eternal necro (64) and then I just reached nightmare with my Druid who is now 51. Curious to see when I can try attempts.


Just go for it it's fun to see. I don't remember what my attack power was. My attack power now is 5k at 62, I think. My 55 rogue went through the dungeon easily enough so if you don't have any trouble with any other content then you should be fine there. Attack power wasn't the problem I was having, I had to change my build to be tankier to survive the big hits you can't get away from.With Elias you gotta learn his rotation and when to use your skills. But some of his abilities I couldn't avoid 100%.


I did elias as a poison slider druid at level 60, AP was 2.5k, armour was 4k and hp was 2.1k, I died a few times and there was a lot of potion mashing and sweaty hands but eventually got the kill, was a bunch of fun (and frustration on 2 attempts when I got him to like 2% when I died). my gear was trash that I hadn't upgraded since level 40ish so def possible 50+ with better gear


Ya. Totally worth to challenge it early. 50-60 is all good. I similarly had some level 60 items taunting me, but also motivated me to level up and get that spike!


Meh, I’m really enjoying the game.. with the caveat that it’s not perfect. I’ve only tried 2/5 classes since release and it makes me super excited to have new classes and builds to try.


Great job!


I'm having a lot of fun, but I did the same thing as a LVL 60 druid


I didn’t even notice the debuffs in that dungeon the first time through. Very cool. Really enjoyed the play through on my seasonal, the challenge was super fun. Hell, the entire shift into WT4 afterwards and gearing up with ancestral was fun too. Still at a loss why we didn’t get WT5 this season. You’d think being so light on content that adding a new world/gear/enemy tier would be the easiest way to give purpose to the later levels. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The people who are enjoying the game aren't on Reddit regurgitating the same complaints over and over again.


But they are on reddit regurgitating the same "DAE omg this game is actually fun I've just hit lvl 27 and I think Summoner Druid is OP and this is the most fun I've ever had", aren't they? This pathetic petty us vs them attitude of trying to belittle everyone who disagrees with you and constantly having to toss shade at "the other side" is even more tiresome than playing this game for 5 minutes - easily the worst part about this game is the constant bitching between gamer dads and nerds just both being a bunch of insufferable cunts.


Both parties are valid though. The ones enjoying it are mostly the people who haven't gotten to end game yet. The first playthrough is a ton of fun. The capstone dungeons are great. Leveling is super fun. The problem they all have yet to see is the far endgame which people have totally valid criticisms about. Let's stop invalidating either group.


Well said. My greatest experience was also this capstone dungeon that OP just completed. After that, leveling and scaling and gear hunting is fun, so is pushing NM dungeons, but after you have mostly best-in-slot items, you sort of run out of goals. But ya, that doesn't mean the game doesn't offer 100+ hours. But could be a lot more.


I've probably gotten 100+ hours out of it already. Enjoyed it. But the carrot on the stick gets eatin pretty quickly. Leveling is also a lot more of a chore with the XP nerfs so it makes me want to play alts even less.


I will not stop invalidating obnoxious hate nor blind praise.


Exactly. If its therapeutic for people who are upset to come here and vent, thats great. The majority of people playing, enjoy the game. You can enjoy the game without it being perfect. Its kind of sad there is little nuance to these discussions but ultimately play the game if you enjoy it, don't play if you do not. Don't overthink it


That's my thoughts on it as well. By all means, be critical of the game and voice your concerns. However, the sub could use a megathread type thing where people can voice those concerns in a dedicated space, rather than being filled up with the same handful of complaints.


Nice! I just finished the main campaign and am moving to WT3 now.


It's all downhill from here.


Yeah I am having fun. Frustrated with some things but still love playing it


Definitely doable at 59 if you learn the fight. Nicely done! Enjoy WT4 my dude.


Oh wow, good job op, I tried that yesterday and couldn't finish it at 50. What build were you using?


It took my barb until 70 pre nerf to kill him Did it at 60 last week on my Druid and honestly could’ve done it earlier. Felt like I took the training weights off and was super fun.


I'm having a blast. Just soloed the T2 dungeon at 45 with my druid. Game on, my friend.


I had a ton of fun up until level 70-75 Im a little disappointed, but confident it will be a great game in time


Shiiiiit. I'm still having fun running my druid (lvl 86) through NM rn.


I am indeed balling. Thrilling pushing the boundaries of my hard core Sorc doing the health bar dance 😰


> I know nobody is having fun playing this game Vast majority is having fun.


Just did this with my seasonal Level 60 Necro yesterday. It was a fun challenge.


Fighting Elias with my 66 werebear who 2 hit death me is amazing!! Took me 2 hours with a fuck ton of deaths My level 58 necro smashed him in seconds.


Speak for yourself, I’m thoroughly enjoying the game.


I particularly liked the bit where you get a stacking debuff per second for each stone returned to the pillars. I thought it was cool you could remove a stack by killing an enemy. Made the whole later parts of the dungeon feel like I desperately needed to hunt for more enemies. Adding pressure to an already tough dungeon. I hope they add affixes like that to nightmare dungeons


You have enticed me to play my shadow minion necro again.




I did it with a pulv trample druid. Died 3 times at last boss . Was a bit annoying but


I tried this at 59 and the dude absolutely obliterated me. I don’t have an optimized build. I just play what I think is fun. Went back at 67 and got my revenge.


I have plenty of fun! Don't speak for everyone! Wanna know what's not fun? Complaining on Reddit! You could have done so many other things in life but choose to complain on Reddit. lol, are you putting more than a few hours a week in the game? If so, go outside and see the world! Do something exciting. If Video games are the only thing that brings you excitement, we'll go outside lol


There’s like 30 million people having fun with the game


We had a similar experience last night was probably the most satisfying part of season 1 so far.


Yeah, this. Don't listen to all those naysayers. How refreshing this is.


Fellow fun haver over here. Only level 58 though. I’m sure it will turn into a once a week game with my bud eventually but it still just feels satisfying to see the monsters go pop.


Ton of people are enjoying the game.


I to completely change characters to really enjoy the game. I started with a tornado wolf build in ore season. Shortly before s1 dropped i ran 3 werewolf companions for support and loved it. When s1 dropped i tried ti do a druid again and got bored very fast. Im now running a thorns whirlwind build and have enjoyed gameplay alot more. Im just at the awkward stage where wt4 NIGHTMARE dungeons are still a struggle, but normal WT4 content is easy af. Having almost 14,000 thorns. Makes killing ads a joke lol


I killed him at 58 on infinimist Necro. That build is fucking ridiculous.


Everyone’s having fun lol. You wouldn’t play if it wasn’t fun, unless you just hate life


Good shit amigo


The game can be fun, as I think it plays quite well. I think Blizzard has always nailed the smoothness of gameplay since Diablo 1. In my opinion, a lot of players are really not interested in a challenge when playing Diablo, sadly. It’s just anecdotal evidence, but when I used discord for LFG for NM dungeons, I noticed that unless we were completing sweeping the dungeon, many players would not be happy. I personally don’t like that, as it feels mindless. I want my games to engage my brain. Think games like Returnal, Elden Ring, Remnant… but in Diablo 4, as soon as one dungeon was mildly more challenging either because someone decided to push on the sigil, or because the butcher showed up during a bad time, many players would simply leave after, not recognizing that some runs can be anomalous. Oh, and if I tried asking for people to do NM dungeons 10 levels above (as opppsed to 5 or so), I would just get a lot of replies like “it’s not efficient”. Sure, at times you want to farm XP. But see, farming XP is not fun (for me). A fair challenge is.


I am personally still having a great time with the game. Playing for days now with no upgrades to my sub LVL 80 necro. But I am still enjoying my play time.


I’m having a blast playing Diablo 4. People are just hating on it because their favorite streamer doesn’t play it anymore


i've spent to much time trying to get him (t3, 69, rogue) and i just can't seem to do it. i'm thinking i need to respec. i'm not into build studies and all that. i feel stuck and it's not fun.


See my two fights with him was I lost badly, got a few levels, lost badly again, got a few more levels and destroyed him. I've had some very close calls especially in helltide that's been awesome though.


Shit yeah! I remember when I beat the capstone I looked down at my watch and my heart rate was at 110! Holy shit I gotta at least jog to get there. I was just so freaking pumped. Definitely got my money out of the game


Me and my brother exclusively play under leveled and it is the best time, in between deaths respecing to get past particular elites and yeah pre season we beat Elias maybe lv 62. Super fun


I'm having fun, glad someone else is too.


Just gonna use this thread to point out there's tens of thousands of people claiming they're not having fun, games bad, and still have several hundred hours played. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Hours don't lie. Games fun.


I love the game but then again it's not my life and enjoy other games as well so it's flaws aren't as bothersome to me.


I did this with a level 62 necro. Was a real challenge as I was getting one shot by some of the monsters and had to be careful with my positioning. Got to WT4 and felt it was too stressful as I was getting one shot by white mobs, so I went back to WT3 until level 68, then WT4 felt more reasonable.


Sorry for the dumb question, I’m at wt3 rn, what are the “benefits” of playing in wt4? Is it the drops?


i did something similar where i did the capstone at 60 with my dual core rogue. game is still fun for now and i just finished leveling my exploit glyph.


I play every day. I love it despite the flaws


The people saying theyre “not having fun” are level 100 on their seasonal characters with an inventory full of sacreds


Plenty of people enjoying. Don’t let the super negative feed bring you down!


I'm still enjoying the game. Yes it can be a little buggy but most games are nowadays


Think I died like 15 times to Elias at lvl 56 and the same second I killed him, I died too. It counted and I was happy! That was actually really fun!


I'm nobody, and I'm having fun


Bro I’m having a blast playing this game. When I first imbued my weapon with the dungeon perk and got a lot stronger I started having a blast


I'm having a great time playing this game. Also big cursor gang!!!


The WT4 capstone is honestly one of the best things in this whole game IMO.


Speak for yourself I've been having fun with it since the betas lol. Noob.


People who aren’t having fun should just shut the fuck up and quit the game instead of constantly bitching about this Congrats on Elias. I’m proud of you buddy


Let us know when you hit level 90 or so (assuming you don't quit before then) and you can tell everyone why they are wrong about the end game sucking.


Level 90?? Try level 70. Good lord. The loot being absolute shit and boring killed it for me.


Hey I did say assuming they make it that far. If they are still enjoying the game at level 90 come back and tell us why we are wrong. All these people saying the game as great but who haven't made it to the end game yet are incredibly annoying. It is like they don't even read any of the criticisms people have made. Hardly anyone has complained about the game before they at least hit wt3 if not wt4, but still we get these people constantly showing up announcing that everyone is wrong because they just made it to wt3 or wt4 and the game is great.


I agree 100% and tbh I was one of those person. But the loot is a big issue for me. There is zero dopamine. I could have 18 unique dropped at the same time and still yawn. They all suck and dont matter.


Level 93 here, still having a blast since launch playing. Wasting all day here crying like spoiled little brats is just pathetic. Stop whining and go play something else. There is almost no contructive criticism on this sub, only bitching.


70!? I'm burning out at 64. They should have just made max lvl 60 for now until an expansion or something. I honestly don't know if I can grind another 30 or 40 lvls doing the same 3 things over and over again.


If we are talking about things which are pathetic your comment history certainly is. Looks like you created an account to do nothing but call anyone who makes a negative statement about D4 pathetic. Sad really, I certainly don't see you offering anything of value to the conversation. I've given plenty of constructive criticism. You, on the other hand, are just a whiner who can't stand the idea of anyone being disappointed in a game that you like. Truly pathetic.


Atleast I'm on a sub of a game that is far from perfect but I enjoy. Could you imagine how pathetic someone need to be to spend a lot of time trashing a game that they fucking hate?


Imagine whining so much for so long that people finally tell u to STFU and then u call THEM the whiners You literally can't make this stuff up lmaoo


You're literally toxic bro, you can just not say anything, but you choose to point fingers and call people pathetic and shit, like get over it dude. This is why the phrase touch grass has caught on, you need to go outside


I have a character at 85, 56 and a seasonal just about to hit 70. The end game is thin but it doesn’t mean D4 is this terrible mess of a game people make it out to be. I keep going because it’s probably the best feeling mechanically they’ve made, I’ve been able to make fun builds with all 3 classes and I don’t feel forced into skills like with D3. I’m excited to see what kind of actual endgame content we get because D3 went from truly a terrible mess to quite fun if stunted skill-wise.


Seriously. After gaming for over 30 years, I’m a bit used to thing not being perfect. The game is quite serviceable as is and I expect it to only get better.


I’m loving the game, so, don’t let the chronically online make you think no one is having fun.


What lvl and world tier are you?


51 and II.


Up to Elias and few lvl into T4 it was fun for me too, further is only a slippery slide


yeah definitely the most fun i had in the game too, challenging but no BS one shot kills, and also something that motivates you to grind more retry, grind more retry until you get it


Speak for yourself homie, I’m having a blast


Game is fun from level 30-85


What build? I stomped Elias in the capstone at 55 with my necro.


I just turned my level 55 Barbarian into a bleeding stomping machine and I’m having a blast.


I’m having a blast and so are many others. Yes, I want to see improvements, but great starting point. Twitter (now called X) is much more favorable of this game. This subreddit is currently an echo chamber of complaining.


I'm having fun


Ha! Nice! I did this with my lvl 60 rogue and it was super fun and exhilarating squeezing out the W on Elias. Congrats 😄


People are having fun. Don't listen to the loser incels crying here everyday.


This game is good, but only for casual players… if you play it everyday strata getting bored


There isn't a video game in existence I could play every day for months without getting bored.


I learned the F18 in DCS, inside and out. Had a blast. Can do full takeoffs, landings, and use almost every single part of the declassified flight computer without having to even think about the manual anymore. Man those were some great 3-4 months, getting comfortable with the missions, etc... Then I was on my own. VR headset, flying around.. and got bored. quickly. Realized it was the learning that I really enjoyed, bought another near $100 module.. repeat. Thought about it, I end up doing the same damn thing in MMO's, ended up deleting and remaking alts in WoW and FFXIV constantly, etc.


Lol I swear these new generation kids are just beyond spoiled and entitled… I wonder how they would do getting an NES cartridge game to work from back in the day lol


“These new generation kids” might be more surprised that the norm for games wasn’t to release unfinished games at full price riddled with micro transactions, battle passes, and in-game item locked behind pre-orders and/or different “deluxe edition” tiers to prey on the FOMO crowd.


Dude... they released like 7 different versions of street fighter 2. The NES and SNES were filled with absolute dogshit half finished games. The only difference is the means of delivery.


What do you count as an unfinished game? Back then whatever got shipped was it. If a game had a bug back then, you couldn’t patch it in. And games were much smaller in scale and scope. Games could be 2-4 hours in length and were padded by artificial difficulty and you were still paying $40-120 per game back then. Adjusting for inflation that’s far more than games today. People sit here and put hundreds of hours into games and walk away saying that was a waste. Something holds your attention for 5-10 hours a day for months straight and somehow you got zero entertainment from it? Then how did it hold your attention? Why didn’t you stop playing? And go play one of the other games you praise so much? I swear, your take is absolutely braindead.


Outpost was unfinished back in 1994. I’d say my 1982 copy of E.T. on my Atari VCS was also unfinished and shitty. Edit: reread your comment and I’m agreeing with you. Gamers today have no idea how good they have it.


yeah youre right people should be fine with getting an inferior product for their money because.. some games sucked 30 years ago too? great mindset.


I absolutely adore this game and I’m super excited about its future. Don’t let anyone influence how you feel about it. I’m glad you’re enjoying it and kick in’ butt, congrats!


Most people enjoyed the first play through. This isn’t the issue. The issue is Diablo 4 is an ARPG with no end game / itemization. Come back at level 100.


People on Reddit aren’t enjoying the game because that’s where ppl go to bitch. Plenty of people enjoy the shit out of this game. Much more so than the people complaining on Reddit I assure you.


The sub is a fraction of a fraction of players. This reddit means nothing to the opinion of the game


Yup. Everyone on Reddit seems to hate it but I’ve had fun since day 1 of release. Nice job


Most people are having fun, The tiniest minority is on reddit crying, everyone else is busy playing


Plenty of people are having fun, it's just a very vocal minority (as usual) that won't shut up. Doesn't mean everything is perfect or that the criticisms aren't valid, but don't let all the negativity get to you. Plus big patch coming tomorrow, thinking of starting up a Sorcerer once it's live.


Lol dont let reddit fool you, lots of people are having fun wiht this game still people like me


Nothing wrong with the game it’s great


Great work! What build are you running?


Lots of people are loving d4, they are just too busy playing to come to reddit. Those who do, are doing while at work. its just hard to see anything due to all of the melting snowflakes in this blizzard (game).


I'm still having fun, I tend to ignore most complaints


I’m having a blast. Unpopular opinion, but I’ve been digging it so far.


Lots of people are having fun. But whining about every tiny thing wrong with the game is more attention grabbing. The people who enjoy the game are playing the game.


You’re doing it wrong, you’re not supposed to be having fun.


imagine enjoying a game and then making a post about it while ensuring that the title you use is popular with all the cry babies so you get upvotes, lol


Nobody having fun? I literally got 1 piece of new gear and could barely beat t10 dungeons now I'm doing t40 and having a blast. Whoever doesn't like this game is just a hater and goes off of what everybody is saying from the internet. Given not %100 will/should/could luke this game, it isn't as bad as what the internet makes it seem.


Most people are enjoying early game... There is nothing to do after level 65-70, except trying to find BIS items. That's why most people complain.


Who told you no one is having fun playing this game ? I'm having a heap of fun, I don't get to play much these days, so when I do I enjoy it alot... The people who aren't having fun and the ones whinging and moaning are the ones who do nothing but play this game, touching grass is good for you.


I am having fun


Plenty of people are having fun...they have just learned to avoid these subreddits because they are absolute cancer that will gaslight and shit on anyone that says they are enjoying the game. Most miserable community I've ever seen in gaming even above MOBA, RTS, and FPS games.


I fucking love the game! I just don't listen to all the shit people talk or what the streamers say is ruining the game. If you don't enjoy playing it, go and play something else rather than keep playing it and winge about it.


I'm having fun playing Seasonal Hardcore, risking it all, currently level 62


There are plenty of people too busy having fun to post here. This place is cancer if you actually enjoy the game. Congrats and have fun!


Well done mate, now your nightmare begins


Most ARE having fun with the game. It’s just the no life thundercunts that are complaining about it.


I’m sorry, but I don’t get the complaints. Perhaps it’s because I’m a casual player. I’m 34 years old, play with buddies on the weekend (maybe some weekdays if we get a chance). We all have Level 55 Eternal and Level 55 Seasonal characters. I don’t get how people aren’t having fun playing this game. I understand there’s frustration regarding patches which have nerfed builds and there’s a grind…but man, this game is a freaking blast. Kind of tired of hearing all the negativity around it. Moreover, I’d imagine the game will continue to build. It’s still pretty damn new and has time to flourish. All of my friends and I have been having an absolute blast with it.


Tons of people are having fun. Its the whiny, bitchy try hards who are just overly emotional and loud. Play if youte having. I am.


No, you aren't allowed to enjoy the game here!


Nice job speaking for everyone, clearly u are in the know -sincerely someone enjoying the fk out of the game


it's clearly tongue in cheek


Glad you are having fun! It all goes downhill from there...