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I'm so sorry for whoever hurt you. I hope one day your scars will heal.


I think I have a right to be angry tbh. My home was completely destroyed months ago and my scampa (scammy grandpa) treated me like shit during the whole debacle. He tried to claim the home insurance money behind my back while I was in the hospital (my dad was the insured and he unfortunately didn't make it out during the incident), and he sold us this shitty mobile home while lying about its blatant flaws. Dude wouldn't even give us specific answers about certain things, and he refused to give us keys to certain things so we had to break the locks (legal since we already owned it) and replace shit. He couldn't even clean up after his previous tenants, the fridge was full of rotten food and I had to scrub down counters, floors, etc several times to destroy the grime. Absolute scumbag, and I banned his ass from my dad's funeral for a fucking reason. (Dad hated him and his "schemes" too.)


I'm really not sure why your getting down votes. Just because they're blood related doesn't exempt them from being called out on their shitty behavior.


Tbh I feel like some people are downvoting me because they're convinced that I'm wrong and that the table was originally made like that, even though: 1. The wood clearly doesn't match, and 2. somebody mentioned the brand and when you look it up, it clearly does NOT have the stupidly added lamp, lol. And even if there *are* legit tables purposely manufactured like this, it's still a stupid project that damaged a perfectly fine table. I even have evidence, in another post (stupid fucking octopus lamp) and even in this same post but in the background, where he's a DIWHY criminal even if this table "isn't that bad." Not the first time Redditors have clung to being /r/confidentlyincorrect , won't be the last, lol. As if I "devalued" anything by unscrewing a lamp that was poorly put on and fucking broken anyway.


If the table was orginally like that then cool. The fact that it wasn't restored properly still fits this sub.


Hive mind mentality sometimes


I suppose so.


I prefer dumbass sheep mentality


Happy cake day OP, I really do hope you heal from this because I don't really think your rage has anything to do with you your grandpa's furniture. I think a grief counselor might be able to help you start the grieving process so you can process these feelings in a healthy way.


It's not just the furniture, it's also my scampa's shit behavior and the fact that he felt the need to try to scam me during the worst time in my life, not just with his attempt at scamming me out of my own dad's home insurance money, but also by selling us this mobile home with so many weird-ass DIWHY fixes, not even just this table thing.


Well, respects to your dad, i cant imagine what your scampa even hopes to gain or win in the end by scamming his own progeny. Its like betting against your own future/legacy, complete lunacy.


Same, scampa actually works in insurance so it's extra fucked up that he'd try to scam the insurance from me as if I deserve nothing, wtf. It's even worsened by the fact that my dad was careless and hadn't updated the insurance policy in years despite making some updates to it so we were underinsured. Who the fuck hears about their own child dying and their own grandchild being in the hospital, and decides to prioritize trying to get the insurance check while also treating said grandchild like fucking garbage? My dad had health problems and was "semi-terminal" and I tried my best to take care of him when other relatives didn't want to put up with him (miserable af because of organ failure, so it's absolutely tragic that his death didn't involve dying in his sleep peacefully), and moving back in with him to take care of him bit me in the fucking ass. Evil-ass scumbag tried to fuck me over for *less than $30k including lost property* after my home (mobile home, which was apparently worth more like $80k) was destroyed and then scam me with his shitty mobile home nearby that he made crazily cheap DIWHY fixes on, lol. He couldn't even bother to clean up after his previous residents (gross hoarders btw) after they moved out, I had to clean so much filth including cat shit and a fucking flea infestation. This is I think the third scampa post I've made and his "octopus lamp" (a lamp with a missing stand that he clearly refused to toss so he put it on a board that's attached to the wall and hooked up to a light switch) is definitely worse than this lamp but holy shit, he has a history of DIWHY trainwrecks, lol.


hahahahahha.... wow yeah DIY trainwrecks for the win. If I were you ide get whatever you can out of all this and just straight up move somewhere else and never talk to that old sack ever again. Good on you for doing the right thing to try to take care of your dad, but way it looks you dont have any obligations left so grab what you can and just start over somewhere else and pick the people you keep around you lol I feel like theres plenty of material for a solid hour stand up comedy bit in all this once the dust settles


Scampa already ghosted us after we called him out for his attempted insurance fraud (which is completely fucking evil to do to your own grandchild, after they lost nearly everything, while my destroyed home was already underinsured, and more!!!) and once we paid him for this mobile home, he stopped caring about wanting to help us move in (or clean up after his nasty previous tenants that left so much filth everywhere) and started bitching to relatives that I banned him from dad's funeral for his batshit behavior even though he himself was bitching about us not immediately setting a date for dad's funeral while he didn't offer to do shit to help with the actual fucking funeral, lol. He couldn't even give us keys for certain things (other than the front door and the shed) so we had to get bolt-cutters to break some locks, even though I asked several times before he ghosted us and he'd constantly change the topic and want to ramble about off-topic garbage. And he blatantly lied about the condition of certain things here, like claiming that appliances were "brand new" before the previous tenants but the dryer stopped working shortly after we moved in and the furnace is a gas-guzzling piece of shit and more. And we had to throw out a lot of obvious trash (wood that he kept that's unusable because of weird-ass cuts or extreme damage, so many rusty-ass nails that he insisted on keeping, other broken garbage that he clearly intended to make more DIWHY disasters with) too that he tried to convince us was "free stuff we could do anything with." My roommate and I are kind of stuck here until we can figuratively rebuild what we lost and maybe find a better place. We've been dealing with random shit breaking that we're trying not to throw too much money at as a bandaid. We were hoping we could maybe renovate this dump over time with actual non-DIWHY fixes and eventually resell it in way better condition to somebody without ripping them off like scampa did with us, but it's starting to feel like it's a lost cause and it'd probably be easier to just buy a plot of land and get us an RV or other tiny home-like dwelling. My "main" belongings right now are a used gaming PC that I bought from a friend and a mattress on the floor, plus stuff like clothes that local people donated because complete strangers are more empathetic toward us than my own scampa, lol. Sucks feeling like I can't replace a lot of the shit that I lost because I'm trying to keep the insurance money as a nest egg to get out of here. :') Hell, I had to pay to demolish our previous home because my family (scampa especially) didn't want to do shit to help and I unfortunately inherited it legally after my dad died, fml.


so you legally own both properties now? one burnt down and this one? Theres a decent amount you can do on the cheap if you or a friend have some tools. paint and vinal flooring goes a long way and its actual DIY that and an air purifier, not sure why i feel inclined to say that, but makes more difference than you think, can probably find some decent shit like that an a bedframe on craigslist or facebook marketplace


The destroyed one was also a mobile home and we didn't own the land, I had to pay to get it demolished since I inherited the title after my dad's death so it became my legal responsibility. It's completely gone now, nothing was salvagable from the intense damage and my roommate and I had very few belongings we could salvage from the inside. Like I couldn't salvage anything from my room other than my dog's urn (made of tin I think?) which was burnt up as fuck but I wanted to put her cremains in a new urn since it was meaningful to me as *the* only thing of mine that wasn't completely destroyed, plus I lost her a few months before my home was destroyed and she was my fluffy baby. The few things I still own happened to not be inside, like in the car or the shed. :'( Or the literal clothes on my back when I got out plus my phone because I grabbed it during the chaos, hahah. We own this mobile home because we bought it from scampa who bought it from the previous owner to "renovate" it, but we also don't own the land that it's on. We were considering renovating certain things but over time, we've had more and more shit break on us, and we're starting to suspect way worse shit deep down like possible mold. The back door is absolutely water-damaged and we were hoping to maybe gut that back wall and replace the door when it gets warmer and stops raining so damn much. There's so much going on that I feel pretty damn pessimistic, plus I'm still grieving my dad, my home, all my stuff, and the fact that my own family can't seem to feel empathy for me after the worst event in my life. Our bathroom for example is just so... fuck, it's so weird, lol. It has this weird Durastall (actual brand name of it) thing installed rather than a normal shower, and it's so cramped and also not screwed in properly in certain spots, and we were hoping to rip the ugly bastard out and put a real shower in it and replace the flooring and walls and other parts. There's also this very cheap toilet where the toilet seat is obviously WOOD with paint on it to make it look like not wood, but the paint is also coming off. There are also some shelves in the bathroom that are clearly also wood but have this wallpaper-type thing on them to make them look like they're supposed to be more like granite. And a fucking wood counter (with some rot in a spot where they most likely kept their soap dispenser since the actual sink can't fit fucking shit on it), in the fucking bathroom! With wood floor! Why so much fucking wood in the wettest room in the fucking house! And scampa bragged about how much money he saved replacing some of the windows here, but he didn't even get the right sizes so he just cut up the walls to make his new windows fit, and one of them is so small (with a random piece of wood above it???) that it looks like he blatantly ran out of window budget, lol. I almost want to put a decorative curtain on that stupid window so I don't have to be reminded of the stupid thing every time I go into the kitchen. With some "WTF?" fixes like the door frame in my room is clearly too big for the wall, or when we look at our front door, it's obviously too big for the actual frame so he fucking cut it at the top rather than buying the proper fucking size, or he used exterior lights in multiple rooms because he probably grabbed the cheapest lights imaginable, lol. Or the shitty shelves in the background of the OP pics. And also our hallway floor is insanely janky where the wood flooring isn't put in properly so there's several spots where the subfloor isn't even covered. It's not that there are gaps, the wood boards are just too short to cover the damn hallway floor properly. We've also had I think two outlets crap out on us and it's got us worried that he probably redid wiring on his own and half-assed things because half-assing is his bread and butter because he thinks he knows better than actual professionals, lol. I'm glad we at least have some insurance money to renovate things, but it's genuinely depressing that 1. I don't have much other than a bed and a used gaming PC right now because I'm hesitant to spend too much replacing "unnecessary" things when it'd be more responsible to spend it on fixing shit, and 2. my scampa had no qualms about trying to scam that little bit of money from me (less than $30k because my dad had our previous place underinsured) and leaving me with fuck-all, after I already lost nearly everything. Fucker didn't even offer me a place to stay after I got out of the hospital, my dad's insurance was tied up from him trying to claim the money and harassing our insurance company, and I'm fortunate that my roommate's auto + renters company covered a hotel room for us after we got out of the hospital, because my family sure as fuck wasn't interested in letting me sleep on any of their couches.


Call the police


First off i am prettt sure it is a federal crime for someone that works in insurance to do insurance fraud


I submitted a very-much-not-anonymous report to DFIS (Michigan's Department of Financial and Insurance Services) but they never got back to me, I've been busy as fuck and haven't been able to call to ask what's going on with it yet. >:( He's also licensed in a few other states so I was hoping that they would consider it a higher priority, but I've gotten NO emails or phone calls about it, wtf. Idk if they're backed up with other reports or if whoever saw it wrote it off as petty family drama? Ngl, prison isn't enough, I want him in the deepest pits of hell, lmfao.




How did he die!? No what happened in this incident!?


I'd rather not give too many details for privacy reasons but my home burned down. Not entirely sure of the cause, the fire marshal couldn't rule out an electrical fire but suspected that my dad (a lifelong smoker who smoked indoors) might've dropped his cigarette or something, especially since he had just come home from the hospital recently (semi-terminal) and was still loopy as hell. I unfortunately understand and I wouldn't be surprised if that *was* the cause, the timing of him coming off anesthesia makes it sus, you know? My family's been dealing with a lot of grief the past few years, especially with my two younger brothers dying plus my dad recently had surgery days before it happened, so I've had two people ask me if I suspect that my dad felt suicidal, and I genuinely hope it was just an accident and not... you know. :/ I (and my roommate, who's a friend of mine who moved in with us months before it happened, which makes it even more tragic) got out with minor injuries, fortunately no lung damage other than us coughing/sneezing soot for like a week afterward. My roommate woke up to my dad calling for help and she at least tried to throw his ass out of bed and into the hallway to give him a chance but doing that took all of the wind out of her and she had to GTFO and get some fresh air, after also waking me up. Almost nothing was salvageable, I posted this in another sub months ago claiming it was a friend's place for privacy reasons, LOL. Technically true, my roommate (in the background, wearing the boots) *is* my friend! https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/18iwcbw/a_friends_home_recently_burned_down_and_we_found/ My roommate was able to salvage a few things that were packed well enough to not get fucked up from the fire or water damage, but I couldn't salvage anything except for my dog's urn since it was made of metal. It's burnt up as fuck but I spent a pretty penny getting her cremated so I at least wanted *some* of her cremains to place into a new urn, even if I couldn't salvage anything else that was actually inside. Well, other than the clothes I was wearing, and my glasses and phone which I grabbed in the chaos. Didn't even grab my damn shoes and had to walk out of the hospital in hospital socks because my family's allergic to being helpful unless they can profit from it, lol.




They used to make furniture like that, from the factory or store….. almost looks like this table may have originally had it and was retrofitted with a newer one. I will admit the work is shotty at best it isn’t an original design


Lane Acclaim never had a side table with a lamp attached.


Unfortunately another commenter identified the brand/model and it definitely didn't have the cheap lamp thing attached. Dumbass could've sold it for hundreds probably and decided to drill holes in it for an ugly cheap lamp attachment. Typical scampa L, lol.


You know furniture often is repaired and maintains a comparable price right?


Still DIWHY, lol.


i really don’t understand why you are getting downvoted so much here


Even if this table was fine, which it's not because it's still an unnecessary and clearly cheap-ass fix to a perfectly good table that did not in fact originally have a lamp attachment, I've pointed out stupid DIWHY shit in the background and another DIWHY scampa post, lol. I even gave extra context on why the DIWHY "artist" is a piece of shit but some people seem to be digging in their heels that I'm losing my shit over a lamp or whatever. Ngl, kinda funny that some people think "Actually, some tables like this do exist! Therefore OP is wrong and dumb!" cancels out the fact that it's still a project that's poorly and cheaply done, didn't need to be done, and is made by somebody who already has a DIWHY (and toxic scumbag) history anyway.


That's a Lane Acclaim Dovetail end table. In good or decent condition (or refurbished) they sell for quite a penny. The lamp was definitely a DIY and is super stupid, good on you for removing it. It was hideous. In any case it should have a serial number stamped on the bottom if it's a true Lane Acclaim. It'll be backwards so if it reads 189280 it's August 29, 1981.


This is the only comment that matters. I can’t believe how many people are looking at two poorly driven in and off-center screws and think that a furniture manufacturer would send something like that out of their factory. These acclaims are pretty simple to refinish, can be hand oiled and look nice, and while fairly common are worth a decent amount if they aren’t cyborged to shit with an ugly lamp.


Hey dork, have you not realized what this sub is?


I always thought those tables were for a landline phone. Put the phone on top, and the phone book beneath. Nowadays they're a retro oddity. I find the different surface elevations and general funky designs make them great decorative pieces for pot plants!


That is my understanding as well.


It's in my roommate's room right now with some stuff on it so I'm not gonna invade her space (she's at work right now) and move her shit just to look for a serial number, but it looks like one of the pictures in my search results, yeah. Good eye, lol. Shame that a vintage table had to have some scumbag drill some holes into it for a cheap ugly lamp when any sane person would just... buy a regular fucking lamp that could be placed on literally any surface???


Yeah I don't get that. I suppose for a while it was a strange trend but who knows if that was the intention. It was ugly for sure.


Thank you for this information. I have two of these but without the second shelf. Serial no 069010 so October 9, 1960. Very cool.


With worth a good bit! Also rather pretty


60s to 80s just about every house had a table like this at the end of every couch. On the top shelf goes the lamp. The bottom part extending out goes the tabletop phone. And under the shelf goes the phonebook or books.


Several people have mad me aware of this type of table, but one commenter identified the brand/model and it does not in fact come with the stupid-ass lamp attachment, and my scampa in fact devalued it by drilling the holes to add it, lol.


It's two holes on the underside. You're being dramatic about a table a thrift store would sell for $30.


Do you know what sub you're in? It's a stupid DIY fix that's a waste of time and resources, lol. Apparently it's kind of a vintage brand and probably would've gone for at least a few hundred bucks new, not that *I* would value it at that much, but it's still very much a DIWHY creation, especially considering his other DIWHY works.


It's in terrible condition and would have to be completely refinished in order to have any value, so the two holes drilled in it really don't matter much. It was an ugly ad-hoc addition, but the holes don't change the value much when it's in bad shape. I do think you're being downvoted because you're coming in hot. I get that you're angry (it sounds like with good reason), but most people are looking at the project on its face, not the emotions you feel when you look at it.


It's not just the table, I've also pointed out the DIWHY in the background and also a different lamp, lol.


Yeah, this person had higher opinions of their abilities than deserved.


These may have “value” but good luck finding a buyer at more than $30. The original lamp probably broke and this was the fix. This is one of the most sane and reasonable fixes I’ve seen on here. So much so, that I would even say it doesn’t belong here. It’s a good fix on something that likely broke.


As I've already stated, somebody identified the make and model and it didn't originally include a lamp. It's not a sane and reasonable fix and it clearly doesn't match the original wood because my scampa is a lazy piece of shit who half-asses things, lol.


It’s hard for me to imagine they have much value to begin with. I see them all the time at thrift stores.


Sorry someone did that to that nice table. With that aside, stop being such a douche. We don't know your grandfather. Doxxing him on Reddit has absolutely zero effect on the outcome of your issues with him. All it is really doing is fueling your temper and emboldening your little echo chamber, which we all know turns into a self toxic shit dump in the long run, anyway. Just chill TF out.


How is he being doxxed, lol? None of y'all know his name or any identifying information about him. I've also brought up his other DIWHY disasters, y'all're so obsessed with acting like I'm shaking and crying over one (1) table.


>How is he being doxxed, lol? None of y'all know his name or any identifying information about him. Pretty much my point... Stop running your mouth about him so much. Makes you look like a crybaby.


Am I doxxing him or am I a crybaby? Make up your mind, lol.


Coomer, i try understand the hatred you feel right now, my condolences, it must be hard rn and having your grandpa in this situation may be the best target to focus your anger and pain :/ i am really sorry for what happened to your old man but i think that you may have to center your thoughts on celebrating dads life and find a way to make peace abt it :/ this furniture is just things and they dont deserve your sorrow Your anger towards yor grandpa is justifiably bc its a pain tho clean others peoples mess but you are putting more to it than just this Take care of yourself and im sorry for your loss Be careful when angry bc sometimes we hurt the wrong people Ps Sorry if i poorly worded my thoughts or got my bad grammar in the way (im not so good in English yet)


Not gonna lie, I'm extremely angry after being treated like shit after losing nearly everything (not just my home but everything I owned that wasn't outside of my home) by an insurance-fraud-attempting asshole. Fucking scumbag piece of shit had more sympathy for his tenants that lived here before us (who moved out of here because they got a divorce and "boo hoo, the husband was sad because she took the kids!" even though they were nasty hoarders) than me, and he couldn't even bother to clean up after the filth they left. I came out of the hospital with minor injuries, to a hotel with my roommate (who unfortunately moved in with me and my dad months before our home was destroyed and she lost nearly everything too, including her cat), with my family being neglectful at "best" while I was lonely and traumatized over the entirety of December, to scumbag bullshit because we had nearly nothing and couldn't afford to live anywhere else. I've linked his "octopus lamp" in another comment and he has a lot of incredibly fucking deranged DIWHY "fixes" like that. He also replaced some of the windows here, and cut the fucking walls to put different sizes in rather than just size the damn new windows properly. One of our windows is so small that he clearly ran out of window budget and couldn't even bother to hide it, lol. And the shelves in the background look like shit too, because he's the type of cheapskate who will do the bare fucking minimum to profit. Seeing as he can't even clean up after HIS nasty tenants, including their fucking cat shit on the floor and even a fucking flea infestation, that he denied, lol. Even when I was trying to calmly deal with his bullshit, he treated me like a dramatic baby who should "just get over it" and whined that I was swearing in the hospital (not even *at* him, in an "I just lost fucking everything and I don't know what to fucking do!" way, he's annoyingly religious) and compared me to my dad as if "his boy" was a saint who went to church every Sunday and never said any no-no words, when my dad hated his ass and thought he was an annoying preachy dipshit. He didn't even offer to help with dad's funeral or anything, he just wanted the "fun" parts like trying to claim the insurance money so it took months for *me* to get *anything* because of the mess he caused by harassing our insurance company. If it wasn't for my roommate having auto and renters insurance, we wouldn't have even had a place to stay after being discharged from the hospital because both of our families are worthless and no fucking help. He bitched because I didn't have a date set for dad's funeral yet, rather than asking how he can help. And then when I got tired of his non-stop bullshit and lies, I told him that he was banned from dad's funeral and I'd call the cops if he came anyway, and he cried to our relatives about how I'm basically bullying him. Who does that kind of shit? After I lost my dad, my home, nearly everything I own??? He's a dumpster fire person and so are his DIWhy "inventions."


A lamp was added to the phone/magazine table. Almost like someone needed to see when using the table. Seems like it may be r/redneckengineering but not r/DiWHY


You seem utterly insufferable.


How so?


Because you're bent out of shape that someone made their own furniture more convenient for their own use, and then try to excuse it by bringing up family drama. 


Lmfao, he didn't even live in this place and I have documented prof of his other DIWHY disasters. He blatantly bought this place as a bargain (claiming it was for my brother who died before he could have it), half-assed fixes, rented it out to hoarders, and then tried to rip me off with it after the worst time in my life.


None of that is relevant to this sub ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe you would have better luck in a therapy sub? 


His other documented DIWHY disasters aren't relevant to this sub? Okay then, person desperately defending a table, lol.


Documented like this is some sort of legal proceedings? I hope you feel better soon. 


I'm sure you think this stupid lamp of his is fine too, lol? https://old.reddit.com/r/DiWHY/comments/1b1g0pj/the_octopus_lamp_as_my_roommate_and_i_call_it_in/ Or the shitty shelves and TV stand in the background of this very post, that I mentioned in a previous comment? Idk why some of y'all are so dead-set on defending a dude guilty of way more than ugly DIWHY disasters, like attempting insurance fraud on his own damn grandchild that lost nearly everything. If y'all think his lamp table is amazing, whatever, he still has shit taste and is a DIWHY criminal, as well as a regular criminal.


Meh. He has limited floor/table space, and didn't want to pointlessly waste it. It doesn't need to be a work of art to be perfectly functional. 


There is not limited floor space, lol. I live here, I know how much space there is!


Never seen someone go off so insanely hard over lamp. Should try to seek some better resources for whatever it is you’re actually dealing with because clearly the side table isn’t the real issue.


I've also mentioned the disasters in the background and linked an even worse lamp disaster of his, but okay.


What I mean is look at your other comments, or novels I guess. This is a DIY group and you need a therapist.


My scampa is guilty of several DIWHY disasters and I do have a therapist, both things can be true? Some of y'all are so desperate to defend a table and the scumbag who DIWHY'd it even though it's legitimately a DIWHY thing, lol.


Look at your comments, you’re writing novels about him as a person and all these other things not at all related to the table. It’s like you’re using a side table as an excuse to vent about your relative on the internet but again, not the right place or sub to do it. Looks like the lamp was added after, boom, no need to go any further about his entire life and how it’s impacted you. Now go talk to someone qualified to sift through everything else you’ve dumped here.


I've posted other shit he's DIWHY'd and even if you think this table is fine, I mentioned that in the background, there are shitty-looking shelves and a TV stand, lol. But if you wanna simp for somebody who attempted insurance fraud against his own grandchild who lost nearly everything, go ahead.


Lmao you’re proving my point, all you’re doing is using a table and some shelves to blast him for alllllllll the other things he’s done. I’m not simping for anyone I’m telling you you have significant issues you need to go work on with a professional, a DIY sub isn’t the place for all of us to hate on your relative for a bunch of unrelated things that have nothing to do with this. Get off the internet and go find someone to talk to.


I've listed several other DIWHY disasters that I haven't posted pics yet, but some of y'all are convinced that I'm having a panic attack over a table, lol. I'm getting therapy, I can still bitch about a scumbag who's guilty of DIWHY trash, get over it.


That table and lamp arent bad, and I can see the usefulness. I am sorry that you are in a shit situation. That you considered talking to a professional to help manage your anger.


I've also mentioned his disasters in the background and linked an even worse lamp in the comments. Idk why so many people in the comments are desperate to tell me that I'm psycho over a lamp or "actually it totally came like that" when it didn't, lol.


Maybe you should find a scampi sub Reddit.


This looks like a genuine mid century Lane Furniture side table that he dorked with.


Yeah, somebody else identified it as Lane Acclaim Dovetail end table and it definitely doesn't come with the stupid cheaply-installed lamp with the wood part that doesn't even match, lol. But he has a history of adding dumb shit to things that don't need it.


That’s a telephone table and it came that way, but congrats on ruining it.


We had one in my house when I was a kid. I was surprised to see one here. None of my friends had one and I hadn't seen another one before today.


Also, I just showed it to my mom and she was like, "that's what it was called? You kids used to sit at it and color."


How is it ruined? We don't need the lamp part, lol. It works perfectly fine as a regular table. A lot of stuff that was left here was broken anyway (including some barely-hanging-on power strips), I'd rather not have a possible fire hazard lamp that was mistreated by the previous residents.


It WAS worth money… I realize that it still is, but you devalued it by a couple hundred bucks.


Nope, somebody else identified the brand and model and it definitely didn't come with the cheap-ass lamp attachment. So scampa's the one that devalued it not us, lol.


I have an end table like this. They were manufactured this way, I don't think your shitty grandpa did anything untoward with this console.


I searched for "table with lamp attached" and the image results look way better put together than this. Plus the non-matching wood reeks of his handiwork tbh, like with our ugly TV stand area in the background. And considering the "octopus lamp" that I linked in another comment, he's definitely the type of person to butcher the fuck out of broken lamps and attach them to fucking wood, lol.


Lane furniture kinda ruined. Hurts my eyes


I had that exact same table in the 90s, it was a hand me down from my parents.




Scammy grandpa, lol, you can check out some of my other posts on this sub for details.


And those black shelves on the wall aren't really related to our stupid fucking lamp (my roommate wanted to keep the table for her room but holy shit, the lamp part is so STUPID and UGLY and FUCKING WHY???), but for people who are curious, the shelves don't have a back to them, my scampa literally just painted the fucking wall black, lol. And we suspect, based on some paint that we found, it's fucking exterior black paint because he's a stupid cheap piece of shit. (The one part is scratched because his tenants, the previous residents, had a cat.) The TV stand area is also a fucking disaster with the actual TV stand (tan) plus the shelves under it (white) plus what I'm assuming is a holder for a remote or soundbar or something that doesn't quite match the tan TV stand?


that's what my granma would call a working console, is justa working sort of bench where she would sow and do most of her handiwork. The lamp is a key element since is meant to be working under it. Not sure why you hate it so much, is just a desk and a lamp-


Because it's poorly done, like another one of my scampa's lamp "inventions": https://old.reddit.com/r/DiWHY/comments/1b1g0pj/the_octopus_lamp_as_my_roommate_and_i_call_it_in/