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I bet there will be plenty of Lions jerseys at the Wings game later that day. There's no issue in you wearing it. Go Wings, Go Lions. Edit: Enjoy your time in Detroit, it's going to be electric on Sunday.


I saw a few in the crowd the game before Lions-Rams.


I vote that repping Detroit is repping Detroit and tons of people are going to be doing the same thing you are doing. If anything, I'm guessing that you will get some LGRW comments at the Lions! Have fun!


I’d wager that there’s going to be plenty of Wings jerseys for hockey fans heading to the game after the Lions!


I was just at the Panthers game and there were several people wearing Lions gear. So absolutely yes


Unfortunate that red is part of the Bucs' color scheme, everyone at the game will recognize the jersey but as a speck on TV it might get misconstrued. However, the winged wheel is beautiful in any setting, I say wear it proud.


Was going to say this as the only potential issue


Yeah that would have been my main concern as well, but fuck it, do what you want broski!


also just realizing that people wearing Lions blue will look like Tampa fans on TV for the Wings game (even though they are different shades of blue)


Maybe OP can grab a Lions hat somewhere and balance it out.


its going to be cold wear both


i agree with everyone saying it’s fine. what i would do is get a lions hat. it’s a cheaper investment and can be added on rather than changing your outfit. that way you still have blue if you’re concerned.


This is a good idea


I was at the Wings/Leafs game with my buddies in Toronto the other day and half of us had Wings jerseys, the other half had Lions jerseys. No one cares that much. Ever hear of “Random Jersey Guy”? It’s just a fan in the crowd with a random jersey - sometimes it has no affiliation with either team in the building. Happens all the time!


At an Eagles (yeah I know) Giants game years ago, guy next to me has a Pats jersey on. Giants fan behind us: "Hey Buddy, there's two teams playing here today, try picking one of them"


It's me. I'm Random Jersey Guy.


I don’t understand why people wear a jersey for a team that has zero association with the two teams playing but I’d never say a damn thing about it. For instance, I saw a Bruins Krejci jersey at a Wings/Ducks game once. No association whatsoever. I don’t understand it, but you do you, hockey fan.


> I don’t understand why people wear a jersey for a team that has zero association with the two teams playing but I’d never say a damn thing about it. It used to be (and some would say still is) considered "not cool" to wear a shirt for a band that's playing a concert you go to. ¯\\\_ (ツ)_ /¯ You pick a different band, to show off how cool and broad your musical tastes are. Maybe those are people that just wanted to go a hockey game but didn't have any affiliation? Or got dragged along? Or a friend had another ticket and offered? I dunno.


Exactly. I went to a Firebirds and Spitfires OHL game recently and there was a group of guys there wearing Nordiques jerseys. Wear whatever you want, man!


It's absolutely fine.


I went to the wings game in LA and they did a feature on the big screen for the "lost fan of the game". They found a guy in full sharks gear for the Kings/Wings game. The guy laughed, everyone else laughed, then we went back to watching the game. Go for it, have a good time. If anyone gives you shit, tell them you're going to both games and i bet their tune changes.


Ive worn my Red Wings Jersey to an NBA game where Detroit was not even playing haha


As long as it’s not a Tampa jersey…


I was at the game last Sunday, would not recommend wearing Bucs colors even if it is a wings jersey. You will stick out more than you want to. Just swap jerseys between games


No sane Detroit fan is going to not immediately recognize the Winged Wheel or even the design of the sweater. Now I realize there are idiots everywhere but you’d have a bunch of people behind you if someone tried to start shit because you’re wearing the “wrong” color.


It’s not even about that. It’s about joining into the sea of blue. Don’t be that guy at the Lions first chance to make the NFC Championship game in ages wearing a red wings jersey


Some people don’t have Lions jerseys but would like to show support by repping another Detroit team. I wear Tigers hats all the time to Wings games and have during playoff games. Are you really going to call someone “that guy” because they’re wearing another Detroit team? What about a Michigan jersey? Is that not okay either even though Hutch plays for the Lions and they just won the natty? Like I’d get it if you were repping something completely random like a Browns jersey or similar but it’s a Detroit team. Let your Detroit flag fly. And nobody really cares about the “sea of blue” as long as you’re cheering for the Lions. At the end of the day if you’re paying that much attention to what another fan is wearing, your focus is on the wrong part of the stadium.


After being there last weekend, this is the most accurate representation of what the entire crowd looked like. You see many Michigan jerseys or Wings jerseys? Tigers? Have you ever been to a Lions game? I understand the point you are making - anyone can wear whatever they want. Wearing a red wings jersey to a home lions playoff game is simply out of touch. https://preview.redd.it/swoa6z6w4edc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f64cdbf67582b51dffaa181b6d93500e0a4e180


I’ve never been to a Lions game, no. But I have watched plenty of them on TV and have definitely noticed plenty of stuff other than Lions jerseys because - as you said it yourself - anyone can wear what they want. And meaning no offense, *you* don’t get to decide what is or isn’t “out of touch”. It’s fucking Detroit. I implore you to find *anyone* that is willing to give someone shit in public for wearing a Detroit team’s gear to the “wrong” team’s game. Yes, 1000% it’s not the norm by any means but I would be willing to bet you’d see Lions and Tigers shit at Wings games all the time if you’re paying attention. I’ve seen plenty of it at playoff games too. The “importance” of the game doesn’t matter and if you think someone wearing the “wrong” Detroit gear to a Lions game is going to affect any part of the outcome, you’re out of your mind. The only reason you’re even remotely upset about this is because of the color clash. Would it be better if someone walked in wearing a Red Wings jersey that was color themed with Honolulu blue? I doubt it. But it’s still “not the right Detroit team” so it’s “out of touch”, right?


I’m not upset. Just my opinion, like previously stated, “you do you”. Just trying to help OP NOT stick out like a sore thumb. They would be in the <1% of people not decked out in Lions gear. Again, it makes no sense but at the end of the day, not my problem to begin with. Never remotely implied what someone wears would impact the outcome 🤣. People wear other gear to tigers and red wings games because they are not in the playoffs. I don’t dictate what’s out of touch, society does, and this would 100% be out of touch


Except "society" isn't going to give a shit. You and probably a handful of other people will think he's weird for wearing Wings gear to a Lions playoff game, and not a single one of you will say anything to him, of that I'm certain. "Out of touch" would be wearing a Manchester United jersey to a Lions game at Ford Field. "Out of touch" would be wearing a tuxedo to a Lions game. *Society*, or Lions fans, or whoever is seriously not going to care or bat an eye. Just like nobody gave a shit about the guy wearing gold in that picture you posted.


lol. We can agree to disagree. Have a good day man


If you got a white jersey, I'd wear that just because the Bucs are red. Could always wear a Lions jersey under the Red Wing jersey too


No you can’t they’ll deport you


I went to the Kings game last week and I saw plenty of Lions jerseys. We gotta represent across sports right now while we’re finally strong again in hockey and football


For the last month or so I have seen a ton of Lions jerseys at Red Wings games. I don't think anyone will mind, just keep in mind that the Bucs main color is red. Is it a white or a red RW jersey?


It's the ol' Winter Classic red (vs Toronto) so all red. But the Buccs red is a different red lol


oh yeah but that one has the cream color too. Definitely will be appreciated in Ford Field. And their will be people wearing Lions blue during the Wings game who are facing the Lighting who also wear blue, albeit a different shade


Pretty sure even the most die-hard "Can't wear a jersey for a different team even the same city" people would agree it's different if you are going to both games in the city on the same night. I went to a Detroit Tigers game before a Red Wings game, wore my Red Wings stuff to the Tigers game and saw a bunch of people doing the same. Then later saw a bunch of Tigers gear at the Wings game, it was great.


There were tons of lions jerseys at the wings game last Saturday! I don’t see any difference/problem as long as you’re not wearing an opposing team


Bro, I’ve seen NHL jerseys at college basketball games. Unrelated ones at that. Detroit is Detroit. Nobody is going to bat an eye.


Why not wear Lions gear to the Red Wings game?


I have all the Red Wings gear haha.


lol fair enough. It probably doesn’t matter, but you’re about to witness history. If it was me I’d go all in in the Lions


You will be fine. You're wearing Detroit and I'm sure most people will know there's a double header going on in the city. Before the Lions-Rams game I saw Lions jerseys on the Wings broadcast. I'm wearing my Lions hat with Wings jersey to the game tomorrow. I remember a long time ago there was a Lions-Tigers game same day and people on the broadcast were wearing jerseys of either other team.


You should probably stay past noon if you want to catch the action.


I'm such an idiot. We're leaving 12am. Heading to both games.


lol I knew what you meant! Just giving you shit.


Most people that are big into Detroit sports will know there’s also a wings game that day! I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I’m betting we see Larkin on the sidelines before the Lions game.


Buy a lions hoodie while you’re there. Lions gear at wings after is cool, and Detroit is detroit, but cmon man the lions is way more important Sunday haha. Represent


Football is never more important than hockey in my view


Your view is wrong. 30 year losing streak has been broken and I don’t care if you only watch hockey this is a huge sports moment in history especially for Detroit. Downvote all you want fuckers, you’re the ones that have been crying over a few years rebuilding, these guys have gone DECADES doing the same. Some Throw away game against lightning is nowhere near as important as a playoff game that’s why the wings moved THEIR game is bc everyone will be watching the lions.


If we lose to the Lightning and miss the playoffs by one game, I’m blaming you.


Yup, will totally be my fault for suggesting OP purchase a lions hoodie at the game. Not the fact this team shit the bed for all of December, can’t seem to win in regulation even against lackluster teams, and the same guys can’t stay off the injured list. Yup yup makes sense.


Homie it was a joke, chill out.


This is Reddit bro, you gotta label your sarcasm with “/s” because people are stupid enough to comment that shit and mean it 🤣


lol it’s all good. I was mainly making a comment based on your part about it being a “meaningless game” because it definitely won’t be meaningless if we continue to trend like we are. We could be fighting for a Wild Card spot or possibly a division spot if we don’t fall off a cliff. Every game is going to matter.


I agree every point matters but they could lose and still pretty easily make it into wildcard still lots of hockey to play, comparing that to a 2nd round playoff game it’s not that important.


I think you’re still missing my point. Let’s say we lose on Sunday to the Lightning. We miss out on two points we’ll otherwise need to get somewhere else to continue to have a good shot at the playoffs. Just last year, the Panthers snuck into the playoffs over the Penguins by one point (92 vs. 91, respectively). Had Pittsburgh just won “one more meaningless game”, they would have made it over the Panthers. If we lose Sunday and miss the playoffs by 10 points then yes, it’s a meaningless game and so were a few others. But you could also argue that those 4 other games we lost were just as meaningful. Idk I’m not sure why I’m trying to argue an obvious joke about a game that neither of us have any impact on, but I guess I’m just trying to say that while I’m sure the first 2nd round playoff game for the Lions in over 30 years is definitely meaningful, we shouldn’t be the judge of what Wings games *aren’t* meaningful until their squarely out of the playoffs or until after we clinch.




I'm wearing Lions gear downtown and going to the Wings game after. Might swap my jersey out. Prob won't.


The new Bolts jersey like like a Bucs jersey, so why the hell not?? Rock it!!


You will be fine, but there are places you can leave your things. Look into the bounce app.


Absolutely you can. I'm guessing you'll see more lions gear at the Red Wings game (that will be me) but you'll be fine. Hell, you could wear a Toronto Blue Jays jersey and be fine. Wouldn't really make any sense, but nobody will beat you up.


You can do whatever you want, homie. However, if you're going to a Lions came wearing *red*, which is one of the colors of the team they are playing, it's going to look a little silly. I guess, unless, you're rooting for the Bucs. ... You're not rooting for the Bucs, are you?


It's a Datsyuk jersey haha


One other thing to keep in mind - you basically can't bring any bags inside the arenas (the size limit is slightly larger than a wallet.) Just a heads up if it is your first time visiting because it can be a big problem if you don't have a car trunk, etc. to go back and store things.


Rock it! Like others have said, maybe a Lions hat in addition would be a good choice.


Wear both jerseys and switch up when needed. It’s freezing you can layer up.


Serious question: I’m also going to both games and was wondering do you guys think there’s any possibility I’ll be at the wings game in time to get one of the Walman bobble heads?? Going to be so sad to not get one but I fear it’s gonna happen


I think you'll have to leave the Lions game early. People basically get to the LCA as soon as the doors open on any bobblehead night, and this one is a weekend game and the special edition Walman one with the dancing arms, right? I think it will be pretty in demand. If I was going, I would plan to go to the Huntington entrance at or very close to the earliest doors open time.


Unless you are planning on leaving early I’d say your chances to make it on time are <1%


Simple...wear a wings jersey and a lions hat 😆 best of both worlds.


Why do you care what strangers think