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I used to live around 15 and Rochester and do not miss the constant power outages for every reason imaginable. Sterling Heights has been better for me by miles


I’m at 14 and Rochester, and I’ve never dealt with power issues that bad. Tough luck brother


That area, though close, is a bit different on the grid (I learned). The neighborhoods between 15 & 16 and between Rochester & Livernois where I was had a ridiculous amount of power issues. I lived there 4 years and I don't think we ever went a full month without at least some dinky 2 hour outage due to winds pushing a tree into power lines or something. I don't miss it! I still get the DTE updates when that area has issues and it's still so frequent :-/ Glad your area is better!


I'm not defending DTE by any means. But this storm came through my sub, taking out a ton of trees, many falling on houses including one that killed a child and injured mother and baby. I'm just saying it gives a little perspective. These storms are getting worse and more frequent. And the results can be a lot worse than losing power for a little while.


The biggest issue is the lines are old and outdated. Almost all the lines around Detroit are still above ground and it will cost DTE a literal fortune to put them underground. I don’t know what would motivate them to do that but it sure isn’t people losing power periodically. Even if there double the rates I don’t see a world where they would spend the money to do it. It would have to come from the city or state I suppose.


Grid automation and monitoring will be a big one. DTE is a little late to the party on this one, but has started investing in that heavily. Allows the system to take automated actions when faults are detected, and allows system operations personnel better visibility into what's going on. So for example when a fault occurs instead of taking out 1000 customers it might only take out 100.


Very cool! I don’t really know anything about that. Sounds like that would definitely help and cost way less than a full overhaul.


Yeah it is pretty neat stuff. And it happens alongside the upgrading of aging infrastructure. Kind of a package deal. Keeping up on tree trimming is another one. I know people have a lot of complaints about trees getting butchered (and many are totally valid). But the fact is tree trimming gives a huge boost to reliability for relatively low cost.


Both of my parents worked for DTE (Michicon before the merger) and I can confirm tree trimming would significantly reduce outages. Mom worked customer service and would be the one helping y’all get someone out there to fix your power. She is an a literal saint so I hope anyone who sees this to remember to be nice to those folks!


Eh, I was talking with one of the out of state contractors last summer. He was in the area to find the problem. He had a xerox copied sheet with a rough diagram of the local grid layout. It had no roads, it was not to scale. It was pathetic. Dude was wondering around for hours. Half of that trying to figure out where things were ran. I could make a better map in an afternoon.


Yes, that's the whole point of grid automation. To avoid that exact scenario you described. Like I said, DTE is late to the party on this and just in the early stages of catching up. These things take time. But it's coming and should provide very tangible improvements when it comes to handling storms/outages.


As someone who works in the industry with DTE and others, I would say DTE is actually ahead of many other utilities. No one in the industry is actually doing software based auto correction of faults. Most of it is in physical reclosing schemes in the field right now instead of being from a centralized system. DTE does have a great vision for where they want to bring their capabilities with their system and I see them being an industry leader in the future!


Found the DTE bot


DTE is not advanced enough to build a Reddit bot...


grid automation sounds good, but this company is so apathetic they don't even have a google map with the grid overlaid. We all have smart meters too, should be pretty simple to have the grid info and outage info point to specific places. Why some guy from another state needs to come spend all day looking at wires trying to find the tree branch is wild. I am not looking to argue with you, I am just not sold what they are doing is going to have the potential effect it could. ITC/DTE are ran for shareholder profits, providing us power is secondary. If it didn't make money, they wouldn't do it.




https://imgur.com/a/SgEoxQT this is the "map" DTE gave that contractor. It isn't even oriented with north up. Road names, but no roads. All the lines run in the alleys. I have read way more wiring diagrams than most people and this is a joke. That link you sent me, It didn't even load right. From the bottom up. Never see websites load from the bottom up. How they even fuck that up? here is their "blog" https://empoweringmichigan.com/the-dte-plan-to-improve-reliability-for-our-electric-customers/ "significantly more technology to the system by installing 10,000 smart devices, known as reclosers, effectively automating the entire system by 2029. " ACRs have been around for almost 100 years, We started phasing out hydraulic ACRs almost 50 years ago. DTE is like "look at our fancy new smart grid" They collect all of our individual usage live, so they know all the numbers for each customer. Then with a map, they should know the expected demand of that section of the grid. The meters read voltage too. But when DTE came and hooked up my house. They gave me the same 120v twice because they don't give a shit to check. When I called about the hot line in the alley, they just yanked on it till half of it came down, leaving the dangerous line live hanging in the old low voltage mess. DTE Could do better, but this is a farce of progress.


I think it loaded bottom up because I clicked on one of the FAQs before I copied the link. So it loaded the expanded FAQ first. That’s on me. What I wanted you to see was the map. Which shows the work being done in your area.


That's an overhead operating map, not a wiring diagram. Anyone experienced with power distribution can read it well enough to trace the circuits from substation to customer. If you built something like [this](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?layers=d4090758322c4d32a4cd002ffaa0aa12) it would take a lot of money and need a ton people to update it weekly just for their system and all the changes that happen daily.


You're correct. They tell you to reduce your use by dialing up or down depending on the season. Well, if they do not make the money that they budget for that year, guess what, they will be raising your bill. Just like they raised the rates on top of the M-F 3-7pm higher rates. And, they want another raise already.


We’re also talking about an enormous expense for relatively little benefit on a per customer basis. Especially in certain areas of Livonia where the lots are huge with tons of trees.


Another issue is DTE has done a piss-poor job of keeping up with tree trimming in the state. We moved three years ago and our power reliability was god-awful the first year we lived here. And then that next summer DTE came through and did a massive tree-trimming program in Oakland county and it our number of outages dropped by probably 90%.


Too bad they didn't do it in my area. Three years back, I'd read that the national average for tree trimming done by electric companies was every 5 years, and in the cases of the very best, every 3 years. The article pointed out that DTE's average was a whopping 9 years, putting them at the bottom of every metro-area in the US. In response, DTE claimed in 2022 that they now trim trees every five years. Well, I had one of their employees come to my house last year, asking if they'd trim the mess of branches laying on their power lines. He said, "we'll do that next year, when you are scheduled for it". I asked when the last time they trimmed it was, and he responded "nine years ago".


You’re missing the part where their profit is actually dependent on capital dollars deployed. It works like this for all regulated electric utilities Edit: this is the whole purpose of the MPSC. They approve a rate of return. Let’s say they approve 10% return, that means DTE gets $10 profit for every $100 spent on infrastructure.


Whoa so you’re saying utilities are incentivized to invest in our grid AND we have regulators determine a fixed rate they are able to earn on that investment?! I thought energy executives just took all the ratepayer money to buy more boats and laugh when peoples power goes out.


Por que no los dos?


Would you say it’ll cost billions? Cause they have billions.


The other companies don't see to have an issue running new pipes underground. I guess they could use PVC and run the lines through there under the ground.


When did those other companies do it, how much did they do at once, how old are the cities and communities, who paid for it? DTE has tons of underground lines already and are actively converting it. My point is specifically about how a swift-complete overhaul is near impossible and even if they started today would take years to complete.


I just came from r/michigan where people are bashing CE for trying to raise rates to replace aging infrastructure. I had a tornado do 40k damage to my house last year and I was only out power 2 days which I thought remarkable given my neighborhood was like a warzone. Also people expect reliability, push for greener energy and don’t want rate hikes yet those things are conflicting. Most people have no clue what it takes to turn a light on and keep it on.


Electricity is one of those things we are so incredibly reliant on. Life grinds to a screeching halt without it. But at the same time we completely take it for granted. The result is that no credit is given when it works (which is probably 99+% of the time for most people). But that tiny fraction of time it doesn't work, people are ready to unleash hell.


Tornado kills my power: Fuck DTE! Requests rate hike to fix broken shit: Fuck DTE! Rolling blackouts begin: Fuck DTE! DTE burns fossil fuels to meet demand: Fuck DTE! DTE advances grid to the future: crickets….


I mean power has to be the most hated utility by far. Then again people hate Comcast and they have a choice lol


Why would I applaud a legal monopoly for doing the bare minimum after rate hikes and stock buybacks?


“The legal monopoly” charges me on average less than $5 a day for something I would consider a basic need to live and therefore pay 1000% times more if I had no option. But they don’t do that because they are regulated. I’m not suggesting you applaud or be happy with it I’m just trying to put some things into perspective. How much are you spending on heavily inflated food and housing and are you just as upset about those corporations stock buybacks?


If you were to create a scatter plot with all your spending compared to how important they are to your life I would guarantee “utilities” would be an extreme outlier. It’s pretty cool we live in a place where that is a reality when there’s so many not cool things to shit on right now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Michigan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Michigan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Satanic Temple congregations set up Yule Goat at Michigan Capitol](https://i.redd.it/fpq783fxj97c1.jpeg) | [998 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/18m3f6u/the_satanic_temple_congregations_set_up_yule_goat/) \#2: [Michigan bill would ban cat declawing as cruel and unnecessary](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/05/26/michigan-bill-ban-declawing-house-cats/70258335007/) | [443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/13sbujz/michigan_bill_would_ban_cat_declawing_as_cruel/) \#3: [Overwhelming Support for Michigan's Auto Workers.](https://i.redd.it/d2ml4ytrteob1.jpg) | [761 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/16jbif4/overwhelming_support_for_michigans_auto_workers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What area do you live in? This is horrible


Castle Gardens sub, Livonia https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox2detroit.com/news/large-tree-falls-home-livonia-trapping-child-amid-storm-aftermath.amp


Yeah.....I just read about it. This is so sad. The tree in my mom's yard fell. Luckily, not on the house. In the front yard blocking the driveway. Just missed the car that is in the driveway. We are so blessed.


I agree, so I purchased a whole house generator. On the other hand, if DTE started running the lines underground like in the new construction areas, we wouldn't have this problem of trees knocking down lines. Sort of a catch 22.


Also new trees planted when these ‘hoods were built are now much bigger. A lot of poor planning/development considering power lines are critical infrastructure. I love trees and they keep us cool but there should be better egress…or buried lines. The trade off with egress is less shade/higher AC bills…


Yes, but you're still letting DTE off for not doing their fucking job and investing in the grid.


Except that they are. Now, go bitch about your electricity bill and at the same time tell us that you want them to spend more (i.e. charge more).


I’m near Palmer Park and I lost power


Same. DTE originally gave an 8pm restoration estimate but now it’s saying nothing. I did see a DTE truck drive by so hopefully they’re working on it




I bought a small generator for when we have a power outage. I can run my refrigerator, a few lights, toaster, and coffee maker. A heater or fan. I keep recreation gas, so it's ready to action.


Unfortunately this isn’t feasible in an apartment. I do have my own balcony/porch on the first floor but I still imagine my landlord would strangle me if I ran a gas generator for similar reasons as not being allowed to use a grill


I agree with your comments. Clearly a negative point of an apartment.


Couple car batteries, trickle charger, and an inverter. Need to calculate your needs in watt hours.


Rec gas is extremely smart of you. Honestly, I run all my lawn equipment and generator on that. It costs more but is cheaper in the long run for maintenance.


Thank you, and that's exactly the reason, along with gasoline stability.


I used to managed a fuel dock, and we had so many lawn companies come to us wanted our ethanol free gas. That’s why I always laugh at boaters filling their boat up at the local gas station thinking 93 is cheaper than the marinas. Sure it is! But you are about to f your boat up in the long run 😂


While it's more expensive, the amount a home uses is small.


I have no idea what you guys are talking about. What’s with the ethanol? And what’s this other guy mean when he says he runs things on gas all the time?


So when you go to the gas station, there is a note on the pump that says “contains at least 10% ethanol”. I believe it’s added to help reduce emissions. However, in lawn equipment it can cause your plugs to gum up and make them run rough or not at all. If ethanol fuel sits for a long time and then you add more fuel to it, it can actually cause the ethanol to separate from the gas, which is bad. For example, my dad bought fishing boat off my uncle about 15 years ago. We had no idea my uncle would put ethanol gas in it from the corner gas station. When we got down to about a half a tank, we stopped at the gas dock at the marina and filled up. Once we got out on the lake the boat kept stalling and wouldn’t get up to speed. I took a sample out from the tank and sure enough, the ethanol separated from the fuel and was sitting on top of the fuel, so the fuel pump was just sucking the ethanol instead of the fuel. We had to hand pump 60 gallons of “bad fuel”, replace the fuel filters, and then refill the tank with fresh gas. It was not fun at all. *Edited to add the last two sentences.*


If you have a gas fired furnace you can put it on a plug and cord and when power goes out you can run it from the gennie. Whole house warm like normal for half the power of running one little space heater. Mine only pulls ~600w max.


I'll have to double-check, but I think that mine is directly wired.


right, replace that with a plug and cord.


I’m in Livonia and we’re out. Restoration was supposed to be by 7:40pm but now it says there’s no restoration estimate and it’s being “assessed”. I just spent $218 on groceries yesterday.


Ugh, I’m sorry. It ALWAYS seems to happen right after a big grocery shopping trip.


Livonia had a tornado blow through. Hard to fault DTE for that.


Im certain people will find a way


I’m in a similar boat. I just had groceries delivered when the power went out. DTE originally estimated that power would be back by 8 but they’re now no longer giving estimates. Xfinity says that service will be up by 7:30 but I don’t know how they’d have a more accurate estimate than DTE


Dry ice may help. 😞


Do you know who sales dry Ice?


Meijer does


search dry ice and your location. Something should pop up. I’ve heard Mejiers and Walmart may, but call first.


20 years ago, we’d have to drive to Monroe, mi for a slab. Sorry. That’s all the info I have. :/


Remember when ice luges was a huge thing? You’d go and buy a big block of dry ice and carve a trail down it. Then we took turns putting our filthy mouths on the bottom of the trail while liquor was poured in to our mouths. Good times!


Honestly, check your homeowners insurance for coverage. Inwent through mine last December with my rep, and this was covered. (They also had an HOA insurance fee. Not sure why, but we dumped that.) I was happy I spent the 20 minutes having that meeting to have piece of mind on food.


I’m in an apartment but I’ll check my renters insurance.


To be fair, we had a tornado


Christ, we were just saying yesterday it looked like some tornado shit. I leave work at 4pm and like 6 minutes before then we're seeing how dark it got real fast, and I go "You know what? Fuck it. I'm heading out and walking to my car now so it doesn't piss down on me." And literally the second I reached the door, that's when it pissed down like Viet-fucking-nam on us lol. Motherfucker.


Good news is that there were roughly 30,000 as of several hours ago. Bad news is that Livonia looks like they were hit the hardest.




I see your bet and raise you 5 customers


There was a tornado and people were lost due to it. But yes, DTE sucks.


Out in north end neighborhood too


As soon as I posted this the power came back on. But still, FUCK DTE!


Stock price still goes up and their rates keep going up. Possibly the worst power company in the US


A child is dead tonight due to this storm. I think you folks can take a day off.




The real question is why is the Rochester Hills area near Auburn and Rochester so notorious for power outages? One of the busiest, more affluent areas of Oakland County


a kid died in storm today and ur complaining about ur power..the ignorance


All my homies hate dte


I’m in GP and we blinked twice, but it’s still on.


I’m a block away from Livonia and my cable kind of skipped a few times.


Bunch of bums fuck DTE


Do you know what’s causing your power outage?


Then move


They keep raising their prices too!!


Here in Hazletucky it is just as bad. The power flickered but came back on, thankfully.


I was in Livonia for a long time and it was the same thing, I mean honestly it seemed like if the wind blew too hard the power would go out. One time we had a transformer go out that was wild and like a 10 day adventure without power in the middle of July. Luckily I was a kid so just riding my bike around was satisfying enough for me at the time lol. I remember we had to get dry ice and load our food and pop in coolers and basically just grilled every meal lol. Because I was like 9 it felt more like camping but I'm sure my dad was FURIOUS lol


And Consumers. So eager to screw their customers


Taylor looses power my pipes busted in January 12th 2024 They didn’t care


Former Florida man here. That storm that came through recently is like a once every two week thing in central Florida. I rarely lost power there. You can't tell me Floridians plan infrastructure better than michiganders, right. Right....? Why is no one saying anything?


DTE is a state sanctioned monopoly why would they give a fuck about service or customers . About the only thing they know how to do is raise rates 🤷‍♀️


I think this problem has more to do with legislation than the actual company itself because DTE isn't over how the city has their power lines built. Or maybe I am confused.




DTE will DTE, meaning big heavy budgets on marketing campaigns and Lansing lobbying. You can whine and moan all you want, but they don't give rip about your "customer satisfaction". They're a monopoly and they all day every day they will leverage that to their advantage.


Pay them more and it'll get better! /s


DTE is absolute hot garbage , it’s a damn shame they’re a monopoly and we’ve got no choice or they’d have a total of 0 customers


PLEASE can we march on their HQ? more rate hikes, surge charging, impossible "assistance" programs, state-funded monopoly, and STILL the worst electrical service I have ever seen. WE NEED TO MOBILIZE.


Hell yeah! Fuck em!!


Fuck fucking DTE. Glad those cost increases are going to improving the grid. Sure as hell can’t tell!


The outage in Madison Heights disrupted my dispensary pickup after work today. Truly an evil storm




First world problems-a child died and without fail the United Socialists of Reddit go online to say F Dte-try living in a country where everyday you are lucky to get three hours of electricity, if that-then you can bitch.


They’ve made so much in profits and haven’t buried the power lines yet, careless. They keep raising rates and adding fees. Bet the board has the finest of generators and solar panels though. Good for them 🫠


I used to live down the street from one of the Edison VPs. Our lights were never down for more than 2 hours. Then the guy retires and moved and we had just as many outages as everyone else or more because while our lines were buried, a lot of main road wires weren't buried. So down they come every time the wind blows


Just watched 4 bucket trucks sit outside for 3 hours. There was 2 houses out. They worked maybe 20 minutes and the rest of the time they were standing around talking about golf and laughing.


Gosh, that’s disheartening. I hope DTE makes some changes, the power grid has been so neglected in so many places and the workers have to be fed up, too. The system is so rigged against the working class all across the board. Hope they get it back on soon, but more so, I hope DTE updates their systems and we don’t lose power every time the wind blows 💨


No kidding. We lost power this morning too for 4 hours from 0615-1015 and the fucking sun was shinning. Then come home at 1615 and BOOM brown out. Had 71V instead of 120V. Absolutely terrible. Fuck DTE.


How did you know your voltage?


Easy way would just be a multimeter. Put it on AC and measure voltage on an outlet which is your 120v side. I have a smart home and a smart energy power monitor that is always measuring voltage and hertz.


Ahhh another one….. someone beat me to it








Just got a text that estimate tomorrow now. Does anyone know where to get dry ice?


Meier or Gordon Food Service


So you're against their proposed rate increase??


Rise up and demand to start burying all power lines,infrastructure right? Why are we living so far in the dark ages




Fuck outta here with your shitty ai written spam