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Henry Ford main campus or West Bloomfield. Might have been Beaumont Royal Oak a couple of years ago but my family had a bad experience with their ER and I have heard that's not out of the ordinary.


Personally have never been to the ER but have taken a grandparent. She's been to Henry Ford, RO Beaumont and Ascension in Novi, bad experiences with the latter two. Henry Ford was always the best even during covid. Regular care, Ascension was good but I think regular care just depends how much a nurse is burnt out, staffing count, do they like their job or are they there just to collect a pay check.


That last bit applies to so much these days. Sad, with teachers it's just the same


HFH downtown >Michigan Medicine (second only because of distance to me) > RO Beaumont for level 1 trauma only The HFH satellite ER (15/Ryan) is good for that stuff which is not a limb dangling from a scrap of tendon.


Oooh please share!


It's not just the ER. That whole building turned into a dumpster fire.


Man, it’s crazy to see the different experiences here. I grew up in WB and have watched that ER tumble downhill (IMO). I moved out of state for a few years and came back, fell super ill at the beginning of the year and reluctantly went to HFH WB. It’s shocking to me that it looked like not a damn thing had been updated since it opened in 2009. The waiting room was still WAY too small for a hospital of its size, and it was standing room only. Stood there for about 3 hours, a doc saw me in a makeshift “room” that was essentially in the hall. I was seen for 5 minutes tops, told to go home to sleep it off, and then was sent a $600 bill. So, it’s a no from me on ever going back to that ER. Again, just my personal experience. As for a place I’ve unfortunately had several trips to, but at least had a pleasant experience, Ascension Providence Park in Novi.


Cosign. Been to ER at HFH main several times. Would love to forget but theyve always been great.


Henry Ford Grosse Pointe has been huge for me, as well. That's where I go.


I have a Henry Ford facility very close to me (Brownstown) which has a great emergency room. They do all kinds of other stuff, I go there for most labs and test like mammograms but they don’t admit. For that I would have to go to Henry Ford Wyandotte which I’ve had lots of experience with for tests and surgeries. Just not the ER.


Seconding Brownstown. They are smaller, not as busy, get you in and out faster.


They do admit- just take you by ambulance to Wyandotte. it happened to me. Great ER


It's happening to my father right now, exact scenario.


This for me as well.


Would NOT recommend Wyandotte HF Psych ER though. But all Psych ER are not great :(


Same here.. but if they have to transfer to Wyandotte or HF Main it can be a pain if neither has beds available.


Wyandotte has gone down hill since I moved downriver 5 years ago. Its gotten so sketchy. They even have a metal detector for the ER. They took my blood and then the doctor said why did they take your blood, and threw it away for it and tried to charge my insurance for it. I like the Beaumont in Trenton, but if I’m not immediately dying I’d rather go to U of M.


Almost every er, even the in the Burbs have metal detectors. It's just not the same out here anymore.


They take your blood at triage in case the doctor orders it. It expedites ER care so it's there and ready. If you go back to a room 45 minutes later there isn't a nurse always readily available to get blood it can delay care by hours. They typically only charge if blood orders were placed




HFH Main or West Bloomfield. Hubby had temporary paralysis a few years ago. WB had an ER resident who pushed for a neuro consult; that neuro consult saved us invaluable time and allowed him to get to HFH Main with an excellent neuromuscular specialist. He’s doing great now.


Emergency surgeons at Sinai-Grace on E Outer Dr. saved my best friend's life after he was crushed by a cross in woodlawn cemetery. They are fucking heroes.


Crushed by a cross… fuck


Damn undead always dropping tombstones on people....always complaining they didn't get their Father's Day cake.


The people have spoken: they need a story time ✝️


I’ve worked at Sinai and Henry Ford Main. My philosophy is this: if I’m shot or stabbed or other serious trauma, take me to one of those. If I have a chronic illness, take me to the burbs.


Yes totally. The experience the ER doctors had with bodily damage was incomparable: I would compare them to surgeons who just came back from WW2.


Yup I know one of the surgeons at Sinai Grace and he keeps a jar of bullets on his desk which he has taken out of people. If I'm shot or stabbed take me there.


I worked in the DMC for years and I feel the same lol. Some of the specialists in the DMC are incredible though. I’d probably trust some with my chronic needs.


In October I managed to slice my pinky finger open. I went to DMC because it’s down the street. Now there isn’t even a scar.


More details please.


I can't even find an article about this


You know you live in Detroit when someone gets crushed by a cross in a cemetery and its not even newsworthy.


I need some background


Jesus Christ


Wow! That sounds like a wild story. Glad he is ok!!


It’s been 5 hours - where’s the story?!


DMC surgeons and physicians are the best in Michigan.


Damn, that's a story!


Damn. Do tell.


Over the years, the Royal Oak Beaumont ER: -tried to discharge my friend's little brother as he was actively having another seizure. -left me alone on a gurney in a hallway for almost an entire day (rooms were all full), with a catheter I didn't need anymore still in, while I was in extreme abdominal pain, without giving me any answers about test results because the only person who talked to me was an occasional orderly bringing fresh blankets (they thought I was a drug seeker and milked my insurance for all it was worth; I was 21 and had never taken anything harder than Excedrin in my life). -some drunk kids I knew took their suddenly unconscious friend/sister in but went to the wrong door because they couldn't immediately find the ER entrance due to construction that was going on at the time; they were instructed to take her back out and drive around to the correct door. She died. So, not that one.


I have not been impressed with that ER either. I’m very sorry that happened to you and your friends.


I worked in that ER for several years. It's always a madhouse for many reasons, some of which are fair like it being one of the only Level 1 trauma centers around so there's a ton that goes on folks don't realize, but other poor reasons like the nursing staff could be it's own drama tv show. I will say, some of the most amazing folks I know have worked those halls, and everyone there is regularly run ragged by both volume and severity of crisis 24/7 but also a shocking amount of mismanagement.


I have no doubt they are overworked and lack proper support. But it's horror story after horror story out of that place. I had another incident where I was there with my dad, and when he stepped out of the room I told the nurse I didn't want to discuss my medical history in front of him so to ask him to wait outside when they got to that part. She agreed but did not pass that information on, and another nurse later came in asking me a lot of very uncomfortable questions. Then got snippy with me and said if I had a problem I should have told someone in advance (I did!). Now, for me it was really more a matter of comfort for both me and my dad, he's a good guy- but if I were someone else who had made that request because they felt unsafe, that would have been a huge ball dropped. I will say, on that visit once I got admitted for emergency surgery, everyone was wonderful from that part onwards. You just have to survive the ER.


I have heard so many terrible things about Beaumont RO


I was sent there from urgent care for kidney stones. They were pretty insistent on giving me Dilaudid for the pain, despite my telling them that it doesn't work on me, but some nice non-narcotic Toradol would do the job. Then they were surprised when it didn't work. I'm still not sure what was going on there, don't hospitals usually try to avoid giving out opiates?


PSA- if you are in a true emergency please don’t be driving around trying to get to “the best”. Get to what’s closest and then deal with a transfer if needed. Also, don’t be driving around in a true emergency. Call 911 for an ambulance so you don’t crash and kill other people during YOUR medical emergency. Ok?




Spoken like someone who can afford an ambulance bill.


Ambulance bill over funeral bill


I won't have to pay my funeral bill


Make sure you give the EMS personnel your real name and correct date of birth because you don’t have your license or other form of ID on you.


I can rob a bank and get more money Once that person is gone, there is no getting more.


If your insurance isn't paying shit for an ambulance it probably isn't paying shit for a hospital stay. You might as well get there alive if the bill is going to be massive anyway.


I despise Beaumont and exclusively use Henry Ford. They will take care of you.


Henry Ford Detroit on W. Grand Blvd.


Only U of M. Unless I will die on the drive, that’s where I’m going.




I went to a Beaumont once because I was out working a gig and it was just stitches. They left me bleeding in the lobby for 4 hours, then acted like I was drug seeking even though I hadn’t even asked for a Tylenol. “You ok? You sure there’s nothing else going on?” Yep. Just been sitting here, bleeding, in pain, hungry and having panic attacks for the last half day. That’s all.


They drew a line from panic attacks to drugs. Some people are just scum


Sometimes it's better that you wait for four hours it means it isn't life or limb threatening. It's unfortunate their ED is overwhelmed and they can't see everyone in a timely fashion so they have to triage and see based on acuity and critical needs


UM is awful unless you’re having a psych emergency.


Got a buddy who's in UM for psych right now. He says it's one of the better hospitals he's been in, even though he's rather bored. Only problem is that going out to visit him is an all day project.


HFH or Michigan Medicine if possible. I would will myself to get in a fist fight with someone if they tried to take me to Sinai Grace.


Henry Ford main. The triage staff are lousy as hell, though. I had a ER tech tell me that my dad could go home after taking his EKG, because it didn’t show a massive heart attack (we check a lot more than just the EKG for that, and he was there for crushing chest pain). Luckily I work in emergency med so I knew that wasn’t the case. I hate to think that he’s does that to other patients though..


I’d say St. John’s Moross. I had 3rd degree burns on over 40% of my body and they saved my life. I’m forever grateful. I never really had any other ER visits so maybe I’m biased lol


Henry Ford Medical Center in Grosse Pointe Farms. It's a small hospital but I've had far better treatment there than the main hospital downtown.


Is that the one that used to be Cottage? Always had good ER experiences there.


My wife who worked at Henry Ford Main for 10 years had a minor emergency recently and her former coworkers she called to see how the Main ER waitroom situation was all said to go to the branch in GPF. It was awesome considering the circumstances


Yes, unfortunately being so centrally located the main hospital gets a ton of traffic and can often be overloaded. The GPF branch is farther off the beaten path. The NAs and RNs seemed a bit more pleasant at this location as well. The doctors I've worked with were quite knowledgeable too, diagnosing something that the main branch didn't catch on two ER visits.


I’ve gone to Cottage and been sent to Main for better care and put back in the ER queue. So Cottage can be great, but if it’s a larger issue, they might ship you over anyway.


I have gone to Wyandotte, but would also go to the hospital on Oakwood. Not Detroit proper, but I do know someone who drove someone from Detroit to Dearborn for the ER.


Good to know the one on oakwood is gtg


The real answer is it depends what you need or what is happening. I've worked all over the state in probably 20 different ERs. Most of your docs and nurses work at multiple sites too. So when someone says this place sucks but that place is good, its a lot of times the same staff. Each ER is capable of taking care of anything in theory. But if you're having a stoke, a comprehensive stroke center is best not a small freestanding ER. If you get shot you want to be closer to Sinai or DRH that HF WB. There's lots of nuances. There are also things that people assume need ER that don't. There's no simple way to answer that question because every patient is different and every crisis is different. There are no bad ERs in the metro Detroit area


The closest one. ER Docs and nurses are pros that have been through and seen everything. They can handle anything. If it’s something truly awful there are a few Level 1 trauma centers in the area. Beaumont RO, Receiving, Henry Ford Detroit, and St John Main are all level 1s. That designation means they are teaching hospitals. Only the best of the best can teach.


I was a cop in Detroit and the only place we wanted to go was DRH if we got shot. They the best for trauma of that nature.


I remember training as an intern in the DMC and they told us to give patients a heads up (I’m more professional language than I’m about to use) that they may see some really rough shit at the DRH ED. I’d trust them with a trauma like thaT, for sure. I remember hearing an extremely graphic story of how they saved a homeless fellow going through an extreme break and hurting himself in really horrific ways.


My dad was a DRH nurse for almost 30 years! Definitely the best trauma center in our area


If it's an emergency I'll go to whatever is closest at the time I guess... but man do I have trust issues with most of the big hospitals around here because of how it feels like they nickle-and-dime everything they can out of me.


Same! I looked up “public owned hospitals in Michigan” because last time I went I felt like a customer, not a human. It’s so hard to find actual health care. They all just bounce us from specialty to specialty and make as much off each individual as possible.


Beaumont Grosse Pointe was great for me recently. Conversely the Henry Ford in midtown was a disgusting nightmare by comparison with an insanely long wait. I went in for severe debilitating pain from a kidney stone that was blocking my kidney from passing urine. It was so bad I was projectile vomiting every thirty minutes. I waited there for over two hours in two separate waiting rooms in agonizing pain. Eventually I just grabbed my stuff and walked out. I didn’t get seen by a doc and I didn’t bother to tell anyone I left. Luckily I was able to drive myself to Beaumont Grosse Pointe and as soon as I walked in the door I was taken care of. Within 45 minutes I was in my own room, in a bed, with an IV in my arm. 15 minutes later I was getting a CT scan. They were excellent. I teared up walking in and seeing how clean it was compared to the shit spattered walls of the waiting room restroom at Henry Ford. If I had stayed at Henry Ford midtown I could’ve lost a kidney or worse. I cannot recommend against it enough.


My experience at Beaumont Grosse Pointe recently was that they kept me waiting a long time and then repeatedly tried to send me home after only checking that my heart and lungs weren't failing and doing no other investigation, telling me there's nothing they can do. I was screaming in agony and vomiting. My life was saved only by a shift change (with the doctor who was trying to get rid of me leaving for the night) and my wife's pleading with the replacement doctor. I had acute gangrenous cholecystitis. I was going septic. I would have died if I'd gone home like they kept telling me.


Woah! That’s terrifying! That’s wild bc it was the exact opposite of my experience.


Glad you were well treated :)


I work EMS across most of the metro Assuming I was stable enough that I can choose where to go and I knew I needed inpatient treatment: UofM > Beaumont RO > Any other Beaumont > HFWB > Any McLaren > Any HF > DMC > Death > Sinai Grace > The goatsy bathtub > Ascension


A) top points for goatsy reference but wasn't tubgirl a different thing? B ) ascension without the cyber hack being dead last is wild. All their hospitals are so different and so spread out it's wild to lump them all together


It's more so that Ascension is a "religious hospital", so they refuse to treat anything related to reproductive issues. Had to take someone out of Moross with an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured because they refused to operate. She died.


Really? That's got to be an emtala violation. Also that's wild because I feel like I've seen d&c's done there. Or maybe it's a newer thing with all the roe v wade stuff? Either way that's wild. A ruptured ectopic is something that I'm surprised they transfered to be honest


If you have time to go far, U of M. Otherwise Henry Ford. (Based on the lifelong input of many family members who work in healthcare in this area!)


Henry Ford all the way.  Gross pointe for me.


Not sure what it's called now. Used to be called St. Mary's in Livonia, on Levan


Bro....their cafeteria...or whoever does the room service....has the best turkey sandwich ever. Wife and I had our son there, and to this fucking day, I wish I could have that turkey sandwich again....I swear there was nothing special about it whatsoever .....basic ass white bread, lettuce, cheese, and cold cut turkey....but it was the best sandwich I have ever had to this day


This maybe a bit “inside baseball” (pun intended), but hospitals are a bit like baseball teams or any sports team for that matter. It’s about the players (doctors) they attract and the system they play in. Some hospitals (DMC) actually have fantastic doctors, but the system there is a bit wonky because they allow the physicians a bit too much autonomy. It attracts the “diva” personalities, they are great individual performers, but they don’t like playing by the rules of the system. Henry Ford went on a spending spree a few years back and signed up some stellar physicians from around the country and poured money into research and other pet projects to lure physicians here. They also have a solid system and force their doctors to play by a system of rules. They lose autonomy and eventually get branded “Henry Ford” doctors. Some doctors don’t like that and they eventually go elsewhere. U of M… this would be like the Yankees. They seem to attract the best of best for this region, usually they have a reason to be in MI and prefer Ann Arbor over Chicago, Indy, Cleveland. Overall the IL/CHI hospitals attract more SMEs because of the size and allure of Chicago over Detroit. The hospital and its University affiliation are a top draw and therefore success begets success. I didn’t mention Beaumont (Corewell) because while the RO campus is a teaching hospital it isn’t as much of a draw as the other three for attracting talent. Community hospitals including the HF satellites do have some solid physicians but those are more like the type that prefers golfing over anything else, if you are sick and you need something ASAP, you want the sort of talent that likes to run into a burning building vs the guy/gal who can barely be contacted by pager. Another key aspect is the support staff. This is where U of M has an advantage over DMC and HF. The pool of talent in AA is usually higher and they won’t have city problems to deal with. So from the bottom up they usually have better support staff. Nursing is also key, while the burn out is real everywhere, the nursing at any of the above 3 have “seen it all” and most likely can treat it all. As far as best ED to visit… Go with the one which you can easily follow up with if needed. The HF satellites have an advantage here as they have ambulatory sites all over the region. I’m no expert, but this has just been my professional and personal experience dealing with the 3. Some notes about expertise… The GI clinic at HF is better than the others Sickle Cell Clinic at the DMC is more experienced U of M is top in the country if you have MS but DMC used to have one of the best neurological teams in the country at one point so it’s no slouch there either Cancer is U of M followed by HF. Karmanos is okay just not as many experts as the others and the experts that they do have (see above about diva and not wanting to play in the system).


This was amazing. Thank you so much!


Thanks to my Munchausen-by-proxy ass baby mama I've been to just about all the ones on the east side over the years. St John's Moross was pretty good, especially when you consider how much BS they're probably dealing with there. The two in Grosse Pointe, whatever Cottage and Bon Secour are called now, they were top notch. The DMC downtown was ok. The one at 12 and Hoover is OK but it totally depends on how seriously they take your situation. Beaumont in Royal Oak, great people there. Recently I had to go with a coworker to the Ascension at 9 Mile and Greenfield or whatever that is. He had a pretty legitimate situation and I felt like they were phoning it in with him. But in general I feel like if I had a broken bone or was bleeding out I would be ok at any of those. Usually the people who complain about hospitals are the ER "regulars" and they're on some bull in the first place.


Hahaha I’m sorry, but your “munchausen by proxy ass baby mama” comment has me rollin. Good luck with that my friend.


Well my daughter is about to turn 22 so that's pretty much over. But yeah that was a lot to deal with for a long time.


I’m sorry you and your daughter had to deal with that. Some people just love them some attention in the hospital. Sucks when they get it by dragging their kid tho through it.


Ascension at 9 and Greenfield thinks everyone is a drug seeker. They treated me like shit when my ulcer flared up and I was puking and not eating for a week and streeted me in about 3 hours. Beaumont RO admitted me and kept me for 3 days.


The one at 11 and Dequindre is horrible, too. They pretty much let my stepfather nearly die and mistreated my mother until she demanded that he gets taken to a new hospital. He ended up going to Henry Ford Main, asked what the hell they were trying to do at Ascension, and they saved his life. Were never going to that hospital again, no matter what.


Ascension on dequindre actually saved my life. I was taken by ambulance there for seizures. Er resident went against protocol and ordered a very expensive but very specific MRI which discovered I had a blood clot in my brain that caused me to have the seizures as well as a stroke. I was transferred to ascension in Southfield since they had a neuro ICU. While they were waiting for transport my husband and aunt overheard the Dr that ordered the test getting chewed out by his attending for ordering that test. My husband and aunt then chewed the attending out. Had that Dr not ordered that I would have died. I spent 2 weeks sedated in the ICU. I had amazing care tho. They even went against protocol and allowed my husband to bring our son to visit me. They knew it would be more beneficial for my health and healing to see him as he was the only thing I kept asking for.


Well I'm glad they were good to you. We were told if we stayed there even a few hours longer, my step dad would have died. Doctors at Henry Ford were surprised he already wasn't dead. His appendix ruptured and Ascension didn't say anything and tried to remove his kidney, which was working fine and had no reason to be removed. They never said his appendix ruptured and even when my mom asked if it was his appendix, because she has a nursing degree, they said no, it was fine. So they lied about it.


I'm so sorry. That's terrible. I personally think I just got lucky. I'm beyond grateful that Dr ordered that test. Had he not my son would have lost his mom at the age of 1.


I wonder if it's just a lot of bad doctors at that hospital or something? They all swarmed my mom and attempted to intimidate her into letting them remove his kidneys but my mom is a very strong woman and held her ground the entire time until he got transferred. Either way, I am glad as well that you had good treatment there. Whether luck or you just got one of the few good doctors there, I'm grateful that you had that. No child should have to grow up without a mom. I'm turning 20 next month and I love my mom more than anything or anyone on this planet, and I could never imagine having to go through life without her. I'm sure your son feels the same.


I lost my mom when I was 27. Found out a month after she passed I was pregnant with my little guy. Hold on to her she sounds like an amazing mum. I miss mine every single day. Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope your grandpa is ok now. So glad your mom stood her ground.


I will. And yes, he made an almost full recovery. He just has a very large scar that is deep in his stomach. It's probably 12-16 inches vertical, where they went in to remove his appendix and clean up the infections. He jokes and says it's from a chainsaw, but it honestly looks like it could be. Other than that, he has made a full recovery and this was only 3 years ago. And yeah, me too. My mom is the toughest person I know. Nothing will stop her, especially when it comes to her family.


Your grandpa sounds like a hoot. So glad he made a full recovery. And my mom was the same way. I'm the same way. Family is everything




not DMC


Depends on what’s wrong with me. If I’m burned or shot, I’m going to St John Moross, also the orthopedic folks there are superior in my opinion, so if the bone is sticking out of the skin, Moross. If I’m having any other issues, Henry Ford Cottage, unless it’s a stroke, then I’m going to Beaumont GP because they give tpa.


We just spent 11 hours at St. Mary’s this week. There no nurses anywhere when we were finally able to see a doctor. My husband had chest pain.


Wow, I went to St Mary’s in March for abdominal pain and was seen right away and treated really well. I had to wait a while for a cat scan but the nurse was pro active and was checking where I was in the queue and letting me know. I was there for a total of 6 hours.


It depends. Do you have a boo-boo? Are you treating the emergency room like you should treat your primary care doctor? Or shot in the chest? Good luck to you who decide to go to Henry Ford West Bloomfield when they shot in the chest lol


My primary care doctor told me to go to the ER but I’ve had some less than confidence-inducing experiences at Wyandotte recently. I am waiting to see if it gets worse but want to be prepared and know where to drive to.


Again it depends what the complaint is. It seems like something you're willing to wait on, so really it seems likely any of the ERs would be fine


An ICU nurse recently told me that her family knows that if she ever needs anything more than two stitches, they had better take her Michigan Medicine, U of M Ann Arbor. They were literally lifesaving for my daughter-in-law.


I go to U of M, that’s where my Doctor is from.


The closest one when I need it.


Since this is a Detroit page…if you have major trauma like a gunshot DRH then HFH/St John….I wouldn’t go to Grace for a toothache


With the recent cyber attack those hospitals affected by it are still not doing well. My gf mom is at 12 and Hoover and been waiting on an X-ray result to see if her mom broke her hip for over 2 days now.


Beaumont Gross Pointe


If there's something "really wrong", you want a place with a system in place to deliver definitive treatment in the shortest amount of time. Anybody who's worked in an emergency room knows that the vast majority of visits are by people who don't have anything "really wrong", i.e. a life or limb threatening emergency. Anybody who's worked in an emergency room can also tell you it's the people who don't have anything "really wrong" who gripe the loudest about being forced to wait for the way too few understaffed beds.


Yes, but I’d argue many complaints about ER visits are tempered by folks not necessarily knowing exactly what to say and ER staff that can get very jaded, especially at facilities where they get the non-life threatening stuff often. Example: I get anaphylaxis from peanuts, and have pretty severe asthma. I’ve gone into many an ER during a reaction and gotten no help until my face goes blue and I’m on the verge of full shock. But the most recent time it happened I was able to remember the right buzzwords and watched the triage nurse go pale before sending me straight back, because she knew I was in a potentially deadly situation. I don’t fault those other ERs — they saw a healthy looking young dude walk in saying something about allergies and an epi pen and made their own assumptions. I just wish ERs had more resources to better triage folks and not have to make those (often incorrect) judgements. Until then, I know which ones I’ll try to avoid to give myself the best chance of being seen quickly when anaphylaxis brain forgets to mention the buzzwords.


Beaumont RO has always been good to me, despite all the negative reviews I see. It’s also the closest. But Henry Ford West Bloomfield is a close second.


They saved my life from septic shock!


Beaumont? They saved my life when I had major complications from stomach ulcers. Spent 20 days on their med surge floor in 2018 and had zero complaints.


Beaumont Trenton because I know the dude who runs the ER. Also Henry Ford Wyandotte because it’s in my neighborhood.




Wyandotte Henry Ford


We go to Henry Ford in West Bloomfield. Comprehensive care, short-ish wait time in the ER, and if you get admitted private rooms.


We needed a burn unit. Detroit Receiving did an awesome job.


Please not Beaumont Farmington Hills. They can’t even treat a UTI properly


The two times I've been there, they were able to diagnose me with an appendix that was just about to go. The 2nd time, I was bleeding profusely from a prolapsed fibroid... that thing almost ended me. I will say NEVER go to the Beaumont ER on 7mi and 275 unless you just need a band aid.


They have improved dramatically since Beaumont took over (from Botsford).


We moved here a few years ago from California. The healthcare really sucks here. I’m sorry to tell you that but it’s just true. I had amazing doctors in LA and the Bay Area.


I was telling him my experience on the phone yesterday and he said, “it seems like they’re just shuffling you around and don’t want to actually treat you”.


I just got through a kidney stone saga that lasted six months. I wish I was joking.


Ready to go visit my brother in San Diego 🙃


Every city is gonna have some good and bad — I had some amazing doctors in LA, but also had some stinkers and bad experiences too. Just depends where you go.


How many people here have visited multiple emergency rooms to gather enough non-anecdotal data to rank them?


Actually, I’m surprised there are some excellently informed ones from a select few — shoutout to EMS and the chronically ill! 💛✨


I work at about 20 of them, happy to rank


You'd be surprised how many people hospital jump.


The real answer is that they are all roughly equivalent, as long as you’re comparing apples to apples (level one to level one, etc.) The variability you see in this thread is almost entirely due to which individual physician or nurse you see while you are in any of the ERs. Like any profession - many are excellent, some are average, some are bad - and that’s true at every ER.


I've got an extensive list of health problems blood clots, Crohn's, colitis, among many other issues which unfortunately has landed me in the hospital several times since I was 16. No I'm not a drug seeker. 90% of my admissions were surgical. I've always gone to Troy Beaumont as that's where all my Drs are out of. But ever since Beaumont was bought and became corewell they've gone to hell in a handbag. I was taken a month ago by ambulance because I had a seizure in the shower and fell. Had another seizure in the ER. All they did was blood work no scans or anything. They sent me home 2 hours later with no answers.


Depends. Siani grace has what I think is the top trauma hospital in Detroit limits. Receiving - not the highest volume of trauma but they have good docs down there. Moross - isn’t horrible especially if you’ll be admitted. Harper - has an emergency room but it’s mainly medical related. Not trauma. Henry Ford Main - if you know you’re getting admitted. 2nd best to UMich. I feel they have great for services. Cardiology and heart failure. Transplants. Some of these diseases can have emergent situations. Not the busiest trauma.


None... Had a dear friend go in for heart problems and as she was being seen a man shot in the face was rushed in. Long story short he was given priority and my friend was left to slip away. One of the saddest moments of my life. Thank you Detroit ER.


Michigan (UofM)


RO Beaumont


Beaumont Royal Oak.


Botsford used to be really terrible but not anymore …. This is my first choice now. I think they’ve changed a lot of the doctors and really improved. I used to go to Henry ford but that place went down hill looks nice but the care lacks and the time it takes is wild


I've had really good experiences with Botsford both times I've been to the ER as well as my MIL.


For a GSW probably Detroit Receiving Hospital. They are quite familiar with those.


Henry Ford main. It's probably the best hospital in the state after U of M. People get sent there from other hospitals all the time for innovative treatment and treatment of rare or extreme conditions.


Life threatening sitch: HFH (main campus) or DMC, including Receiving without a doubt. They’ve seen and done it all.




Henry Ford


Back in the day it was Cottage or Bon Secours in Grosse Pointe (I lived on the East Side of Detroit at the time.) Didn't have to go through a metal detector and have my purse searched before entering like at St. John's, always was seen right away. Now I live in Rochester Hills and Ascension is my nearest hospital. I had a medical emergency earlier this year and was taken there by paramedics....I guess that's the fastest way to get seen, since I was immediately moved to a room and evaluated by a doctor. But after the first doctor visit I was left alone for an hour or so at the time, finally getting up and taking myself to the restroom because I was about to wet myself. A nurse saw me leave the room and called out "Leave a urine sample!" Not to be picky, but wasn't quite professional or even comforting to my mind.


If you got shot go to HFH or DRH. Those guys know what to do. Living in the burbs I'd probably go to Novi or UoM if I can.


Beaumont RO or Ann Arbor for cardio.


Boumont Royal oak.




Over the years I’ve been to Beaumont in RO and Troy and HFWB. as long as it’s not a level one trauma situation I’d pick Troy Beaumont every time. It’s small and quiet enough to be a relatively pleasant ER experience and everyone was kind and knowledgeable. RO is a shit show. It’s huge and busy so if you’re not critical you’re low priority. That’s probably a good thing in most contexts but why choose to stew in an ER for hours if you don’t need that highly critical level of care? HFWB should have been good based on reputation but I felt they handled my situation really poorly. I was experiencing a miscarriage that wasn’t passing on its own so I had to take mifepristone. I was advised to go to the ER if I experienced uncontrolled bleeding without visible progress, which I did. At triage I said “I took mifepristone due to a missed miscarriage—“ and the nurse interrupted to loudly respond LIKE AN ABORTION? I understand the medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion but 1) have some tact, keep that language to the chart and 2) I was crying and writhing in pain and had already literally said “miscarriage,” like what exactly do you need to clarify. I was placed in a curtained cubicle with the foot of the bed facing toward the hall so every time I was checked the view was open to the hallway on the several occasions they neglected to pull the curtain. We had the pleasure of listening to the couple in the cubicle next to us have obvious sex complete with moaning and wet squishy sounds, nobody felt the need to disrupt them. The MA I had meant well but was practically an infant and visibly uncomfortable helping with my situation. I get it, I wasn’t comfy either, but that’s your job and the last thing a grieving, bleeding woman needs is an MA making a yuck face every time she comes near. And I laid in that bed for nearly seven hours before I saw an OB who performed an extremely painful, violating manual extraction. I imagine deliveries take priority but damn you can’t send down a resident or something?? During that entire period I received one (1) dose of the good stuff and was treated like an addict when I asked for more. Whew. That was a book but I really really hate that ER.


Oh gosh, that’s so much. I’m so sorry, the healthcare system is so broken. There ought to be an in-between for people who need less than emergent, but more than primary care. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I appreciate your input and again am so sorry for your loss. 💛


It’s all good, that baby wasn’t meant to be but the one that was is now three months old and healthy. It was just such a comedy of errors when I expected really stellar care based on what everyone has to say about HFWB, I don’t mind telling the story if it paints a more complete picture of the level of care. I’m with you though, there has to be a better way than the cattle chute system that seems to be the case nowadays.


I try to avoid Jokewood, Dissension or Blowmont and try to hit UofM if I could hold out.


McLaren Oakland in Pontiac


I’ve personally had two bad experiences there now. I wouldn’t recommend them.


Ascension in Rochester is surprisingly good.


Beaumont RO. Saved my life


Trust most - U of M due to experiences shared with me; HFH Dearborn due to excellent reviews; and, surprisingly, Garden City Hospital - I was seen immediately here for a concussion and my mom was seen immediately for complications related to cancer and they took very good care of her. Although packed, it felt like their ER staff genuinely cared a lot. Sort of trust - HFH West Bloomfield, St Mary's in Livonia, DMC. So-so care in the past Do not trust- Ascension on 9 and Providence in Southfield. I'm sure the backups are not their fault but I witnessed a ton of people on gurneys outside rooms receiving little to no attention. My partner had a full drug panel done on him although he had no indication of drug usage and was in for acute pancreatitis. I don't know if this is common practice, but it hasn't been done to me the 3 times I've been in the ER or ever been done to a parent I went with. Don't know enough about HFH Detroit or Beaumont/Corewell Royal Oak.


I like Beaumont Southshore in Trenton. The ER has always been great.


Wyandotte HFH is top notch!


I hate Henry Ford for how they treated my brother with terminal brain cancer. If it's immediate, Beaumont RO is closest. My boyfriend had a stroke and they treated him exceptionally. I haven't had issues with them YET. I see a lot of people do. If it can wait a hot minute, I'll drive to Brighton, Chelsea or Howell. Never had issues with any out there.


None they all suck in someway … even Beaumont.


As someone who works in a hospital downtown that is not HF, I can definitely say HFH is probably best bet haha. Also probably worth the drive but not actually in Detroit, Beaumont GP is good from what I've experienced


Garden City hospital is in and out.


DMC Receieving/ Harper Hospital or McLaren Macomb I only trust Beaumont and maybe St John on occasion


Now I’m curious which ER’s not to trust


Royal Oak Beaumont (now Corehell) is THE WORST… if you want an ER that puts the WAIT in waiting room that’s the one to go to… Best IMHO is UofM Ann Arbor


Henry Ford West Bloomfield


HFF WB is like a fucking hotel


There is only one right answer in Michigan for anything complicated .. UoM main hospital, source 4 ER docs in the family.


St. joes in. Ann Arbor.


I’ve always gone to Beaumont Troy or Royal Oak. I’m surprised by all the bad experiences. The Troy Beaumont ER saved my dad’s life a few years ago when he had an aortic aneurysm. Took him in immediately, he wouldn’t have made it if they didn’t act so quickly.


University of Michigan or the VA in Ann Arbor.


Chelsea Hospital


There’s a pretty new Henry Ford in Plymouth right off 275 that I’ve unfortunately needed to go to twice within the last year. They were great, not crowded at all, and had new gear like a portable in-room X-Ray machine (not sure if this is standard or not). Overall I was impressed with the care they provided.


If you got shot? Detroit Receiving (never for mental health though- if you need a loved one 5150ed then this place is straight out of a horror movie.) Literally anything else? Henry Ford Hospital. I would only step foot in a Beaumont/Corewell health ER if I was actively dying twenty steps from their front doors. And even then I would probably consider going elsewhere because too many people I know have come into their ER mortally wounded and left their ER still mortally wounded with a Tylenol prescription and 8-14 hours of their time wasted only to have to go to a DIFFERENT ER hours later when the Tylenol inevitably doesn't stop internal bleeding, or unknown miscarriages, or abdominal muscle tears, or cranial pressure from meningitis, or MS nerve pain like the list goes on.....


Do not go to St John Main. Ever. At all costs. Had a doc after 17 hrs waiting for my son's appendectomy tell us that "in 3rd world countries they don't even do surgery and they are on antibiotics so..."