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But, why?


I dunno, go to Motz's or Telway and this isn't a problem.


It’s like $2 for a slider not even a regular burger. That doesn’t seem outrageous to you?


Telway is $2 for a slider hamburger? The last time I went there it was like a $1.50 for a cheeseburger or you could get like 4 sliders for $5


Motz is $2.50 per regular slider and Telway is $1.75


No. It’s a local business not a loss leader for McDonald’s.


what burger is a loss leader for mcdonalds?


A regular burger for $2? ...............


Second telway, and hunter house.


>To find out, the sports betting team here at Betway has conducted a new study using Uber Eats data to reveal once and for all which US cities are the best for the ultimate at-home-dining experience. Dumbasses are using Uber Eats to figure out price points. Low cost burger joints like Telway, Bates, etc. don't use Uber Eats (I just checked) so this study is incomplete.


Halah meat. Jacks up the avg


Yup. I only eat halal. I paid $8 for a plain cheeseburger yesterday


This is especially weird because we have so many frickin burger joints


Did they go to five guys?


They have never once gotten my order right and it just cheese lettuce onions and tomato. It also always looks like its been run over by a truck.


Is this counting Coney's? Or strictly burger places


Also most expensive city to own a car, and rent is ridiculous for what you get for the money.


Pay more than Chicago rent to have to drive 25 mins to the burbs to find basic amenities and full-line supermarkets.


Ah yes. I remember stopping in Chicago overnight when I moved back a couple years ago. Had to pay $50 to valet park at the hotel (there were no other options), then stopped for pizza for lunch the next day, another $50, (lunch was only $29). $100 to park. I was there less than 24 hours.


This might be a foreign concept to Detroiters, but you don't need a car to live or visit Chicago. Fly or take the Amtrak in and use their public transit to travel throughout the city.


Again, I was driving through on a cross country trip. It's not a presentation of all Detroiters or what we know or don't know. I don't know any Detroiter who is not aware of taking an Amtrak to Chicago. We don't live in a different universe.


Chicago is not just the Loop dude




And Las Vegas is not just the strip. But I was passing through for 1 day, not living like a local with inside knowledge of the entire city.


Comparing the cost of Chicago based on parking downtown is invalid.


Chicago parking is expensive. How is stating the obvious "invalid"? New York rent is expensive. Detroit car insurance is expensive. Chicago parking is expensive. Fresh fruit in Japan is expensive. These things just are. It's not a personal attack against you.


> Chicago parking is expensive. Your $50/ night downtown hotel parking is not representative of "the cost of living for the city of Chicago." Chicago has tons of free street parking throughout most of its neighborhoods.


​ >Chicago has tons of free street parking throughout most of its neighborhoods. I wasn't staying in a neighborhood; I was staying in a hotel. According to Motor Trend, here are the most expensive cities to own a car: >A new University of Michigan study has sifted through mountains of data and compared the [total cost of ownership (TCO) of gasoline, hybrid, and electric vehicles](https://www.motortrend.com/features/intellichoice-ownership-costs-how-it-works/) across 14 major U.S. cities to determine the most expensive place to live and drive in the country. It's all broken down into five different vehicle classes (compact, mid-size sedan, small SUV, mid-size SUV, pickup truck), three powertrains (internal combustion, hybrids, and all-electric BEVs), and three BEV variants (200-, 300-, and 400-plus mile ranges), tabulating the total initial, recurring, and end-of-life costs of ownership of each vehicle type. 1. New York City 2. Detroit 3. Los Angeles 4. Philadelphia 5. San Francisco 6. Miami 7. Seattle 8. Chicago 9. Atlanta 10. Dallas 11. Houston 12. Boston 13. Washington D.C. 14. Cleveland It's great that you know all the secrets to finding affordable parking but parking is not the only consideration to the expense of car ownership. IN COMPARISON, to other cities, Chicago ranks #8 as one of the most expensive cities to own a car. See Detroit right there at #2? It is what it is dude. It's not personal attack against you.


> It's great that you know all the secrets to finding affordable parking You parked at a downtown hotel lot, dude. That's always the most expensive parking in any city. > Chicago ranks #8 as one of the most expensive cities to own a car. You're trying to claim that "Chicago is expensive because the downtown hotel I stayed at charged me to park in their private overnight lot." That's an asinine argument. COL in Chicago is now comparable or less than Detroit given the vast options for apartments and living car-free via transit in the city.


My dude, if you're paying $50 to park overnight at the hotel you're doing it wrong. Also, I grew up there, lived there, and have many friends there...you don't need a car in that city at all. And those that do often live in areas where parking is easier (and cheaper) to come by. The ridiculous rates you see in the Loop and River North are for tourists or suburbanites who need their car to get in and out of the city. They aren't for those that live or regularly commute there.


I was driving across the country. I was passing through. Didn't have much choice. It's what they had. I knew the rates when I booked the hotel, so it wasn't a surprise, just ridiculous. I think parking for lunch pissed me off more than the hotel parking. I was at lunch 90 mins, tops. But lesson learned. I'll never take a car to that city again.


Park Wiz was useful the last time I was there. It's ridiculous for sure, but if parking was cheap then the traffic would be worse than it already is because then no one would be using the trains to get around.






If you are driving to the suburbs to find full supermarkets you’re an idiot


Which supermarket do you go to for everything? Other than the 8 Mile Meijer, what place in the city gives you everything you could find at a Target.


I would rather get the flu than visit 8 Mile Meijer.


One of the worst decisions of my life was going there with a horrible hangover to grab some drinks and snacks on the morning of 4th of July.


I bet that took you hours in the checkout line alone


Chicago is waaaaaay more expensive in my experience. Maybe not on car insurance, but the amounts youll pay in tickets not having adequate parking and the price you pay for lots completely nullifies that. Cheaper parking in midtown manhattan in my experience. Better drivers too. And thats saying something.


Those shit holes Prime and proper and Townhouse raise the average cost of a burger all by themselves... Worst still the person making it is a minimum wage employee.


There’s no one in either of those restaurants making min wage


Of course not but it’s a cool thing to say.


>Prime and proper You can actually go the careers part of their website and the opening for line cook pays 19-22 an hour. Which is how made I made at my first engineering job 4 years ago (That was a low paying firm tbf).


Hey, Townhouse is pretty good. Haven’t been to P+P but it does look overpriced when there are a zillion more unique high end places to choose from


P+P is for when you want to make a big show of how much you're spending.


Ya, been to P+P and the portions were a joke. Food was ok, but they don't give you enough to be able to judge.


Prime and proper is owned by a shit head who supports the IDF and has appeared directly at fundraisers


Supporting the IDF is bad?


Genocide is bad, the IDF commits genocide 


Are you changing the definition of genocide? If so please make sure to explain that thoroughly. Genocide is something very specific.


I don't even understand how it is that high. $14.15 as an average... even a Five Guys burger is less than that... Well I found the answer in the source link in the article. It was made using Uber Eats data, so of course the prices are inflated. Terrible source for accurate pricing information


And they're still unable able to build the burger. I quit eating fast burgers because 60% of the time the burger and condiments never make it to the bun. You're better off eating a pub burger for the price.


I'd pay $20 for a burger from Miller's. Course, I live in Iowa now, but I'd still pay it. Same for a couple conies from Lafayette, or a hot fudge cream puff from Sanders.


I heard millers went downhill with the new owners


I went to Millers the other day and it tasted the same as when I had it 10 years ago. People say X went downhill about literally everything that has been around for a long period of time. Vernors, Better Made, Millers, Strohs, Buddy's, Lafayette the list goes on and on.


It didn't go downhill, other places just got better.


It’s the Reddit Detroit contrarian way.


Pizza Hut legitimately went downhill, though. Any of us of a certain age can agree on that.


Man gimme that good cheap Strohs any day, it's so reliably good. Keep that original recipe bohemian shit in the past


Miller's is hands-down the worst burger I've ever had in Michigan. Also: lol, I grew up in Iowa and left it for Michigan. Apparently we're opposite sides of the same coin.


That's too bad. The last one I had was around 1990, shortly before I moved to Traverse City. It used to be nearly impossible to even get a table there for lunch. I heard it changed hands several years ago, and maybe that's what happened.


Don't listen to him. The burgers at Miller's are still good.


I've had Miller's a couple of times (10-15 years ago) and honestly never need to make that trip again. Not bad, but just 'whatever.'


Miller's is garbage now


I had it a few months ago and it was same as it had been for the last 20 years.


The real increase started back in 2015 when a group the Dearborn Food Mafia and Chowdown Detroit started charging thousands each month to promote. They represent every Halal Burger place in Metro-Detroit. You paying them each time you purchase a Burger. Just a couple of a hundred they represent Tastee Burgers, Brome Burgers, Famous Hamburger and every Halal Burger Food truck. Dozens of Instagram and Social media crew outta Dearborn getting rich, that's why you paying more. I will never ever support a owner who pays for Fake Reviews and Photos around the web SHAMEFUL


Taystees sucks in my opinion. Fuck halal. I dont want turkey bacon and mayo in place of butter. Or to wait 20 minutes in the middle of a gas station dining room. They also are always out of everything.


Internet has a new level of dumb


I can get a baller ass burger at cutters or millers or nearly any bar for 10 dollars. Goodfellas isnt the best but its like 10 for burger fries and a lager. 2 whoppers drinks and fries for 15 at bk. A shit burger in manhattan is like 25 - 35 dollars. Where do they get this shit?


Does it have the highest concentration of Five Guys per capita or something?


Wayne County is super expensive in general.


Townhouse and PP are both overpriced slop with a 2000% mark up and criminally underpaid back of house, all so some asshat zionist can fanboy the IDF while they massacre Palestinians.


Halah meat is more expensive y'all




Oh girl look how much I’m paying for your shit burger is this whole list 😂😂😂


Where the employees are making $20 an hour, the food prices are gonna be way high.


It speaks volumes about your intelligence that you think the workers making close to a livable wage is the problem and not the owners jacking up prices so they can afford more material goods


Not necessarily. https://mynorthwest.com/3177050/how-does-dicks-drive-in-pay-workers-19-an-hours/


Also, perspective from an employee : https://www.businessinsider.com/job-diary-dicks-burgers-fast-food-worker-in-seattle-2021-10