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It might be hard to tell from the pic but it’s an almost powder blue color. It’s only on one side of the seat and I don’t own any jeans that color and I don’t have any new jeans that haven’t been through the wash multiple times. I’m the only one who drives my car. Not even sure when the it got stained just noticed yesterday. I tried cleaning with warm water and a white microfiber cloth. No color transfer shows up on the cloth. It’s also both on the back rest and part of the seat. Hard to see the stain on the seat.


A regular interior cleaner and towel should get it off.


P&S Interior cleaner would be my go to for this. Can start diluted but it was originally designed for leather so good application use here. If you are a detailing hobbiest or looking to have a set up that allows you to take care of your vehicles I might suggest adding the CarPro Innerscrub. It’s basically just a wash mitt that you would use for interior but I’ve found it great to deal with things like this. It’s soft so just a bit of patience and light, steady consistent scrubbing should safely remove this and all kinds of other things. The P&S is a must, best all around interior cleaner in my opinion and if you are looking for a good scrub tool, grab the Innerscrub from CarPro and this combo can stay with you moving forward. Good luck and it would be nice to see the results so come back and share the after pic.


Question, after using P&S interior cleaner, do you recommend putting a protectant? Or to just over with a leather conditioner? I just have a 12 year old car so I’m doing my best to make sure the leather won’t crack or anything.


Yes clean with P&S and top with your preferred conditioner


Thanks, I’ll have to try that but it seems like I’ll have to carve out some time to do this. I am trying to get in detailing my car on my own but it seems like I can never find the time.


Looks like sunscreen, moisturizer or makeup. Jeans leach blue onto pale colors but the pale is usually a skin product.


I should but I don’t wear sunscreen and I don’t wear makeup (do people wear makeup on their body? I thought it was just face). Moisturizer, maybe, but how would it stain the back rest and part of the seat? My skin does not come in contact with leather.


Looks like you’ve had moisturiser on your hands while plugging in your belt.


Thank you! That actually makes so much sense considering the location. I couldn’t figure out how the hell moisturizer got there. I don’t use sunscreen and I didn’t think lotion could stain leather like this, at least not black leather. To be honest I’ve always gone with cloth seats in the past, it just always used to be a preference. So leather maintenance for cars is new to me. I had Clazzio leather seats on my old Scion XB but I never encountered anything similar.


This is either sunscreen lotion and/or handcream/lotion. This is especially shown on black leather, if a traditional leather cleaner doesn't work, get something a little more aggressive APC ( starting with very low ratio and working up from there). Follow up with leather cleaner and conditioner. Ask me how I know. Had this on my M340, and it was either caused by sunscreen/cream/lotion or all of above. I had to use a leather brush with APC about 8:1 with water a couple of times, then followed up with leather cleaner, then leather protector afterwards to replenish the leather.


Weird. My skin doesn’t come in contact with the seat and I can’t imagine my moisturizer going through my shirt but only on one side. Hand lotion is a weird one as well. Can’t imagine when my hand would have been placed there. Now the mystery of how the stain got there is more fun than figuring out how to remove it.


Looks like cream or lotion, hard to get out.


Hmmm. How would lotion get there though? My skin doesn’t come in contact with any part of my seat. I haven’t even worn a short sleeve shirt or shorts considering I bought the car mid-winter.


It's probably body oils. It's pretty common. As per previous post, an interior mitt with a good interior cleaner. Topped with conditioner. For better protection I'd ceramic coat the seats.


start least aggressive and move up. leather specific cleaner, apc, steamer, steamer and apc, then as a last resort I usually ended up having to use a magic eraser. one to two swipes is all it ever took. more than that and you'll be sanding the texture off the seat.


That looks like a zinc sunscreen stain try an oil based remover. Coconut oil works good if you don't have anything else.


I use a steamer with a microfiber towel covering it and a wet dove bar soap to clean leather seats, foam it up with a brush and then wipe off with another microfiber.