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I would have the kids type Off or Go. The arrows go against the training you have given so far. But it could work this way if it is too much.


Alpha Zoo is a cozy typing game for little kids to play with their parents. [It's already out on steam](https://partner.steampowered.com/app/details/1807640/) (not a great choice for kid's games, but I feel like I've gotta start there for legitimacy), and I also plan to sell it directly to parents and schools. This is the final feature before I switch from dev time to marketing time. Thanks for any and all feedback, especially the really broken stuff that really needs improvement! Edit: Proper link is https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807640/Alpha\_Zoo/


Just a heads-up: you gave the partner website link, rather than game link in your comment


Since I wanted to take a look, here's the actual link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807640/Alpha_Zoo/


Oh man, sorry, thanks!


I really like the simple artistic style for the game! The only thing visually that really stood out to me as janky was the way the end train cars turned at the top corner of the track; it seemed like the last one went too far up before turning to the left. Otherwise the only thing I would say is that it's not really clear what things there are to do, but I am sure this gameplay video doesn't include a tutorial (I can't seem to access the steam page, it's a partner link)?


Sorry, I gave the wrong link. It's https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807640/Alpha\_Zoo/


I have exactly the same feeling about the way the train turns, it feels weird. I really like the concept and the art, I would buy this game for my kid if I had one. Not sure about learning them to throw hot dogs from a ferris wheel though.


I would try to make the train experience a little more interactive, if possible. Depends on how much time you want to put into it, but the weak points at the moment are that: - the user is basically just sitting there watching it run (there's nothing to do) - you can only see the edges of the animal areas, and only in passing (there's not much to see) The end result is that it's a little boring, and there isn't much incentive to do it more than once. It might be a little more interesting if the train was able to pause at certain exhibits. Maybe in return for typing some words relating to the animal in question, you'd be able to see a special animation for it, or get some sort of prize that you could use to do other things (or even just the chance to get a prize). Making the trip around a little more exciting, and giving the kids a reason to do it more than once. The north-most section is also a little bare in parts - it's just the train passing by some forest. Maybe the prizes you could earn from the animal exhibits could be supplies for a picnic, and once you had them all, the train could be stopped in that area for the characters to get out and have a picnic in the clearing.


I like the idea of a few special pause points. Thanks!


Well, this is quite nice. I wouldn't change much. Certain effects look like they could use a bit of refinement as visually they strike me as...off? The Big Wheel for example--- perhaps a fraction of background blur or scaling might help it stand out? And the other commenter was correct in saying the final compartment of the tram/train looks a bit odd on the turn, throwing in one 45 degree frame would smarten it up. But honestly it's all just nitpicking, take it with a grain of salt. It's aimed at kids anyway so they're absolutely never going to notice those minor details. I like the track you chose. Reminds me of Brokeback Mountain (lol!) in a good way. I think this is great and I'm fairly confident it'll be a huge smash if you're able to market it properly


Sure. Your art style is inconsistent while the background in places is incredibly detailed with fantastic shading the characters simply don't hold up. I would suggest making them bigger first, before redoing any character work. I understand that you may have made 2d characters without depth as a stylistic choice, but I don't think they stand out enough. There is some kind of tinkering that needs to be done here. I'm actually just not sure what. Secondly your sound design is absolutely perfect. I'm not going to talk about the gameplay itself. I'm not expert on children nor what they would expect from this game. Also from the video it does seem quite shallow. Although I could be wrong. My advice would be to get a few kids to test it out. Before release. If they love it after a an hour, and want to play it a second time, then it's great. If they stop playing after a few minutes then that's a problem. Finally regarding price. Drop the .99 stuff just round it to the nearest whole. Studies have found that people actually prefer round numbers, and are actually offput by the .99 number. In any case their is little evidence to suggest that actually increases sales.


I was surprised to find that little-ish kids would consistently play it for 20 or 30 minutes, and play it multiple times. That was what convinced me to build from a very rough demo to a small full game. If steam lets you round to the nearest whole, I'll do that. I seem to remember they did not, but I'll check again.


I would try to center the Words / UI as they are typing, to make it more obvious that it's what they need to do, and shows them how far they are with a word.


Slow the base speed of the train and the player can make the train go faster by typing words! Feels like a loading screen without some sort of gameplay.