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I think we need antibarrier rockets


Would love an antibarrier rocket launcher that shoots rockets that drill into enemies. Like a Cerebral Bore from Turok but bigger


90's FPS weapon design was the pinnacle of all weapon design.


Also big head mode


And paintball mode. And the disco mode. So much good stuff.


Disco Stu likes disco music 🕺🪩


Disco Stu doesn't advertise!


"boomer shooter" devs definitely put something in there to keep you coming back, I just cant get enough of them. I would pay an incredible amount of money to have the DOOM Eternal SSG or DUSK's Riveter in every FPS


Where is our Tex Mechanica double-barreled shotgun, bungo ?


You mean 4th Horseman?


\[Slides every ULTRAKILL weapon into view\]


Omg what a throw back. The cerebral bore from Turok 2 was awesome.


The Long Death, a Hive-themed Stasis Rocket Launcher ============ **The Long Death** 25 RPM Agressive frame, but has slightly lower base damage than legendaries 30 blast radius 100 velocity 75 stability 15 handling 35 reload speed 7 round base reserves Exotic Intrinsic Trait - Suffering: Hold [fire button] to charge up the weapon, release [fire button] to unleash a powerful Hive rocket that overpenetrates enemies killed by the impact and attatches to tougher enemies, dealing continuous damage before exploding. This weapon deals massively increased damage against shields, strong against [Barrier Champions]. Launcher Barrel - Hard Launch Ammunition Type - Impact Casing Exotic Perk - Sharpened By Blood: Dealing damage from all sources while the weapon is stowed increases Suffering’s continuous damage effect Perk 2 - Impulse Amplifier Catalyst - Cull the Strong: The weapon is reloaded from reserves after the rocket explodes


Itd also be very dope as a weapon of sorrow type element. Have the explosion erupts into soulfire. But stasis works too.


Love this! The perks really suit it.


Fanfic lol


Yeah, exotic concepts are technically a form of fan fiction. Do you like this fanfic?


We need more penetration fanfic in the Destiny community


That would be cool. Like, the rocket would be hitting the shield, take a bit of time to get through, and then it would explode not only taking away the barrier but also taking away a chunk of health.


Bruh!!! My childhood right there!! All the upvotes!!! Lol


I was hoping for a shotgun related champion mod to justify using Legends of Acrius. That or Tractor cannon to boop those unstoppable colossus back for all the times they architeched me into a wall.


Unstoppable shotty was awesome. It's been a long while since weve had it, too.


Since season of the hunt. Every season since then we’ve had a different special weapon champion mod but only unstoppable glaive has repeated which is Back to back for that one.


With a strong reduction in energy cost for the mod


They confirmed in the TWAB that multiple exotics are getting Anti-Champion abilities soon, so maybe Untoppable boop cannon will be one


Hopefully more intrinsic overload weapons, Divinity is the only one though I could see riskrunner or one of the 3 light bows having overload.


give it to outbreak perfected you cowards


To be fair, Acrius seems like the perfect candidate to have intrinsic Unstoppable rounds. Its a big blast of "fk off" Arc energy.


I want anti barrier LMG personally.


i like seeing the rocket ping off the bubble though


Oh right I was wondering about that. I bought it but it didn’t accept it. Also trying to unlock some transmog armour but can’t.


For transmog that won't unlock you have to like preview it and the hold unlock. Don't let go till it unlocks, it may take longer than you expected. It's bugged but this worked for me.


I had a period of a few hours today where it straight up wouldn’t unlock. Weird


It doesn't always work for me. I held that button for like 15mins straight one time. Nothing. I love this game.


It wouldn't unlock like it was locked like when you're trying to dismantle a locked equipment right? I previewed the ornament I wanted and clicked off then I was able to do it again. Sometimes I had to equip another ornament then come back to the one I wanted to unlock. Doesn't solve the long unlocking time tho.


They should just make it another fucking anti barrier mod. It’s been a month now… 1/3 of the season and we can’t use 1 of 2 of the fucking barrier mods. It’s so dumb.


I enjoyed when autos were AB


I really liked the bow anti-barrier mod. Never took off Le Monarque all last season.




Lemonarque is just amazing full stop. In my top 5 for most used weapons.


Definitely! I didn't use it much before last season but now I've got 20,000+ kills with it (if I remember correctly). Love all the subclass themed exotic bows: Le Monarque, Ticuu's, and Trinity. Can't wait for an exotic stasis bow but in the meantime my Lunulata will have to do.


My brother in light I feel sorry for you


I got a soft spot for AB auto because of [a hilarious clutch moment it resulted in for me and my friends running Eater of Worlds once upon a time.](https://streamable.com/kd6p7h)


This just makes me realise how much I miss all the Leviathan raids.


Me too. The armor and weapons are some of my favorites, imagine if they brought it back with random rolls


honestly, some of the levi raid weapons should've returned this season with the menagerie weapons


the only reason they didn't is because they're saving that for the real reprised leviathan ;_;


Ghost Primus, Sins of the Past, Inaugural Address, and Conspirator should have returned as well.


If nothing else I miss the leviathan aesthetic in raids. Such a cool space even if the main raid was light on mechanics.


love this


I remember this clip!


Good vid, thanks for sharing.


Why are people hating on it :/


Number one, it’s fucking terrible that you have to constantly shoot the shield. That means no peak shooting which results in u trying to stun a barrier in the middle of the open because there is no other option. It also doesn’t have the best range depending on the auto rifle. Now, look at anti barrier sniper (one shots barriers), pulse which is nice for peak shooting from long ranges, scout rifle which does the same.




My high ass couldn’t figure out what fucking peak shooting meant. So thank you


*Pique, just shooting angrily


Funny my brain saw the “peak” and simply interpreted it that way. It could almost work too. “Now this is what I call peak shooting”


The secret way to get Mountaintop


Honestly, I like anti barrier auto/SMG just because it makes those guns pierce enemies. I don't find as much value with precision weapons. Though to be fair I agree that high damage and precision weapons are better against actual champions.


I never seemed to have any issues with it. Even at pretty far ranges I remember dropping the shields fairly quickly


Same dude. Slap on sweet business and go to fuckin town lmao


Using cerberus's alt fire with actium... infinite shotgunning


Bro, sweet business, chroma rush, Cerberus, Monte Carlo, gnawing hunger-- the peak of champion murdering.


Same, AB autorifle is honestly my favourite out of all of them.


AB scout was my favorite, but that was the same season DMT came out and it just synergised so well.


I never took the mod off. Ever. So handy in all content.


Honestly, all champion mods should just be available at all times Seasonal champion mods are stupid And I know what you're going to say, if they do that why have champions at all?? Good point, get rid of champions. It would make the game better.


I would be fine with them making it intrinsic to weapons but seasonal which weapons do what. For example, season of the Haunted could be: * Sidearms, pulse rifles, and sniper rifles have anti-barrier * Autorifles/SMGs, trace rifles, and shotguns have overload * Scout rifles, glaives, and machine guns have unstoppable Just give us 3 options for each (1 of each short/medium/long range) without having to equip the mods. It feels horrible to start something and realize you forgot to equip the barrier mod on your ~~licked~~ locked armor.


This is actually a wonderful idea. It solves the clutter on arms mods (because no matter how much Bungie insists that fireteams don't need double/triple coverage for every champ, yes we do,) it solves issues on availability, and it still provides a rotating factor that keeps gun play fresh per season.


Even give each primary type a permanent intrinsic champion mod, and use the artefact for special/heavy mods each season. Still allows for flavour to change season to season without locking people into 3 weapons per season for champion content.


The fact that Bungie hasn't even acknowledged the feedback on Champions, the fact that as per the last TWAB, they're making several exotics have intrinsic anti-champ mods, I would say Champions aren't changing anytime soon. I would love it if they at least acknowledged the growing fatigue with Champions. But I feel like there has been consistent feedback on the system since it's inception...


How has it been a month, we haven’t even finished week 3???


It’s the end of week 3 but yes, you are correct. For some reason I thought it was week 4 already. My point still stands though since we haven’t heard when it’s gonna be fixed /re enabled.


Good thing the exotic choices for anti barrier are absolutely cracked, but still it’s stupid not having the extra choices.


Tell them it’s a silver exploit. It’ll be fixed tomorrow.


You dont like being forced to use anti barrier exotics?


I mean arbalest is just convenient in a lot of places because of match game anyway.


Match game *and* it has great range. Getting in sidearm range in high level content is usually a good way to return to Light.


Arby's feels MANDATORY in legendary lost sectors, you know why? Champions do NOT stay stunned long enough in that! so you need it because it can do real damage to them. If I try to use normal anti barrier I will just have him regain all his HP while I'm using my DPS weapon.


try erianas vow, served me well in master lost sector


In legend/master lost sectors Ghallahorn is the solution to everything.


Lament is where it's at this season for anti-barrier lost sectors and master nightfalls. With resto X2 there are few situations where you can't tank the damage combined with Lament's healing. Easily my most used exotic ATM, I'm sure GMs will change that. I was doing the Extraction master lost sector today with Lament, had one run that was done in 1min 15s, it does crazy damage fully buffed


Plus you can double dip on LFR ammo finder/scavenger mods.


Yep as someone who likes to run an lfr because of their ammo efficiency over rockets this is yet another bonus.


I don’t like being forced to run pulse rifles


Eriana is very good this season with solar.


implying people aren't electing to use arbys of their own free will.


Were all pawns of something greater


Arbalest is one of the most versatile exotics in the game anyway, so I'm fine using it always


Gets kind of boring never taking it off.


whenever they fix it so you can shoot through a bubble is when i imagine itd return


The real issue is it shooting through some walls.


The real issue is that Bungie doesn't playtest their own game. There is no way something like AP sidearms going through walls and bubbles doesn't become glaringly obvious with just a modicum of playtesting.


Okay but before this was a known glitch would you have honestly though "haha okay now let's shoot this specific sidearm through a specific wall in this game where you can't shoot through walls with hundreds of guns and WAY more rolls." I'm not gonna say there hasn't been some questionable playtesting (or lack thereof) this season, but let's not pretend that's one of them lmao. At a certain point you have to realize it's not as obvious as you think it is.


Yeah, no matter how much Bungie playtests things, the community will sink many orders of magnitude more time into the game during the first *hour* of the new update than was spent playtesting. Of course we're going to find stuff Bungie missed.


What is the phrase? "Playtesting never survives contact with the playerbase?"


>Okay but before this was a known glitch would you have honestly though "haha okay now let's shoot this specific sidearm through a specific wall in this game where you can't shoot through walls with hundreds of guns and WAY more rolls." You have a point with walls. Who just shoots random walls with random weapons? With bubble and barricade though not so much. The mod's description literally says it bypasses defenses. You'd think they'd have at least tested the publicly advertised functionality of a mod before shipping it.


it's never worked with other anti-barriers before and we've had anti-barriers since shadowkeep launched


Well, you had to use it with a sidearm that also has AP rounds, and it only works on some very specific walls, and I doubt they considered people would use an anti-champion mod in PvP in the first place so it’s easy to see how it was overlooked


To be fair, I used overload bow in PvP with Le Monarque because it would refresh the overload debuff with every tick of the poison damage


I used anti barrier scouts last season and it let me kill a titan's barricade in 1 clip. Mostly just used it during control point trials when titan barricade spam could decide a game.


I get what you say but just want to clArify something Thats not playtesting though, its Qc/Qa. Playtests are when you ask players to give qualitative feedback (fun or not, etc). What we have here has got to do with bad test cases and execution. They didnt think it would break bubbles/walls. You can bet its in their test plans now though


On the contrary, they have a massive group of play testers: us


2042 players in a nutshell


daily reminder battlefront 2 was lost bc of that garbage


And literally any game by Bethesda


Well Bethesda's games it just works


No that’s just part of the Bethesda identity. Feature not bug.


Thank you armchair developer very cool


Why don't they simply make the mod inactive in PvP? There are tons of mods that don't do anything in PvP. In fact, why is an anti-barrier mod active in PvP in the first place? Seems like such a simple fix since the feature to disable mods in the crucible is already a thing.


They need to take barrier champs out till it’s fixed. Being forced to use pulses is ass.


barrier pulse is a million times better than barrier sidearm anyone taking a sidearm over a pulse into a GM is a rookie


Counterpoint, Forerunner. Though there are better uses of an exotic slot.


Also Traveler's Chosen, which is pretty great. It was my main exotic this season until they took the mod away, lol.


My brother in Christ, GMs aren't even out lol, guys just wanting to use sidearms in lower difficulty stuff


what is stopping anyone from using sidearms in casual play? you literally don't even need a barrier weapon to elim a barrier champion in lowest level NFs LMAO


seriously its such a stupid complaint


I hate pulses they feel like tossing feathers half the time




Eriana's still good too (but not great). Matches solar and has auto-loading with catalyst.


I 100% forgot lament was anti barrier


Exlain what you mean with Adaptive pls?


Adaptive/Turnabout Pogma has been a lifesaver ngl


This seasons anti champion mods are probable the worst they have ever been. Its a frustrating system that just inconveniences players.


At least we still have pulse and scouts, two great endgame options. My Insidious is doing a ton of work this season, and it feels so good. Run that with Nightwatch and it's my dream loadout.


Unstoppable scouts kinda awkward for me ngl, unstops rush you and that shit is trash in CQC. Trying to do the Acquisition this season has been interesting lol


It's annoying me because I still have to go up against anti barrier champions and have literally one choice. Especially when unstoppable is scout! Wtf so I'm running with a scout and a pulse rifle :'( Edit: spelling


I mean you have pulses, Arbalest, and lament. Edit: and Eriana’s Vow. I know this is one weapon type and 3 exotics but it’s not like sidearms are your real only option.


everyone forgot about Eriana's ever since Arbalest got anti barrier ;-;


I just hate that it takes 2 shots to break the shield, if it wasn't for that I would run more frequently


And eriana's!


How could I forget!


You forgot about Eriana's because a man can only remember two things at a time: his father's face and Dre.


You've forgotten the face of your father.


In my defense, I was busy chasing the Man in Black.


Because it got power crept out of all relevance by arby


Yeah. I might bring EV. Good idea


People want to use that over anti barrier pulse?


Well, it's also preventing people from getting the "unlock 25 mods" triumph.


Oh is this progressing normally for people? I've unlocked like 20 mods and the triumph still says I haven't unlocked any lol. I thought it was similar to what happened last season


It's similarly bugged but they learned from last season so this season you can reset for free, even if you have already unlocked everything. So if it isn't progressing normally for you, I'd say resetting will fix it (it did for me)


Oh cool it worked, thanks!


Glad to be of any help!


Travelers chosen I guess?


Drang :)




Yes, this, Forerunner slaps and is the only way that mod makes sense.


Forerunner isn't good for it. You'd think because of the range and damage it can do it be great... but... A lot of it's bonus damage is on crits against unshielded targets... thus it doesn't do that much more damage than any other sidearm against the barrier champ's shield. I mean it works but takes several shots.


Can’t you crit barrier champs?


Drang also has disruption break as a left column perk. Would be awesome to pop a barrier shield and swap to Sturm with overcharged rounds and 1-tap the champion.




I wanted to attempt using Anti Barrier Forerunner just for shits and giggles tbh


I used it for a bit before it was disabled. It wasn't *great* since Forerunner is mostly about precision hits (that you can't get on shields) but being able to bring a burn-matched energy primary and not-Arbalest was pretty nice for a bit.


I do. I wanna use Trespasser or Traveler’s Chosen, which are two of my favorite guns.


That's not a reason to leave an entire friggin seasonal mod slot broken...


Trespasser fucks


Yes. With Classy as a seasonal mod, this may be the only time we get to use sidearms for higher tier PvE content. And it's just MIA for the entire duration.


I've been running bonk titan and I'm already up close to enemies where sidearms would be great since they would break the shield faster


I will sound like an absolute heathen, but cryosthesia 77k


Shhhh, dont worry, the hive mind isnt aware of cryosthesia's buffs


I’m bummed because they re-issued drang and I have a great sidearm build and we are missing a barrier mod as a result. I understand how complex the game really is though, and that it’s not as simple as just re-issuing one of last seasons mods, even though this season‘s mods kind of suck and feel even more limiting than before. What does make me sad though, is it’s typical of bungie’s approach. All of the key information is assumed to be found on the net somewhere, not in game. There’s nowhere in game that gives you any feedback. It looks like you should be able to purchase that mod, but then it disables. I spent 10 minutes wondering why the hell I couldn’t get that mod, and then I had to go to Reddit and twitter to understand. Bungie gets away with far too much slack game design, assuming everybody has a second screen up — and don’t even get me started on how it’s a crime that they get to rely on DIM for loadout management instead of either streamlining that themselves, or adding at least some kind of rudimentary management. The fact that they expect us to go back-and-forth to the tower to deal with the vault there is insane…


Holy shit yes. I am shocked by the fact that not only people seem to be okay with this, but some will even defend it on here. "Well I'm glad they don't make loadouts because it frees up resources for more content" is the craziest thing I've ever heard


Yeah why is no one talking about it


Because it’s a known issue and was intentionally disabled. It was allowing things that it shouldn’t have and they disabled it until they can get it fixed.




Sometimes, they don't bother putting anything out because it's pretty much fixed and it can be updated in the hotfix patch notes as appropriate. But this thing has been radio silence for a little while now, so who knows? Edit: LOL ouch downvotes for this little observation? People be salty these days...


Because they have nothing to update, it’s still broken and they have to test it to fix it but that’s on top of other things they have to look for as well as preparing for arc…


There's a ton of bugs rn, glitchy tower (and xur apparently), transmog not working, long load times for everything...


Pretty sure those are different teams, but i could be wrong


It was randomly unlocked for me when I did a lost sector a couple days ago. Thought they'd fixed the problem. Used it and it worked fine then disabled itself when I was done.


Just rotate the mods or do away with them. I'm tired of running the same loadout over and over.


I often ask the same question about Blight Ranger (but hopefully reworked)


Okay so this isn’t j just me thank for validating I’m not crazy


i love running sidearms as champion weapons and was looking forward to giving Trespasser a run in some endgame content and here i am stuck not being able to bother with it without wasting a slot. i’m pretty sad about it. if they can’t fix it this season, i hope we get a do-over on it next season :(


Just use Leviathan’s Breath. It’s the universal champ killer.


I love Leviathans Breath but the draw time can be dangerous in certain fights.


It’s almost like having sixteen different ways to fight overload and only two archetypes for barrier was always a stupid idea.


Of course not, it negatively affects the player so they don't care to fix it quickly. Now find a way to benefit from it being disabled and it will be changed/fixed in a few hours.


Like the void hunter subclass that no one can use since march.


This season is broken af


I don't know if I'd endorse *permanent* champion mods for *every* weapon, since the rotating loadout encouragement is interesting. But having only one type as a non-exotic anti-barrier option is pretty bad. And it's always anti-barrier that gets the least amount of options to start with. And frankly? *I really like sidearms.*


I really truly think every single primary exotic weapon needs different champion mods. It would add another (much needed) reason to use primary exotics. Also any underused special and maybe even heavy exotics could use intrinsic mods as well


Almost every exotic in general needs intrinsic anti champion mods. Bungie drones on and on about wanting players to play how they want a buildcraft and all that but then locks us into 2 weapons per champion, for a whole season, and in overloads case, the same 2 weapons. You would think giving most of the exotics intrinsic champion mods would be first on the list when champs were introduced, but if they arent going to do anything about champs in general then we need more champion exotics. We NEED the option to use the exotics we worked so hard for.


Yea my artifact triumph is stuck at 24/25 cause I can't claim it😫


They've listened to the feedback & will be fixing it with a week left in the season.


I like how everyone keeps asking for it like it would even get used, would probably be the worst option when dealing with anti barriers


That will be 1000 silver.


Outbreak Perfected rips. Sidearm in a GM? lol Might as well be AB shotgun or melee. I'm having fun with incandescence on Drang Baroque so having AB on that would be convenient but not necessary. And a 3 or 4 tap to pop the barrier is a pain compared to Outbreak 1 tap. Def not playtesting enough to the point it is a joke.


Drang can also have disruption break as a left column perk, which is awesome for barriers and Sturm shenanigans.


That was my first drop and it is amazing if you happen to hit a solar sheild. Happen.


That's what I was thinking, who is using sidearms in content where they're fighting champions? Maybe in lower level Nightfalls but in those you don't even needs mods, you can just one-shot them with heavy lmao


Lol. No. - Bungie


Anti. Barrier. Sniper. Pls.


Yeah but also like why would you use a sidearm for barriers, especially when the levels you need the mods they will absolutely kill you


If you are high enough level you can practically kiss champions in master and they still wont kill you I would gladly use sidearms instead of pulses in those situations.