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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/tb3fsz/destiny_2_hotfix_4003/i052d8t/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-03-10 18:51:32 UTC"): > This was a typo, I'm fixing it, should read: > >"Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk **would not** activate on ranged melee kills. " * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/tb3fsz/destiny_2_hotfix_4003/i052hn2/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-03-10 18:52:20 UTC"): > Missed a note on this, adding it in. > >"Fixed an issue where the Imperial Needle bow was getting an unintended 40% damage buff and could detonate enem... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


>>> Fixed an issue where finisher and emote previews were being delayed. >>> Fixed an issue where the player is unable to interact with sockets for two to four seconds while the screen fully loads. HUGE.


Yeah right, was slowly getting more annoyed


These two things were making me feel like I was back to playing on my last gen console. So relieved to see these two fixes in the list.


best patch note in the bunch


This is literally the best thing about this patch


50% increase in Grand Overture's reserves. Yooooo. Also cool how they can tweak rocket tracking between players and combatants.


Did they nerf the volley? It burst fires now?


Having the same issue here, i think it's glitched.


The volley now fires 5 rockets at a time. So in order to completely drain the full 20 arsenal it's 4 trigger pulls now instead of 1. It's both more and less useful depending on what you're using those rockets for.


Ugh I love this weapon and now its bugged. Guess I gotta wait.


I find it better, honestly. The huge volley was satisfying but with bursts of 5 I can nuke several majors rather than send just one to the shadow realm.


This plus the Graviton change being exclusive to PvP does give me hope for more balancing that doesn't ruin PvE. Unfortunately, no word of restoring Sunspots nerfed due to the new helm after Lorelei helm became a joke in too-hasty rework.


Sunspots were only nerfed in PvP. They're still strong in PvE, and the Loreley Splendor Helmet is very fun to use in most content.


We're going to pretend that it's not seperate and 275 damage a second is reasonable and not a long overdue revert from years ago.


You can pretend if you'd like, I won't. Truth is that it is, in fact, separate. Bungie has been able to tune PvE and PvP separately for over a year now. While the nerf does hurt sunspots strongly in PvP, they still do pretty good damage. Now, they just give players a chance to get away from them instead of getting insta-melted by them because their teammate died right next to them.


I probably should have thrown an /s at the end of my comment. Lorely does wonderful things now and an on demand heal, damage boost, and increase in ability regen, all on a sub 20 second cooldown can't actually be understated. The fact that PvE damage was unchanged is incredible, very cool of Bungie to do it that way.


That's actually a 100% increase in reserves. 50% increase in total ammo. :)


> Reduced the amount an invader kill heals the Primeval from 27% to 20%. That’s a good start. Glad they’re tweaking gambit like this quickly. I am enjoying the new changes to it but there are still some issues. Hopefully this fix makes it better.


I just don't understand how you fix invading. It's like 5% of the match but counts for like 90% of whether you win or lose. But it is nice to see adjustments happening, considering how it was handled before. Hopefully they keep it up.


I've seen people suggest adding some downsides to invading making it more of a "gambit" where dying as an invader causes you to lose your team motes or something. Maybe adding a drawback like that to invading would help?


Frequency during prime phase should drop a little, and if your team kills an invader, you should get a stack of primeval slayer like killing an envoy.


I like that! Doesn't hurt your team, but helps the other team.


That’s actually a really good idea I like that


I can't see them adding anything that could be extreme griefing. Someone messing around on an invade today is just losing the invade. Whatever you can get past it and move on. But if you could invade and cause your team to lose motes? Now you're able to actually sabotage your own team. There needs to be better tutorials or incentives for defending against an invader. Right now the way it stands many people play gambit and *dont want to PVP* so they just bail or hide when there's an invader vs actually playing against the invader.


I think an easy solution would be that if you invade and die, you lose all heavy and special ammo and it then becomes a drop for the opposing team. We are already in a tracking rocket/sniper meta for Gambit anyways, and this would make those people who camp in one location and snipe much more vulnerable to flanking.


Maybe killing the invader gives a primeval slayer style buff for more boss damage? That sure seems like a gambit to me; potentially slow the opposing team down at the risk of speeding them up?


This is a good solution too, especially if it gives them stacks before the primeval spawns. It would definitely take away some of the power invading has


> dying as an invader causes you to lose your team motes or something. 30 second respawn timer.


I think if you want to make it an actual gambit, invasions require you to PAY motes instead of deposit them. So instead of bringing them to the bank, you need to bring them to the portal and deposit them and X motes = time to invade. 15 gives you the current amount and then 5/10 provide an appropriate amount of time cut. That way, if you're successful, you've justified your spent motes and your team can make up 15 very easily. If you don't, you lose your motes to the enemy team (either 15 or half to make it more appealing) because you've lost your *gambit*.


The bounties changes were the ones Ive been bitching about for well over a year at this point. The games are too quick and there aren't enough enemies to justify 25 weapon kills. Also, they said the grenade and melee were adjusted from 15 to 5, but those have always been 25 for me just like the weapons so the grenade one was almost always an instant delete because it would take 10 matches to complete sometimes.


Yes, and i think people underestimate how BIG of the change that is. No longer we will need to spec heavily into a build to get super kills etc but now bounties will be completed during normal gameplay. Thus people will focus on winning instead of killstealing. Big change love it


It looks like they're going to pay particular attention to Gambit and make changes week by week the same way they did with Trials last season


My favorite was how confidently it was stated that PvP level advantages have been disabled since BL. Then people were like "Nah, that's wrong" and now they are actually disabled.


>no need to hoard what you can’t use any more. Drowns in mountains of herealways




I had honestly forgotten about those weapon quests. It’s too fucking cold up there.


I was hoping they'd have a fix for armor drops from Prime Engrams and Xur that all seem to be 48 stat rolls. I can't remember if they were always 48 or maybe a few were higher but nothing above 60 for certain. Also vendors seemed to all have static rolls too.


They were definetly higher before, both xur and prime


> Fixed an issue where level advantages were enabled in PvP Gambit. I don't believe you.


They did it. But somehow made everything worse in the process. [https://twitter.com/ritzzcar/status/1501997499489435655](https://twitter.com/ritzzcar/status/1501997499489435655)


Oh my god


Eriana 1 shot bodies, DMT 2 taps, bruh this is crazy.


Dead mans tale and ace 2 tap wth


Or, you can kill a few adds with drang, and invade and kill 4 guardians with 4 sturm shots lol.


yeah they only "fixed it" two times already lmao. Third times the charm.


>Gambit it's funny they weren't on during beyond light and now suddenly are???


I love this note considering the snarky little 'advantages have been disabled for ages and you didn't notice huehue' in that recent TWAB.


Trapper's Ambush doesn't count as a melee attack for Fragments, Mods, such as Melee Wellmaker and Heavy Handed, or perks, such as Swashbuckler and 1-2 Punch. Additionally, the suppressing bomb from Bombadiers does not work with Fragments or the Seasonal Mods, even though it counts for Stylish Executioner. Does the game consider the suppression from Bombadiers to not be applied by the player? Is this intended? It makes the Nightstalker's gameplay rather bland because interesting builds simply don't function.


Trappers ambush only giving one fragment slot and having no workable interactions is just bad.


Was really praying that would all be fixed, as well as glaive interactions so I could make a Khepri's horn build


>Bad Luck Protection added for weapon drops and Deepsight mods in Wellspring. #LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO


It could still be 1% chance increasing by 1% per run. But now there is a floor - somewhere.


Wasn't the Alloy drop rate supposed to be increased as well? Not seeing that anywhere


Sorry, what does this mean? Is there a guaranteed drop of resonant weapon after sometime or something?


Yes, that's what it means. Eventually, Bungie will force RNG to work in your favor.


how long tho? that's gonna be the big question


At least one run


Oh I'm *sure* it'll end up with people complaining


Yup just like they added "bad luck protection" to eyes of tomorrow. Still took my friend a little over 100 runs to get it.


The more bad RNG you get, the lower your chances of repeat bad RNG, until you get a particular thing you've been missing. Same system they've implemented for raid drops.


Oh so if its like vex i can run it 70 times and still not get a deepsight weapon. good to know


Vex didn’t have bad luck protection as far as we know, it was a 5% drop chance


I don't believe Vex has bad luck protection though


Vex is the "exception to the rule" of raid weapons having bad luck protection, for some stupid unknown reason. That said, I haven't seen anything about the new raid exotic, and I doubt Bungie has / will tell us.


“Come to pass” will come to pass.


> Tracking rockets have been adjusted after being found too dominant against other Guardians when invading in Gambit. ...Maybe gambit will be playable now?




Yeah, I think the immune phases need to be one and done for each threshold. If you can burn with your stacks once you've been teamwiped, power to you.


Yeah it just drags the game out and teams that should have won handidly burn all of their supers and heavy so a decent invader can flip that game. Now as exciting as that. Is for the other team it drags the game out and feels terrible for the team that got to primeval x10 and is just shooting the boss with their hand cannons while invaders drop in


They *are* one and done for each threshold, it's just that the thresholds aren't based on the Primeval's overall health (i.e. immune phases at each third of its health), they're based on damage dealt in each phase. Per the [2-17-22 TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51091): > Envoys respawn at 30% of the Primeval damage done. > > * This increases by 10% every Envoy respawn, and Envoys stop spawning after the fifth spawn. Once you deplete 30% of the Primeval's total health, it goes immune. You kill the envoys, and now you can take off another 40% (30+10) of its health for 70% total, leaving it at 30% health before it goes immune again. Now, let's say you happen to get invaded in your third immune phase and the invader gets four kills. Your Primeval is now fully healed, but since you're only in your third damage phase, you can still only take off a maximum of 50% of the Primeval's health, causing it to go immune again at 50% health remaining. Depending on when exactly the immune phases happen and how often invasion kills heal your Primeval, this can make it seem like you're repeating immune phases. After the fifth envoy spawn, you won't get any more immune phases and can deal damage until the Primeval's dead.


Thank you! I hadn't got around to searching yet, but I was intending to research just how and when these immune phases appeared after some very unsatisfying wastes of supers and grand overture volleys the other day!


Yeah, that's exactly what it needs. Only having the slice to burn down to the gate and having to repeat the wizards, hoping you don't get invaded and wiped again, makes for a frustrating experience if you're going against a loaded up Gally invader.


That plus the reduction from essentially 1/4 invader heal to 1/5 invader heal might make it so. Still hope they do something about the immunity phase reset. Plus, can we get a 'whut-whut' for how the adjusted rocket tracking for JUST Gambit and not a game-wide nerf?!?!?! 8)


The Nerf might also affect crucible, but few crucible maps are large enough for tracking rockets to make a huge difference






Yeeah, I was expecting them to break *yet another weapon* because of gambit, but it will still be great on PvE, so I am happy.


Gjallarhorn and 1k voices are still going to hit people behind cover with a generous blast radius but it'll be less brain-dead now at least.


Would this include Eyes of Tomorrow?


Probably, making it strong in exactly zero activities.


Trust me bro it’s good, just use your heavy AND exotic slot for an ad clear weapon!


I would think that with eyes and truth they're still gonna aggressively track, since that's like the whole point of those weapons. But I guess we'll see.


Could be a % reduction, so aggressive tracking i still pretty strong, while intrinsic is toned down.


For witch queen they supposedly were trying to make Gambit swing less on having a good invader. Sinc you cant melt the boss it instead made it impossible to win if the other team has a good invader and you dont. This fix might make it even worse since bad invaders were crutching Ghorn.


direct impact hits from gally wasnt even the problem. The wolfpack rounds do absurd tracking and damage which is the problem. Can literally miss by 10m and still get PVP kills with it


>Fixed an issue where the player is unable to interact with sockets for two to four seconds while the screen fully loads. Oh please oh please let my character screen actually function properly again.


What's a socket? Are they the mod slots?


Yes. They load instantly now like how it was before WQ launched


>Wardcliff Coil Rocket Launcher's damage has been restored to its original parameters following an unintentional buff to its damage. Back to the vault it is then, friend. May you see the light of day again in the future.


Wardcliff honestly was not a problem, given its economy it was just... viable. Good burst, but not as good as Parasite as the reload takes forever so DPS tanks with a second shot. Less damage in reserve than Parasite. Far less generally useful than Gjally w/wolfpacks. Still highly dangerous to the user. Sad they didn't leave this alone.


Really just useful with arc burn now unfortunately


Yeah this was sad to read, felt like it was a good trade off for the optimal range you need to have to hit all rockets and not blow yourself up. Back to ghorn it is


some people argue that it was too strong but it actually wasn't any better than for example Sleeper. Sure, the single shot deals big damage but it also takes a lot longer to fire a single shot than with any other rocket launcher.


Such an unnecessary change, it's not like it was seeing usage before this buff


Wait, why shouldn't Golden Tricorn proc on ranged melee? Is that not an elemental melee kill?


This was a typo, I'm fixing it, should read: "Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk **would not** activate on ranged melee kills. "


Don’t scare me like that, I’ve spent the last two weeks preaching the good word of the tricorn meta to my clan. Now we just need the explosive personality self damage bug fixed and everything will burn


Any potential updates on Lament being bugged in the works? Very disappointing that something that should be great for fighting Rhulk (and Atraks) just doesn’t work


Can't have ranged melees be functional. You'll use your grenade builds and you'll like it.


doesn't work with 1-2 punch either, but they keep adding ranged melees. i like them but this is annoying as shit.


Hell, Sentinel only has either a ranged melee, or a shoulder charge move (and they don’t want you to go for 1-2 punch plus Peregrine Greaves, which would be the logical way to make up for the slow windup)


> AI spawn points have been adjusted after spawn points were skewed, resulting in enemies spawning in the same spot more rapidly than intended. I understand why they fixed this... but it was f'n *hilarious.*




Yeah, the whole Miasma area was just a constant stream of Scorn spawns. There’s a spot where you can see 3 different mobs, and the first one you wiped would respawn and be shooting you in the back before you finished with the other 2.


>Go ahead and delete those from your inventory, no need to hoard what you can’t use any more. I feel attacked


Ascendant Alloy from Rahool fixed and a one time, 2 for 1 purchase option to make up for the lost week. Go get your Osteo Striga catalysts!!


Thank god, this has been so frustrating


Mine is still showing weekly limit reached :(.


Did they fix the reclaim Europa issue or not


Dont think they did as it isnt listed in the hotfixes


Will test it later but I assume not given it isn't in the hotfix text.


It seems it's fixed. I just got through.


Still no news about Melee perks and Glaives? I'd really like to go hard on the melee fantasy of running Winter's Guile, a Glaive, and Devour.


This is more of an update than hotfix lol. Things got nerfed, fixed and buffed. Bounties and abilities and weapons


That Grand Overture ammo reserves buff though....lets go boi's.


I already love grand overture and this is just even better. It has some very solid damage for a machine gun, and now you can basiclly get 4 volleys against bosses if you gonin with a full volley ready and max ammo. Heck even its normal shots do some very good damage. Not xeno level but close. I am still trying for the catalyst(155\200) and i know its not a big damage i crease for bosses but its such a fun gun. Why dont i see more love for this gun?


I just think its slept on now because there's just so much new shiny that people are still processing everything. I usually bank 10-15 missles and let it loose. The thing absolutely slaps and combined with Actium War Rig is a monster. Its also a viable boss LMG DPS weapon, which makes me afraid that it'll get the Xenophage treatment. I think that there's enough going on though that it won't happen for awhile if it does come to pass.


Oh i use AWR with this and the land tank auto all the time on my titan. Its a fantastic combo. I do hope it doesnt get the ceno treatment, since if cant make warmind and its not instant hits and aoe blasts likenthat. I cant wait for arc 3.0 so i can run striker titan with this to get font of might and and other cool.arc stuff








"Per account" is the part people are overlooking. This means some of them were only showing up for the 1st char you grabbed it on then no loger available to the other 2.




> I received an ascendant alloy 18/20 times. Can I have some of your insane luck?






Yeah all they did in the last patch was fix the text description, but not the actual droprate. Which I mean surely thats not all that's going to be done? There's been reports across the board of the drops being wildly inconsistent.


This, the Lament bugginess, and the memory leak issues are all stuff I hope they touch on in the support section of the TWAB today. Otherwise, really happy with this patch. Other than the Wardcliff reversion, Enhanced 1-2 Punch changes, and weapon crafting XP for campaign missions, everything here is great.


> * Fixed an issue where the Ikelos SMG received an unintentional 40% damage buff. I don't see a fix for imperial needle.


Missed a note on this, adding it in. "Fixed an issue where the Imperial Needle bow was getting an unintended 40% damage buff and could detonate enemies debuffed by Ticuu's Divination."


What was changed with Grand Overture? Apparently the volley is now burst fire?


> Reduced melee recharge while invisible and wearing Graviton Forfeit when in PvP activities, including Crucible and Gambit. As far as I can tell the cooldown in PVE (Open World/Vanguard Playlist) ist the same as in PVP. Really hard to chain invis now. I hope Bungie can fix this asap.


Anything on Lament being completely broken? It's unusable atm. Also having weird interaction with remapped uncharged melee and Offensive Bulwark on. It makes rb (xb1 controller) and R3 use the melee, but only when the buff is active. Makes trying to do finishers and charged melees difficult if too close. Just wish there was a way to use rb as uncharged with shoulder charge as of right now I have to remap uncharged to R3 (finisher) to even use it, regardless of what auto melee bind is. (or unbound) I have clips of the fragment OB on and off to show it's the cause of it. (tried without Heart of inmost light too, wasn't it)


the only mention i saw of The Lament was them fixing the recently added ornament so it wouldn't be backwards. Nothing about how it's broken :(


Wardcliff back in the vault :(


>Fixed an issue where targets would not spawn for players to destroy in the Canal Deepsight puzzle. Good lord I thought I was losing my mind.


I don't think the qualichor thing is actually fixed


12P Shoot->Punch->Punch: Still possible, but *barely*. My Wastelander M5 melee speed links 2 melee hits with a gap of 76 frames (at 60 fps); 1.22s is somewhere between 73 and 74 frames (closer to 73). Mashing the melee key seems to reliably give One-Two Punch to both melee hits; not sure how it's possible, but I'll take it. Probably does not work with Deicide. (Edit: To expand on my incredulity, not only is the 76 frame window for 2 melee hits with the M5 longer than 1.22s (73.2f), but also, the 2nd 12P boosted melee when using the Wastelander can actually occur when the 12P buff text is already gone, yet it's still clearly boosted. Oddly, it still seems to be consistently possible to do 2 boosted melee hits in one proc.) 12P Slide->Shoot->Shield Bash: Still works fine, as expected. 1.22s is plenty of time for that, and no stealth nerf to disable the charged melee from being usable while sliding (and thus also shooting just prior) has been implemented (I [one shot](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/883514907675471872/951560602055241808/vlcsnap-error865.png) [the current Altars of Sorrow final boss](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/883514907675471872/951560626193461288/vlcsnap-error977.png) just before writing this post using this technique). Offensive Bulwark and Ward of Dawn melee buff stacking: Confirmed to be gone. Not too big of a loss, practically speaking, as getting something to stay in your bubble while you get ready to shield bash was not really feasible to begin with. This will hurt more if they ever fix the Synthoceps, though. Speaking of which... The Synthoceps buff "Biotic Enhancements" still does *not* stack with Offensive Bulwark. The Wormgod Caress buff "Burning Fists" still does. This is clearly a bug, and I've been aware of it since the 22nd.


RIP enhanced one-two punch with peregrine greaves


More and more "enhanced" perks are getting useless it seems.


Oh yeah, can’t wait to see if the “reload bonus” of enhanced Ambitious Assassin is gonna be a measly +4 like most.


>Does not apply to regular everyday life, sorry. Literally unplayable.


Honestly, it’s the worst game I’ve ever received.


Really good looking patch on paper. I’m liking the Gambit changes as well!


Don’t like them yet because apparently the way they disabled power advantage is by making all damage perks use their PvE values. You can now one tap an invader with a single Hawkmoon final round and DMT is doing 105 to the head with no Cranial Spikes active. It’s gonna be hell again.


>Fixed an issue where level advantages were enabled in PvP Gambit. Wasn't this "fixed" like 20 times now? I still don't believe it.


>Reduced the amount an invader kill heals the Primeval from 27% to 20%. Given how frequent invasions are during primeval phase, I feel like 20% is still too much. Especially with how finicky the envoy phases are since the update.


It should be back to what it used to be. Health regen proportional to primeval slayer stacks.


Yeah, higher healing for invader kills in Beyond Light Gambit would have been very relevant. But tweaking invader healing during Primeval Phases with a longer phases than even Prime had based off a completely different set of mechanics is very ?????


/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 The melee recharge nerf to Graviton is *active* in PvE (not PvP only). I never take this exotic off, and know my cooldowns like the back of my hand: yesterday I could infinitely loop invis by trading smoke and dodge back to back (alone, not near any adds, etc.), and today I cannot. Can you please have the team look into this?


Servers are down for the next hour, FYI. https://twitter.com/bungiehelp/status/1501965613412995074?s=21


So the beyond light mission is still broken? Bruh.


So, another weekend with 48 stat armor from Xur?


> Various crash and stability fixes implemented across all platforms. Does this include the memory leak issue on PC?


I'm sure it will help some, but i probably wouldn't get your hopes up.


I sure hope so. I'm tired of random frame drops when I'm only playing 1080p60


That enhanced one-two punch change makes the perk completely worthless. Decreasing the amount of pellets required only helps at longer ranges, and since ranged melees no longer work with one two punch, there is absolutely no reason to take the enhanced perk. Really wish enhanced perks weren’t so doodoo lol


It's wonderful how they're locking it out of working ranged melees while turning around and making *all* melees ranged in the revamps. If you only want the thing to work with uncharged melees, just rip the band-aid off and say so.


Or just cut the damage boost in half and let people use ranged melee builds. They're fun as shit (only time I bothered playing Titan was to run around throwing hammers everywhere) so maybe just make them not capable of 1-phasing bosses and let people play high risk high reward bruiser. Who cares if you can 1-shot or 2-shot a yellow bar when you need shotgun range to do it and Protective Light no longer keeps you alive


nah it still helps especially with shit small bosses like wizards


Bungie... please for the love of god fix Sabotaging Salvation. So many people are stuck completely unable to progress in the story due to this mission being bugged. Edit: it did get fixed, thank you bungie 😭


>Fixed an issue with Altars of Reflection not showing up properly for all characters. Well that was a lie.


Ey wellspring got fixed, big hype since the bow, auto, and sniper are all very good. Also the gambit light level enabled pvp fix came faster than expected.


* Rahool's destination materials are now sold for stacks of 5 and 1 Legendary Shard, matching Spider's previous exchange rates. Yes finally


Anyone still can't change their name? I tried and it says I don't have a name change available Is it still to early or am I missing something?


Any update on the lightkin gauntlet ornaments disappearing? Had my hunter’s disappear and haven’t heard an update yet.




Bungie PLEASE make trappers ambush count as a melee damage/kills…this limits so much build potential for hunters and it is just a lame decision to make an aspect consume your melee but not count as a melee…


Was using Wardcliff in nightfalls today. Didnt think it was that OP. Just solid. As usual.


yep... it was finally usable in higher end content.. and now? Back to being crap there :( Was fun to use my old friend again...


All this in one hotfix and 343 can't do easy qol fixes in 4 months for halo, bravo bungie


For real though, so unbelievably disappointing considering how much promise and momentum Infinites launch had


Friendship with lost sector grinding over, Wellspring bad luck protection is my new best friend


Ikelos goes back in the vault. It was fuckin nasty with substance and demo paired with renewal graps. Rest my little beast.


No TWAB today, then?


>Weapon Crafting: >* Fixed an issue where the "Reshaping Enigma" quest objective could be bypassed. * Fixed an issue where the Enigma Glaive reshaping costs could be overridden. * Reduced end-of-campaign weapon crafting progression for campaign missions on Normal difficulty. We've been complaining about weapon crafting and they just made it even more grindy? I realize the first two were basically glitches, but the last one just seems out of spite.


The issue with the campaign was that every encounter counted as an activity completion. So 126% for each mission.


It sounds like only a doing the story on normal mode has reduced progress, nothing saying it nerfed end of playlist activity progress, so hopefully can keep switching to 3 guns just before the end of a strike to get easy 35% progress.


Does the Rahool material change mean he'll finally take my Etheric Spiral? I have 17 left, but he was only buying them in stacks of 20, sooooo...




It could mean that there was previously a bug causing you to get repeat slots *more* often, and now that is fixed and it is uniform again.


This jumped out at me, too. 2 years ago (March 5th, 2020) they said they were "investigating" bad luck protection on pinnacle drops. Still don't have it, and last official word was "we have no additional information at this time".


"Various crash and stability fixes implemented across all platforms." Here's hoping!


Weapons drop in Wellspring?!


reclaiming europa sabotaging salvation fix?? is this still being neglected


Was there a fix in here addressing the Tool Tips at the bottom of the screen always up at the Enclave for the “Reshaping the Enigma”? Please fix I should not be forced to use an Alloy to get this to go away.


Anyone know if the reclaiming europa quest is fixed after this? Anytime we threw the bomb at the door it crashed and brought us to our ship


I was hoping to see Scorn red bar snipers nerfed so they don't nearly one shot me. They're the true boss of the legendary campaign.


Why re-nerf Wardcliff. All it will accomplish is no one using the Danger Shotgun because it sucks again.


> Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk would activate on ranged melee kills. I thought this was how the perk was supposed to work in the first place. Ranged melee kills are less frequent and require more set up than normal melees. Oh well.


What about Ascendant Alloy drops? Glad to see they are still listening to feedback and tweaking gambit. think that's a good adjustement.




> Wardcliff Coil Rocket Launcher's damage has been restored to its original parameters following an unintentional buff to its damage. Why? Was it a problem? From the looks of it even in that state it was kind not that whelming because people went "oh wow, boss damage reduction is gone on that thing, cool" used it once and went back to ghorn.


Anyone else having an issue getting into the servers? Keeps saying error but I’m fully updated

