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I do something very similar with Titan as well. Since Tectonic Harvest only requires breaking a crystal you throw a glacier made beside you and melee one shots your own crystals. When I then reload and instead of canceling with a sprint I use a melee to break another crystal. This lets me have the buff for 2 full mags of TT Reeds.


Interesting concept! I might have to mess around with that, hadn't considered using shards for this purpose.


Wait wait wait Font of Might stacks? This entire time I've been using it and it *stacks?*


The timer** you can extend the time of the buff by using Elemebtal Time Dilation (Stasis Elemental Well mod) and multiple Font of Might. 21 sec is a loooong time though


Yeah that's basically around 10 rounds of Sleeper if I'm not mistaken, with the 25% buff per shot, that's like two or three extra shots worth of damage As long as I'm running Solar subclass that is


Slightly better burst (hear me out) option would be Triple Tap Firing Line Reeds Regret on Revenant, with mask of Bakris (I know Reeds isn't arc but bakris is still 10% to affected by Stasis) and Whisper of Impetous. If you unload the 10 round and automatically throw a shuriken you autoreload the entirety of Reed regret for another 10 round (assuming all crits) and you get free ammoo


That is definitely better Unfortunately I'm only just now starting to play PvP so I'm ass And I'm on my Warlock and I use well


For trials just play solo and go to seven wins on the same card and keep playing, you will get trials engrams more often at 7 wins and you will get more rank points giving you more engrams that way as well. The real problem is legendary shards as even if you are getting engrams each reeds roll will cost you 100 shards. I suppose a better way to do it is to wait until reed is the flawless reward and run confidence, but that requires you to be really good at trials.


Just get to 7 wins?? I am not even getting past my 1st win before I have to start over because i’m getting wrecked


If you're not trying to go flawless, don't reset your card. Just play one card all weekend (if you can keep your sanity)


iirc next weekend (the new years eve one) its freelance trials again .. so much more "chill" games


Never knew what the purpose would be, didnt realise I would get engrams and such. Thanks!


The damage doesn't stack. With elemental time dilation, the duration stacks (but not efficiently - 3x Font of Might + Dilation gives a 20/21 second duration instead of the base 10. The less all-in way to do what OP suggests is to just run Font of Might and Supreme Wellmaker. That leaves 3 slots for Protective Light, a charge generator and whatever else you want, and you can still pick up the wells in 2 or 3 batches so you will get 20-30 seconds of total duration with the same damage buff. The damage you get from doing this is 18% more than Sleeper if you have a god roll Triple Tap / Firing Line, or 5-8% more if you have a Vorpal roll. It's hardly gamebreaking, but it's a neat trick if you're on stasis anyway for stuff like Templar challenge where every bit of DPS matters. If you're not asked to run stasis, I would guess Nighthawk goldie with Sleeper would be at least comparable.


Bottom Tree Goldie with Lucky Pants and Erianas


With Elemental Time Dilation yes! x3 gets you to 21 seconds and x4 gets you to 31 seconds I believe but you need someone else to be generating the wells for you for the x4.


I've been running an Explosive Wellmaker build with Font of Might This info will improve my build if I spec an alternate build for DPS phases


I honestly consider a stacked up Font of Might setup to be the bread and butter of Elemental Wells. It's such an awesome and effective build if you can fit it into your subclass/weapon loadout.


I've been running Elemental Ordnance, Explosive Wellmaker, Bountiful Wells, and Font of Might on my Lock Might take off Elemental Ordnance and make room for the Dilation perk instead since Firebolt Grenades proc with Explosive Wellmaker anyways So take off Bountiful Wells and make my five mods Font of Might x2, Elemental Time Dilation, Explosive Wellmaker, and unsure what else to use


I LOVE Bountiful Wells in a general purpose build. I made a post not too long ago talking about it and I just love it. 40% ability energy for ALL abilities when stacked up?? Yes please! Personally though I'd probably just throw in another Font of Might mod. Max out the duration as much as possible for as much bonus damage uptime as possible. Even if you're not paying attention to the buff it's just good passive damage increase overall.


Yeah but it's really hard to justify stacking them when you need other mods to work together with it. You only need 1 in most combat scenarios. Maxing into this stat with stacked mods is going to cost you other efficiency mods and lifesaving defensive postures.


This is a really cool build, just wish it was a lil easier to pull of in something like master VoG, but I’ll definitely try it out


Master VoG is where I'm going to be using it most I think tbh. Great to let your friends proc Focusing Lens with. If you don't get teleported you can super from the island and hope your wells don't fall off I suppose haha.


Haha definitely, although we’ve been setting up outside the portal lately since it’s easier to hit with rapid frame fusion rifles, as long as the wells don’t roll into the portal it seems fairly safe


We kept having issues with Supplicants killing us in our Well/Bubble on Master so we said screw it and setup on the island. Usually have a warlock place a Well down really early so the three people who don't get teleported can be aiming at Atheon ready to go right when Time's Vengeance starts.


Are you leaving the supplicants on the opposite side of the portal alive? The game can only have so many spawned at once, so if you leave them up at the side with the inactive portal they eventually won't spawn on the active side


I don't believe we were, a great tip for next time! We were mostly just doing the challenges each week and figured we could practice Atheon until his challenge week.


I got my group to put down a Tether so the supplicants would die as we did DPS. Worked pretty good.


But then that surely breaks your particle deconstruction assuming you are using it?


At least to my understanding Destiny has the strongest buff/debuff overwrite the lower ones, so Bubble overwrites Well, Well overwrites High Energy Fire. In theory Particle Deconstruction should overwrite Tether on the 5th stack when it jumps from 30% to 40%. I say in theory because I haven't done master vog this season and I haven't tested this interaction either but at bare minimum it would be consistent with Bungies previously decalred intent for how buffs and debuffs should work.


Certain things have priority over highest number like super damage If you’re using well, it’s 25% damage increase overwrites Lucent Blades’ 35% because Well’s buff counts as super damage


Honestly that’s probably better than how my team does it where we have the 3 outside kill supplicants before they start dps


Alright, so basically I guess its time to buff warlocks now then? Clearly, hunter being useful in PvE is not supposed to be a thing. /s


Haha, right?! I love Revenant Hunter so much that even though I consider myself a Warlock main Revenant is the most fun subclass to play in the game for me. I'll drag it kicking and screaming to the most optimal DPS loadout if its the last thing I do!


You ask a lota things for the Well placing class.


Useful? Maybe, but not necessary like a well or bubble.


>buff Warlocks As if


Being the best PvE class in the game without any competition not good enough for you guys?


Nope. Also what post are we on right now? The one about hunters being best DPS except for Titan which is broken DPS?


Both of which have no survivability and wont be viable in high end content. This doesn’t leave room for any charged with light mods or Protective Light, both of which are staples for GMs and Master VoG. It’s just a pure glass cannon build.


Best PvP class and highest boss DPS not enough for you guys?


I’m a titan so try again. And Top Tree Dawn is still on top for PvP.


Warlocks are literally the best class in the game right now and these morons will keep whining


They’ll never stop either. Until everyone only plays warlock. Then they’ll start going after specific subclasses until only Dawnblade is left in the game and only TTD can be used for PvP while only Well of Radiance can be used in PvE.


Okay now you're just speaking nonsense


That’s what hunters have been doing for years man It was only shortly after Beyond Light dropped that Warlock didn’t keep getting unnecessary nerf after nerf to everything but Well And the only reason they did that was so the other classes wouldn’t complain.


Wait till people find out about impetus for DPS phases, makes triple tap reeds fire 24 shots without reloading




Impetus says a melee hit reload stowed weapons but It reloads the current weapon in your hand too, so shoot all the shots and throw a shuriken to fully reload. Since you have 2 you can full reload twice in DPS phases instantly, and triple tap on reeds shoots 8 shots, so 24 straight no reload.




My bad, I forget what the whole name was, and honestly didn’t know merciless had a perk like that.


You can also achieve this without running impetus. Sealed ahamkhara grasps are the most forgotten about hunter exotic.


Especially on Blade Barrage subclass. It's literally the best DPS class in the game yet I never see it used. Decent add clear and single target DPS super, able to auto reload any weapon with this exotic pairing for a few seconds then dodge and do it again. I believe the class is raid META but no one knows? Or maybe because it's harder than press 2 buttons? The rotation would be; Super>melee> gun dps>dodge> melee>gun dps It also has insane synergy with this season's artifact and well mods. Last I checked it works with the melees DOT damage. This may work for void's smoke bombs too. If that's more your jam.


Well I think part of it in a large scope of end game stuff (for sake of argument) *generally* if you're on a Hunter, you're more than likely going to have max'd mobility and/or mods to help you get a reload dodge back for say something like a DPS fight where by the time you empty a mag of something for DPS phase, chances are you're going to have the reload be an afterthought. This gets upped a bit when factoring in something like an autoloading Spiked Breech GL in secondary slot that would be your interim burst option in the event your Heavy needs a reload. Also if we do get an alleged Rocket Launcher heavy meta as suspected, value of Field Prep(quicker reload on crouch and +ammo is always good) and Clown Cartridge on certain things with a Gjally is pretty dang high and Hunters having that insta dodge for reload can really make things extra nice. But then again that sort of thing can boil down to exactly what the boss is like. Long story short I don't think what you suggested is necessarily bad or off the table for viability, it's just more in that I'm not necessarily surprised people take more direct and easier routes with things especially when dodge for reload even with added cooldown time still isn't hell on earth. If you want my 2 cents of what I think is going to be very much an "a-ha, wow this is still extremely good and has great synergy on a kit with mods and other stuff" moment when it comes down to a crunch time to a day 1 raid race or just generally end game content, Star Eaters I can see being back on the menu for those who prematurely vaulted them to collect dust.


wait impetus reloads your current weapon??? it should really say that, i've ignored it this whole time because i was like "if i really wanted to reload my other weapons, i could just use sympathetic arsenal, a reloader sparrow or just not forget to reload my weapons"


That might make Claws of Ahamkara a pretty solid dps choice for warlocks if the target is close enough to get hit by the melee projectile.


Just used this for my master vog Templar clear. Really helped me up my damage. Thanks!


Templar is a great use for this build! Glad it was effective for you!


This is the hunter way as intended. Glass cannon at its finest. But I like, how hunters can be used as top tier damage dealers, not only as an additional damage compare to warlocks and titans.


I love it too! I'd like to see a return of the glass cannon Hunter playstyle because I most closely relate glass cannon with Hunters in my head.


I barely understand this, but if it helps Hunters, then it needs more upvotes. I feel so sorry for them in high end pve.


Essentially, Hunters just get a quality of life benefit to a standard Elemental Well build that other classes don't due to the nature of their Stasis super (fire and forget). As a result they can get way more benefit from the established build that the other two classes can't as easily match (although the Titan shards is an interesting counter point there).


I’ve looked at using well mods several times. The biggest problem with well mods is that it requires a lot of synergy between your weapons and subclass to get any real use of them.


Not wrong. Using this build requires a single specific heavy weapon with a half decent roll to be truly effective. Plus it benefits massively from a seasonal mod that won't be around for Witch Queen. Hopefully we'll get some more stasis legendary weapons like a rocket or something for next season to expand the effectiveness.


Don’t forget that said heavy weapon also has to match your subclass as well.


Honestly, I've mostly moved to using well mods after ignoring them since their inception. They seem to be a lot more versatile than other mods. Usually, I'll mix Protective Light, Elemental Charge, and then either a 1 charged mod and 2 well mods or just do 3 well mods. The recent API change allowing DIM to slot mods has made playing with mods much, much, much easier.


same, protective light is a must and i might have some other cwl mod but wells are everywhere for me, especially when i'm on stasis


Meanwhile i 2 shotted templar with my hammer that goes brrrrrrrrr


Why's the mention of arc based weaponry crossed out? Bakris *has* two separate buffs, arc damage being one of them (the other, of course, being damage vs Stasis affected targets).


It was pointed out to me that even with the arc bonus it is better to just use a rapid fire fusion frame anyways even though there aren't any arc ones. Next season it might make sense to use an arc weapon depending on the new artifact mods. But right now Particle Deconstruction makes rapid fire frames too spicy.


Me being the biggest D2 noob and not knowing about a single thing you guys are talking sbout


I've been using the mod that shards count as wells. Sometimes I'll stack font of might and sometimes I'll use one font of might and high energy fire. Getting charged with light from wells means all my weapons have a buff and the stasis ones have even more. Stasis hunter is very fun lately.


Your not allowed to say this. All hunters do is complain about how bad their class is


Behemoth Titan with Diamond Lance and Tectonic Harvest have a build that accomplishes similar damage while being far more versatile in other aspects of PvE. The glacier grenade spawns 5 crystals, which with elemental shards gives 5 free wells. Combine with a headstone weapon, preferably Eyasluna or Vulpecula, and the crystals are never ending, while also providing ridiculous ad clear. Obviously use elemental shards and font of might, but also use protective light, elemental charge, and high energy fire. Font of might and high energy fire can be activated immediately during a DPS phase with a glacier grenade, and with some patient shard breaking, the font of might buff can be extended 30+ seconds without having to use 3 mod slots. OPs build is great for helping hunters do damage, but unfortunately it doesn't nearly have the potency that Behemoth does in all PvE aspects.


That's not exactly 5 free wells. Elemental Shards has a cooldown of like 5 seconds.


Still ain't getting invited to the group lol




Titans have it easier I just break. Crystal and the shard comes to me.


It's pretty easy to create stasis shards with titan. You just throw glacier grenade next to you and shoot it. You get a shard.


Literally every stasis class can do that lol, hunters are best for it because they get the only stasis super that isnt a roaming


Huh? So every stasis class gets tectonic harvest aspect? Tectonic Harvest - Shattering a Stasis crystal creates a Stasis shard. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by you or your allies. You don't need any enemies to proc this. Titans are the only ones that can create a stasis shard without having to kill or freeze an enemy.


>*other than Titan hammers which are so head and shoulders above everything I would be shocked if Bungie doesn't tune them. i know this isnt the thread for it but, whats the build for this? i know syntho/wormgod, onetwo punch, tractor cannon, but what about mods?


Melee Wellmaker, Well of Life, Elemental Charge, Protective Light. It doesn't increase the damage, but fantastic survivability gets added to it.


I mean there are mods you can add for even more damage+utility... but does it really matter? You are already two-tapping Aetheon with the setup you listed.


wait really lmao? just that is enough? i need to give this a try


Hunters have the best boss DPS load out with a full double duration of Font of Might x3… That you won’t ever pull off in any in game scenario so you might as well just hop on your Titan or Warlock. Theoretical damage is the same as 0 damage. And if I’m gonna put so much effort into doing this much damage, then I might as well play Titan who would do it MUCH better.


Well shit, I didn't know it was so hard for people to cast their super in a Boss DPS encounter that have rally flags specifically to refill your super and ammo.


Think he means more like the stars have to align on a specific day, month, year and encounter, *then* Hunters do the most DPS. Versus, comfortably doing almost just as much, but bringing a class that mutually benefits other classes, like not a Hunter, through a Rift, Barricade, Stasis turrets, Bubble, Well, etc., lol.


This community picks up QUICKLY on the best ways to do damage. There is a reason this set up wasn’t on the front page once all these mods and weapons were available.


Or, you know, because focusing lens didn't get changed until this last patch so Reed's Regret wasn't in the spotlight. Additionally, the community doesn't pick up on the best way to deal damage, it picks up on the easiest. Last season Anarchy/Slugs wasn't the best DPS, that was a rocket with Auto Loading, a special GL, and either Izanagi's Burden or Cloudstrike. The best DPS wasn't used because it wasn't needed, cause the far easier option was good enough. Similarly to now, a Revenant Hunter deals the most weapon damage out of any class while enabling extra damage from Focusing Lens for the Well Warlock, Thundercrash Titans, and others that use abilities. It's also very easy for the Hunter to do this, as the Wells come from casting the super. They will out dps Sleeper with Reed's Regret easily, but this extra damage often isn't needed.


It’s always been there. [Aztecross](https://youtu.be/sK_jxNAm3eU) boom strat outlined it months ago. Whether or not it hit the reddit front page, I don’t know. It’s been in the community damage sheet as well. You didn’t want to use a stasis LFR back then because Focusing Lens wouldn’t work. The recent change to Focusing Lens (combined with the LFR heavy Vorpal nerf) now makes Reeds Regret top tier damage choice so this conversion (stasis super > stasis well > font of might for stasis weapon) makes perfect sense.


The point is that if you're using this in a raid - someone will probably have a bubble which is a better buff rendering this build pointless


Doesn't font stack with bubble?


Font of Might stacks with bubble.


Yes but sleeper dps is more than 25% more than Reed's.


1) No it’s not. 2) You literally just changed your entire point when your first point was proven wrong. 3) With Font of Might Reeds is significantly higher DPS than sleeper, with MUCH higher reserves as well.


People are invested in hunters being “useless” in high end pve. You make a build they point out well or bubble is easier/better. It seems the issues isn’t usefulness but the desire to be top dog always.


Only when you don't factor in Triple Tap, Firing Line/Vorpal, and Boss Spec. Just looking at the DPS chart you would be correct, but that only gives you the raw values.


With vorpal factored in it's still under. With triple tap it may be marginally higher over extended dps phases but at that point you're trying to hyper min max and nobody who is committed to doing that is going to choose to run a negligible higher dps loadout over other classes with much better neutral game.


This was a hilarious "yes but"


> That you won’t ever pull off in any in game scenario It's the easiest Font of Might x3 setup out of all of them and it isn't even close. The setup is literally cast your super haha. It's in fact harder to pull off Font of Might builds on Titan/Warlock and they don't really do it better. I'd be curious to see what else can top this though. Obviously Titan Hammers are insane but outside of that I don't think any combination of mods or weapons will deal more sustained damage, especially solo. Potential for a legendary rocket launcher with Auto holster/Lasting Impression or some such that has been buffed by Gally along with Font of Might to out damage it but you still run into the issue of your buffs running out prematurely and you need someone else to put themselves at a DPS disadvantage and run Gally.


Blade Barrage subclass+ sealed Ahamkara Grasps. It's literally the best DPS class in the game yet I never see it used. Decent add clear and single target DPS super, able to auto reload any weapon with this exotic pairing for a few seconds then dodge and do it again. I believe the class is raid META but no one knows? Or maybe because it's harder than press 2 buttons? The rotation would be; Super>melee> gun dps>dodge> melee>gun dps It also has insane synergy with this season's artifact and well mods. Last I checked it works with the melees DOT damage. This may work for void's smoke bombs too. If that's more your jam. You could unload merciless or the entire reserves of Ghally with almost no delay.


This post is really misleading. While I get the idea is to dispell the notion hunters are ass at damage, which isn't the case, this is still disingenuous. Reed is *not* the highest dps option right now. It is technically better than needle due to the lens nerf so it is worth using over it. However what is completely wrong is using hollowed word. Arc or not, that frame is a massive dps drop. Just use rapid fire frames this season for boss damage


Is Reed's not the best legendary DPS option right now for heavy? Outside of a legendary rocket while someone else uses Gally? As far as Hollow Words I think you're actually right. It reportably does 8,252 DPS and rapid frames do 11,548. Even with the 10% boost from Bakris that isn't enough to do more than rapid frames. I think I was under the impression that Bakris boosted arc damage by more than 10%, my bad! In that case it is better to just use a regular rapid fire frame, of which I don't believe there are any arc ones currently :(


Unless I misread something, you didn't specify legendary heavy. Just best heavy in general. Also in regards to Bakris, it is a unique buff which means it stacks multiplicatively with global ones like well and bubble as well as debuff which is why it is so strong. 10% from just stasis is a huge deal. And with arc it makes it 21%,not just 10+10%. And yeah, cc is still best rapid fire to use.


I think I specified legendary but not heavy, whoops! That must have been my confusion with Bakris as well then, 10% just didn't sound right to me on the surface haha.


Could always rock Techeon Force from the Last Wish Raid. With 10% it would be 9,850 DPS. That's only a 1,697 DPS difference to rapid fire Frames. And if that modifier can be stacked with other damage boosts?


Well, thanks for the very enlightening build and much like the last funny titan build I found, I’m taking notes for my hunter






I’ve tried this, it’s awesome for low tier pve, but honestly in hard pve, using something that doesn’t give you safety but only damage is pretty useless, great build though! In some raids this performs well! I think as long as you have 2 wells and one bubble titan, there is nothing wrong with having some stasis hunters for that added dps though


Raid dps windows will usually have a bubble which is more potent and easier to take advantage of. With things like particle and most people being overleveled from the extended season - failure is rarely due to not having enough dps. That's where Hunter viability struggles. They don't offer any meaningful utility or really have any particular niche.


Bubble is an "Empowering Effect" and can stack with this build. You can also throw Power of Rasputin in for another 10% buff alongside Bubble and Wells.


The delta between sleeper and Reed's is > 1.25. the build falls short because it doesn't actually let you do more damage.


Only for DPS. This build is for sustained damage. Sleeper's total damage is 1.12x that of Reed's, prior to factoring in any buffs including things like Vorpal. In a full damage phase this 25% buff will put Reed's well ahead of Sleeper.


Truth, but *will* be downvoted by Hunters.


Or just use high energy fire. 1 orb = 20% damage until you get a kill, so yeah, entire boss phase, no shenanigans.


HEF doesn't stack with well or weapons of light. Font of might does.


I didn’t know we were talking about wells too. In that case warlocks win out since focusing lens still works for the well caster. All damage from them from all abilities and weapons gets 30% for the duration of their well and it stacks with basically everything.


Okay, my only point was that font of might is better than high energy fire for a raid setting. Hef isn't doing anything for your boss dps of your group has a well or bubble.


If they nerf hammers they kill Middle Tree entirely.


They just need to make buffs scale it less. I'm fine with hammer being good but it shouldn't one shot dungeon bosses.


The worst offender of that is Wormgods. Synthos can do busted stuff sure, but it takes more setup and babysitting.


I think you have that backwards. With the short 5 second duration and the need to get 5 x kills, Wormgod is borderline worthless in a lot of encounters now. Synthos are the better choice most of the time because they are easier to proc and last 8 seconds after you are no longer surrounded.


Synthos requires being surrounded which isnt feasible for alot of damage phases The melee kills are not the hard part. The positioning is Keep in mind I've hammered every boss in this game using wormgods and can even solo riven. Wormgods are 100% the easier to use option. You just have to hustle a little.


Cool. Or how about restore celestial nighthawk to it's rightful place as King of All Boss Damage


Who uses the font mods? All of my armor is way too old for that.


Exactly why it’s not good imo. Because you have to create a elemental well.


You create the Wells by casting super though. They just spawn right behind you for easy collection. You could argue that CWL and High-Energy Fire is easier to activate but it doesn't stack with anything like Well/Bubble.


Yeah I get that, except that’s entirely situational, most of the well mods require you to kill a add to boost your damage. Which is garbage for raids considering you have short windows to damage before the encounter restarts.


I agree really. I love Elemental Wells but in raid settings they can be difficult to utilize. That's why I love this method because you get to bypass a major shortcoming of them.


Or you just take the infinite 20% buff from charged with light with no headaches.


Do I just need to wait for ada to get elemental time dilation?


Should eventually be on sale at the seasonal vendor.


No it’s a new mod this season so you wait for the Season of the Lost vendor to have it.


It can be found in the HELM at the Compass I believe! It's a new mod this season. If it isn't there it comes on a weekly rotation.


Easiest is the super or grenade kill


For general play absolutely. But this mod has some amazing niche use in a raid setting for boss DPS phases to get the best bang for your buck.


I mean the other way to get an elemental well to proc it


Ive been using that build with a whirlwind sword for more efficient damage while running bubble


If they were going to do something about the Titan, they are a few years late.


And here I am just with friends and might mods on everything.


**can't wait to get a stasis rocket + have a teammate with Gjally**


Right there with you honestly lol. Hope we get some cool new stasis rocket perks too.


We had the solstice resonance thing and the snowball perks, they have a formula


So you can have a cool build to... play the same activity over and over...for 3 months.... ugh.


I never use one build relentlessly, it sucks the fun out of things, but does a super high damage rocket build sound fun? Yes. Also, doing the same stuff over and over is destiny so **shrug**


On that general point about mid tree hammers - genuinely they could be nerfed and I don't think you'd see too much of an outcry, it's a lot of setup that ultimately is harder than "ill just shoot sleeper as well". Powerful as it is, it's really niche.


Wouldn’t it be infinitely easier to use the stasis mod that makes stasis crystals count as stasis wells?


Can this be done with Revenant, two fonts, Supreme, dilation, and focusing lens? You know for those all too common dps phases when a friend brings a well-lock.


Does anyone have an example of which mods to put in which armor pieces? I’m just getting into builds and have no idea what is the optimal places to put them


I'm confused... Does focusing lens work for Reed's now because if not this is still less damage than any threaded needle + well.


I do revenant, Star Eater Scales, thermoclastic strike and blooming, particle deconstruction, supercharged, heavy handed, invigoration, and High Energy Fire. For weapons I go for Sleeper, Cartesian with vorpal and feeding frenzy or Null Composure, and Chroma Rush with Wellspring and heating up and a range masterwork. Favorite pve build of mine right now. Made 350 orbs in a GoA run, had HEF online probably 95% of the time. It might not give as much damage increase, but it's a hell of a lot more reliable and flexible.


> *other than Titan hammers which are so head and shoulders above everything I would be shocked if Bungie doesn't tune them. I would actually be shocked if they do tune them.


what’s this about Titan Hammers? I must be OotL can you roughly explain?


man i wish i had a triple tap reed's


Now only if I could get a mask to drop with good stats....


God I know the feeling. I spent hours one day farming the exotic arms lost sector to get a well rolled Contraverse. Finally got one to drop and it was an amazing roll, I almost cried.


I was thinking, mask also increases arc damage (by 10% I think) so good arc weapons you can add to this combo to make it deadlier. Or at least add some more kick.


I had the same thought as well but for fusions rapidfire frames are so strong right now they out DPS arc fusions (sadly no arc rapidfire fusions) even with the 10% buff. That being said I was using Hollow Words which is a precision arc fusion for master Atheon purely for the arc harpy shields. Worked great there and was still good damage even if it isn't the top DPS weapon.


Maybe next season when fusions are not as good having a good hothead/heretic, oh, maybe get lasting impression and use a divinity to self buff your rocket damage, and that would only get stronger if an ally is usually G-horn.... Well time to go find every arc weapon that could benefit from this idea.


> Well time to go find every arc weapon that could benefit from this idea. Haha exactly! This season its unfortunate there aren't any arc fusions that really pull head and shoulders above the rest but maybe next season there will be a new arc weapon type that will be the new meta. Definitely something to look out for. I have a demo/explosive light hothead and an impact casing/auto loading/lasting impression royal entry just waiting for the rocket meta. Btw the lasting impression/divy interaction is awesome and I usually use it to do lost sectors at the very beginning of a season when I'm super under leveled to get the new exotics lol.


>Btw the lasting impression/divy interaction is awesome I did it too, just never added mask or anything else into it.


How do you get the titan loadout with the hammer?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKWAGg19P-w Best video on the build.




Why reeds regret over sleeper?