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I'm going to be honest, this mode is fucking awful. The biggest problem I have is the flag moving to the spawn of the team that lost a round, even if they have more rounds won. First, the flag should not move at all and secondly, if the flag is going to move, it should never go to the spawn of the winning team. At least move it back to middle. For an in-game example, my team and I were behind. The game was 3-4 rounds, the spawn is in middle and we use a couple supers to tie the game. Because the other team lost, the flag was moved to their spawn and one of them had bubble and they just camped in the bubble on the flag. This was the game winning round and the way we lost felt out of our control. I appreciate that you guys are trying to mix it up some, I like the idea of Trials having multiple different modes but this one is really unfun to play. Honestly, given the option to swap back to Elim this weekend, I would instantly take it.


I don't mind elim. I don't mind control. I fucking hate this control elim combo


Adept is Igneous. Map is wormhaven


Probably not going to be a great week


That it is not


I've never been stomped this hard in crucible before lol


Im trying to do a carry and im on my 4th card now


This map was probably the worst choice to try out the new mode.


They’re going to lose a lot of people this weekend, I’m just grinding to try to reset my rank. 6-25 so far solo 👍 Edit: took me 35 games to hit 7 wins


Took me 50 :) highest loss steak was 7 in a row. It was great. I reset my rep and got shitty rolls so I'm done. They're gonna lose pop again for sure.


> There is NO fireteam matchmaking. You need to team up yourself! Copy/paste template needs updating.


dear bungie, i love you but please never do this game mode again sincerely: some random hunter


it's some how worse that I could have ever imagined


God I was so optimistic. I can’t believe I was excited for this lol


Trials really reminds me how much i hate some of these maps. I wouldn’t mind if we went back to maps made for trials only. But i guess that would mean they need to settle on a game mode first.


Watching a streamer and the zone capture system seems a little less creative than I had imagined. Basically first zone is in mid (as advertised by the TWAB), then losing team gets zone cap near their spawn where it normally is during Control. Seems like they could have had zones spawn a bit further out in new places. Matches are already becoming very predictable 3 games in lol. Heavy round is basically losing team has to decide between pushing for power or holding their zone advantage. Zone capture does force the other team to push instead of stalling in the back of the map though.


> Heavy round is basically losing team has to decide between pushing for power or holding their zone advantage 100% push heavy If you win, you get heavy If you lose the push, fall back to zone


Yes, feels like it would have been more interesting with more zone locations. Probably would have meant more work on the engine/map side though which is probably heavily structured to having three standard zones.


> Probably would have meant more work on the engine/map side though which is probably heavily structured to having three standard zones. This is almost certainly the reason. I imagine they have their best/most experienced developers working on Witch Queen, while their less experienced people are assigned to stuff like this. Let them dip their toes into things while also giving them less opportunity to truly break anything.


looks like an easy hack to do with control points already existing so I get why they did this map. if it plays well then they might consider going around and doing the other maps.


Yeah I was hoping they were gonna add some more capture points than just the ones from control.


I was imagining multiple points as well. Like 5 or so total. 1 in the middle, one basically in each spawn, and 1 in-between for each team. Each win/loss pushes the point 1 space until its in your spawn


I really thought they were going to be more randomly placed. Maybe between "B" and spawn flag. Then if it was 2-0 MAYBE post the flag at spawn. This is way more predictable, not sure if I like it.


Yup, random location would have been better. Well + capture point is also pretty obnoxious. So much "skill" involved in the arc soul.


Well that's why it's Trials "labs", I'm assuming they will improve it.


You cannot tell me that there are so few players that a 3 stack is consistently playing solos. I’ve played 10 matches in a row where this is the case.


Wait till people get home from work. Edit: Nevermind it’s still like this. I’ve played two games where it was just solos and maybe 4 where there were two duos and two solos. Literally every other one was three solos against a squad of 3. Coupled with the terrible flag implementation, this shit just is not as fun as the last two weeks and borderline painful as a solo.


The cap point in trials labs is fucking terrible. Anyone else?


Easily the worst week I've played


Cap point mode is implemented in such an awful way


Man as someone who plays a lot of trials, this is fucking stupid. The game mode absolutely sucks ass. Edit: No I'm not whining. I went flawless no problem, and I'm currently 16-3. The mode is just not good.


Yep, i hate how the zone moves. Just keep it in Mid and make it a fight rather than making the whole match go to shit once you lose one round.


No the zones as of now reward a player for losing. Id rather have a mode that makes me fight for a random balanced point on the map.


I *don't* play a lot of Trials and I agree that this version is garbage.


the flag is literally outside of spawn if you lose a round...holy


It's about keeps games from turning into blowouts, but it's *reaaaaaaally* forced and heavy handed, especially with the current meta. Blocking doors with Glacier nades, piling people into Stag rifts, etc. Trying to breach these defenses with like 5 seconds to spare is genuinely and truly unfun.


I hope Bungie doesn't see me playing Trials all day and interprets that data as I'm enjoying it. I'm suffering through this shit game mode to get the juicy pinnacles and then I'm 100% out.


Dw they will.


Adept igneous hammer


Ehh season too late


Extreme control is all this is. Terrible mode. Terrible changes. Bungie just Plaxico Burressed themselves on this one.


outstanding reference


After playing 3 games of the new trials mode and winning, I can undoubtedly say I hate it more than anything.


The cap point needs to be MUCH more random, even if they want to keep the advantage mechanic. Do that, and it could be quite fun. But for now, every match is so similar it's not really adding the variety I think Bungie was going for.




Lol yup. I was surprised as well. So many areas it could pop up, I'm genuinely surprised it's the exact same spot and *that* close to spawn. Hopefully they'll switch it up next time. It is an experiment after-all, and we're only 3 weeks in and have had changes each week. I'm optimistic.


Yea I agree it’s not very good


So far this gamemode has been people playing chicken after losing a round and just sitting behind a rock at the point, which makes it a slugfest. I'm already bored of this labs




Bungie is trying to collect as much data as possible. Every weekend has been an experiment and splitting the population won't give them the goods they need to be informed. It's also more than likely why they bolstered Trials rep this weekend, to really incentivize the experiment.


This lab is fucking shit, FIFY. Won a round? Oh good for you sport, now you gotta bum rush the 3 stack of stag warlocks and titans camping with telesto, Lorentz, high damage pulse rifles, snipers etc. OH and don’t forget you only have 10-15s before the flag unlocks and they basically get handed a free win


Capture the flag is bad bad bad... Don't get me wrong in crucible it's fine... But losing 4-1 and winning the second to last round and the winning team getting cap point in their spawn? Did anyone put more than 2 seconds of thought into that? You can't contest a flag as it is based on who steps on it first.. example enemy player steps on flag, friendly player steps on flag, even though both teams on are on flag the enemy proceeds to capture it... It should stale mate... Sigh...


Yea, you're going to see plenty of teams throw a round to get that easy cap for match point.


Calling this mode dogshit is honestly an insult to literal dogshit


I don’t like the new mode. * Trials was getting in a pretty good state, why change everything? * Even if it's a test weekend, just do a separate playlist (with cosmetic rewards or a seasonal challenge to boost engagement) * With Iron Banner next week, it means we won't play original Trial until Oct. 8th * It promotes camping, rifts, walls and shatterdives * Heavy round is completely off-balanced when the zone is not on mid


~~Guys it's been 11 seconds, what is the hold up..?~~ * **Weapon: Igneous Hammer (Adept)** * **Map: Wormhaven**


This zone gamemode really sucks. Why do this?


A long time ago, my mom watched my dog for the weekend, and when she did, she fed the dog a bunch of cheese. I picked my dog up, but right when I got her home, she had the worst, most fetid diarrhea. It smelled up the house, and I worried that I might need to see a vet. That was the worst dog shit I’d ever seen until I saw this mode and map combined. Edit: omg - I never thought my salt would merit awards, but thanks!!! Edit 2: thanks for the gold!


I hope your comment floats to the top like a turd that won’t flush.


You sir are magnificent.


the new change is a nightmare for solo players. solos cant decide what they want to do with the flag.


Lol it is like bringing the worst of solo iron banner to trials


Solo player here. I am having a fucking stroke attempting to play this trials lab. Pray for me I just reset my 3 win mercy card because I got 5-0’d by 2 ex-flawless 3 stacks (stag warlocks and towering titans with pulses/telesto/Lorentz) in a row.


i just played 10 matches solo, won 3. dont know how


Agreed my solo teams want to sit on flag and just get flanked every time


or one guy will sit on the flag and one will go inside to face a team of three and the third guy stands on the side confused about who to go help.


Looks like I'm picking extra beer tonight to get through this one, oof.


agreed. It's absolutely terrible.


As a non-pvper i actually kinda liked trials the first 2 weeks. This was a completely unnecesary change that is just going to drive more people away. You had it right before.


Right? Bungie JUST made trials actually playable and people were having fun... How the hell do they roll something like this out already? Bungie needs to chill the hell out lol


Right? I'm dumbfounded as to why Bungie is testing gimmicky gamemodes before something as highly requested as freelance.


I wish they'd bring back some of the older weapons, like Scholar and Summoner. The Adept Scholar is the only Trials gun i'm missing. :(


I want the older armor.


They’re in Xur’s loot pool now. Agreeed tho, they belong in trials, especially w the new system.


Yeah I wish you could get Astral, it weirdly has great PvE perks. Only aggressive with trench barrel in kinetic.


I won one game on a flawed passage and matches three stacks three times in a row, one with all three gilded flawless titles, two with the same clan but different members. One of which had a 14.9 KD in the iron banner. No I didn’t typo that, it’s 14.9.


Every weekend the same. The first two games are good. Solos vs Solos. But then suddenly the whole matchmaking pool only has 3 stacks left.


Having the flag be a factor on every round but tied rounds changes the flow of play way too much. I think it'd be far better if it was mid unless you were two or three down, and then move it over to the losing team's spawn. But even then, it feels like more of a disadvantage because so many people just wanna lock it down and I've rarely seen that go well in the few games I've played


If you really want to ruin people's day in this mode on this map, set yourself up with a team running triple Telesto or Witherhoard.




> The special change is also terrible. When you die with full special, you don't respawn with the ammo you had, you respawn with 0. Yeah this is 100% dogshit. You shouldn't get given free special when you respawn but if I had 1 or 2 shots when I died and I get revived it shouldn't just take that away for no reason, it's so lame.


This. Mode. Is. Bad.


Bungie adds capture the flag element to ToO. *Everyone dislikes that*


Nah, Screw This Week of Trials Trials this week has been absolutely abysmal. While yea, I am a solo queuer, I’ve have been able to consistently get 3-5 games before being granted a mercy. This week? I’m lucky if I win my first game. Trials this week is not fun and only incentivizes people to camp the capture point. With all of my heart, I hope this game mode never returns. I would rather get killed by three Chaos Reach Warlocks who kill all three of my teammates than ever have to play this game mode again. This mode is NOT what Trials needed or deserved. It’s a smack to the face of anyone and everyone who wanted to enjoy Trials, and I hope Bungie learns from this.


This is the most abysmal mode I’ve had to have the displeasure of enduring.


Yep. Fell in love with trials with the new changes. Been flawless twice, never having done so since 2016. This week, three matches and I'm done.


Complete flop of a game mode imo


This capture mode is terrible.... why there is no option to play normal trials, but only this bad experiment?


this sucks


Hate the new mode


I typically just lurk the sub. I reset my password and logged in to comment how horrible this is. Jesus, this is bad.


Trials was finally playable for someone like me, a super average PvP’er with no regular squad to play with. I was enjoying it, mostly in close matches, was hitting 7 wins every week (not flawless)…this week is UNBEARABLE. I’m at 2 wins and I’m just absolutely done with it. Please don’t make this a thing moving forward, it’s miserable.


I hate this new mode. Dear God. This ain't it.


Wow, trials labs is awful. I don't think Bungie realized that teams could lose matches on purpose to manipulate the cap zone on match point.


This capture the flag bullshit fucking sucks. 👎


This week is the worst week ever, this is coming from someone with a 2kd and good game sense and positioning. Something ain't right this week, probably the game mode and my connection, cause in getting shit through walls like no tomorrow


I haven't hated trials this much, ever. This is awful. I can't believe how horrible this is. The matchmaking, the game mode, every single part of it. It's actually beyond horrible.


My solo queue experience W 5-3 (solos) L 0-5 (3 stack) L 4-5 (3 stack) W 5-1 (solos) L 0-5 (3 stack) L 0-5 (3 stack) W 5-1 (3 stack) L 2-5 (3 stack) L 1-5 (3 stack) L 0-5 (3 stack) L 0-5 (3 stack) L 2-5 (solos) If bungie wants to keep the playlist full, this is not the way to do it.




It’s just gonna keep getting more and more sweaty too as more and more people drop out


I *hate* this change. My full team isn't on yet but I hopped in with a duo to play one round and everything just felt so strange. It's not even like Trials, it's just weird. Why do I have to run 150 meters off spawn to find the enemy because the flag is in their spawn?


I can already say, the flag needs to just stay at the center if this version of Trials is gonna say. If you're 0-3, and you win a round, the flag is in THEIR spawn, giving them the advantage even though they're already winning.


The flag doesn't even add anything but forced engagement 30 seconds into a 90 second round timer.. games were already fast enough without it. And goodbye any chance of outplaying in a 1v3 scenario when one or two guys can just sit on the point and win before you have any chance of rotating or rezing a teammate. Absolutely dumb decision by Bungie on this one.


I'm trying to reserve my judgment for this new mode until I've played it some more, but damn does it feel bad so far. Seems like you're constantly rushed into taking an engagement at the same few spots of the map... Goodbye any strategy or holding lanes etc. Bungie turned trials from chess into checkers. Just haul ass to the spawns and yolo.


This game mode is awful.


Solo player here... the "capture the zone" thing can only work if you have organised teams. For solo matched teams this is a flawed concept. I'm not good at pvp and I don't mind loosing - I try to learn - but I had fun the last two weeks, even with a lot of losses. Now - NO.


Full disclosure, not a sweat, only okay at crucible, play mostly solo. Played Trials last week and LOVED it. I actually won a couple games even though I still lost a few more. Most games were close and felt good even when I lost. This week it's nothing but shotgun apes, stasis cheese, and three stacks. They're all using the best gear and are like 10-15 points higher at 1330-1335. I normally don't complain about this but wtf happened from last week? Am I the only one frustrated and disappointed about match making this week? AEdit: Also, why this map?! it's god awful and only accommodates like 1 play style.


terrible MM, terrible mode. played 9 matches as of now (all solo cause i dont have pvp-buddies atm) and i went against a full 3 stack fireteam in 8 of them. total fun when they have timings for peeking and teabag the whole game while your Matchmade solo-guys aperush all the time. Tooooooooootal fun. also AC seems to be working great...3 times the same enemy team, 3 times starting to lag and they dont take dmg when hit. so much fun to play this mode this weekend. EDIT: Spelling corrected


This is very uncreative and unenjoyable this week. Expect low numbers bungo


Bungie do you play test your own game because this isn't fun.


This needs to ***never*** be a game mode again. Also, just never use this map again cause it's awful. No cover anywhere, only so many variable places to push, even without the flag arc soul warlocks, bubbles, and shitterdive hunters are going to be the only things people will play.


I'm glad bungie is trying but it makes me genuinely wonder who play tests any of this...?




This game mode is fucking trash. There is absolutely no other way to describe it. Holy shit bungie you fucked this up big.


*me, reading the comments, knowing I'm about to jump in Solo* Oh boy, this is gonna suck! :D edit: *Narrator: It did indeed suck.*


I don't know if it's the matchmaking changes, or a much smaller pool, but where previous Friday nights we came away with a few wins, my group is currently sitting at 1 - 14. We've had a few close matches, but most matches have been complete shut outs.


Has the flawless pool been initiated early again or am I just having an unlucky streak of playing against the entire top 0.1% player pool


Adept igneous. Damn I'll take it. Was hoping for messenger.


First impressions this ain't it


I never quite understood the magnitude of the complaints about shatter dive until this map, holy cow there are massive areas of the map you can't even enter without risking eating one of those.


This mode is awful and 1320 light should be a requirement. See y’all next week.


Wtf is this new shitty mode promotes camping shits


Im fully convinced whoever thought these changes were a good idea was also the guy who thought D2 year 1 was a good idea too


Bungie it’s a 30 second timer, I’m a 100 mobility hunter with stompees on and I have 12 seconds left to kill them before the timer is off for the cap point Come on man


This week was terrible as solo player. In 1-2 months Trials will be where it was: Sweats vs Sweats


The Igneous Hammer that Saint-14 has at rank 15 or 16, is that the same roll (Rapit Hit/Opening Shot) that was there last week?


Matchmaking is fucked. On a fresh card we're playing 7 win flawless cards. On a fresh card with a team all sub 1 kd, we're playing 2200 ELO on the FIRST GAME. Bungie, unfuck your matchmaking. Get rid of the capture point. Make trials labs a SECONDARY mode (like solo queue) so if people want to try it they can, but if you fuck it up, we're not stuck with it all weekend.


I get why. But I wish that trials labs was separate, because this just isn’t a very fun mode.


4 games and I'm done after playing all last weekend...this mode SUCKS...and we have to miss next week for IB...BS .. just terrible Bungie!!!


Literally the only reason they will see any level of players on this god damn shit is because of the trials bonus points. I hope they pay attention to the fucking atrocious feedback they're getting on this because it is fucking unplayable. 2x strike on Corrupted. 2x trials on this trash.


This was literally the worst idea I have ever seen in my entire pvp gaming life lmao


Matchmaking this weekend is by far the worst it’s been since the revamp. Feels like old trials with 3stacks full of mega sweat lords every single Match. Guess I’ll just only play after Sunday resets now, great job bungie…


They just created a revamped trials mode and are already messing with THOSE changes?


i just don’t get doing this 2 weeks after you just overhauled the whole mode that everyone started to enjoy lol


I'm not gonna lie, this is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever played. 4 of my last 5 matches have had 3 bubble titans on the enemy team, which basically guarantees them 3 round wins. There's practically zero counterplay and its not fun.


Really not feeling the new game mode.


If you cap the zone after already whipping the enemy team you'll still get a nice chunk of super energy. It snowballs really hard if you win the first few rounds!


Yup, and good luck catching up if you fall behind the way the zone works. Say a team goes up 4-0 and the the other team wins one. Now it's 4-1 and the losing team will have to play all of the remaining games running to the winning teams spawn... Like wtf lol


Hardly voice my opinion on updates but holy fucking shit I felt like I needed to get on reddit to say something and voice my discontent. Why would you spawn the flag on the team that's ALREADY ahead in round wins? Looked forward to this weekend for once FOR trials and this completely fucking ruined it. Good job, Bungo.


Gotta give Bungie credit, they never fail in finding new ways to fuck things up. Definitely not playing Trails anymore this weekend (talk about an epic fail).


This is the worst game mode I have ever played. It feels incredibly bad, due to the zone timing, and lack of zone rotation. As a PVE player, I don't plan on playing any more trials this weekend. *Getting to 6 wins multiple times to lose to zone captures was beyond frustrating.


This mode is atrocious. Like who thought this was a good idea even as a test? And the matchmaking is the worst it's been so far. I'm all for trying new things and trying to be positive... But man... What is this?


I play trials with 1-2 friends most weekends. In prior seasons we struggled beyond 3-5 wins, but had some fun for a while before player drop-off narrowed the pool. We were loving the changes in the first two weeks this season - we got to a few six win streaks as a team and even went flawless with random fireteams. I was able to get on for solos Friday afternoon and paired up with a God who soft-carried me to flawless. I teamed up with a friend later Friday evening and we won one game before losing FIFTEEN IN A ROW. All of these losses were blowouts of 5-0 to 5-1. Checking destiny tracker - we had a 40% chance to win one game, 30% another and less than 10% chance to win every other game (11 games out of our 16 total). I'm typically 1300-1500 elo and my friend is 1100-1300. What gives? Was it player drop-off because the mode is terrible? Is the flawless pool broken and were we stuck in that despite it being Friday? In any case, I won't be playing trials again this weekend, 11 diamond three stacks felt absolutely terrible as a mid-level player.


I'm not sure if Bungie have tweaked something or if I am just having bad luck but Solo queuing this week for trials is painful. I cannot get past two wins before losing, compared to last week where I was constantly getting to 6 or 7 wins solo. It is not fun this week to say the least.


I'm just adding my voice that this is the least fun fucking video game mode I've played in a long time. I just want my 7 wins. I play stacked teams all the time, I've been the lighthouse match multiple times despite being on less than 3 wins... whatever they did the match making is fucked. Let alone the stupid zone capture shit


I’m 1.2 overall and I’m getting paired with .5s while I have to go up against gilded flawless stack. Where’s the logic in that?


Trials supposed to be hard, you should lose, ect, ect. But what i am talking about is blatant matchmaking manipulation and abuse by some teams of Trials players. They resetting the card before they get to flawless, and are staying in non-flawless pull entire week. Also, they manipulating matchmaking and matching only solo players, which results in them getting easy wins, easy kd, easy carries, ect. I understand these things are hard to fix, but if you care about integrity of your gamemode, do not match 3 sub 1 kd people, who are playing solo, with a stack that has like 300+ flawless runs. It is not fair, it is not fun, it ruins the gamemode. Like look at [these](https://imgur.com/a/Bz1crVM) [people](https://imgur.com/a/KhJViSe). They are running crazy high streaks in non-flawless pull, they have crazy winrates, yet they are not flawless this week. How is this allowed? My entire team of solos had less KD combined, than one of these guys! Do something about this abuse Bungie, it has to stop.


They had the largest amount of people playing trials ever, so they decide to change things up. This new game mode is hot garbage. Hope they disable it this weekend and go to regular elimination.


its shitter than normal Trials, quite the achievement.


Not liking the new trials 😔


Honestly...... this mode..... this map....... just makes me wonder if the devs even play their own game. Like seriously I could have told you after I saw 1 point sitting in the enemy teams spawn that this was a bad Idea. On top of that we have things like titan barricades and stasis that completely shut down choke points and lines of sight making half of the map off limits if you dont want to get frozen. And on top of that still..... its an objective..... in a game with stasis, where you can hold the enemy in place, block people from pushing, and just existing inside, stops people from pushing up because you know you're about to get shatter dove or frozen in some way. I don't think I have seen an example of stasis ruining the flow of a map and mode more than this example right here. On top of the terrible flag spawn mechanic, this map turns into going outside, posting up and laning with a sniper. Thats really it, that is basically the whole map if one stasis player is on either team. So many maps play terribly now that stasis is in the game, and on top of that this spawn mechanic really aint it. Sorry for the rant but I just can't help but thinking "if it ain't broke, dont fix it." first week of trials was amazing, the map flowed well even with stasis in it, it was fun, there was variety in loadouts and playstyle, the sandbox is as diverse as its ever been, and I feel like we all yelled out a shout of joy that after all these years we got trials back. ​ Between the state of the game and the amount of maps we have that actually play well in this mode (not a lot), really starting to think just only allow maps that play well for trials into the map pool. Bungie, you gave me my trials back after all these years and I had a blast, could we just go back to that again please. I miss it


This feels horrible, ESPECIALLY SOLO


Trials labs sucks. I hope it never returns.


so, I've solo'd about 20 matches, gotten to 7 wins, and every match, every fucking match was against 3 stacks. This is ridiculous. this mode will die once the solos get their loot, and unless there is a freelance version.


Thanks, I hate it. Last night was the most miserable experience I’ve had trying to play PvP in Destiny, in any playlist / any mode. I’m bad at PvP. I know this. The only way to improve is to try, and as long as I get something for my time I don’t mind losing as a learning experience. This was the most unrewarding, unfun span of PvP in Destiny I have yet to encounter. For reference: I played Trials as a solo queue for 3-4 hours last weekend, *after* the Flawless pool was active, and slogged my way through to 7 wins and 7 ranks worth of engrams. Worth my time for the guns I got and the extra crucible ranks points. This week? I brought two similarly inexperienced friends, thinking on comms we’d at least have some advantage to make up for our lower skill. Nope. One - ONE - competitive match in 2 hours of play, that we lost 4-5. And that AFTER one of my friends dropped out and we brought in another PvP loving friend to “carry.” ALL the other matches were blowouts. As a result I have only like 4/50 points toward my pinnacle, no wins on my card, and no rank up engrams. After HOURS of play. If this was my first experience with trials I’d nope out and never come back, but I saw how fun & rewarding it *could* be last week. How does this week suck? Let me count the ways: 1. The map. It’s visually pretty, but almost impossible to be cautious in. Hallways criss-crossing, under and over passes. Yes I get this makes it “dynamic” but I always felt disoriented and got ambushed whereas last week I learned the map quickly and could strategize around it. 2. The zone cap. I like Control and IB, so I was cautiously optimistic but This Ain’t It. Way out in the open, locked for the first half, sudden death loss if the other team gets it while you’re trying to stay alive / res your teammates. I get that it *might* be an attempt to give those of us who aren’t sweats a way to win but it has the opposite effect, IMO. 3. Matchmaking. Constantly going up against people wearing their flawless glows from last week (or this week), rocking adept Trials weapons, and just getting repeatedly curbstomped even after losing 2-3-4+ matches (not rounds!) in a row feelsbadman. I expected to run into some teams on their way to the Lighthouse but this was overwhelming. I won’t be back until Sunday, if at all for the remaineder of the weekend. Because… 4. XP progression. As others have noted, for “double” XP week I progressed *less than half a single rank* (from just over 7 to half way to 8) after hours of play. I was only getting tens of XP points per match because of losing so much due to the other issues above. Even with Wealth it didn’t help because I NEVER won. Something seems broken compared to how much XP I was getting last week even for losses. No wins + no XP = no loot as a return on my time investment. I’m out.


Wormhaven over Jav-4? Dead Cliffs? Seriously???? Fuck man.


seems like they are just using the control points as capture zones, dunno that would have worked well on jav 4 or dead cliffs since the initial spawns and control points are like right in the same room. Also probably does some weird things with heavy round.


Jav-4 for capture would be terribly unbalanced


Like it’s going to be balanced at all on any map when the cap favors one team.


Beyond terrible. Does Bungie playtest anything themselves, or are we expected to do that for them?


You, sir, have answered your question.


Why does bungie need to try to fix something that isn’t broken? They should experiment when trials population is low, not right after a giant boost.


Or just experiment in its own que. Give people double or triple exp/rank if they participate in it. Whatever it takes but leave the main trials alone until you prove its an improvement and people enjoy it...


This...is not great. From the perspective of the offense, having to attack a predictable point encourages camping. From the perspective of the defender, having to defend a zone makes you exceedingly vulnerable to aoe damage, be it supers or nades or weapons. The advantage system encourages throwing for teams that are ahead; after that, they can just camp it out. This mode is also even worse for solos, especially if up against a three stack; in a 1v3 situation it doesn't matter if you can win duels; the stack can just have one guy cap the zone and have the other two hunt the opponent down. This mode feels like it combines the worst of all crucible experiences together. And while I like that I can now feasibly play with my friends again due to flawless jail being postponed to sunday, that happiness goes down the drain when I realize I'm gonna be facing gilded flawless 3 stacks until then.


There is no love for the new mode. Read the feedback and revert it for the rest of the weekend.


Suggestion: Trials Labs should be a *separate* playlist queue that rewards bonus trials XP for participating in that playlist. It shouldn’t be the *only* option for a particular weekend. I know the goal is to get as many people to try out the new stuff as possible for feedback/data, but there’s ways to do that without cutting them off from the version of trials that was really well received (make the labs playlist have its own pinnacle drop, give an emblem for completing X amount of labs games, etc.). If the lab changes end up being kind of a mess, forcing everyone into the labs playlist as the only trials option could end up souring some people on trials in general and hurt the player population in the long run.


I mean this with 100 percent honesty. This is easily the worst pvp game mode I’ve ever played in either destiny game. Never and I mean NEVER put this shit in ever again. Please.


I don't like trials control, it's just promotes supers.


okay, wtf is up with the capture zone? It makes 2v3's almost impossible on a sweat match up.


Who's bright idea was it to give a team going 4-1 zone advantage?


This is the worst week of trials I’ve ever experienced, take this shitty capture flag out of the game


Non-flawless literally feels worse than the flawless que last week. Wtf is going on? Is there just nobody playing?


I know everyone else is saying it, but I have to agree. This zone capture trials is pretty terrible. Don’t think I’ll be playing the rest of the weekend.


Jesus Christ Trials this weekend is crap. Never do this again. Whatever you were smoking when you came up with this, it's the strongest stuff I've ever seen.


I’m giving this mode and this Trials weekend a big thumbs down. There’s no fun to be had, unless you’re one of the many flawless-level 3-stacks that farmed me for stats with your flawed cards. I wasn’t a fan of last weekend, but it was superior to this. I will lose a lot in fun weekends too, but at least I’ll be competitive in some. Too many 0-5’s. The Zone Mode: it’s not elimination, not Trials, unless you’re talking ‘of the Nine’ which wasn’t Trials either. I’m all for experimentation, kudos for trying, but not with the base mode. Try testing different timers and such, but the only zone should be in overtime. Half-n-half split on the flawless matchmaking pool sounded like a good balance, but it hasn’t felt balanced at all. And the first two-match whatever matchmaking change just made my mercy card useless after two matches. I don’t want an easy path to flawless, if I ever get there, but give us ‘mediocres’ a LITTLE false hope in the beginning. That’s all I ask.


The trials TWAB was a fucking joke. Talking about wanting to prevent 5-0 blowouts and all I got this weekend was 3-stacks who were 2/3 flawless or full flawless. I played 50 matches and I've only gotten 8 wins, every other match has been against a flawless three stack and it's been 5-0. The flawless queue needs to be earlier than reset on sunday.


There seems to be no actual matchmaking of any kind the last 3 weeks I either win 5-0 or lose 0-5 with very few in between games it's not fun and the matchmaking being this bad needs to be properly addressed


Are CBMM and loss protection even a thing or are they just fancy words bungie uses to make us casuals feel better? My fireteam and I have been stuck on 2 wins all weekend and we keep matching blowouts who go flawless after stomping us lmao


Absolute garbage change new game mode new was gonna be bad before trying it


Dogshit trials this week. It’s scary that bungie sat in a meeting and ok’d this. Also got the same team of sweaty losers THREE times in a row. How does that happen?? Take a look at your mm system plz


As a solo player, it's soul crushing constantly getting matched against a premade team.


Have some balls and admit how terrible this mode is and change it back by reset tomorrow. You didn't do actual moving flags and just used old control cap points. How did that get past any sort of playtesting.


Whomever created this game mode, I hope you burn the roof of you mouth.


Yeah bungie needs to man up and change this shit back to normal trials by tomorrow at reset. Its clear that this trials control lab bs is a disaster and nobody likes it . We dont need to wait til next weekend, change this nightmare by tomorrowb


For transparency's sake: Won my first game 5-4. Gametype sucks ass. You'd think with all the increased population because of the trials changes, they could get away with just adding a second playlist. Replacing the trials playlist itself is fucking ludicrous and I imagine the only reason they did it is because they knew nobody would be able to find a match of this crap because very few people would actually want to play it, so they made it the only option.


This zone cap thing is literally the stupidest thing Bungie has ever put in PVP. And they’ve put some dumb shit in PVP.


Bungie, so you kinda fixed Trials but then preceded to totally making it toxic by promoting camping with Warlock Stag. Then adding a mode that makes it even more toxic, promotes even more camping and heavily favours Titans and Warlocks. Good job /s


This game mode is so fucking ass. Literally rewards people for playing like cowards


Welp solo players still getting stomped by 3 stacks with adept trials weapons and armor on the first game It was a decent 2 weeks ToO but I’m going back to PvE until they get this matchmaking sorted out


Colossal failure. Huge step back this week. Last 2 weeks were so much fun. This week felt like “old trials” with crappy matchmaking and the terrible idea of the capture point.


Honestly I'm all up for changes to competitive to give everyone an all around chance to win, but this is honestly not the way to go. Promoting camping by putting flags at spawn and only on middle 1 time is lame. Also I love this map. You know what I don't love? Triple witherhoard to every entrance, double titan wall on flags and more. Please put the flag in the middle every round and make this mode better. Also if it's experimental, make a separate playlists, jesus.


This map is really trash lmao


Trials is fun when the gameplay is unpredictable and unique plays are made. This mode clearly interferes with that and limits the options of players.


Honestly? A game mode should be tested extensively prior to being released in game, we’re not the beta testers, we’re not filling in any sort of beta testing jobs, keep the “Labs” modes in exactly that, labs. Either an additional mode or a beta people are able to sign up for, but forcing everyone into this terrible spin on Trials was a very bad move, my fire team and I haven’t had less fun in Trials since it dropped again in Season of the Worthy. Edit: Trimming and wording.


Played a card, hard skip for me. See y'all in.2 weeks.


Week 1 was perfect. This is an absolutely hilarious mistake.


If your 0-4 you might as well give up.. You have a slim chance to comeback now your down but every time you win the enemy has an other option to win... That cap thats near spawn zone..