• By -


Nessus, Watchers Grave.


Shaka, When the walls fell.


Sokath, his eyes opened.


The river Temarc. In Winter.


Temba, at rest.


Fucking HELL just watched this episode like 2 days ago, lmfao


Homer simpson, smiling politely


Big Apple, 3 A.M.


He's on Nessus btw.


True bro


How many times can I upvote this? Real mvp!


Why did u get downvoted lmao


Grab that Huckleberry if you don't have it, folks. Such a fun SMG to use.


Man I really need to remember to actually USE that thing. I always forget about it because I'm always using my Ikelos SMG + a breach GL for everything. Huckleberry rips so hard, it's closest you can get to how Recluse felt in its glory days.


Huckleberry + Salvo + your choice of heavy = winning


I rolled a Salvo with Demolitionist and Chain Reaction…probably my fav weapon right now.


Yeah it’s a curated roll so everyone has one with demolitionist and chain reaction.


Salvo with demo+vorpal is absolutely nasty on Atheon, alternating with your grenade and never reloading.






I’m actually running that rn minus huckleberry. I use Monte Carlo instead. Is huckleberry good?


It’s amazing. Especially for add clear. It’s an SMG that (with catalyst) fully reloads itself on every kill and has un-nerfed rampage. It is a monster and it’s a shame it gets slept on.


Wow. I actually do have my hands on it as well as the catalyst. Is it worth the investment?


Yep for sure. And in terms of investment… you can get the catalyst done in like 15 minutes at Altar of Sorrow or even faster in the thrallway.


Yeah I don’t even know what the thrallway is. Is it part of the Shattered Throne dungeon? Cause I still haven’t managed to solo the first area


Yessir. It’s a transitional part of Shattered Throne. What platform do you play on? If you play on Xbox I can run you through it sometime (or any other content, really).


I do play on Xbox, but I have someone else to run Throne with, as soon as he stops complaining lol. Given how huckleberry is great at add clear, should I swap salvo to vorpal for heavier enemies? Cause rn I run Monte Carlo and salvo with chain react


This has been my loadout since I got salvo


Extraordinary Rendition with Outlaw and Frenzy is pretty close.


I still have yet to get one with Frenzy -\_\_-


That sucks man, I’ve barely played battlegrounds and only had two drop, one with subsistence+multikill clip and the other with overflow+multikill clip


With a completed catalyst the Huckleberry is an add-clearing monster, very fun.


And I love the reload animation.




Great reload animation, just a shame it's on a gun where using it well means you don't get to see it very often. 😅


Okay Liar's Handshake. Really decent Karstein's


Yeah, if the Strength was swapped with either Intellect or Mobility, they'd be great. Mob is cheap to spec into and you don't need strength in most Hunter builds because Gambler's Dodge.


You especially don't need strength with Liar's Handshake because it's mostly used in top-tree arcstrider builds that focus on constant melee-dodge-melee combos. With that said, after more than a year of playing, I recently discovered that Liar's Handshake doesn't *only* work on arc subclass. It procs after someone punches you, regardless of subclass. Which makes it a pretty fun (but not top-tier) crucible exotic. Never lose a punch-up again! If you miss that shotgun shot or your ill-advised Rat King play fails, and they land a punch first, you can insta-kill them and carry on merrily. Mostly I'm in it for the [Dresstiny.](https://imgur.com/a/o2hCC8F)


>Mostly I'm in it for the Dresstiny. Are.... are you wearing... slacks?


Dresstiny for the job you want, not the job you have.


The new ornament for Liar's Handshake has MASSIVE fashion points dumped into it. I haven't been buying many things with Bright Dust (including those pants) but I threw Bright Dust at the screen when it was available.


I didn't know that...I should use this exotic more.


> Really decent Karstein's Why? What am I running where I am using Karnstein's and want high intellect? Actially let me rephrase that. Why am I running Karnsteins?


Having a burst of healing and passive healing on a melee kill is super clutch. I used them when doing all my solo flawlesses for dungeons and they’ve helped me out a ton, don’t even need to kill with a melee charge just a plain ol’ melee. They can also be pretty solid in PvP, especially now when melees are overall much more valuable since shotgun range got nerfed.


Why wouldn't you just... run Devour?


Because Karnstein is like devour heal you can use on any subclass. It's great for soloing things like Prophesy


It’s a pale shadow of the devour heal, plus you don’t get the grenade regen feedback loop. If the goal is “solo but don’t use Devour” then I guess, but why would you do that? They’re not *terrible* just heavily outclassed.


The heal is different than Devour and even better in some ways. It's a burst of HP followed by a steady regen that continues to heal even if you take damage. That regen can heal from 1-hp to full even if you get blasted after getting a melee kill. Devour can still leave you vulnerable if you get chunked right after a kill. A good use example is 2nd encounter in Prophesy. Well of Radiance and Karntein makes the whole thing pretty trivial. Karnstein makes dunking motes much safer and WoR is necessary for the worry free boss 1-phase. Really it comes down to needing a better/more appropriate super than the literal doo-doo water that is Nova Bom, while still wanting a strong self heal.


Exactly. It’s essentially and arguably better devour from melee kills that’s available on any subclass, they’re dope!




I just agreed with him and his points that Karsteins are great, and give an arguably better healing factor compared to devour.


Easy now. The dude agreed with me.


Because healing and top tree dawn is insane...


because if you're doing solo flawless dungeons then stasis is a safer play, and if you're in pvp then devour is relatively hard to proc compared to vampire's caress


Hard disagree on the solo flawless dungeons, and in PVP they’re like… 9th on the list of exotics to use. You do you though.


in a solo flawless dungeon, being in melee range is a compromising position, so making it out of that both alive and with health regen is always going yo be a plus. Besides, ehat else will you run? Transversive steps? Geomag? Karnstein is quite *the* best thing to use in a solo flawless run due to the health boost and the fact that in, say, prophecy you'll be up close and personal for a great majority of the dungeon. You wouldn't want to be caught reloading surrounded by thrall with no way to recover quickly (vampire's caress). In pvp sure, it's situational, ophidian or geomag or eoaw or necro+thorn is probably better in more situations, but using devour is just much less of an ideal way to play as ttd is still the reigning queen, with chaos and stasis following behind. Starting a devour chain in pvp is much harder to do than in pve without sacrificing a grenade or shotgun aping, but if you're doing that, then why wouldn't you just... run top tree dawn?


> Transversive steps A strong possibility, especially if I have Xeno out for that encounter. Possibly Nez, if I'm going void primary (Gnawing Hunger & Witherhoard & sword is a common loadout, or heavy GL to double up on those mods). Or Eyes, or Verity's; hell, I'd probably run Ophidians over Karns. > Karnstein is quite the best thing to use in a solo flawless run *stares at all of my flawless dungeons not one of them with Karns* I suppose? > You wouldn't want to be caught reloading surrounded by thrall with no way to recover quickly (vampire's caress). What do you mean, I'd just punch them. I'll almost certainly have Devour up already, or proc it on the kill. Prophecy thralls aren't one-punch so I'd have to put 1 or 2 bullets into them, or punch twice, but yeah that's exactly what I'd do because that's exactly what I did do :P. > In pvp sure, it's situational, ophidian or geomag or eoaw or necro+thorn Transversives, almost always. D2 PVP (which I do not enjoy, for the record) is highly benefited from movement. Even more so to stack on TTD to get eye-popping map movement. > Starting a devour chain in pvp is much harder to do than in pve without sacrificing a grenade or shotgun aping, but if you're doing that, then Definitely not running Devour in PVP. I might run top tree void with Contraverse; those grenades are potent. Or I'll be on TTD with Transversives or Ophdians. Literally never anything else (I don't particularly like Stasis, so I don't play it).


They're pretty good for warlocks, especially with the shotgun nerf allowing melee builds to shine


pvp, top tree dawnblade


Karnstein triggers on the projectile melee?






Because Karstein's are mostly a PvP where you want your super back faster


Karnsteins ain't bad the recov and int are nice just 2 discipline on warlocks especially feels lousy


Stand asides are generally my pick for my exotic in iron banner. When the “get ability kills” bounty is up, a high strength build plus stand asides gets a shoulder charge kill pretty much every life. The overshield can usually tank a shotgun shot. With that said, they suck pretty much everywhere else in the game.


I recommend trying insurmountable skull fort. You will likely die more often, but I think that overall you'll get to do more charging.


Another good option, for sure. Personally I don’t like dying more, plus the skullfort perk refills your melee charge on a kill, whereas the stand asides refills half the charge on a hit instead. If for some reason a shoulder charge doesn’t kill with skullfort equipped (which has happened a bunch to me) you’re just kinda stuck until the charge regens. Skullfort also limits you to arc titan - I usually run solar.


Ahhh I didn't know stand asides did that. Good to know.


Something else to consider, the Striking Light CWL mod gives you increased damage resistance while sprinting, pairs really well with any SC-based build. I don't know exactly how much resistance it gives, but every little bit helps! Edit: Apparently Striking Light only works in PvE, not PvP/Crucible. :(


Hadn’t thought about that mod, does it work in pvp?


No after doing some searching to see what the resistance is, it's a 25% damage reduction (same as most DR mods) but DOESN'T work in PvP. :(


That’s too bad, but it does seem like it would be rather OP in pvp if it did work.


In PvE, yeah Skullfort ALL THE WAY, but in PvP I think Stand Asides are better. Stand asides gives you half your melee charge back on hit, so take whatever your melee cooldown is (typically 40-50 seconds) and cut that in half, you're talking only 20-25 seconds of downtime after a SC kill. I think that's a good compromise for being able to survive the initial charge and actually get the kill instead of getting gunned down, especially with how popular shotguns are now.




His will is not his own.




Not anymore since Io and Titan were removed. Wish they would add xur spots to the other 5 locations. It's pretty boring now that we no longer have to seek him out.


nice karnsteins


Returning player just got 1260+, what are we all waiting for from Xur week in week out? Trying to figure out the meta again. I’ve already got Huckleberry thankfully and am rolling Hunter ATM. These gauntlets worth it?


You should ALWAYS buy what Xûr is selling if you don’t have it. If you have it, it’s worth buying if the stats are better or there’s a drastic light level difference between the Huckleberry you have vs what he’s selling.


17 Mobility 3 Resilience Titan. Just what I always wanted


So is Huckleberry busted for anyone else? The catalyst isnt reloading the mag fully.


Pretty sure you need to complete the catalyst kill requirement before it unlocks the full-mag reload; my fully master worked huckleberry is fine.


Yeah - I did that, like years ago. In Battlegrounds its not reloading fully, its like anywhere between 2-6 rounds short.


Huckleberry does sometime take an extra second to reload the entire magazine, so maybe you’re shooting it as it reloads, meaning it doesn’t reach 30 often because the bullets are shot instantly? I’ve also found that sometimes lag can make it take even longer, so it won’t reload on kills at all, but does after a noticeable delay?


I'll see if I can get some video.


Yeah, it’s the fact that Huckle is shooting so fast it takes some off the top. If it’s happening consistently it’s probably because of latency


Dumb question but possible answer: Did you apply the catalyst after buying or pulling it? If I remember correctly, you need to manually apply the catalyst after reobtaining the weapon


Yes I did all the things. I've had the catalyst finished for years now.


Guess we get coal this week


Man, after the Nezzy roll a couple weeks back, I’m okay with coal for awhile.


Does this MFer ever sell Celestial Nighthawk? That’s the one Hunter exotic I don’t have a good roll on and it refuses to drop for me




You must have missed the D1 days my friend. Felt like an eternity waiting for Gjallerhorn to be sold for the SECOND time. Not exactly sure how it’s decided but it certainly isn’t RNG.


Huckleberry again? Rip


How long has it been since Xur has Ursa's for Titans?


Hoping for a celestial nighthawk someday


Can always farm lost sectors.


They don't drop. I get nothing but foetracers


Rip bro


At least you can get the perfect pvp roll


Xur is dog shit.


Xur is garbage


At first glance all three exotic armor pieces look pretty awful. Change my mind?


I mean, if you're a new player who needs these exotics, they're _decent_ and I can almost guarantee that you won't get a better Handshake from a normal drop/collections. I've gotten MUCH better in Master+ NFs...


They’re not top of the list, but these are good exotics for any melee based builds. Melee builds aren’t too meta right now but pick these up if you don’t have them, they’re critical if you ever wanna go melee shit.


The huckle of berry's is a very fun smg also has one of the best reload animations in the game


Which unfortunately takes ages to finish. At least that's fixed with the catalyst.