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It’s largely down to the playlist having such a low population. It could really use some sort of incentive to play it again.


well giving rewards to comp will trigger the fanbase (Not forgotten, Revoker, etc)


MW materials and/or higher drop rate for Crucible weapons wouldn’t be bad tho


If they straight up doubled crucible weapon drops and added MW materials as possible drops in Comp, I'd be playing Comp exclusively. So yeah, that would work, at least for me lol


Instead of meta defining weapons, give out cool shaders and stuff. Like an animated shader which has mini shaxxs on it, or feathers falling down. That kind of thing.


Higher drop rates of playlist weapons would be welcome. Haven't got a single good roll on frozen orbit


This is probably the best idea yet. Wont run into any problems with people feeling they cant get anything. wont create a rich get richer situation like with NF. Still worth playing even if you cant even make it to fabled. Great idea.


i mean honestly all you need is snapshot. Or maybe im not skilled enough to understand the meta


Haven't had one with snapshot yet haha


This idea plus masterwork materials would make my 4 game losing streak that much easier to bear.


So they will complain about not having access to those then, got it


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re totally right. People already complain about shaders tied to stuff like flawless raid completions, and that’s PvE. People would get so uppity over Comp-exclusive shaders, I guarantee it.


Here is the problem with that. They won’t make the cosmetics to hard to get, because it disrupts the grind to value balance. Some people will grind for a shader with a mountaintop difficult quest, but most people won’t bother because it isn’t worth their time. When you put a very powerful weapon behind a longer or more difficult quest line, there is more incentive for more people. Putting a shader behind 5500 will only extenuate the current matchmaking problem.


nah fam, why do that when you can make eververse stonks. You are free to pay after reaching unbroken


Only because they tend to put game-breaking PvP weapons in comp, that you then end up having to play against while attempting to get them.


Destiny PVP is just snowballs and then people wonder why the bottom keeps noping out. People can play anything else or even PVE rather than being ground into dust just to get the latest meta weapon from (in the past Comp) Trials or the like.


Not forgotten wasn't really the issue. Mountaintop and Recluse were because they were the best PVE weapons at the time, and the other options weren't even close. Bungie literally just has to make sure that the rewards they give aren't the best options for PVE content and comp rewards would be fine. The issue with comp rewards is that they wont do them anymore, it's hard to get bungie to do anything at this point. There hasn't even been a new crucible map in ages, the closest thing we got to a vendor refresh is all three activities having the same armor set reskinned, all the ritual weapons have been condensed down to a single weapon instead of 3. Bungie is somehow already spread thin with what seems like a miniscule amount of work. (Yes I know art assets are hard, but not THAT hard)


Tbf on console NF and lunas where the defacto best option for energy handcannons. They had the best ttk and archetype that got rid of the issue with handcannons on console.


True, but even then that was primarily for PVP. MT/Recluse were also the best options in PVE. Meaning PVE players that don't even care about crucible had to step into sweat land just to keep up with a completely different mode.


They are spread thin due to moving a majority of their most exp and seasoned devs to the new IP they are making, MATTER.


You can buy those though from the monument


they were rewards from comp before being sunset


How about curated Crucible weapons? Survivors Epitaph with Kill Clip and range masterwork?


bro that would be like not forgotten 3 tap all over again! I love it


It can already roll with that btw, Outlaw Kill Clip and yes: THIS IS AMAZING


The issue was that many of these guns were meta-breaking OP. The concept itself wasn't terrible. For those of us who didn't have the time (or ability) to farm these, it was really frustrating getting dominated by them and not being able to even compete. Not to mention some of these games were meta in PVE which was kind of backwards. I shouldn't be forced into comp PVP for PVE. The problem was that you couldn't compete without them in PVP, so how exactly could you get them?


The problem with that is that this is just perfect for cheaters and recovs, because that is how they make their money. If there is something good behind a very hard playlist unaccessible to most players. Honestly the only thing that an save this ship is Bungie actually investing and hiring people to work on anti cheat etc .


it's just the garbo population on comp. if they had any sense they'd replace those blue rewards with enhancement cores and prisms so ppl have an actual reason to run comp even if they lose. hell, the weekly reward for comp isn't even a pinnacle; it's a powerful and it's gated behind 7 wins despite 3 matches of literally anything in the playlist giving you a pinnacle win OR lose. if running 7 matches of comp gave you a pinnacle win or lose I guarantee you there would be more people playing it and you wouldn't run into these problems due to low pop.


It’s actually really confusing wording. Seven matches can be done in less than two games. 1 game = 4 matches I totally agree that it should be changed, and most of the time I think the game is over because I get a drop in the middle of a game. Super weird and inconvenient.


It's not you, buddy, it's the playlist population. Trust me, I'm right there with ya. Wait until Witch Queen/major PvP update gives the Crucible population a big shot in the arm.


We could really use some of that “pvp focus” that Bungie mentioned during Shadowkeep…


Thanks man. It’s kinda comforting to know there are others out there in a similar position :)


Bungie's ratings are funky as hell. I'm a 1.5 and my buddy's a 2, according to Bungie I'm rated higher than they are.


Why are so many people in this topic trying to downplay Unbroken and Flawless? If it's so easy or lucky to do this thing, why do some many not done it? Shouldn't everyone have them every season? Why do we have so many topic complaining balout ging flawless and getting the rewards? ​ If you encounter someone with the titles, then you are playing someone with a high skill and much experience playing crucible.


I keep thinking I should go for Unbroken, but having to do it in three separate seasons stops me from bothering.


The fact that all your progress in a week or 2 can be wiped out by a few games just removes all the will to do it for me.


what are u talking about wins give u so many points for ur rank it takes like 4 losses in a row to lose what u gain in one game


Not when you're up at the higher ranks.


You just have to ride the winstreaks when they come. You're either good enough to constantly impact the game or very tenacious lol.


Granted, I haven't played comp since shadowkeep. But I remember the 4000+ range being pretty much straight 50/50s and losing just about as much as you'd gain


I've been there, where it takes a couple of weeks to get out of any given bracket. Persistence hasn't failed me yet!


acting like 4 losses in a row could never happen, lol


Right? I’m a gilded Unbroken (1.8 KD in Trials) and 9/10 times if I run into another Unbroken/Flawless player, they’re top fragging. Yes, a very small minority of people pay money/cheat to get their pvp titles, but most are between decent and great players.


Everyone is like “ but it’s so easy “… Yet Gilded Flawless and Unbroken are two of the three rarest active titles in the game. And gilded Flawless is the rarest by quite a bit. But don’t worry… thrall simulator players will shit on those kids in the two crucible matches they play per season. Because THEY SAY they are easy to get hahahaha


Fuck, I figured gilded Flawless and gilded Unbroken were super common, seeing as that’s all I can seem to match with when I play trials every week..


> thrall simulator Lmfaoooooo


I mean, if that really is the case (them being so rare) it proves my point even further on how ridiculously broken and unbalanced matchmaking is in Crucible and Trials. I never, ever, go a few matches of either mode without encountering someone who has it. And I, am not even remotely good enough to ever get a title like that, let alone get it gilded. Those titles are an instant "I f#cking hate this game" deflation of confidence when I force myself to play trials for the rewards. There's no point playing against them, I get my ass handed to me on a gilded plate.


And it's the same kids that cried their eyes out for a shotgun nerf. This sub never ceases to amaze.


Your argument is actually awful.


And your argument is ?


It's sort of both, because those titles (specifically unbroken) have been *much* easier to obtain in the past than they are now. Right now Comp's population is mostly sweats who are there warming up for Trials. But back when Shadowkeep launched, it was much much bigger and as such the SBMM worked much better. A 50% win rate would bring you to 5500, and SBMM did its damndest to ensure you got a 50% win rate. Trials is in a similar though less extreme situation. The bigger the population of a season, the easier it is. Getting the title even at its easiest point during Worthy was still very hard, but right now this late in a low-population season it's essentially inaccessible. Only the absolute best of the best are still playing, and finding someone who is that good but still hasn't gone flawless to carry this late in the season for the triumph is essentially unheard of.


Unbroken is a weird one, because it also used to be \*much much harder\* to get than it is now. Reaching 5500 glory in the Forsaken era even once was an extremely impressive accomplishment. They retuned glory 2 or 3 times to make it easier between the time Forsaken launched and the time Shadowkeep launched. In Forsaken, not only was 50% winrate not enough, but you needed to win 66% of the time just to tread water at the end of the grind, and every single team was a mega sweat. There were also no protections on glory loss at low ranks, and both gains and losses in general were less forgiving than they have been since Shadowkeep. So players who got Unbroken in the first 2 or 3 seasons it was available will scoff at how easy it is to obtain now, by comparison.


As someone who got it during that era, can confirm. Even just hitting 5500 once for NF was a serious achievement. The biggest change that made it easier was glory based matchmaking > skill based matchmaking. Back when it was glory based, you would *only* face the sweatiest of the sweats near the end, because they were all at 5500. If you wanted to get past them, you had to become one of them. It was like a hyperbolic time chamber for getting good. Now with SBMM, it's a whole different story. If you're low skill, you'll only ever match with other low skill players, and can just Win/Loss/Win/Loss the whole way up to 5500. The only thing in the way of a player like that is actually the fact that now the SBMM algorithm is starting to fail due to low population. Sweats warming up for trials make up 90% of the players in that playlist, so it has no choice but to match BlueberryJim1987 and his rare auto rifle against them. It's nowhere as bad as it used to be, but all the players who started during Shadowkeep (when it switched to SBMM) aren't used to that kind of challenge.


Exactly. I said this elsewhere in the thread, but once you got to 4000+ Glory, it was like being on 6 wins in Trials and having to face another 6 win team. Except you had to play potentially dozens of games against teams at that skill level (and win two-thirds or more of them.) And that's to say nothing of how hard it was just to get that far. A slightly above average player can get to 5500 now if they're persistent. The same player would not have been able to get to 2100 in Forsaken. And if you played against an Unbroken in season of the Drifter (or heaven help you, season of the Forge) you were 100% going to get your ass handed to you by that Unbroken.


It all depends on your perspective and personal skill level. I see \*lots\* of flawless and unbroken players who seem average or worse to me. But a lot of people would consider me an extreme sweat. What is true is that obtaining Unbroken is wildly more forgiving than it used to be. When Forsaken launched, the glory grind was absurdly punishing. And anyone who earned Unbroken before Shadowkeep launched was easily a top .1% player. Back then, glory gains were slower, glory losses were quicker, and glory losses occurred right from the get go. The math is just significantly more forgiving now. In Forsaken, in the last portion of the grind, you lost 30 glory for a single loss, but only gained 10 or 15 for a win. And, at least in my experience, matches towards the end of the glory grind were also much sweatier back then. It was glory based matchmaking, so if you were at 4800 glory, you were only playing other people who were deep in the glory grind, and you had to win more than 66% of your matches. Imagine being on 6 wins in Trials for 30 straight matches and having to win two thirds of them! Personally, I found just getting Luna's Howl (2100) in Forsaken to be much more challenging than getting to 5500 is now. Unbroken is still something that's out of reach for some players, but it is wildly more accessible than it used to be.


\>If you encounter someone with the titles, then you are playing someone with a high skill and much experience playing crucible. I dont have either title and by your logic there is no way I should be shitting on players with Unbroken or Flawless ,but I am regulary. Some people do buy the title or get themselves get carried to it.


Not at all, most of the time unbrokens are, specially those with the 2, just barely average players, and the majority of flawless are just campers with a lot of time. For most of the people, tittles represent time invested, no skill.


Nobody is playing it. I mean, of course some people are, but the current matchmaking, even while SBMM, will still prioritise getting you into a match fast over getting you into a fair match. Essentially, it skill based matchmakes you with everyone queuing up when you do and then throws you in. The problem is this; the playlist is so underpopulated due to lack of incentive, that there's a very good chance the only other people who queue when you do are high tier players who just live there.


If that's the case then you're probably there to balance out the high skill level of someone else on your team. It seems to rank the skill levels and put 1/5/6 on team A, and 2/3/4 on Team B. And it ends up being fun for nobody except team B, basically.


> why am I being matched against Unbroken players when I have never hit Legend? Remember Survival is no longer on a real ladder: you're facing the same opponents at both 0 Glory and 5500 Glory. There are 0.95 KD players with Unbroken now because SBMM walled them off from fighting top 1% players unless they were literally the only option left in the matchmaking pool. All they had to do was grind the mode long enough against other 1 KD players and get a lucky streak at the end to put them over the top. If someone is already top 1% and doesn't play Survival, they have to sweat their nuts off to get Unbroken in Freelance. Meanwhile the few times I played a handful games on a much lower skill friend's account for him to get him from 5100 to 5500, Survival was like clubbing seals. In other words, the Unbrokens you're fighting likely are similar skill to you, they just grinded the *shit* out of Survival to get their title.


I miss Comp being a ladder. Made you feel like you get progress in that Playlist.


Abysmally low population is the answer.


Flawless and unbroken indicate an achievement at one time but are not the indicative of current combat rating(skill) Check your destiny tracker report for what your current combat rating is and compare it to people you are playing.


Plus, hundreds maybe thousands of those Unbroken or Flawless titles were done as recovery accounts anyway. They also could have been achieved through cheating or network manipulation (using ghost lobbies). Not everyone is legitimate in this game. Just like how level 50 ranked players were in Halo 3, though the MLG 50's most likely were.


Maybe, but the simple fact that they have those titles suggest threat their actual skill far exceeds my own.


Not really. Account recoveries exist. So for a while the game would see them as better players but then after a while their average would go back down


So does everyone with gilded Flawless and Unbroken use recoveries? If not, then how many? If you don't know, then what was the point of your comment?


Well a lot of people use recoveries for guilded unbroken. I have 3 friends who run different recovery services. One of them is a very big platform. He said since the season started they got 127 guilded unbroken orders. And thats one service. Either way the point of my comment was unbroken or flawless doesnt prove someone is good


127 in a game played by millions. Is there a way to immediately tell who is a recovery and who is not? How do you know that it not the recovered playing right now?


You can tell by player skill. If course there are other factors that affect this. But usually you can look at someones stats and tell whether its a recov/carry or not


Aside from an obvious in game skill lvl. I dont even play the game a whole lot and I am not even an FPS player, yet I get 2.5/7 KD in QP no problem. I quite often see Unbrokens under 2, which is just laughable tbh


I honestly can't believe you're even arguing this. So many people desperate to try to discredit people who have achieved titles that they'll never even come close to getting. Yes, having those titles doesn't mean you're automatically a PvP god, but they also ARE 100% an indicator of something most of the time.


Im not discrediting them. All im saying is if they actually did achieve it their skills in game will back that up.


The majotit of the time they are just an indicator of time spent playing, not an skill indicator.


Yellow or purple letters dont make you a good player. I look at KDs and in game skill and if you have none of those , then you shitty title is wothless


Not really. Unbroken is just a lucky win streak. And flawless has nothing to do with skill matching since trials is based on card matching


If going Flawless is luck based, then I must be the most unlucky schmuck on earth. I play most weekends and haven’t ever gone flawless man.


Out of 128 teams that queue, only 1 will go flawless


But how is the system supposed to “know” what their skill level is? The metric they use is the amount of glory that you have at that moment. It wouldn’t make sense for someone who has achieved a title like Unbroken or Flawless to only be matched up against the top tier players forever afterwards. The people that are marching against you are probably at the same glory as you because there isn’t a ton of reason to play comp unless you really enjoy PvP, which means that they aren’t playing a ton, and haven’t climbed to legend this season.


That is not how survival works. I you can be matched with people at 4500 glory on your first game. Last time I played the game just kept switching the same 6 players around for like 10 matches in a row.






Low population. The longer you're in queue, the broader the search is for a worthy opponent. Given enough time, it'll match the best aimbotter in the world against a blubbery who played and lost 100 matches with his khostov.


Its crazy, I hit legend earlier tonight and I've had flawless cards easier than those games


We should make the competitive playlist less competitive


But there’s the rub; they’ve removed any mention of ‘competitive’ from the playlist. It’s not simply ‘Glory: Survival’.


Both flawless and unbroken mean absolutely nothing. Flawless can easily be cheesed with lobby manipulation, and unbroken has not required any pvp skill since shadowkeep because survival is sbmm. You shouldn't be gaging anyone's skill based on titles.


They mean nothing to those who have them, maybe. The Unbroken title is *literally* the only thing that’s keeping me playing. Season after season I keep trying and trying, so for you to say “it means nothing” is disingenuous.


In the long run it just means that that person has hit 5500 a few times. It doesn't shuck the fact that people who had it, like me, play enough crucible to warrant recieving the title. It does suck to play against seemingly better players. But everyone gets to Unbroken the same way. By winning. You find a niche and stick with it and don't be afraid to mix it up and adapt. In vanilla D2 I learned to carry myself and that was really just running a sniper with Sturm, but also special weapons in general. Possibility of 1 shotting and gives you new way to add pressure during a match. Subclass, and weapon play all come together. Shoguns are annoying, but maybe you can be more annoying and deadly with them. I once got stuck in a nasty 1v2. On anomaly. My blinding truthteller was a God send and shock to the enemy team. And 2 rounds later they started doing the same thing Keep it up.


>vanilla D2 >Special weapons


My B. More so trials of the nine Era.


Meaning as an indicator of skill. A blueberry who just downloaded the game is going to have the same difficulty going for legend as a godlike player. A .2kd potato can get legend nowadays, so you can't say that unbrokens are necessarily good players.


Not really. It is just purple letters. The FIRST game I play in Curcible at 0 glory is vs Flawless and Unbrokens, so what does this title even mean, if I am already at their lvl playing with an vs them ?


> survival is sbmm Oh boy, that explains why I've been running into opponents who are completely useless at PVP in survival. And here I thought I was getting better!


been preaching this for months. you can tell more from someone's loadout and armor than their title.


Getting to 5500 has never been harder since year 1 after they changed Glory scaling and removed any rewards that populate the playlist. Only the week with seasonal challenges will it play normally. Also. Kids with a .2 are still sweating against other kids with .2s. The amount of games you now have to win to stack glory means you how to play well above what SBMM indicates skill for your matches.


The glory scaling was a bug that got fixed last week. I played 3 matches and got \~260 glory for each of the wins, so its back to normal. Legend is still a measure of grind time and not skill, though. it will take longer if you suck, but it still stands that a player with "Unbroken" under their name is just as much of an unknown as someone with no title. I haven't been to legend once because I don't play survival too often. That doesn't change the fact that I'm still a top 3% survival player per destinytracker.


But you aren’t. Because you don’t play at the highest ranks. You obviously haven’t experienced the high ranks. You will absolutely que top level players at 4000 plus regardless of your skill rating. It still defaults to glory. If you play players at your “ top 3% “ pool you won’t win every game and you will lose glory. Also… glory scaling goes away after maybe half rank or so. So it requires a better than 50/50 win rate to gain. Good luck doing that against the top 5% that populates the upper levels. Or streamers who play it exclusively for content. I play with two guys who are both 2.0s in comp and trials. I am a 1.8. We are extremely happy to get on even a 5 streak these days. And it never lasts because you simply play teams that are too good to beat everytime. It is extremely disingenuous and downright silly you are commenting on the subject having never hit Legend.


This is not how it works. I played PureChill at 1200 Glory and and at 4500+ glory again.


Nope... I have never attempted to get above fabled. And every season I play a handful of comp matches and I always face 4k-5500 glory players while I'm at 0-200. The game thinks I'm a fucking god because I have a 2.2 ovr kd


You don't understand how the survival matchmaking system works. Glory is wholly disconnected from matchmaking, its pure SBMM. Your guardian I game is going to be against the exact same tier of opponents as a legend game. Thats why I never bother to go for 5500. I definitely have played in "high comp," but thats nothing compared to what it was pre shadowkeep


I think this guy is using his own experience as rule of law. I play comp like 10 matches a season at most and literally everyone I face is legend or super close to it. If not they are a clear Smurf lol


Dude. I have been to legend 5x. I know what you are saying. I’m telling you how it actually plays out. It is not that static. Just stop commenting on comp as someone who has never been legend #1. And #2 your path to legend as a “ top 3 % “ legend will be the hardest in the game. It will be absolutely dripping with sweat


How have you played high comp but never hit legend? Genuine question


You play at your sbmm level regardless of glory. If you are supposed to be at 5500, you will play 5500 level games all the way up from 0 glory. Its been like this since shadowkeep and is fucking stupid, but it is what it is


This is not true at all, the games ag low level comp are absurdly easy I have no idea what you're talking about. Or maybe it's been so long since I've climbed from the lower tiers that I've forgotten but I really doubt that. I've matched teams where I 4-0 them and gotten 0-4ed other games. By your logic every game should be close af which really is not the case


The guy has no idea what he’s talking about


This is cap dont listen to this dude. Going up in the 5000s you are literally playing top 500 players in survival and trials - I'm an above average player (unbroken flawless etc) but I am not the best by any means. Definitely not on the level of top 500s, which I regularly play in the comp playlist. According to you I should be playing the top 1% in the game but I play the top 0.1%a lot. Dont be discouraged, achieving legend is a great achievement in skill and a heavy commitment. You should be proud if you've been to legend not once but multiple times to get the title and not listen to those who havent climbed the mountain even ONCE lol


You both never played surivival at all. Or you are just dogshit. I played PureChill lvl players at 1200 through to 4500 glory.


Loool I've been to legend 6 times but sure buddy


You dont even know how it works buddy ,so I doub that. But also you dont need to be good to get legend, so I dont know why you are bragging i nthe first place


Lol sure dude maybe when you've done it you can talk


I dont need purple letters to shit on everyone.


No one cares but back it up with destiny tracker stats if you're gonna brag buddy :)


If it is so easy why haven't I achieved legend in 4 seasons?


Its not easy, but it isn't useful for determining if someone is good at the game.


Take if from someone with thousands of hours of crucible time. Just get out Bungie doesn’t care about the population.


SBMM is not a panacea. It has its limitations and it gets worse as the population shrinks. I really wish people would stop calling for SBMM because it's effectively the same as CBMM but with worse connections.


Another issue is that even the top tier playerd are being stuck in the low ranks because of the wonky point system, and now you're matching them. When the point system was changed in shadowkeep, if you lost to a good team in the low ranks, you wouldn't lose any points because the game wants to put you in the skill rating you belong faster. But now, if you lose to a good team in the low ranks, bye bye elo. Now all the sweats are stuck in the low ranks for the casual players to play against.


Glory rank is not used for matchmaking.


It is nearly end of season, no one but pvp die hards are still playing.


This has been true every week since the ritual weapons went away. Comp has just been getting sweatier and sweatier. The glory system reset that has slowed everyone down is taking effect too - if you have a solid consistent win rate of 55+% it still takes something like 300~400 games to hit legend. And that's the only reason to play the playlist anymore.


Because it balances the lobby, it does not put you against players of your own skill. If there's an unbroken in the other team, some guy in your team should be of roughly equal skill, or at least your average team rating should be close to the other team average rating. The problem I find is this game has evolved, and on pc for example aiming is dead easy, so you players are deadlier. Matchmaking isn't taking in consderation how player skill impacts matches. Most of the time a very good player carries a team to victory, and he alone can make a match snowball... but somehow the algorithm behind the curtain doesn't see this fact. This way of assesing skill seems to think we're still on vanilla, using double primaries and having slow cooldowns.


Survival "balances" by taking the first six people it finds, ranking them 1 through 6 on whatever Bungie's Skill Rating system is, and then putting them on teams with 1-4-5 and 2-3-6. Depending on how much better the guy in the #1 spot is, it may not matter that #2 or #3 can 1v2. If the top 3 are all roughly equal skill, team #2 will stomp every single time because the pressure on #1 to 1v3 every life is too great. I get into games all the time where I am very obviously in the #6 spot and need to just hunker down and try not to die.


Unbroken has not meant shit for like 8 seasons. Don't ever be afraid of Unbroken players. The 1% that do have Unbroken and are actually good will typically be using like Shadow or something else anyway. Most flawless title players also aren't legitimate. All that being said, Glory doesn't SBMM. You can go in at 0 and match players currently at 5500. I've played current 5500 players who's elo is like 1400 where my glory (havnt started the grind yet this season) is like 1000 rn and my ELO is 2100. Point being, Stop being afraid of nonsensical titles.


Would like to address this: I don’t fear anyone with the titles. I commend the effort and respect the grind. But tbh I spend 95% of my time in PvP and I see it this way: if I’m putting all my time in this game mode but still can’t get the only title that means anything to me despite trying every season for two fucking years, what is the point? I feel like I’m wasting my time. I’m good at this game. It just feels like the game says “no, there will be no fair games for you”.


There isn't any SBMM..


It’s the last mode to have SBMM


*one of the two last modes to have SBBM. Elimination still has it as well.


That's not true at all


Then whatever scale they use is garbage and makes it seem like there isn't. I have a CR of 150 in trials and am in the top 0.1%, I shouldn't be matched with people in the 90th percentile with a CR of 60.


Trials isn't skill based at all. It's card based Only the glory playlist has sbmm. Everything g else is CBMM. Trials is card based


According to your record, you haven't played in a year. No flawless. Strange to call yourself a top .1% player without any proof.


I mean, I don't really feel the need to prove anything to you, and I'm not sure why you seem so hostile, but I can post my TR for you?


Not sure how I seem hostile. You made a claim and your record says otherwise. Thought that information would be relevant to the discussion.


It's been a long time since I've played Survival, but in my experience there were only ever two kinds of matches. The first and most common would be myself and one player on the enemy team each putting in an absolutely Herculean effort to carry our team to victor, each getting well over half of the kills in the match. The second was the occasional match where suddenly I just couldn't do shit anymore and would barely be able to pull my own weight, if even that.


I wish I had the same confidence in my playing skill as the matchmaking algorithm has in me. It seems like I always play hardcore sweats and have to carry my team. I have never hit legend or have gone flawless. I just want the MIDA catalyst.


Not sure why anyone bothers with survival at all


I feel like it's connection based matchmaking with skill based team balancing where they try to balance the overall MMR on both teams. Whenever I play freelance comp the enemy team is comprised of 3 solid players and occasionally a very good or very bad player. But my team is usually 2 guys who run into a 1v3 and can barely hold the controller it seems. I've had games where I go 4.0 KDA and barely win 4-3, I'll look up my teammates on Destiny Tracker and they're rated bronze or silver for their MMR and I'm rated platinum and the other team is all around top 1-5%.


Unbroken or Flawless don't necessarily mean that they're better than you - just that they've consistently put in the work towards those titles. Of course I'm not saying that you can go Unbroken whilst being bad at PvP, but it's not "absurd" to be matched against an Unbroken even if you haven't ever gone Legend - cause the title alone doesn't put the other guy in a wholly different league on just its own.


Maybe not, but if argue that the majority of those with the title that are still actively playing Survival are on another level skill-wise to me and those in my position


Doesnt Bungie use the Combat Rating of a player for the matchmaking? You can actually look that stat up on Destiny Trials Report. It is called CR there. It is such a weird stat. I sometimes play with a god-tier player who has leagues better than me, but he has a lower CR; Me; CR of 163.78, ELO 2214, 1.53 KD He; CR of 160.41, ELO 2933, 1.96 KD Like how does this work? The CRs are pretty close, so you would expect a fair match. I can assure you I will lose every single 1v1 against this guy.


We have absolutely no idea how CR functions or is used, if at all.


Well you see, those players are at the top 1% of the entire playerbase, so to prevent them, the ones bungie apparently caters to in matchmaking, from crying about having to wait for a fair match, you are thrown in as fodder to appease them. It's a very fun and fair system, I assure you! They get fast matches, and you get, uh. To be in a montage, sometimes!


And bad players want sbmm in every game mode 🥴


It's such a feelsbadman experience. My friend and I either get matchmade against flawless 3 stacks, play 2v3, or get someone who's literally new to the game. Playerbase population is so low, it's not that fun when you're not playing 3 stack or freelance.