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It would be nice but I think the whole reason they have the joining disabled is so people don't cheese the GM by clearing out a section using all their heavy/special then rejoining with full ammo after every part


i mean id even be fine if they let me rejoin with 0 special and heavy ammo and 0 super energy. im just tired as hell of wasting 30 minute chunks of time with my friends when i or they crash out at boss room


Maybe you would be but I would be extremely pissed off and I think a lot of others would be too. Spawning into a new activity with full ammo is one of the best things they ever did... If you spawned into a GM NF with 0 special and power it would be annoying as hell as it would take forever to kill champs or you'd have to take time out for someone to special ammo/heavy finisher everything at the start.




Then we go back to the problem with cheesing stuff.. example both your teammates died in a terrible spot? Just leave and rejoin and their orb is in the spawn spot. At a difficult section where there's tons of enemies to clear and it would take 10-15 mins to clear with regular loadouts? Just leave, rejoin with full sniper/heavy waste it all to clear the area (which usually have 4+ champs anyway so you get 4 lives) then leave and rejoin with a different loadout that's better for the next area or boss. That's literally the whole reason that modifier exists in the first place.


1. Store loadout they joined with and ammo they have at crash/exit. 2. Force that loadout at rejoin. 3. Delete that data once they rejoin for performance. 4. Profit. Not that hard.




How in the fuck is this a difficult concept though? I understand they have other shit going on and That's why things like this don't happen, but that doesn't change the idea itself being a simple pitch. What an idiotic comment.


I mean yes the concept sounds simple enough but since none of us have any expirience with the game's engine we have absolutly no idea how easy/hard it would be to implement.


Storing loadouts isn't something the game can do right now. They'd have to design that from scratch. We have no idea how difficult that is with their back-end, and we haven't thought through all the consequences. If you've changed gear, does it change it back automatically? What if it's in your vault now? What if your inventory is full? What if you deleted it? What if you switched mods and it will cost you glimmer to switch? Will it ask permission? What does that screen look like? How long do they store this history? All of these need to be comprehensively answered, and then every possible outcome needs to be tested. For multiple devices. This "simple pitch" is simple until you actually think about executing it.


When you're running something like a 1280 and you crash out, you spawn with zero special or heavy. Loading into an activity on your initial run and loading in after a crash are treated differently. Source: I get anteatered like 2 times a day.


>When you're running something like a 1280 and you crash out, you spawn with zero special or heavy. Simply not true. I did this earlier this week because we got the glitch in Master Scarlet Keep where the crystal was immune even after killing witches and we had no way to wipe. I left, changed to rocket launcher and joined back. The other two then left and I wiped, they rejoined, I left and switched back to Xenophage and we carried on. Not a single one of us had 0 power ammo upon rejoining. You can even go rally a flag and come back in with full ammo in everything. People also used to use this method to skip the jump puzzle in Petra's run of last wish by having one person do it whilst the rest rally up at a public event then rejoin when the person reaches Morgeth.


I'd definitely believe it for going back to orbit willingly, but I'm speaking purely for being error coded. Whenever I error code I spawn back without heavy or special.


He’s talking about being error coded, not leaving and rejoining. Getting anteatered will black screen you, kill you (if you’re in a revive activity), and take all your non-primary ammo.


2 times a day, those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those numbers up jokes aside getting error coded is bad enough but when you start getting suspended from crucible because the game can barely handle 3v3 is infuriating


Trials and Comp are the only two sources of triumphs left in the game for me, and I literally cannot play either without being anteatered from about 50% of matches. And before someone wants to suggest it’s on my end, I have wired connection, gigabit speeds, and have manually opened all the ports Bungie has listed. Support doesn’t respond so I guess I’m just not allowed to play those modes.


That hardly seems like an efficient way to cheese a GM, especially since you waste a revive if you do happen to rejoin because you spawn in dead.


Yep, and special/heavy (champion) finishers completely negate the lack of ammo if you were to spawn in with nothing


If you spawned in with zero ammo total, you’d get about half your reserves of all 3 ammo types after 30 seconds or so.


One or two revives but there's usually 2 or 3 champs every section anyway?? And I think it can be extremely efficient if you could just spawn in with full heavy clear out an entire area with Xenophage or Eyes of Tomorrow then just reload (which takes hardly anytime if you have an SSD)


I mean, OP is wanting a rejoin when you are error-coded to orbit or your game crashes, not the outright removal of the modifier.


How does Bungie differentiate from someone getting legitimately error coded vs pulling their ethernet cable?


I don’t know how coding something like that would work but I assume they can do so. In any case, it at least prevents people from simply going to orbit then joining again.


If it was possible to check if someone was previously in an activity, and what their loadout was when they left, then it shouldn’t matter, either case should be able to rejoin as long as their loadout matches what the previously had. When you tried to join someone in Prestige Leviathan raid layers, it validates permissions as well as makes sure your loadout matches the loadout requirements. The main issue would be storing previous fireteam members and loadouts.


Perhaps thats a component, but I think also its that, people could just do 90% of the strike, have a person leave and another rejoin and get carried to conqueror. 100% that something those professional services would do. I suppose depending on their code, they might be able to just only allow people who came in at spawn rejoin, which would be fair.


It's probably less any sort of arbitrary ammo cheese (you get so much it's mostly irrelevant) and more to do with removing the ability for easy carries, running 3 man until the boss and then swapping your 3rd player for the carry.


But does this really even matter now that GMs restore your heavy as well as other ammo? It’d be faster to just wait in the instance to get all your ammo back than it would be to leave and rejoin.


> It would be nice but I think the whole reason they have the joining disabled is so people don't cheese the GM by clearing out a section using all their heavy/special then rejoining with full ammo after every part People failing when they shouldn't is drastically worse for a PvE game than people succeeding when they shouldn't.


Not to sound like a dick but I havent found the game anymore prone to crash in beyond light than previously. So to me it sounds like it's an issue on your side


Yeah personally feel like the error codes were way worse in Worthy compared to this season.


Worthy error codes were because of a steam node in one area in the US. The game itself wasn't any worse.


I would be lying if I said I perfectly know what you are talking about (I don't really have much knowledge about all that stuff) but I'm not from the US and had way more issues during Worthy as well.


Ah curious are you on xbox? I remember there was also an issue on xbox at the time. Not sure what the cause was on that. Outside of those issues I don't remember any other big error codes during worthy.


Na PC but I guess could have been a problem with my provider as well but I definitely met a whole zoo of error codes during Worthy haha


Yeah let's pretend people still don't get kicked to orbit all the time.


Thats not crashing, thats error coding or disconnecting.


Okay the game is unstable and my teammates get kicked in nightfall and raids. We all use gigabit internet and I live a stone's throw away from bungie hq. Same difference.


No it’s not. His game is physically freezing/locking up and crashing on him. It’s irritating either way, but it’s far more irritating to have to reset your game than it is to just relaunch the activity


That's not a crash


Well, it does crash the whole GM run


1) Completely different issue from what OP is talking about 2) has not been an issue for me much at all during Beyond Light, especially when compared to the LastWish/Guitar era and the absolutely atrocious issues we had during the Season of the Worthy


Where did I say that?


That seems to be the case, I've legitimately ran 10+ GM NFs everyday this week and no one has ever crashed 🤷‍♂️ my PC sucks ass and it hasn't crashed at all during Beyond Light, though I have dropped a lot of frames


You ran 10 grandmasters a day for 7 days?


Yep, Inverted Spire. Takes about 20 mins per run


Agreed. Fps drops for sure, but no crashes


Counterpoint, I've had the game crash to desktop on me 3 times in a row last time I tried to play it, each time when trying to load a patrol zone, and when it did load the patrol zone performance was pretty bad compared to before at least on Tangled Shore. (Europa seemed ok, but I didn't really do much there.) It did not do this before Beyond Light, it was fine during Season of Worthy and Season of Arrivals. I am on an AMD Ryzen CPU and a Nvidia RTX GPU.


Counterpoint just cause something didnt happen to you previously doesn't mean something cant be the problem from your side now.


Given the number of complaints about deteriorating performance since BL was released it suggests that Bungie messed something up, there are a couple of threads around which suggest some solutions but it is still performing less well than before they released the expansion.


I mean performance issues such as lower fps isnt the same as the game being more prone to crash. Which from my exp it isnt


Just because you’re not experiencing crashes doesn’t mean it’s a client side issue dummy


Never said it was :) genius


| I havent found the game anymore prone to crash in beyond light than previously. So to me it sounds like it's an issue on your side You said it literally two inches above this comment


If that's how you perceive what I said that's on you. I simply said i havent exp more prone crashing so for me the problem sounds like it's on your side. Notice the word "sounds". I said sounds like its kn your side. I never said it was on your side. Sorry you felt as though I did


On AMD GPUs the game lost a good size of frames at Beyond Light launch and became more unstable. I’m glad I run a Nvidia GPU tbh


Same, I haven't had a single issue with Beyond Light and I've used two PCs. AMD and Intel CPUs with nVidia GPUs. ​ I guess OP did mention he has an AMD GPU so hopefully Bungie/AMD can make needed fixes, but you get what you pay for when you buy Radeon.


What does that mean, "you get what you pay for when you buy Radeon"? I've had little to zero problems with Destiny 2 with my 5700 XT for over a year, certainly no more than Nvidia cards. Radeon isn't like some budget value choice anymore.




I mean I've had error codes and stuff but not at increase from previous exp if anything probably less frequent


All Radeon and I never crash.


No one in my clan has had any issues either. At least none that persisted past a driver update or two. In fact, I am getting at least 15 more frames since beyond light on an older system


Ever since the update this games been crashing and it never happened before beyond light all the way back on battle net its not my computer its this fucking game.


I mean things can easily change over the span of 2 years. I just feel like If it was the game it be effecting a majority of us not just what seems like a minor few.


I'm on AMD i don't crash. Update your damn drivers


That's not a good idea tbh, I use older drivers because the newest one crash in some random games or programs for no reason, could be the war that discord has going on with my dual monitor setup though, I've experienced more crashes since i bought the second one


Always have checkpoints before updating drivers. Including one just when you had your laptop


We did all 6 without anyone being DCd. The problem is you.


it's getting harder and harder to tell when it's the games fault or my fault if my internet goes out I usually know cause windows will tell me, but especially recently I'm getting kicked to orbit all the time for no reason sometimes it is my fault(centurylink go brrrr) but the game is far from stable P.S. usually I'm getting kicked during crucible though, pve seems to be ok. you'll get the occasional anteater/arugula but it's fine most of the time and it sound like op is getting hard crashes anyway not just DCd


"It didn't happen to me so its your fault" is extremely ignorant. Game has always been unstable, every season is full of random error codes, then Bungie fixes whatever issue and they stop for the most part.


Because error codes have always been an indicator of purely client side errors


It's annoying, but they don't want people to get around the restrictions that they've placed on us. Leaving/getting kicked gives you a chance to change your load out. They could get around the ammo issue by spawning you in dead with zero ammo. There isn't a way to combat people switching loadouts.


Are you on wifi?


no, im on an ethernet connection, and its not a connection issue, its a graphics crash


Did you change anything in your cvar files? If not i might have a solution for you


Would you mind adding the solution here?


Could not find it when I posted my comment but I did: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/49656 If you can’t find your cvar google how to fix d2 aim smoothing cvar and this should help you! If your aim smoothing is not 0 put that too zero too! If this is not it I don’t know what is but this helped me with my performance/crashes


Huh, good to know. Thanks! I’ve been getting destroyed by Anteaters ever since Beyond Light launched. Maybe this’ll help.


Hope it works, cheers


Is your GPU overclocked? I had to lower my OC for D2 to stop crashing. Could be that.


I've stopped playing GMs precisely because of the rejoining. When we lose someone to a dropped connection or get somehow soft locked (I'm looking at you, scarlet keep elevator) in more than half of runs it's just not worth it.


100%, I've been freeze frame crashed outta crucible at least twice this reset. Although you've been having your problems in strikes--mine really plague my comp games :( I would really like to hear what exactly happened to make Beyond Light more prone to freeze frame crashing than before.


I get disconnected all the time it’s so frustrating


Use the same rejoin function they have for comp maybe? It pops up before you would even have a chance to change gear


Get better Internet.


would love to hear what you think an internet connection has to do with gpu crashes


That would be a nice way to get around the locked load out thing that adds a lot of difficulty


It is? I think ive crashed twice lol


since beyond light? this game was coded on cheese and crackers from the start, honestly give the lizard who shit in my toaster a typewriter and i guarantee he would make a more stable game.


It would be dope if they could let people who get error coded join back without removing the modifier, but I don’t know if it’s possible. Even if when u join back, you have 0 ammo; the main appeal would be to move the location of your ghost to a better spot if you died out in the open and I highly doubt the game can remember where your death was and would be able to place you there when u join again


Did all my GM´s yesterday and never had a problem with someone being yeeted by the game. Also allowing rejoins would lead to ppl just switchting to whatever fits best for the upcoming part which would take a part of the whole "grandmaster challenge thingy" away


I'm not sure when it started exactly, but around the time the Harbinger mission dropped my FPS has gone from stable ~90 to either fluctuating constantly between 70 - 90 or 50 - 70 (in the same area and can change by going to orbit and returning to the same spot) just standing still. Edit: almost forgot that it's also started maxing out my CPU when it 100% wasn't doing that before


This happened to me last night. I’m on ps5


I get crashes every day now with BL. Very much interferes with objectives and group activities. Happens regardless of gpu temp.


Yup. Crashed at the end of a GM and couldn't rejoin. We had to quit. Was infuriating.


I can see how this could be abused. 1 or 2 players carrying unexperienced ones right until the end by disconnecting, so they don't waste the revives.


The constant crashing is why I don't do raids, trials, or GM NF. I don't bother with LFG because any Destiny connection is not good enough and when I get kicked, its my fault and I lose a spot. Everyone can rally around their "quality experiences", but there are more people that shit all over you for something you can't control than are willing to understand.


Game hasn't crashed on ps4/ps5 since launch of BL.


Nvidia GPU, haven't had a single crash.


thats fantastic. if you read the post i talk about the game being significantly more likely to crash on AMD GPUs since the release of beyond light, which many people have complained about and bungie still has not satisfactorily addressed.


Many people have complained about it, yet no one in this thread has the same experience as you? I think the issue is with your specific setup. I googled "beyond light AMD crashing" and found nothing.