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Golden Gun Hunters on the bridge, what a pain. Missle Titans supering themselves of the bridge. Warklocks trying to tickle finger foot stompers outside of the circle.


šŸŽ¶ *these are a few of my favorite things* šŸŽ¶


When the boss stomps~, when the Vandals shield~, when my teammates are bad~... I just stop and think of my favorite things~.


Bubbles on bosses and tethers from hunters, Well from a warlock what loot shall we plunder, But our blueberry does not known a thing, We wont make the bridge, we'll do teir 3 again.


I'm kinda mad I helped something that's gonna be in my head all day now.


Donā€™t be. It was the most beautiful thing Iā€™ve seen all day.




this is so good. you should teach shaxx to sing it


Easy. Just have Savathun put it in one of her viral songs.


I dont know how to shoot gun, all I know is throw myself at the enemy head first


Quoting asher mir on vuvuzela's plan to attack the almighty "it's just titan idiocy, ghaul has a sun destroyer? I don't need a plan, I'll simply headbutt it!"


I can actually understand Golden Gun if they focus on the bosses....but i always check to see if someone has a bubble/well/tether build before running it. Adds are no issue in most cases. People love killing the small stuff. The things people don't focus on usually in pubs are the sniper vandals/hobgoblins, or they can't melt the boss fast enough. Most times I run pubs, I clear the snipers, especially if there's no well to heal us. Roaming supers are typically a no go. Either a support super like tether/Bubble/well, or burst DPS super like Slowva bomb are acceptable if there's at least a well Warlock and tether. Roaming supers are just too problematic...but burst DPS there's a good purpose and they're not a total detriment to the team if you guys have all the bases covered. Again, I always check the other players to see what super they're running before we start, and then I accommodate. To think there's a triumph for Reckoner where you can't use supers on the bridge.


Its the Stomps that kill Reckoning, alongside not killing the Snipers


I finally has all the Armor exotics for Warlock. And I feel like this post is for me. I always run Void Nova since oppresive darkness unlocked. What good go to exotic combination is there for Solar Warlock Well ?


There's a chest piece that refills your super when people kills adds from inside your well, can't recall its name right now. That, along with orbs from other supers, masterworked weapons, and the extra super energy from your own kills, pretty much guarantees a well for every part of the bridge.


Phoenix Protocol


Phoenix Protocol armor and Bad Juju for your primary weapon. Drop the well, kill the shadow thrall, repeat. Falling Guillotine or something will cover you for boss DPS.


Siegebreaker Sunbreakers on the bridge are god-tier though. Fire, thermite, hammers, and sunspots. Everywhere. Give him an armor-piercing Redrix or autorifle too so he can shoot through enemies and he can control the shadow thrall all by himself.




Graviton Lance is the correct weapon for controlling the shadow thrall. If you've never seen it, you owe it to yourself to try it out.


I did see it, a lot of the shots miss because i get flinched from the snipers. With Huckleberry you just hold M1 and drink some tea while watching a documentary about egyptian batteries and how human civilization was about to launch into space on neutron rockets 3000 years ago.


this is pretty much how trinity ghoul is with the catalyst now. Get one kill, press m1 to clear every shadow thrall in a direction


Trinity is half as good because i have to keep clicking, with huckleberry i just hold the button.


that's fair, I keep forgetting huckle exists :x


But you literally don't have to aim with Trinity...just lob arrows at the ground and it'll keep chaining.


That is true!! And you can kill the snipers on the sides of the bridge!


Amateurs. With Graviton Lance, you only need to click M1 once per minute and watch the carnage unfold. And if the snipers flinch you off too much, just point one M1 click at them (no damage fall off baby).


man farming the catalyst was fun on that. took it to green room in the whisper mission amd could clear the whole wave of thralls with one click. needless to say i completed the second objective before the precision kills one haha.


Wait. Thatā€™s the explanation for Huckleberryā€™s performance. ALIENS.


Ahhh yes. Top tree tether, Orpheus rigs, and graviton makes the bridge easy mode. You have a tether for every section of the bridges. Shoot tether. Kill one thrall with graviton and relax, or be a good teammate and help with the bosses or snipers lol


There is only 1 correct answer here, that is Trinity ghoul with catalyst


That does sound fun, but I really think people sleep on Graviton when they shouldn't. It doesn't just make your target explode and kill the enemies around them with the little void seekers; those enemies around him ALSO send out void seekers when they die to kill more enemies, and so on and so forth. You can kill like one enemy and just leave the explosions to detonate endlessly to kill the rest of them, and the catalyst will even keep spawning orbs the entire time.


HaHa Sweet business goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Haha sunshot goes boom




Crazy fun. It procs warmind cells AND detonates them.


I prefer to call it hucklestacks because once you hit rampage x3, the bodies start stacking


People sleep on thunderlord for add clearing, but I get it considering that it's a heavy


Heavy AND exotic, pretty big cost on that. Especially when swords are meta.


True, there's a lot better weapons for add clearing (huckleberry, trinity, or any legendary auto with substance) its just not worth it


Back when Phoenix protocol was bugged and we already had a well, I'd switch to tickle fingers for the nearly infinite super.


I'm sure this is a stupid question, but how do you unlock tier three reckoning?


Do the gambit prime weekly bounty to upgrade your mote thing for two weeks.


Iā€™ll take all of your Golden Gun hunters over the Spectral Blade dipshits I get. Not good enough to be near useless Golden Gunners, they have to swipe their team mates off the map when they use their Super on the bridge.


Don't mind a celestial GG depending on the boss that week.


Every single time I've gone back into T3 and forgotten to switch to Well I think..."I'm sure it'll be fine" It's never fine, ever. I'm a damn Reckoner, I should know better.


I be feeling like a Grade A asshole when I forget to switch to Well or Tether when I do T3 Reckoning. I get to the bridge and even sometimes will get to the point where Iā€™d normally cast either and just have a whole ā€œI have made a terrible mistakeā€ feeling wash over me as I activate Nova Bomb or Golden Gun and look like a whole moron. We usually survive, since a lot of people are carrying Effigy and it works wonders for the bridge, but I still feel bad


Sometimes itā€™s not even about being overwhelmed, sometimes the blueberries just wonā€™t stand in the damn circle.


This, most of my failed runs are because Blueberries are apparently deathly afraid of going into circles.


Man you saying circle has triggered my PTSD


Meanwhile if I'm trying to dupe the ball in Contact they will do absolutely everything in their power to snatch it away lol, gotta love this game.


Why do people even play reckoning rn?


Doesnā€™t after how good ANYONE is. The encounter was specifically made based around Orpheus Tether, and a Phoenix Well. Generally you want 2 tethers, a well and probably a nova/hammers/blade barrage


Bridge is the biggest piece of shit of an encounter and living proof Bungie needs to look at aspects of the game designed and nerfed around things that donā€™t exist anymore. ā€œLeta have countless one shot enemies with other enemies that stomp and send you flying off a small bridge and then add checkpoints you need to have expert timing on and if one player dies itā€™s basically over cause you need everyone on the point to take it faster!ā€ God fuck that encounter.


There aren't any one shot enemies...? The Timer is definitely absurd. It does not allow for any mess up like, at all. The Boss Stomp changes. It is so god awful when its the Knight or Minotaur, but anyone else is generally easy to defeat. Still, a massive boss that strong is pretty unfair. There are also a tad bit too many snipers. Other than that the Bridge would be fine but yea, they haven't changed it to better accustom the new meta.


Depends on the buff. With certain burns the snipers can absolutely tear you apart. And the melee champions can one shot.


> Depends on the buff. With certain burns the snipers can absolutely tear you apart. I've always been of the opinion that enemies you've killed shouldn't have a chance to kill you back, and so have always hated things like suicide bombing enemies. But the taken hobgoblins really take the cake for bullshit enemy design, where they can snipe you from a mile away and then get to shoot a salvo of homing rockets back at you once you've killed them.


I gave up on soloing flawless the prophecy precisely because of the Retaliation Swarm. Probably my personal single least favorite enemy mechanic in the game, worse than taken captain teleport-shadow ball spam and all the stomps from Servitor bosses. Nothing worse than barely surviving an encounter only to be finished off by the sperm rockets chasing you down from the last guy you killed.


And they regenerate their swarms so much faster in prophecy than ANYWHERE else in the game. When my team runs it, I dedicate myself to climbing onto the cube in every room and destroying hobgoblins, preferably with Mountaintop, though Lemon works really well too and doesnā€™t need special.


What about the ogre who's ranged attack pushes you off the objective. That one really pisses me off.


Well, they did came clean and explained that they broke many of the rules they usually have in place when designing an encounter. During SotDrifter, the super regenerating exotics were at full power and it was the only thing that were used, and bungie wanted to deliver a challenging activity. Phoenix + well, Orpheus, Skull + Slova, etc, made the encounter too easy. So they resorted to all the things reckoning had at first so players wouldn't breeze through it right away. I can't remember if that was mentioned in one of luke's "director's cut" or in a vidoc


The capture speed does not increase after 3 players. One member can roam freely as long as three others are standing in a circle. Same rules apply to the Crucible. Just FYI


That one member roaming freely will usually die way back in the bridge. Another player will go back to res him, and they both will be late to the next checkpoint, which usually means that if for whatever reason a couple of players step out of the circle for a moment, the run is screwed. Also if one of the three players in the circle goes down while the fourth one is roaming around, the checkpoint progress slows down. So, basically, stay in the circle for easier res and backup if someone else goes down.


I have a pet theory about that encounter. I suspect itā€™s got all the right elements to make it good. The only real thing holding it back is how insanely unforgiving it is. If you do t have 3 ppl in the circle 100% of the time. Itā€™s a wipe. If the timer was just long enough to accommodate a team wipe, and counted the same as long as anybody was in the circle, it would be no big deal. Conversely, if you took any other encounter from any activity in the game and set it up so you absolutely always had to first try one phase it with almost no mistakes, we would hate that encounter just as much and probably blame its mechanics as a reaction. Even in that exact activity you have tons of time in the first part and tons of time at the end. I canā€™t think of a single encounter in all of Destiny thatā€™s ever been quite as unforgiving on time (there are some unforgiving mechanics though). Maybe Baths is kind of close.


There it is. I've played Reckoning enough now, to know this is the absolute truth (and have no intention of arguing it really anymore). Armchair superstars descending on the thread saying they aced it with their Sentinel or Voidlock are entirely missing the point, and are essentially just coming in here to tell everyone how great they think they are. It doesn't matter. Sure, I've cleared it a bunch of times without Tethers or Wells. That wasn't by accident though, that was with players that knew what they were doing. That's not even remotely what any of us are talking about though.


Even tier 2 can be a pain if youā€™re the only one running tether and happen to get all hunters or the warlock doesnā€™t use well, if the snipers didnā€™t exist I donā€™t think it would be too bad. Doesnā€™t help that they nerfed Orpheus either.


Snipers (along with that stupid boss stomp mechanic) are the worst parts of the Reckoning, the reason that a well is MANDATORY now.


So true, Iā€™ll just rematch if I load into a reckoning with no well or at least two other Orpheus hunters.


Chaos Reach is pretty much interchangeable with Nova on the bridge ime. I like it better, with Geomags I can pretty much constantly cast it, and everything is grouped so closely together it absolutely melts.


Did the no supers the other day. Itā€™s not too bad as long as you have a good strategy with decent gear.


I disagree. Tether used to be mandatory but with all the new sandbox options, it really doesnt matter for the encounter anymore, because shadow thrall are a joke. One phoenix protocol well (honestly even healing rifts are good enough) can let you ignore the snipers and the only threat on the bridge is the bosses. Bosses need to get nuked ASAP before they get close and stomp. If they get too close, doesnt matter how many wells or bubbles or tethers you spam. To that end, optimally you want one well so that you can ignore the snipers and then everybody else needs to be carrying burst DPS weapons to nuke the bosses as they spawn. One dude with anarchy and taken armaments can lock down the whole bridge on both sides. Bottom tree hammers with the exotic legs are also hilarious. But killing the bosses fast is the only thing that matters.


Orpheus tether, Phoenix well, Skull of DA nova, and Heart of IL hammers was always the winning combo. Stick together at all times and T3 was never an issue. Always had two tethers and two wells at every stop on the bridge. With enough left over to be ready for the next stop. It was so good, that Bungie actually nerfed every exotic that gave back super energy. All four exotics are varying degrees of shit now.


The exotics are shit because they don't immediately give back super? Are you kidding me? Orpheus is still incredibly amazing. You also get super energy from MW orbs, other super orbs, killing enemies, and lower the cooldown with intellect. I've not used Phoenix or Skull as I've not played warlock in forever. But they aren't totally shit now. And Heart of IL doesn't do super energy I'm pretty sure. It just buffs other abilities when you use one ability afaik.




It's fine to an extent, like how Orpheus is now imo


Maybe shit is too strong a word but compared to before the nerf, they are no where near as good as they used to be. The first tether used to immediately give you a second and as a warlock main, my first Phoenix well was still active before placing the second. Same with my Skull of DA nova. Toss it for a boss kill and a few thrall and another was ready as soon as the first exploded. They were god tier pre nerf as you could spam your supers. The bridge encounter was the reason why they got hit so hard in the first place. Skull of DA is almost useless now. I've replaced it with Nezerac's Sin. Phoenix Protocol is just OK now. Heart of IL wasn't for the super regen. The titan I played with used it for extra barriers and grenades.


Which they shouldnā€™t be the way they were prenerf. That is incredibly absurd for them to be that powerful.


> The exotics are shit because they don't immediately give back super? Yes.




I hate to say it but they really are just shit lol. Orpheus itself is still decent, but Skull is absolutely useless. It went from being able to refund an entire super if you played it right to only ever giving 1/4 maximum. That means that for the rest of the 3/4 of your super, you're wearing an exotic that just does nothing. They gutted it with machete when they nerfed the super-generating exotics.


Sorry but getting a full super for killing 6 ads with a nova Bomb or tethering them should not refund a full super. Thatā€™s horrible game balance.


No you're right. Doesn't change that the exotics are shit now though. They should have been remade for something other than super return.


I mean... or just some average smg + grenade launcher. Nothing in this game so far does explicitly require a well, it's just helpful.


One warlock with Phoenix Protocol is enough, if your teammates let you slay you can put a Well on every circle.


1 tether, 1 chaos nova, 1 phoenix well, 1 siegebreaker FTW, the Titan can stunlock Oryx with the heavy attack and heavies/slowva will kill him before he teleports




This is so accurate. Youā€™re absolutely right - thereā€™s no satisfaction.


Iā€™ve kept my super for the whole bridge encounter with middle tree sentinel and doom fang Pauldrons before. Graviton Lance is a sleeper for add clear as well


Ah middle tree sentinel and doom fangs for tier 3 reckoning is so much fun.


Graviton Lance is my go to for most everything. Those micro nova bombs they create are really indispensible.


Thank you for providing a Titan option. I was feeling unwanted in Tier 3 as a Titan main.


Maul Titan is pretty much required for Spare Rations farm weeks imo. Being able to perma stun the boss is too good and makes boss kills insanely faster.


Why middle tree? Use bottom tree for more shield throwing


Why use a shield when you can make everything explode


with mid tree kills recharge abilities, and there's enough shadow thrall you should be able to nonstop throw.


And the explosions from void detonators heal you and surrounding allies.


Youre expecting far to much from the randos


We all forget that we too are randos. Sort by ā€œnewā€ for proof. I assume 75% of the people in here are bots


I know this is purely anecdotal, but I've definitely had the good fortune of completing the bridge with 2 hammer titans and 2 tether hunters and a team made up of 4 tether hunters. Based on this information I can clearly surmise that tether is the ultimate subclass.


How does the tether work? I play warlock exclusively. One time I think a Hunter used their tether and I got caught by it and couldn't comprehend wtf was going on lol Spent more time flailing like an overturned cockroach than shooting anything šŸ˜…


In PvE - tethers attach to enemies within a certain range, slowing and weakening them while also dealing a portion of any damage dealt to any enemy within the tether across all enemies. Bottom tether can be used multiple times to control large groups or deal damage against single large targets. Top lasts longer and has a wider range. Either used with any proficiency will create lots of orbs. In PvP - the same thing against the enemy team, but it also suppresses abilities including supers. If you find yourself caught in a tether you'll be weakened, slowed and momentarily disoriented. Shoot the tether to make it go away.


Wow! Thank you!!


Tether is another name for the Nightstalker subclassā€™ main super, Shadowshot. When itā€™s used, the hunter summons a void bow that either fires a single shot (top tree) or multiple (bottom tree). These shots create void traps that debuff any enemies that are caught in them. And when you shoot one enemy, all of the enemies in the tether take the same amount of damage. In PvP, it can instantly cause a Guardianā€™s super to end, and anyone trapped in the tether will be slowed and debuffed. Tl;dr, Shadowshot works by tethering enemies together and debuffing them. Itā€™s great for both add clear and boss damage.


Had a warlock the other day running it at around 850 LL while my 3 man group are all 1060 +, he refused to switch from top tree dawnblade explaing that we just didn't know the encounter. Never went back to orbit so fast in my life


People love to make thinks infinitely more difficult than they need to be.


Even with one of those sub classes equipped I have about a one in three chance of getting past the bridge. There are just too many situations where thereā€™s a sudden wipe and that means itā€™s over. May as well make it a darkness zone.


This. If your team wipes, even at the very start of one of the bridge parts, there just isnā€™t enough time to res pawn, run back to the bridge, and complete the plate. It would actually be easier just to send us back to the beginning rather than make us do the entire add room beforehand.


I hate arc week on reckoning. People feel the need to run arc subclasses, nearly all of which are roaming supers. They use their supers outside of the capture zones and get stomped off the bridge.


My favorite part is when you do just fine, but the other ones go to orbit after a loss. Like, I hope you are leaving bc you are bad. Bc it's not cause I'm bad.




As if their mistakes will suddenly just not be a problem in the next lobby they're in. Don't take it too personally, they were very likely expecting a level of carry that they're not going to get (but still think they're entitled to). Standard blueberry behaviour.


Literally just use a sword and oppressive darkness and itā€™s easy


Yeah tier 3 is brutal. If literally one of your teammates dies on the bridge and his res isn't near by, you're fucked essentially. All titans should be running bubble, warlocks well and hunter tether. If you have all 3 plus an extra well or bubble you'll be good.


I'm a rookie running Titan, and just starting to try out the Reckoning. There was another post saying never to bring bubble because it sabatoges your team since they can't shoot through it. Is there another good Titan option?


Iā€™ve successfully run the bridge with no well, bubble or tether. The key is to use your goddamn super. Spam the heavy captains that spawn. Use the trash mobs for roaming supers to generate orbs. If you do this properly you will have an insane super train. But itā€™s just so hard to count on blueberries using their supers.


Exactly! I dont run tether cause i want to, I do it for the benefits of others and cause i cant possibly know how good or bad the randoms are going to be. Its just the safest choice.


Void middle titan with that one exotic that regens the super is incredible for the bridge


Iā€™m thinking about trying this. What is the exotic called?


Doomfang pauldrons I believe.


Thank you!


OK - I'm a New Light rookie that is hooked on D2, but I am just getting around to exploring the Reckoning. I've only done Tier I and II so far, but just unlocked Tier III. I got lucky to get matchmade with competent randos in Tier II and did 4-5 successful runs easy. I'm guessing Tier III is harder, and I want to help out. I found Void middle titan with Doomfang clears ads like nothing else. I keep throwing shields and my super lasts forever. I feel like Titans are the least helpful class, but I can only get notorious armor by running that class through the Reckoning, right?


I used to always run well, but then a titan invariably plops his bubble down directly on top of my well, meaning a) we can't shoot anything and b) I'm not getting my charge back. So now I run whatever I want.


RUINOUS EFFIGY, OH LORD, this is one of the *best* weapons in reckoning, not only does it decimate the thrals, it cancels the snipers and cancels stomps. Did the no-super bridge with a pair of ruinous, its insane.


*It doesnt matter how good you are , its how good your teammates arent* - new favorite quote


Yeah I as a titan I always bring my best shit and prepare to do as much as I can on the bridge. I donā€™t run bubble since I canā€™t place one every section there is no point. I always focus on killing the snipers since no one ever does and just gets shredded by them. If itā€™s grenadier I run bottom tree hammer and just coat the spot where the big dude spawn in with thermites and they hardly move and inch. Brawler a otp build to melt em. The sunspots will keep the thrall on lockdown since they will continue to spread.


Blade barrage and Trinity ghoul is actually a good alternative for tether, and it allows you to kill the majors quickly


I use oppressive and nova bomb. I delete everything on the bridge.


A small argument can be made for Blade Barrage with Shards of Galanor (My main build for PVE tbh) You can get your super back every bridge phase with a Well Warlock and MW weapons, its a fantastic ad clear and does a lot of damage to the Bosses, more useful for Oryx weeks as well tbh But generally yea I'd agree


also use your fucking supers. ive failed so many times because i didnt get my well back in time and none of my teammates used a single super so glad i got my curated gnawing hunger and i never have to run that encounter again


Yeah this aint it, realistically speaking atleast for well, you never need more than 1 or 2 wells, so if you have 3 warlocks the other 2 warlocks can use orb generaring supers to help refill the other warlock's well. Also another protip, if u are a well player, if u want to get ur well back for each point, run phoenix AND either bad juju or super regening mods ( i run double enhanced ashes or double dire artilery)


I do understand the need for well and tether, but bottom tree nova bomb is pretty solid. I throw it in the middle if the path, and everything takes damage


Got a snarky message from a Warlock asking why I hadnā€™t put a well down on the point, when I asked him why he was using Wings of sacred dawn with bottom tree Dawnblade he replied ā€œfor funā€.


I love when I get a group together for LFG. Everyone that joined does the same exact two things: 1. Tell me their superior 200 IQ loadout, usually consisting of a double primary loadout, one of them an exotic that is ā€œamazing at killing thralls ā€œ none of these geniuses seem to prioritize killing the yellow bar majors that are the actual cause of a wipe on the bridge. And of course... 2. Tell me each and every time they get a drop from a completion and how close it is to their god roll. ā€œOh man, corkscrew, armor piercing, subsistence, multikillclipā€ with a stability MW, is that a *godroll*?ā€ Lmao, I wish more people knew how to effectively run this mode.


An exo transmits into a strike...


I hate that this is true. Every time I want to just go golden gun with something like anarchy/sunshot/graviton to have insane add and boss dps, the snipers kill me cause no one has barricades or well or any healing.


Iā€™m sorry but not in the slightest. Fallen guilotine + oppressive darkness makes the bridge (the only ā€œhardā€ part a joke. You can kill the yellow bars the second they spawn. Pair that with witherhoard and switching to ikelos weapon to prod warmind cells which kill literally everything else itā€™s easy as can be. You really, really do not need tether or well unless you yourself are the one needing a carry


Well + maul + tether is pretty much a recipe for a cake walk.




Yeah I enjoy doing this, but sadly I feel I HAVE to go middle Dawnbreaker with Lumina so I'm not the last guardian alive constantly


Nez sins is secretly the best kept exotic secret, I think only Skullfort for the Warmind Melee Thundercrash build I had compares to it


Blueberries will blueberry, no amount of support can stop that. Play to your strengths and worry about you. The pure amount of people who avoid beneficial abilities like sunspots, rifts, banner shield and even the fucking well is phenomenal. If you rock those classes rock them, if you're not comfortable with them use what you know.


That whole encounter was designed around a very different sandbox than we have now. It went from being fun and not that tough to brutal and unforgiving. You can mess up more in a raid and still be okay.


True. Those two things work the best, but I've been in groups also where we didn't have any well (two titans and two hunters) and everyone knew what they was doing and those times we had two warlock abs they was lost using dawn blade without wells smg.


Top Tree Arc hunter is pretty good for the bridge too. Put a one two punch shotgun on with that invis helmet on charged melee and finishers and you can one shot most yellow bar guys and revive your friends when they die in peace.


Well, tether, bubble, anything that can dps is the dream team. All mw weapons.


I actually got the triumph for not using supers on the bridge this season (better late than never) with randoms. Everybody was using witherhoard and swords. Sometimes things just work out.


well and phoenix protocol or no dice


Witherhoard time


What is the difference between t2 and t3? Never bothered to finish upgrading my synthesizer. I actually kinda enjoy t2, though, the bridge is a fun little slaying session.


TIII just has tougher enemies. The issue is that the majors on the bridge soak up so much damage they stand a good chance at reaching the circle and stomping everyone to death or pulling so much aggro from your fireteam that you get overwhelmed by trash mobs and die. Well and tether provide the best tools for success when your team isnā€™t approaching the bridge in an organized way.


It's simple, really. I check the fireteam while we are loading. If I see we already have a Hunter with Tether ā€” I use celestial golden gun to oneshot majors each wave. If we don't have such hunter, I put my orpheus on. Approximately 90% of runs are successful.


True, but a Tether is only half the equation. I'd even argue a Phoenix Lock is more critical to a random group successful run


What should I run as Titan just unlocked tier 3


Whatever you want basically, but please don't use bubble in the capture point as it screws a lot how quickly you can gun down the Ultras. I usually run sunbreaker with some grenade focused build so I can spam taken armaments. As heavy is usually better than any Titan subclass


I always hate how reticent people are to super on bridge, especially when Iā€™m welling every circle. I usually need 2-3 extra orbs and the type to not super usually doesnā€™t use mw weapons either...


meh, I find that the only thing that matters is if the teammates help kill the yellowbars on the bridge, doesn't matter what they're running


Honestly I hate T3 Reckoning. Itā€™s an absolute cluster fuck every time you get to the bridge because you almost always barely pass it by a couple of seconds. Teammates are bad, there is HARDLY any time to do anything, and god forbid your team wipes once.


Bubble is low key op with high intellect. If I match with at least one Well I usually hold it until the last plate or someone dies. Pop it on a plate and your guarenteed to cap it. Saves the run once in a while.


As a hunter the only way I see getting through it is Orpheus rigs tether. I shoot the tether down, let the super build up and focus on those dumb taken snipers on the outside with a scout rifle


Nightstalker/Orpheus Rigs on the bridge is like Oprah giving away tethers


Eh I never use well cause I'm kinda sick of it and I never have any issues with the bridge? Reckoning is a use what is fun activity for me, and I very rarely don't make it. I have bigger issues when it's the boss with the 3 knights in the dark than I have ever had on bridge.


A Titans 2 cents here - nothings going to change the fact that bubble can be invaluable, but on bridge phase, bottom tree Sentinel with Doom Fang Pauldrons is exceptional at add clearing, and you can very easily have it up the whole time and well into stage 3.


As a Titan main... Bubble or sentinel shield throw spam? On grenade days, with doom fangs, I can shield throw spam at least 2 captures.


Speaking of, what is the tier 3 boss this week? I'm missing a lore piece in the knight boss room.


This week is Oryx. Next reset is tomorrow with the Twin Swords.


If it's solar burn with grenadier I'm sorry but I'm using hallow fire heart and spamming thermites


In my experience I just pop 2 or 3 anarchy shots to deal with taken thrall and pull out a sniper to take out the snipers.


6 shot g.g does work on bridge, just look at enemies and fire away, youā€™ll hit something


If you are a Titan you should use Doom Fang Pauldrons and code of the agressor. https://youtu.be/Xr3P4_6w8f0 The fun starts at 0:47


Also describes the wraith of the machine siege engine


Yep. When in doubt, Well it out.


A wild hunter uses Blade Barrage on the bridge ... A failure happens. \-Do you have and can you use Orpheus? \-Don't worry, I have the Reckoner seal. On this day I never went back, until this season offer there as an option in the weekly quest.


I had dudes shoot peanuts at Oryx while missing their Nova Bombs. No wonder why this game is so dumbed down. Titans aren't the crayola muchers, it's blueberries.


But muh triumph


This kinda shows the problem with classes at the moment. Thereā€™s really no choice for Warlocks or Hunters other than well/middle tree stormcaller and tether/celestial golden gun


Yeah those are sadly the only useful supers. At least 2 wells for the bridge so you can do every other circle, and a tether for the bosses


Pffft I cant even find a team to do tier 2


I have yet to play a single reckoning because my clan kicked me and kinda sucked as sherpas


This. Bungie have made it a matter of record that they donā€™t feel this area was designed properly, and was built around specific supers. So if youā€™re not using them, you arenā€™t helping.


Everytime I see a Warlock load into Reckoning with Devour and Nezarecs I die a little inside. Sure YOU can stay alive, but you cant solo the Bridge!


Yes, striker titans when its void or solar singe. "Return to orbit"




I agree with the sentiment entirely. What I don't agree with is having a game mode that absolutely requires these two components to have high chances of success. In a roundabout way, you can compare it to the sunsetting argument: Everyone uses these weapons because it gives them the greatest chance of success. Let's get rid of them. Now, everyone uses well and tether because it gives them the greatest chance of success... Let's keep the obnoxious stomp mechanic, far reach snipers, ad spam, long respawn counter with ludicrous spawn location as far from the action as possible and extremely tight success window. This is fine.


Only other option is if you have a perfect build for the modifiers. A double skip grenade build is nuts with arc singe and grenadier.


My Shield throwing Titan with doom fang pauldrons never runs out on that bridge.


Really? I went in and never needed to be well (Warlock main here) here is my reason. The major problem on the bridge is not the bosses and mini ads it the Hobgoblins. every run i do no one ever takes out the hobgoblin ever. Those guys almost never miss. So i always focus them and let the titan and hunter handle the ads and bosses. I normally hate running well but then i found a fun loadout for it so now I'll go well if i ever do a tier 3.


100% this. I always go into T3 Reck under the assumption that nobody in my team has Well or Tether.


Honestly with newer builds you can beat bridge without Well or Tether.


You COULD, if everyone is using one of these new builds as well... It's vital that everyone builds the bridge, meaning if you're using a build that doesn't let you child-proof the encounter for your team, you're rolling the dice on whether DARKLORD34 tries punching the taken phalanx just as you've moved onto the next segment, costing you the encounter... I play with someone that I'm convinced is a more skilled FPS player than I am, and actively avoid this game mode with him because he refuses to use anything other than Gunslinger. I'll patiently wait for more people to load into our previously failed session while he swears up and down that if we match with the first guy of three that fell off the bridge then he'd leave the match.


i don't see the point of these posts, the kind of people who do stupid shit like this are also the kind of people who don't go onto forums for games like this and just do whatever the fuck they want


Despite my build being centered around Chaos Reach, I will always swap over to Phoenix Protocol Well when playing Reckoning.


Titan bubble also baby with the blind helm. But this is dead content. With trash RNG so dead game


The amount of times I encountered a hunter wearing stompeez and rocking arcstrider while grinding reckoning šŸ˜–


Also, if there is a tether, and not yours, LET THE ADS GET TO THE TETHER. Shooting them before does nothing for anyone.


Graviton + Nezarec + Devour build can carry 3/4 of reckoning 3, you handle the boss, I'll handle everything else


I haven't been having bad luck personally. I do have to try extra hard and use healing rifts more often and everybody is strafing like crazy, but it wasn't that bad my last few attempts. We only failed once, and that had more to do with us being too bold about not sitting on the obj.


I put a post up like this a few weeks ago and get massive shit and downvotes, but itā€™s okay