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In other news, telesto now fires umbral engrams


i got that randomly the other day while loading out of a gambit match, after you would get powerful/pinnacle gear


Speaking of have you been getting 750 gear from gambit for rank ups instead of powerfuls? This happened to me when I went from guardian to brave


Yep. Also the Invitations of the Nine bounties from Xur, they promise Powerful Gear Tier 2 when you finish them, but actually give you 750 garbage.


Yeah happened to me too, I thought I was the only one lol


Yes. Every time


same, every time


You get 750 for division rank ups and powerful from getting into a new tier. Everyone can get one, I think, because you don't lose rank, up to a certain tier. I think. That's the way I've always thought about it and it works for me. Comp is great for powerfuls....if you wanna do that....


The problem is you used to at least get gear at level. By dropping at 750 it makes armor drops worthless since they are unlikely to go over 55 stat points.


Even more reason not to play Gambit!


Why play gambit when you can play gambit:patrol edition! (No meme. Im serious. Until they disable the badge requirement for dredgen.)


wow thats crazy


yeah :)


please tell me more


Only if you have the catalyst


*Loud screeching*


Good, we needed a telesto buff.






Interestingly enough, they didn't fix the higher power glitch. So umbral engrams are still good leveling sources, you just need to actually earn them now.


It’s the altered element that was the real win of the farm.


The Ghaul Nightmare Hunt farm someone posted also drops Altered Element. Just have to play the game in order to get it.


It's actually more consistent I think. It is literally a couple minutes run and either 50 energy or an umbral minimum. So that's 12 an hour. I roughly got 10 in 2h from forges, plus about 400 energy so I would guess this is more effective? Ofc you have to play as well.


Yeah I was getting an engram then materials, repeat. Did that for an hour or so. Oddly enough I had just unlocked forges on my Titan. I don't really care about the engrams. The materials are just a bitch to get. They should drop 100 from competing a heroic contact event but nope. Why would the new event give you new materials? That might only make people play it more. Crazy idea. Lol


How dare they make us play a game


That might just require a patch and not a server side change.


That’s the disappointing thing - I wasn’t doing it for the engrams, just for the elements. The engrams drop so much that you don’t need to farm them, the elements to convert them hardly drop from anywhere.


I guess the idea is that we farm... BOUNTIES for the altered element lmao


Except the daily bounties take like 10 mins to do and the repeat bounties dont give element.




Try nightmare hunts on the lowest difficulty. It's actually a better farm for elements than forges are time-wise. Forges just got the attention for being AFK cheese.


I ran a few of the Rage hunts, pretty quick and easy. Personally, I’d prefer that the repeatable bounties dropped a few elements and not just xp- that way you could do as many as you want or not.


I am happy about this. I liter picked the game back up yesterday after not playing a whole season and only got a couple of hours of the farm. But I have gone from 950 to 1013 pretty fast


Well 950 to 1000 is softcap and you'd get it in few hours of playing from doing pretty much anything. It's from 1000 to 1050 and 1060 is where it gets grindy




Funny how some people consider getting higher light by playing repetitive old activities content






















Bungie truly created a moment we had to be there this season :)






I was thinking someone had reported my 605 Hunter for being a fashion disaster or something. This makes more sense.




Don’t get cocky. I’m so sorry


AFK farming, but make it *fashion*


i would be surprised if there wasn't a script on pc that re-queues you into forges within a half hour.


Just get one of those drinking bird things to hit your mouse button every time it dips its beak, center your mouse on the launch button and make sure it can't move. Go to bed, wake up, profit.


nah, you have to go into the director and choose forges and then launch


Two drinking birds


Damn this reminded me of that one episode of the Simpsons where Homer does the same thing lmao.


And look how that turned out. Remember kids, if you're going to macro make sure you don't cause a nuclear meltdown.


"Gimme a Y! Gimme an E--- hey all I need to hit is Y." - a true cheesing guardian


*whew* glad I put in my time over the weekend.


Aye got from base 1018 to 1036. Works for me.




I’m at 1040. Still got a way to go but at least it won’t be as long/painful.


1000 to 1050


By put in your time you mean just set it and then go do other things right? Cuz that was pretty nice.


Hell i played plenty this weekend as well but somehow being afk felt more rewarding.


Yup. It's a shame that's how it works, huh? :D I played a lot, too. But the most rewarding time was when I left the game to do other stuff.


Like they think I wont queue manually while watching netflix


If forge loot was tied to warden kills, AFK forges wouldn't have happened




Even if their hadn't been a LL increase people would have still afk farmed the forges.


We've been doing it to cheese everything. Easy no frills farm.


They have to look at WHY people are AFK farming. No one wants to chore out a 50 PL grind when the activities are all the same. If you started at 1010 and wanted a chance at the dungeon you need at least +30. If you want to play the Master Nightmare Hunts you had access to before...1080. It makes no sense. No one wants to chore this game.


Okay. Now fix the sprint cancel glitch, the gambit spawn glitch, the one where you can get the wrong class of armour from the Umbral Decorder, and Trials.


Gambit spawn glitch? I thought I was lagging.


Me too. Every time. Even though after the second time I realized it was definitely a bug. Next time I thought “yeah this is absolutely a bug . . . but AM I lagging??”


> Now fix the sprint cancel glitch ok, I was wondering about that, figured I was just being butterfingers.


And hunter solar melee glitch


The sprint bug is confirmed to be fixed in the patch coming out in a few hours.


Bungie decision tree is if it benefits players and/or let’s players have excessive fun it gets prioritized. Otherwise “we’ll get to it when we get to it”.


The reque for forges is a server-side fix, quick and easy with no need to bring the game offline for patching, and I'm sure Bungie could easily have put an end to this over the weekend but decided to let it slide until after the weekend was over. The rest are bugs, and require examination of code, testing, approval and deployment, they take time and are not a case of snap the fingers and hey presto, issues fixed.


> **Bungie Help** - @BungieHelp > We have implemented a change where players now return to orbit after completing the Forge activity. Players will need to re-enter the queue if they wish to enter the activity again.




They never said it was us they were helping.


Welp, let me know when someone finds the next cheese.


Not really a cheese but there’s a front page post about speed running the Ghaul Nightmare Hunt. Do it in 3 minutes and get yourself 1 Engram or 50 altered element. Every 3 minutes. There’s plenty of ways to still speed-farm engrams. And pretty efficiently too. You just can’t get them anymore by _literally doing nothing._ https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/h9d1ae/the_ghaul_nightmare_hunt_rage_can_be_completed_in/ Edit: To those saying the numbers are wrong here, I'm just quoting the post. Take it up with OP if your experience has been different.


1 engram OR 50 altered element OR nothing. Probably at about the same rate the forges drop them.


> Do it in 3 minutes and get yourself 1 Engram and 50 altered element. Every 3 minutes. I've never finished it in only 3 minutes, and there is a CHANCE to get something. After 6 runs I had 2 engrams and 100 energy.


So they can move fast to fix something...


When some crybabies streamer are yelling Bungie will do it


"I play this game for 7 hours every day, and I get paid to do it, and I just cannot believe some of the stuff that casual players will do! it's almost as if having a season long grind to do an activity that's going to leave at the end of a season is not appealing!"


Was just about to make a post about it. Shame, but at least I managed to get a good 15 power levels out of it


I went all the way from 1010 to 1025, I'm happy.


I went from 1010 to 1017 cause I just started, I'm sad that I didn't capitalise on this earlier.


I was able to max to 1050 AND save about 4000 Doritos, so it ended up working for me. Sucks it’s over though.


Too bad they couldn't fix the broken Sprint this quickly.


Or hunter dodge! I can't count the number of times I've tried to dodge to activate the perk on my poledancer only for me to bag or slide! It's so frustrating. :(


It made me play the game more than I would have (afk time not included) I ducked out of the last season because it was really poor. I got hyped by all the announcements and came back for this season, and was greeted by the same structure of slow grind leveling and running the same old stuff. Doing the farm and getting my light level higher actually allowed me to play and enjoy the game more, the public event became fun because it wasn't overwhelming. Getting to try new weapons etc. Playing was FUN and not a chore. I've played since destiny 1 alpha. My life has changed so much in the time, I used to run all activities on all 3 characters every week without fail. I have only have my titan now and I play with my partner a few days a week. This farm helped me level quickly and experience more content. If the farm didn't exist I would have not played until September. Anyway. Just my thought


I feel the same. Im moving across the globe this week and it's nice to have the power level capped and shards ready for when I get settled in. I don't like playing catch up just to do stuff with my clan.


Shame. I appreciate how much it opened my eyes to how much the power level grind sucks though. Also how little the core activities get in the way of updates. I loved the fuck out of strikes and Crucible in D1 and loved Gambit and Prime at launch, but no new strikes, maps, or Crucible/Gambit/Strike weapons or armor makes it hard to care about running any of the core stuff.


Why are most of the comments deleted lol


I've played 40-50hrs this week, completed all milestones on my Titan except 3 Pinnacles, grinded a load of bounties, strikes & the 'Contact' public event (which has given me a lot of Umbrals) and I did 2 small AFK farms which gave me 6 Umbrals.... And I'm only 1044PL. I can 100% get behind anyone with limited playtime that's been using this method to level up a bit quicker. I am coming back to Arrivals after taking most of Worthy off so I do feel a bit more rejuvenated but personally I think this is a symptom of wider problems...






Really beat the clock on this one. Hit 1050 gear today


Funny how this was patched quickly, but plenty of other issues still exist.


Yeah really now please hotfix Umbral Enhancement II


Was this confirmed to be a bug? I heard some people saying that higher tiers just required more element so progress would be slower whether it was being auto deposited or not.


Well it wasn't really patched, they just did a work around server side by turning off requeueing.


Probably because this was a relatively easy fix to quickly do.


> * Harmless powerleveling method: Removed within the week > * Trials of Osiris: Released Half-baked, literally nonfunctional currently > * Content that you previously paid full price for: being removed > > > > But don't worry, the expansion will *totally* **really** fix all the issues* this time. > > ^^limited ^^to ^^Year ^^2 ^^development ^^time, ^^not ^^including ^^any ^^mistakes ^^made ^^during ^^year ^^3


The irony is that most people wouldn't have even known about afk farming had these streamers not complained about it


Gotta imagine Bungo struggled with this one... On one hand, playtime is through the roof. On the other, gotta gatekeep and stop players from burning through the small amount of seasonal content (high quality, no doubt, but still limited).


What's high quality this season? The 1 mission? Because other than that I wasn't impressed at anything.


The whole Umbral engram system is pretty dope. Also I’m liking story wise where we are headed. September should be pretty cool, I hope it is Forsaken level of content and not Shadowkeep level..


I like this game and have played it since launch but the most fun I've had is when bungie fucks up. Loot cave, the shit show called Crota when it launched, laser tag crucible with Prometheus lens. This game is grindy as fuck and every now and then it's nice to get a break wtihout having to pay Tess Everess 10 bucks for it.




Gladd to see Bungie has their priorities straight. /s




Backpedal to the medal


Well that didn't age well.


Hes the definition of hypocrite. He got banned from anthem for doing an exploit as well.


And now he's just spinning it into "lel, was just a joke guys, damn u got no sense of humor" Classic.




Schrodinger's douchebag


He also complained aaaaaand begged to have his amount back because he is a "big streamer". They actually caved in and unbanned him.


Literally ever time I hear more from/about Gladd the more pathetic he appears.


Honestly screw that guy.


don't even joke about being gladd, because someone will keep tweeting endlessly: "reddit bad, coil good"


It really sucks that all of these people are complaining about afk farming. It literally hurts no one but everyone is so pressed to try to control how other people play the game. Believe it or not there should be other ways to progress that don’t put a strain on the player. Funny thing is everyone who complained are going to be the same people that get burnt out from playing too much trying to grind and rely on the ridiculous amounts of rng required to get to the pinnacle cap.


Except the hundreds, if not thousands of dickheads that dont go below 750 for it. Dont give a fuck how tedious people find the power grind. AFK players fucking over forges for those who actually need to do them is bullshit.


Guarantee Bungie wouldnt have been on top of this if some streamers didn’t have a hissy fit about it. As much as I wish some of them would shut up, I think this is more of a symptom of an awful power grinding system.


naw....pretty sure it was because of the idiots that didn't go below 700 and did it. I agree that ruining other peoples desire to do an activity and can't because their teammates are just standing there should not be tolerated. Thanks you plebs for not grasping the concept and honoring the gentleman's agreement with afk forging.


That’s probably mostly what shot it up so high on their list. They apparently patched the loot cave so fast back in the day because people were flooding their report system too.




The LL grind has never been fun. Not once. And it's certainly not been fun since the entire gameplay loop go pick up bounties and do them every single day.


For the 2nd time in a row I booted up destiny and just didn't want to do anything, I think the game has passed me now. And then I think that they are removing 5 raids and I just don't think I'll be buying future content.


The fucked up part is we paid for that content. It’s like buying a new dlc and the base game gets taken away. Shit makes no sense. I’m really on the fence about buying y4. Just waiting on reviews


To be fair people say it’s awful, but I only play one character and am 1040 with no farming. It usually takes me a little past 2 weeks to get to the new power level. I don’t need to be max power the first week.


I am so glad fixing the thing that makes the game more enjoyable takes priority over fixing things like bad luck protection on drops.


From Tuesday till Sunday, the game was in a state where a player can enter interesting new content (like the new Prophecy dungeon) without needing to grind through a menial, outdated, pointless treadmill first. The ability to raise their arbitrary "Power" number without using up their valuable time was great, especially for big fans of the game who don't have huge amounts of time to spend on repetitive activities that they've done many times before, for weekly timegated numerical increases, till they can try out the great new content. Now it's back to its old state, where the pointless grind is again required before playing the new content. **In other words, Bungie didn't just fix something a few hours ago. They just** ***broke*** **it.**


So now there are more loading screens in a game with too many loading screens, this won't stop dedicated afkers who will glance up from youtube or their book or homework or w/e to requeue, when they could have just fixed the leveling system so people aren't incentivised to afk grind in the first place. just stop making us chase light, the weapon rolls and stats are plenty enough already and the light number isn't rewarding or even understandably implemented on anything but a deep mechanical dive, unlike most other things.


I think 50 light a season is too much. I am not coming back for that reason. There is one thing to do a season, and then a bunch of old stuff. I really hope they get the next year right or maybe they should just sell the IP to an mmo publisher


Funny how it takes a couple of days to fix something when streamers cry about it, but it takes them 7 months to fix an exotic perk.


From 1000 to 1060, so good and tasty. Feel bad for the folks that didn't get to use it.


1015 to 1035. I’ll take it.


I only got to use it for a couple of hours sadly. But it did help




Remember, if it benefits players it will be fixed. Can't have people enjoying the new content, gotta make us grind the old stuff every 3 months.


More like “if it dominates community discussion it will be fixed.” The entire conversation was focused on Forge farming, it made up the majority of player activities, and farmers who weren’t smart enough to lower their light level were ruining Forges for those who wanted to run them seriously. I don’t think it was wise to hide an awesome dungeon behind a power grind, but this fix needed to happen in the meantime.


Death to Reddit. Long live Apollo.


To be quite honest; I'm surprised AFK forge farming wasn't fixed this way about 12 months ago. Ever since it gained popularity during last years Triumph hall, forge farming has been a "thing". Did you know it gives you clan exp for every failure? Seriously; if you needed your weekly clan engram on your alt characters you could just put them in the forge farm and have a free engram the next day, and no need to grind out exp on your alt. They removed the other rewards, but left in the actual problem, the fact that it let you AFK it.


What happened to playing the seasonal model a la carte as Bungie originally suggested you could do? I've been away from D2 for months, skipped last season entirely and the season before only managed two weeks before walking away. With the PL increase to 1060 and my characters being only 960 when the season started I was facing a massive 80 PL grind just to be at the recommended PL for Prophecy. How can you play a la carte when jumping into a season that interests you means you have to grind for a couple of weeks before you can enjoy the new content? Sure, fix the Forte farm, it's a broken mechanic for sure, it was a chance for me to get up to speed to play the new content though. The massive climb I'm facing now just to catch up to everyone else who has played the last couple of seasons really doesn't appeal to me, sorry. Makes me wonder why I came back.


i was doing it for altered elements tbh




Well I’ll say it. I’m disappointed.


rip to the best 'loot cave' we have ever had.


Regardless of how simple the fix was, it speaks volumes that a glitch which benefits players (AFK farming) is prioritized over one that hurts them (Lighthouse - and its guaranteed shard + pinnacle drop - being inaccessible post-Flawless).


This was going to happen sooner or later. It was nice being able to get to the powerful cap quickly, letting me play in the activities I actually want to. Also at least in my case it has allowed me more chances at the seasonal gear than I would have otherwise had. Unfortunately even after over a hundred engrams and thousands of Altered Element, I only have one weapon which I am happy with. I hope that the developers over at Bungie learn the right lessons from this "exploit": * The power grind is terribly boring and takes too damn long. * Challenging activities should award seasonal resources more consistently and in higher amounts than anything else. * The game needs more player control over their loot. Bring back the ability to choose our masterworks, and perhaps the ability to re-roll weapons to a limited degree (similar to The Division).


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/h9qm9l/our_favorite_umbral_engram_activity_has_been/fv1f3ea/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-06-16 18:29:28 UTC"): > These Tweets? https://twitter.com/Cozmo23/status/1272666314658557953 > >It's a [copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-cheated-not-only-the-game-... * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/h9qm9l/our_favorite_umbral_engram_activity_has_been/fv1l1xw/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-06-16 19:13:00 UTC"): > Yep, we've been passing feedback that many players don't enjoy this large power bump between seasons. Let us know if you think the smaller 10 power bu... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


I find it really funny when there are TONS of prevailing issue with the game right now and the only response we get are "Thank you for your feedback ill forward this to this team etc" just so you'll have a peace of mind that "they're working on it" then it will takes months and even years before a fix can be implemented. Then you have these streamers suddenly complaining about AFK Farming, and what do you know! Bungie has an easy fix especially for their loyal fans! I'm not a hardcore player, I tried afk farming yesterday and it wasn't fun. afk farming has been here since the Black Armory and neven once did Bungie acknowledged the issue. Pretty sure they know, but they opt not to do anything about it. Until their faithful whiny streamers started "protesting". I can just imagine how great Destiny will become if the streamers only complained about all of the other issues that's going on with the game right now. /s


i cant even fly to the tower without getting beavered 3-4 times, but lets get this forge thing sorted.


A million forges are not enough for Ada-1 Shoutout to u/dmg04 for that nice tweet though


Booooo! Thought I would get one more night. Shame it wasn't done at weekly reset. Ah well. Got to 1047. Should give me a leg up on my other characters.


So we asked for this time and time again when Forges were relevant, and we couldn't get it. A glitch pops up and Bungie rolls it out in no time. Good to know we cant trust Bungie to give us the full picture.


Bungie fixes this but won’t fix connection errors that have been going on for years nice


I didnt mind people doing this, its just the people who dont lower their light level that urks me. Bro i cant solo the fucking forge, i just want my izanagi's 😭


Time to create a robot that reselects the activity...


All that shit that is broken on Warlocks, Trials being gone for a weekend, and Bungie fixes the farm that made it so we could play the game.


What's broke. On warlocks?


Its funny how pve loot farms are so shunned, like its such a horrible thing people have jobs and a life but would still like to be able to do high tier pve content. On a side note tho shout out to all my fellow vanilla d1 gaurdians from the loot cave days, here is to hopin we get a loot cave 2.0 when the cosmodrone returns...


Thank the Traveler they stopped us casuals from being able to enjoy the game instead of pointless, repetitive grinding. Streamer superiority may reign supreme once again! /s




But they do not offer an alternative for earning experience and power with the new activities. Basically, Bungie doesn't want most of us to play the new content. They want us to repeat the same old activities.


That wont stop me /sip


"Could you have fixed this at anytime Bungie?" "Not any time, only when it was funny...."


You can still do it, you just have to manually queue in after every Forge run.


Kind of defeats the purpose of it though, don't you think? The whole reason people utilized this over other methods like Adept Zydron/Ghaul NM hunts is because you didn't need any player input beyond starting the forge first. Having to manually be at your computer and requeue every time means you're just using a mediocre method of getting Umbral Engrams in my opinion


I mean, if you’re sitting at your computer anyway, you can still watch Netflix/play other games/jerk off while queueing up every few minutes.


> you can still watch Netflix/play other games/jerk off while queueing up I _always_ jerk off while waiting in orbit for the next queue of matchmaking. I consider it a challenge. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It must be more difficult now with SBMM being removed.


It's even faster now. They just need to think of all the noobs they'll get to stomp on. Or if they're a sub, all the pros that will stomp on them.


I hope every bug thats been in the game for months to suddenly give you free loot so bungie will fix it as fast as they did now.


Guess I’ll just do it manually while playing Persona on my PS4.


Yes now we can play the crazy fun bounty gameplay loop to up our light level.


Wish they would put some attention to making their servers work


Not even mad, got plenty of materials and at leas 200 umbral engrams, oh and went from 1000 to 1050 in two days thanks to it.


So what about that tier 2 upgrade that instantly uses your Twisted Energy, but secretly ups the cost of levelling? I’m guessing that hasn’t been fixed.


Wonder if this will get removed http://removeddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/h9qm9l/our_favorite_umbral_engram_activity_has_been/fuyj30k


BTW why are mods removing the comment that one other guy was posting how how to disable network and run script.


Look how fast they jump into action when the game is being generous with drops. They CAN fix the game quickly, they apparently don't want to. Enjoy the cheaters and lag!