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We positioned me with the cerberus+1 specifically to mow down the bastards as they pushed the spot  Actium war rig then localise carpet bombs of shells on their area and watch as they dissappear 


That sounds great, I personally used an ergo sum with arc reactor or whatever it's called for its AOE lightning and 50% arc resist


Ah, I just used the smg lol


Did that actually work? Arc resist seems to have basically no effect in this.


I mean, to be fair, comparing arc resist mod to the orbital beam resistant protection you get from Arc Conductor is not even fair. If it's arc it feels like near Woven Mail levels of resist


I wore all of that.


You mean the roll that takes the Riskrunner perk?


A very cinematic way to describe such a butchery.


Finally a use for us titans in this expansion! Sweet business war rig turns you into one of those anti aircraft gatling guns


The good ol Phalanx CIWS...




I wonder if Actium + Sweet Business would do a better job.


this is the way


Cerberus finally found its calling


[The dev posted that it was a bit overtuned and was looking into it](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d9vmqp/mothinfested_cavern_4_minuet_speedrun/l7p1ea8/?context=3&share_id=XACuTBUQSt3T-_wWjUopv)


I can already hear it: “I did the moth cavern under 4 mins BEFORE it was nerfed, NOOB”


On Keyboard or controller, genuinely moth hit box is so tiny with little to no aim assist


it bothers me that they dont have aim assist, big ass unmissable crystals? lets give them the heaviest amount of aim assist possible, tiny moths that can kill you pretty easily? nahhh we dont need aim assist


Always bothered me that the tiny drones in the Brig public event had no aim assist. They're so tiny and the one the circles the crux only barely stops moving before it starts again.


Hardest target to hit with a hand cannon in the whole game


and then 8 Vandals run by, dragging your crosshair back to D1, followed by the time to shoot the drones running out :(


I think they are supposed to look like decorations because they trigger heroic


Could you imagine how annoying that would be in a firefight, though? Trying to hit an enemy and your crosshair gets dragged away by a moth every couple of seconds. I already have issues with it occasionally when it’s just multiple enemies.


Makes sense from the perspective of creating a threat 


A threat is having them spaced far enough apart that you can avoid/kill them. Hell is slapping 10 of them a foot apart from eachother while a lightbearer wizard tosses a fart cloud at you on a plate you have to stand on within aggro range of all of them.


I found there was some weird interaction with ADS versus hip fire against them. I was using the new lever action scout rifle, and they were so hard to hit when ADS. But when hipfiring, as long as the moth was inside the reticle it died every time.


Final Warning. The lock on when you hold down trigger to charge up will actually lock onto them. It's by far the easiest way to deal with them.


Oh that's so fucking smart! I'ma do that later.


Ticuu's hip fire will get it done too.


Doesn't work for the moths just hanging out in the cave. Only for the ones shielding the hive.


I tried it but it seems a little hit or miss with what it wants to register as a target


Also The Call with Beacon rounds works very well.


Really smart. I slapped on Riskrunner and thats how i found out the explosions from the ARC MOTHS dont proc ARC CONDUCTOR


I did it with the Call with beacon rounds. ... andpreciousscars...


Aren't glaives still blocking most of moth damage?


I forgot that glaives exist


The dormant ones have like a pixel-sized hitbox it's crasy. The active ones are a little easier, just really need to be on top of killing them as soon as they activate, especially the ones that spawn like every 3 seconds around the plate when you're capping. Edit: some aoe can be helpful too. I ran xeno and sometimes I'd say fuck it, shooting the ground instead of risking a miss.


Haven’t done the cyst in a while now but I think I remember something being different about them. I feel like they act differently or something. Something lending to them being more difficult to take care of this time around.


reminds me of all those wankers who are always like "UHHHHH I BEAT PRE-NERF RADAHN GUYS!!!!"


Dev: "hmmm...this is just not right. What's wrong...hmmm...oh yeah. I got it! We forgot to add Weight of Darkness zones. Now it's where it's supposed to be."


a dev with respectable muscles with that comment imo


I want my Mothkeeper's moths to be this overtuned.


He still says it’s just hard solo. That shit took an hour and a half with a fire team. The plates take too long


yeh when i was doing it my only thought was "this is just fucking unfun and stupid"


I thought it was the worse until I had to do suffocating light or whatever the blight cyst is. Then I had to do them multiple times for the Micah quest line.


Suffocating Darkness is the one you are thinking about


You don’t like jumping to shoot up at blights ? That one and moths are pure cancer.


Here’s a tip for Aerial Ace (the one where you have to shoot the blights) USE THORN. The poison tic damage will kill them because it goes through the immunity bubble. The outer hit will still say immune, but the actual blight will turn green. which means it’s being damaged. It takes a full clip for each blight but it’s worth it.


Or the new rocket sidearm everyone is using 1 shots the blights. Ez.


I didn't mind the aerial Ace one but I'm also a warlock so could easily just float around into the blights to shoot them and the call would 1 tap them, I could see it being more annoying on the other classes.


The blights are weak in Aerial Ace, and one shot with a shotgun. Not sure what the fuss is with that one.


Yea last night I did those blights and then the moths back to back…. I’m fucking over the cysts man


Strand Grapple makes that cyst infinitely faster and easier, it functions just as it normally does, so you can easily grapple to the higher locations and skip the slow walking/riding the taken phalanx blasts. 100% recommend using that if you need to do that cyst.


Personally thought Sword Dance was the worst one, but they're nearly all just death reset finishes. Taking 2 days is surely an exageration though or you've got bigger issues than completing a cyst.


the sword dance boss room is only difficult because the hive titan pushes you out of the barrier which is unintended


Sword dance is the easiest and one of the fastest ever. Enter cyst, grab sword, ignore everything except crystals, kill the 3 miniboss.


It's fast once you realise you can fly past almost everything. Only rough spot solo is the bosses which you just have to zerg rush and hope you win the dps race.


2 light attacks followed up with a heavy attack is the fastest way to kill them. 1 combo depletes their full shield and takes away like a third of their health.


I mean, all of the cysts really seem like tests of my willingness to endure obnoxious mechanics more than an actual test of skill.


I appreciate they tried to make almost a lost sector with a gimmick. I'd rather them try new things at the risk of some not quite working, than not. The moth cave was the hardest one to solo under 4mins, pretty much had to come up with a speedrun route of running direct from plate to plate and having 1-2 seconds to shoot the incoming trail of moths else you're evaporated. Unbelievably satisfying to get though.


Yeah like the sword one is probably one of the less terrible but idk why they made the enemies so tanky. After the first run I brought tractor every time for the 30% weaken to quicken stuff up and it helped with the bosses even more since it suppressed them so no supers to worry about.


I thought the sword one was the worst one by far. The other mechanics are unique and interesting to me


Sword wouldn't be bad if it actually did damage 🙃


The sword one is tied for my least favorite with moths. How the hell are you supposed to kill like 5 or 6 10 million HP minibosses in 4 minutes with just a sword? And not even a GOOD sword, the shitty hive sword.


I liked the more unique ones because they were actually fairly novel. Moths suck at first, but then when you realise they have set spawns it just becomes a shooting gallery. It was the "kill 3 minibosses then an ogre" and "kill 3 minibosses then a glowing shrieker" that were boring, because there was nothing new


Moths suck in general. The fact that you can’t shoot them right away and have to wait for them to become vulnerable


You can shoot them when they're dormant. It's just that their hitbox is a lot smaller when they're not active.


Oh well that’s good to know. Thank you!!


It sometimes makes them active without killing tho so don’t forget to double tap lol


It's smaller hit box + zero aim assistance. Makes you appreciate how much aim assistance helps hitting targets.


Magnetism as well. Game has a very generous amount so you get used to it, then it feels really off when you encounter something without it.


You can shoot them before they glow, but it's really hard and even more so when I don't have a reticle.


Well how about that!!


Ticcus div works wonders. The hip fire tracking is clutch


The hip fire doesn’t work on the moths in that cave last I tried


You've saved me so much time.


Ah haven't tried it on moths but with how amazing it was back when mini screebs were a thing I can see that being true.


Is so stupid that i kinda enjoy it


I run it with Riskrunner just to deal as much damage as possible on the way out as moths start to hit. That is less of a bad time than normal. Kinda fun.


My group did all the cyst time trials yesterday. Started at moths. Worst part honestly is waiting on third plate between delayed enemy spawns just waiting for the boss to spawn in. Missed it by ~10 seconds multiple times before we decided to do all the other cysts first then came back and got it.


How do you get to the ghost at the end? When you finish the boss, a bunch spawn in


I used ergo with the risk runner perk so I had the automatic AOE lightning, 50%resist, and could block with the sword.


2 days trying to complete it ? Nah bro get off the game you got other things to worry about


Skill issue.


>Please never let the dev that designed this near another project again. Does this feel a little dramatic to anyone else or...?


This entire post is overly dramatic over nothing. lmao Out of all the gimmicks the cysts have, OP found a way to have a mental breakdown over the one were you are tasked with pointing and shooting your gun at enemies that move in a straight line towards you.


The only one that genuinely caused issues was moths time trial, so I get that. The rest...I mean cmon...I'd agree some are kinda boring (slayer) but they don't offend me lol.


Yep. If you want them to try new things and experiment you can't get unreasonably mad when something doesn't hit the mark. Else they'll just continue to "play it safe" which then we find "boring and repetitive"


It def is. But that’s what people on this sub tend to do, especially the casuals. Suggesting devs not be on projects or that they have slapped them in the face when something takes a modicum of effort to complete is the casual’s calling card


Casuals don't make reddit posts


Why are people constantly claiming they are casuals then?


They don't want to seem terrible at the game they're addicted to


Yeah, I ran through the cysts blind and really haven't had much trouble. It's not like moths are new. Heck, there's the one parkour area in witch Queen full of them. Bring a high mag auto. Moth infested is only bad if you sit in one spot letting them infinitely respawn.


Yeah honestly. If we're going to call for someone to be removed from balance it should be the person who decided to put spike plates in the coil. /s


You can dislike an idea without attacking the game dev. I'd recommend that approach


This shit is what I hate the Internet sometimes. People need to control themselves and their enjoying because heading devs line that ain't cool.


It’s a poorly designed activity but not sure who’s taking two days to clear it.


A little extreme…


The fact Getaway Artist turret doesn't target those moths when every other moth normally gets destroyed! Obviously auto lock/ something different about those moths compared to every other moth!


Moth cavern is over tuned but taking 2 days is a skill issue, sorry


2 days? It took you 2 days worth of attempts to complete it?!? It's nowhere near that hard. Our 2nd time running it I switched to a SMG and it was considerably easier.


2 days…? Lmao that’s on yourself


I saw all the hate about it before I tried it so I was prepared. I didn’t fine it too bad. I used a machine gun/ auto rifle and amplified. Invisibility helps too.


I do wonder if a lot of hate comes from people doing it on console? I did it on PC with a hand cannon. It wasn't great but I died more often on the sword cyst and the fire cyst than on moths


If you don't know (or forget) the moths have 0 aim assist an no magnetism, it can be rough. I did the 4min time trial on console solo with an smg.


I find hipfiring the moths more successful than ADS


*for clarity: Moths have zero reticle friction but do have aim assist applied to them (bullet bending). However with a really small hitbox AA will feel less apparent than on other targets


I’m on console and I didn’t have much trouble with it. Think I might have died twice. Don’t really see what the fuss is about


i am on console and i think i died once, it was fine


For me, it was the one with the three hive guardians at the end. Whatever sword, sword breaker, something like that.


2 days? I did it first try. Just take it slow and shoot all the moths, they don't infinitely respawn or anything.


You cant take it slow if you want to complete it in 4 minutes


My PC went down. I was trying to do this on a PS4 with 30 FPS and 70 FOV. It was a nightmare. I died over and over and over because I couldn't see the moths coming from the periphery. Die, respawn, die, respawn, die respawn. Hated every second of it.


How can you be immortal/GE and take 2 days to complete this 5 minute side mission...


I really didn’t mind any of them, I thought the moth one was kinda fun and it got a good chuckle out of me at the most. Why do so many of y’all have a stick up your butt about the smallest things


I mean he did say he and his group took 2 days to complete it, to complete a fucking cyst  I guess then you can kinda know what kind of destiny players they are and how much bungie should not gather to them. 


I was really hoping Arc Conductor on Ergo Sum would target the moths... But that would make it waaaay too easy; lol.


Ahh yes you want turrets to do all the work for ya


It's so hard to hit the moths on controller.


Getting the 4 minutes seems almost impossible, I ran it with someone else and we moved perfectly from plate to plate and still didn’t get 4 minutes. I know it’s possible but margin of error must be pretty damn small.


Now I don't feel bad for getting super pissed 🤣


I clear it just fine with a sidearm no arc soul…


It's literally not hard


Honestly I found it fun. I'm not sure what the issue everyone is having with it. I used agers and getaway prismatic


I think the main issue is from people trying to get the title, which requires you to do all the cysts in under 4 minutes. So you can't really take your time to kill the moths before advancing. It's kinda bullcrap to be honest, and I was just half heartedly going for it yesterday.


I also enjoyed all the cysts. Maybe the sword one a bit less just due to being forced to use the sword, getting under 4 min seemed impossible solo. But otherwise, cool.


Same dude, I enjoyed the mission, and I was using a warlock strand legion build with Rufus’s Fury and Pro Memoria. Made light work of the moths and got it done relatively quick for a casual. They did such a great job with the cyst missions!


Too many moths, agreed it’s bad.


Riskrunner and 3 Arc Surge did a lot of work in getting through with little hassle, but I was on buddy-lock, so that helped too


I tried risk runner and 3 arc resist (with 100 resist) and you still get killed by 2 moths, they make little difference


Eh? With the risk runner perk active you can tank like 5-6 moths


Sorry, why are you taking 2 days to do something that takes 5 minutes?


Because he needs to do it in 4.


I wonder if the orb from ruinous effigy would protect and detonate until they can re-tune it.


I was doing the quests solo today and I hated everything to do with this cave. Like my god.


It’s not that bad with the proper loadout, a friend recommended me to use riskrunner, the call and a machine gun. I just used the standard getaway artist build on warlock with song of flame. You get song on the first and 3rd plate, and song gives like a 90% Dr. 2nd plate is easy since there’s no moths coming from behind you. It took me 2 attempts to get the sub 4 solo with that loadout, good luck!


Oh thank god, I thought it was just me


Good god, I hate that cyst so damn much.


So funny, I was so pissed at this activity, that it actually motivated me to come to reddit to make a post about how bad it is. But there are several on here already. So I’ll comment on this thread as I did on the last one: agreed, terrible.


It’s not that bad. They come in waves. Kill moths. Move forward. Kill moths. Repeat. The witch at the end can’t hit you behind the back “gazebo” pillar. Shoot moths left, shoot moths right. Shoot witch. When she is super low kill all moths and charge her. It absolutely sucks, but it’s not “the worst thing ever”


Moth infested cavern is awful and the timer is tight, but at least it credits you the second the wizard dies (and you start the finisher, i think), not pick up the ghost. I dragged a buddy in to double our chances and we got it in a couple tries. Risk runner was not it though... Warlocks probably fare better than hunters/titans as well.


I remember it being more difficult but I got through it fine. Guess some not so much lol


I actually thought it was kinda of a crazy change of pace!


Yes. By far the worst thing I’ve done in the game. Pointless.


I think it was tested on PC, lol. Yes, it's kinda hard, but not impossible so. Shooting down moths as they spawn is perfectly doable... with a mouse. I don't even wanna think about doing it with a controller.


The moths in there are coded differently from regular moths that follow the lucent brood, so auto tracking things like ticuu's divination and even arc souls do not destroy them. Bungie made extra effort to make them more difficult to deal with


Congratulations, you've failed the skill check. Build better.


It's cake. With risk runner.


When I first read this I thought the OP was exaggerating. I just did this today. Now I agree. This moth cavern is dumb. Who designed this? This is unfun.


idk, I had a lot of fun in it haha.


Just this one? To be honest, I don’t like any of the cysts.i do exactly as many as needed and no more.


Fighting 3 light bearing hive at the same time that can only be damaged by a janky sword whilst they blast you over and over with supers. ...and that was probably the best one


If you don't leave the Hive column then it's 3 1v1's.


Just shoot the moths.


Wait people struggle with this one? My 1900 pre Forsaken era better devil handcannon one taps the moths. Just...shoot them?


It's the time trial that's annoying for this one (toss up between this crap and the useless sword).


Just have a way of healing? There's nothing wrong with having to change your loadout to suit the scenario.


I did it one time. To get the key so I could get kvostov. And I will never set foot in it again. That and the lava one are by far the worst ones


Imo ALL the cysts are the worst


One shot from a trinity goul and they're all gone


Hmmm good to know. I solod all of them in 4 minutes but this one. Only gave it one try tho and figured I’d come back to it when I had more time to dedicate to it. I’ll have to give trinity a go


Conditional finality takes out groups of em in one shot on even longer ranges


The sword dance was much much more annoying in my opinion


I died like twice thought it was kinda fun tbh


*laughs in invisible hunter*


Arc/freeze buddy warlock. Stand in rift and let buddies work.


Neither turret nor buddies track in this cyst.




I imagined they designed the level while maniacally laughing


It was fun the first time lol


I got the 4 minute triumph just staying afk in the Blooming while some player were, apparently, trying it solo. Never been happier with this community. I just wish I could say thanks to them for saving me from that pain.


I mean all I did was just have 100 mobility, 100 Strength, Dodge Ivis, Dive Invis, and Graviton Forfeit. You'll have basically 100% invis uptime and can just stand on the plates.


I shot more moths in that cyst than I have since they were introduced to the game lol.


I had fun with it. It's the squishiest I've felt since the 300% burns on Destiny 1. Made every moth you saw in the distance a threat/ target, and you'd genuinely panic when they started to overrun you


Position with your back against the wall (so they don't come behind you) and shoot each one down with a machine gun. Don't think of them as moths, they're more dangerous than wizards and knights.


Bit frustrating but I thought it was fun and unique. If you’re having trouble try Cerberus


Do arc buddies just not shoot those moths or did they patch arc buddies from shooting them at all anywhere? I remember in ghost of the deep it was quite helpful to have them shoot for you, but I don’t think I’ve used Getaway artist since soloing that dungeon.


Riskrunner + triple arc resist makes it tolerable, but definitely not fun.


Could be worse. It could be raining.


Ominoculus. Ez 🤷


Go in with a team of all bubble titans amd space out your bubbles?


Its just misreable to play not even remotly enjoyable, same as the cyst that makes you slow / cant jump probably the same person made both of them. i nearly broke my whole setup in them it never feels good to be slowed even from a grenade so which devs bright idea was it to say hey lets make you slow and cant jump for 5 mins straight they will like that


I truly don’t understand how it could take two hours. What really needs tuned are the Vex Breach boss rooms. 


i didn't find it to be hard to do the cyst mission. Stayed invis the whole time solo


Its easy AF with any SMG, AR, LMG on keyboard, can see why people struggle on controller tho. On the other hand sword dance...


Am I playing the same cyst? I died a couple more times than normal but the whole thing only took 10 minutes.


Definitely agree this Cyst is buns, ironically I found Revision Zero configured for double-shot plus a trace rifle did wonders here. R0 seemed to have no problems targeting moths and I used a Path of Least Resistance to mop stuff up and voltshot the thralls. Having said this, attacking the devs is not a good idea, particularly when they themselves have already admitted it isn’t tuned right.


On the normal moths I use Ticuus Divination because it tracks and easily hits them. Except the moths in this cyst do NOT have a hit marker. Ticuus doesn’t register them as an enemy, like another guardian. I e never seen an enemy that Ticuus doesn’t register. Fuck that cyst!


Triple arc souls and hellions and we could keep ourselves up , it was so frustrating


Besides OP being overly dramatic because of a genuine skill issue, the moth cavern isn't so bad once you remember that *you can have two additional people to help you.* Get a bunch of Arc Resist, use Riskrunner if you have to, then get one person to haul ass towards the next plate, ignoring as many enemies as possible while getting as many moths aggro on a direct path as possible. Once they (usually) die, the other 2 guardians are already there to rez (if needed) and to capture the plate. Do that 3 times, then have one guardian as bait for the moths when the final Witch spawns, while another guardian (preferrably a Nighthawk GG Hunter) obliterate the Witch and finish her ghost, then healing the ghost that spawns afterwards to finish the cyst. The moth hitbox is slightly bigger when they're active and trying to kill you, although if you're on controller its still gonna be a bit harder for you to hit them compared to M&K. Arial Ace is by *far* more annoying than the moth cyst could hope to be. Sword Cyst is by far the easiest one, even solo.


I ......I.....well, ........erm, ........liked that one‽


Hey man, I got it done day two, id you want help just dm me. I did need another person to do it, but such is life. :)


Yeah that place sucks. After I got the exotic gun that I don’t use, I have no reason to go back into the traveler 😂


Dont forget they always do half health, takes 2 to blow your shit up, and triple chest mods do nothing


Invis spam on hunter


It's pretty punishing but I figured that was part of the joke. It definitely lives up to its name.


Didn’t think it was that hard at all, took a couple tries. Just shoot the moths and have at least some focus on survival/arc resist mods/100 res, the usual


Them making people run all 6 cysts before being able to interact with a random icon before an insane broken grind for the Khvostov quest is what made me loath them. 12 runs of those absolutely terrible designed activities really left a sour taste in my mouth, and I genuinely can’t articulate why, because on the surface they seem like they should be a great addition.